(RULE 14a-101)

                            SCHEDULE 14A INFORMATION

                  Proxy Statement Pursuant to Section 14(a) of
              the Securities Exchange Act of 1934 (Amendment No. 1)

Filed by the Registrant                    |X|
Filed by a Party other than the Registrant |_|

Check the appropriate box:

  |_| Preliminary proxy statement           |_|  Confidential, for use of the
  |X| Definitive proxy statement                 Commission only (as permitted
  |_| Definitive additional materials             by Rule 14a-6(e)(2))
  |_| Soliciting material under Rule 14a-12

                                   EPLUS INC.
                (Name of Registrant as Specified in Its Charter)
    (Name of Person(s) Filing Proxy Statement, if Other Than the Registrant)

   Payment of filing fee (Check the appropriate box):

   |X|   No fee required.

   |_|   Fee computed on table below per Exchange Act Rules 14a-6(i)(1)and 0-11.

   (1)   Title of each class of securities to which transaction applies:
   (2)   Aggregate number of securities to which transaction applies:
   (3)   Per unit  price or  other  underlying  value of  transaction
         computed pursuant to Exchange Act Rule 0-11 (set forth the amount
         on which  the  filing  fee is  calculated  and  state  how it was
   (4)   Proposed maximum aggregate value of transaction:
   (5)   Total fee paid:
   |_|   Fee paid previously with preliminary materials.
   |_|   Check box if any part of the fee is offset as  provided  by
         Exchange  Act Rule  0-11(a)(2)  and identify the filing for which
         the  offsetting  fee was paid  previously.  Identify the previous
         filing by registration  statement number, or the form or schedule
         and the date of its filing.

   (1)   Amount Previously Paid:
   (2)   Form, Schedule or Registration Statement No.:
   (3)   Filing Party:
   (4)   Date Filed:

                               [EPLUS LETTERHEAD]

August 24, 2001

Dear Stockholder:

You are cordially  invited to attend the annual meeting of stockholders of ePlus
inc. on September 20, 2001.  The annual  meeting will begin at 10:30 a.m.  local
time at the Hyatt Regency  Reston,  1800  Presidents  Street,  Reston,  Virginia

The  formal  notice  of the  meeting  follows  on the next  page.  In  addition,
information  regarding  each of the  matters you will be asked to vote on at the
annual meeting is contained in the attached proxy statement. We urge you to read
the proxy statement  carefully.  Mailing of proxy materials will begin on August
24,  2001 to all  stockholders  of record at the close of  business  on July 28,
2001.  The mailing  will  include  the proxy  statement,  proxy  card,  a return
envelope, and the ePlus 2001 annual report.

It is important that you vote at the annual meeting.  Whether or not you plan to
attend in person,  we urge you to complete,  date,  and sign the enclosed  proxy
card and return it as promptly as possible in the accompanying  envelope. If you
are a  stockholder  of record  and do attend the  meeting  and wish to vote your
shares in person, even after returning your proxy, you still may do so.

We look forward to seeing you in Reston, Virginia on September 20, 2001.

                                Very truly yours,

                                /s/ Phillip G. Norton

                                Phillip G. Norton, President

                               [EPLUS LETTERHEAD]

                          to be held September 20, 2001

To the Stockholders of ePlus inc.:

The annual meeting of stockholders of ePlus inc., a Delaware  corporation,  will
be held on September  20, 2001,  at the Hyatt Regency  Reston,  1800  Presidents
Street, Reston, Virginia 20191, at 10:30 a.m. local time for the purposes stated

          1.   To elect  two Class II  Directors,  each to serve a term of three
               years and until  their  successors  have  been duly  elected  and

          2.   To  ratify  the  appointment  of  Deloitte  &  Touche  LLP as our
               independent auditors for our fiscal year ending March 31, 2002.

          3.   To transact  such other  business as may properly come before the
               annual meeting.

Under the  provisions of our Bylaws,  and in  accordance  with Delaware law, the
board of  directors  has  fixed the close of  business  on July 28,  2001 as the
record  date for  stockholders  entitled  to notice of and to vote at the annual

Whether or not you expect to be present at the meeting, please date and sign the
enclosed proxy card and mail it promptly in the enclosed envelope to First Union
National Bank, 1525 W.T. Harris Blvd., 3C3, Charlotte, NC 28288-1113.

                                   ePlus inc.

                                   /s/ Kleyton L. Parkhurst

August 24, 2001                    Kleyton L. Parkhurst, Secretary

                                TABLE OF CONTENTS


Information about ePlus Inc....................................................1

Information about the Annual Meeting...........................................1

Information about the Proxy Statement..........................................1

Information about Voting.......................................................2

Quorum Requirements............................................................2

Voting Requirements............................................................2

Dissenters' Rights of Appraisal................................................3

Voting Securities, Principal Holders thereof, and Management...................4

Directors and Executive Officers...............................................5

Compensation of Directors and Executive Officers..............................11

Performance Graph.............................................................16

Certain Transactions..........................................................17

Proposal 1....................................................................19

Proposal 2....................................................................20

Other Proposed Action.........................................................21

Stockholder Proposals and Submissions.........................................21

                          INFORMATION ABOUT EPLUS INC.

ePlus  inc.  provides  an  Internet-based,   business-to-business  supply  chain
management solution for information technology and other operating resources. On
November  2,  1999,  we  introduced  our  remotely-hosted   electronic  commerce
solution,   ePlusSuite,  which  combines  Internet-based  tools  with  dedicated
customer  service  to  provide  a  comprehensive  outsourcing  solution  for the
automated  procurement,  management,  financing  and  disposition  of  operating
resources. The address of our principal executive office is 400 Herndon Parkway,
Herndon,  Virginia  20170  and our  telephone  number at that  address  is (703)
834-5710.  Our  website is  located at  www.ePlus.com.  The  information  on our
website is not incorporated into this proxy statement.


Our annual  meeting will be held on September 20, 2001 at 10:30 a.m.  local time
at the Hyatt Regency Reston, 1800 Presidents Street, Reston, Virginia 20191.

The annual  meeting has been called to consider and take action on the following

          1.   To elect  two Class II  Directors,  each to serve a term of three
               years and until  their  successors  have  been duly  elected  and

          2.   To  ratify  the  appointment  of  Deloitte  &  Touche  LLP as our
               independent auditors for our fiscal year ending March 31, 2002.

          3.   To transact  such other  business as may properly come before the

Our board of  directors  has  unanimously  approved  each of the  proposals  and
recommends  that  you vote in favor of each of the  proposals.  All  holders  of
record of our common stock at the close of business on July 28, 2001, the record
date, will be entitled to vote at the annual meeting.


We have sent you this proxy  statement  because  ePlus'  board of  directors  is
soliciting your proxy to vote at the annual  meeting.  ePlus is bearing the cost
of this  proxy  solicitation.  If you own  ePlus  common  stock in more than one
account, such as individually and also jointly with your spouse, you may receive
more than one set of these proxy materials.  To assist us in saving money and to
provide you with better  stockholder  services,  we encourage you to have all of
your  accounts  registered  in the  same  name and  address.  You may do this by
contacting our transfer agent, First Union National Bank at (800) 829-8432. This
proxy  statement  contains  information  that we are  required to provide to you
under the rules of the  Securities  and Exchange  Commission  and is designed to
assist you in voting your shares.  On August 24, 2001,  we began  mailing  these
proxy  materials to all  stockholders of record at the close of business on July
28, 2001.


                            INFORMATION ABOUT VOTING

Stockholders  can vote in person at the annual  meeting or by proxy.  To vote by
proxy, please mail the enclosed proxy card in the enclosed envelope. Please sign
and date your proxy card before mailing.

Each  share  of  ePlus  common  stock is  entitled  to one  vote on all  matters
presented at the annual meeting.  If your shares are held in the name of a bank,
broker or other holder of record, you will receive  instructions from the holder
of record  that you must  follow in order for your  shares to be voted.  If your
shares  are not  registered  in your own name and you plan to attend  the annual
meeting and vote your shares in person,  you should contact your broker or agent
in whose name your  shares are  registered  to obtain a broker's  proxy card and
bring it annual meeting in order to vote. If you vote by proxy,  the individuals
named on the card (your proxy  holders)  will vote your shares in the manner you
indicate.  You may  specify  whether  your  shares  should  be  voted  for or if
authority  to vote is withheld as to the  nominees for director and whether your
shares should be voted for or against each of the other  proposals.  If you sign
and return the card without  indicating your  instructions,  your shares will be
voted for:

          o    the election of both the Class II nominees for director; and

          o    the  ratification  of the appointment of Deloitte & Touche LLP as
               our  independent  auditors  for the fiscal year ending  March 31,

You may revoke or change  your proxy at any time before it is voted by sending a
written  notice of your  revocation to ePlus'  Corporate  Secretary,  Kleyton L.
Parkhurst at ePlus' principal executive office.

                               QUORUM REQUIREMENTS

As of July 28, 2001,  the record date for this  solicitation  of proxies,  there
were 10,153,007 shares of common stock  outstanding.  The holders of record of a
majority of the shares of common stock entitled to vote at the meeting,  present
in person or by proxy,  will constitute a quorum for the transaction of business
at the annual  meeting or any  adjournment  thereof.  If a quorum  should not be
present, the annual meeting may be adjourned until a quorum is obtained.

                               VOTING REQUIREMENTS

Proposal 1

To be elected as a Class II  Director,  a nominee must be one of the two persons
receiving the greatest number of affirmative votes cast at the meeting for Class
II Directors.


Proposal 2

To be approved,  Proposal 2 requires the  affirmative  vote of the holders of at
least a majority of the shares  present in person or represented by proxy at the
meeting and entitled to vote on the proposal.

Effect of Abstentions and Broker Non-Votes

Abstentions  and  broker  non-votes  will be  counted  only for the  purpose  of
determining the existence of a quorum, but will not be counted as an affirmative
vote for the  purposes  of  determining  whether a proposal  has been  approved.
Therefore,  an abstention  or a broker  non-vote will not have any effect on the
votes for Proposals 1 and 2.

All proxies  received will be voted in accordance with the choices  specified on
such  proxies.  Proxies  will be voted in favor  of a  proposal  if no  contrary
specification  is  made.  All  valid  proxies  obtained  will  be  voted  at the
discretion of the board of directors with respect to any other business that may
come before the annual meeting.

We may solicit proxies by use of the mails, in person or by telephone, e-mail or
other electronic communications.  We will bear the cost of soliciting proxies in
the  accompanying  form. We may reimburse  brokerage  firms and others for their
expenses in forwarding  proxy materials to the beneficial  owners and soliciting
them to execute the proxies.

                         DISSENTERS' RIGHTS OF APPRAISAL

The board of  directors  does not  propose  any action for which the laws of the
state of Delaware,  or the  Certificate  of  Incorporation,  Bylaws or corporate
resolutions  of ePlus  provide a right of a  stockholder  to dissent  and obtain
payment for shares.



The following  table sets forth  certain  information  as of July 28, 2001,  the
record date with respect to: (1) each executive  officer,  director and director
nominee;  (2) all executive  officers and directors of ePlus as a group; and (3)
all  persons  known by the ePlus to be the  beneficial  owners of more than five
percent of our common stock.

                                                        NUMBER OF     PERCENTAGE
                                                         SHARES           OF
                                                      BENEFICIALLY      SHARES
              NAME OF BENEFICIAL OWNER (1)               OWNED (2)   OUTSTANDING
              ----------------------------            ------------   -----------
Phillip G. Norton (3)                                  2,364,750          22.6%
Bruce M. and Elizabeth D. Bowen (4)                      825,000           8.0
Steven J. Mencarini (5)                                   62,180            *
Kleyton L. Parkhurst (6)                                 199,000           1.9
C. Thomas Faulders, III (7)                               13,507            *
Terrence O'Donnell (8)                                    30,000            *
Lawrence S. Herman                                            --            --
Thomas L. Hewitt                                              --            --
All directors and named executive officers as
a group (8 Individuals)                                3,494,437           32.0
TC Plus, LLC (9)                                       1,015,552           10.0
Eric D. Hovde                                            560,024           5.5
Firsthand Capital Management, Inc. (10)                  832,300           8.2%
* less than 1%

(1)  The  business  address  of Messrs.  Norton,  Bowen,  Mencarini,  Parkhurst,
     Faulders,  O'Donnell,  Herman and Hewitt is 400  Herndon  Parkway,  Herndon
     Virginia,  20170. The business address of TC Plus, LLC is 1455 Pennsylvania
     Avenue,  N.W., Suite 350,  Washington,  D.C. 20004. The business address of
     Mr. Hovde is 1826  Jefferson  Place,  N.W.,  Washington,  D.C.  20036.  The
     business address of Firsthand Capital Management, Inc. is 125 South Market,
     Suite 1200, San Jose, California 95113.

(2)  Unless  otherwise  indicated  and subject to community  property laws where
     applicable,  each of the  stockholders  named in this table has sole voting
     and investment power with respect to the shares shown as beneficially owned
     by such  stockholder.  A person  is deemed  to be the  beneficial  owner of
     securities that can be acquired by such person within 60 days from July 28,
     2001,  the  record  date,  upon  exercise  of  options  or  warrants.  Each
     beneficial owner's  percentage  ownership is determined by assuming options
     or warrants  that are held by such person (but not by any other person) and
     that are  exercisable  within 60 days from July 28, 2001,  the record date,
     have been exercised. The ownership amounts reported for persons who we know
     own more than 5% of our common stock are based on the Schedules 13D and 13G
     filed with the SEC by such  persons,  unless we have reason to believe that
     the information contained in those filings is not complete or accurate.

(3)  Includes 2,040,000 shares held by J.A.P. Investment Group, L.P., a Virginia
     limited partnership,  of which J.A.P., Inc., a Virginia corporation, is the
     sole general partner. The limited partners are: Patricia A. Norton, trustee
     for the benefit of Phillip G.  Norton,  Jr., u/a dated as of July 20, 1983;
     Patricia A. Norton,  the spouse of Mr.  Norton,  trustee for the benefit of
     Andrew  L.  Norton,  u/a dated as of July 20,  1983;  Patricia  A.  Norton,
     trustee for the benefit of  Jeremiah  O.  Norton,  u/a dated as of July 20,
     1983; and Patricia A. Norton. Patricia A. Norton is the sole stockholder of
     J.A.P.,  Inc., and Mr. Norton is the sole director and President of J.A.P.,
     Inc.  Mr.  Norton  and  J.A.P.  Investment  Group,  L.P.  are  parties to a
     stockholders  agreement  with TC Plus,  LLC,  Bruce M. Bowen,  and Kevin M.
     Norton and Patrick J. Norton who are Mr. Norton's  brothers.  Also includes
     323,750 shares of common stock  issuable to Mr. Norton under  options.  See
     "Certain Transactions--TC Plus LLC."

(4)  Includes  520,000  shares  held by Mr.  and Mrs.  Bowen,  as tenants by the
     entirety,  and  160,000  shares  held by Bowen  Holdings  L.C.,  a Virginia
     limited liability  company,  composed of Mr. Bowen and three minor children
     of whom Mr.  Bowen is legal  guardian and for which shares Mr. Bowen serves
     as manager.  Also includes  145,000  shares of common stock issuable to Mr.
     Bowen under options. Mr. Bowen is party to a stockholders agreement with TC
     Plus, LLC,  Phillip G. Norton,  Kevin M. Norton and Patrick J. Norton.  See
     "Certain Transactions--TC Plus LLC."

(5)  Includes  62,180  shares of common stock  issuable to Mr.  Mencarini  under

(6)  Includes  186,000  shares of common stock issuable to Mr.  Parkhurst  under

(7)  Includes  13,507  shares of common  stock  issuable to Mr.  Faulders  under

(8)  Includes  30,000  shares of common stock  issuable to Mr.  O'Donnell  under

(9)  Includes 1,015,552 shares of our common stock owned by TC Plus, LLC. Thayer
     Equity  Investors  III,  L.P. is the  managing  member of TC Plus,  LLC. TC
     Equity  Partners,  L.L.C.  is the sole  general  partner  of Thayer  Equity
     Investors III, L.P., and has sole voting and investment  power with respect
     to the shares of our common  stock held by TC Plus,  LLC.  TC Plus,  LLC is
     party to a stockholders agreement with Phillip G. Norton, J.A.P. Investment
     Group,  L.P., Bruce M. Bowen,  Kevin M. Norton and Patrick J. Norton which,
     among other things,  grants TC Plus, LLC authority to  effectively  appoint
     two members of our board of  directors.  Currently,  TC Plus,  LLC does not
     exercise  its  right  to  appoint   directors  of  ePlus  pursuant  to  the
     stockholders agreement. See "Certain Transactions--TC Plus LLC."

(10) Includes  shares  held by the series of funds of  Firsthand  Funds to which
     Firsthand Capital Management, Inc. is investment adviser.


The  following  table sets forth the name,  age and position  with ePlus of each
person who is an executive officer, director or significant employee.

              Name              Age               Position                 Class
              ----              ---               --------                 -----

Phillip G. Norton.............. 57    Chairman of the Board, President       III
                                      andChief Executive Officer

Bruce M. Bowen................. 49    Director and Executive Vice            III

Steven J. Mencarini............ 46    Senior Vice President and
                                        Chief Financial Officer

Kleyton L. Parkhurst........... 38    Senior Vice President,
                                        Secretary and Treasurer

Terrence O'Donnell............. 57    Director                               II

Thomas L. Hewitt............... 62    Director                               II

C. Thomas Faulders, III........ 51    Director                                I

Lawrence S. Herman............. 57    Director                                I

The name and business  experience  during the past five years of each  director,
executive officer and key employee of ePlus are described below.

Phillip  G.  Norton  joined us in March  1993 and has  served  since then as our
Chairman of the Board and Chief  Executive  Officer.  Since  September 1996, Mr.
Norton has also served as our  President.  Mr.  Norton is a 1966 graduate of the
U.S.  Naval  Academy.  Mr.  Norton  has been  designated  as a  director  by the
management  stockholders party to the stockholders agreement by and among ePlus,
TC Plus, LLC, Phillip G. Norton, Bruce M. Bowen, J.A.P.  Investment Group, L.P.,
Kevin M. Norton and Patrick J. Norton. See "Certain Transaction - TC Plus, LLC."

Bruce M. Bowen  founded  our company in 1990 and served as our  President  until
September 1996. Since September 1996, Mr. Bowen has served as our Executive Vice
President,  and from  September  1996 to June  1997  also  served  as our  Chief
Financial  Officer.  Mr.  Bowen has served on our board of  directors  since our
founding.  He is a 1973  graduate  of the  University  of  Maryland  and in 1978
received a Masters of Business  Administration  from the University of Maryland.
Mr. Bowen has been designated as a director by the management stockholders party
to the  stockholders  agreement by and among  ePlus,  TC Plus,  LLC,  Phillip G.
Norton,  Bruce M. Bowen,  J.A.P.  Investment  Group,  L.P.,  Kevin M. Norton and
Patrick J. Norton. See "Certain Transaction - TC Plus, LLC."

Steven J. Mencarini joined us in June of 1997 as Senior Vice President and Chief
Financial  Officer.  Prior to joining us, Mr.  Mencarini  was  Controller of the
Technology  Management  Group  of  Computer  Sciences  Corporation,  one  of the
nation's three largest information  technology  outsourcing  organizations.  Mr.
Mencarini  joined Computer  Sciences  Corporation in 1991 as Director of Finance
and was promoted to Controller in 1996. Mr.  Mencarini is a 1976 graduate of the
University  of  Maryland  and  received  a Masters  of  Taxation  from  American
University in 1985.

Kleyton L.  Parkhurst  joined us in May 1991 as Director of Finance  and,  since
September  1996, has also served as our Secretary and  Treasurer.  In July 1998,
Mr.  Parkhurst was made Senior Vice  President for  Corporate  Development.  Mr.
Parkhurst is currently  responsible for all of our mergers and  acquisitions and
investor  relations.  Mr.  Parkhurst  has  syndication  expertise in  commercial
nonrecourse  debt,  federal  government  leases,  state  and local  taxable  and
tax-exempt leases, and computer lease equity placements. Mr. Parkhurst is a 1985
graduate of Middlebury College.

Terrence  O'Donnell  joined our board of  directors  in  November  1996 upon the
completion of our initial public  offering.  Mr. O'Donnell is a partner with the
law firm of Williams & Connolly  LLP in  Washington,  D.C.  and  Executive  Vice
President and General  Counsel of Textron,  Inc. Mr.  O'Donnell he has practiced
law since 1977,  with the exception of the period from 1989 through 1992 when he
served as General  Counsel to the U.S.  Department  of  Defense.  Mr.  O'Donnell
presently  also  serves as a director of IGI,  Inc.,  a Nasdaq  National  Market
company.  Mr.  O'Donnell is a 1966 graduate of the U.S. Air Force Academy and in
1971  received  a Juris  Doctor  from  Georgetown  University  Law  Center.  Mr.
O'Donnell  has been  nominated by the board of directors  for  re-election  as a
Class II Director at the 2001 annual meeting of stockholders.

Thomas L. Hewitt  joined our board of directors in June 2001.  Until the sale of
the company in 2000, Mr. Hewitt was the Chief Executive  Officer and Chairman of
Federal Sources,  Inc., which he founded in December 1984. Federal Sources, Inc.
is a market  research and consulting  firm focused on information  technology in
the  federal  government.  He is also the  Chief  Executive  Officer  of  Global
Governments, Inc., which he founded in January 2000. Global Governments, Inc. is
a company  focused on  strategic  planning and  marketing  in the  international
government  information  technology  marketplace.  Mr. Hewitt also serves on the

board of directors of Halifax,  Inc., an America  Stock  Exchange  company.  Mr.
Hewitt received his Bachelor of Science in Aeronautical  Engineering  from North
Carolina State University and his masters of Business  Administration  from Long
Island  University.  Mr. Hewitt has been nominated by the board of directors for
re-election as a Class II Director at the 2001 annual meeting of stockholders.

C. Thomas Faulders, III joined our board of directors in July 1998. Mr. Faulders
is the Chairman,  President and Chief  Executive  Officer of LCC  International,
Inc. From July 1998 to December  1999,  Mr.  Faulders  served as Chairman of the
Board of Telesciences, Inc., an information services company. From 1995 to 1998,
Mr. Faulders was Executive Vice President, Treasurer and Chief Financial Officer
of BDM International,  Inc., a prominent systems  integration company which is a
wholly owned  subsidiary of TRW,  Inc. Mr.  Faulders is a member of the board of
directors of James Martin & Co., Universal Technology and Systems,  Inc. and the
Ronald Reagan  Institute for  Emergency  Medicine.  He is a 1971 graduate of the
University of Virginia and in 1981 received a Masters of Business Administration
from the Wharton School of the University of Pennsylvania.

Lawrence S. Herman,  joined our board of directors in March 2001.  Mr. Herman is
one of KPMG  Consulting's  most  senior  state  and  local  government  managing
directors and is responsible for managing  national  alliances with e-government
and enterprise software companies. During his career, Mr. Herman has specialized
in  developing   financial  and  management   strategies  for  state  and  local
government.  Mr. Herman has been with KPMG for over  thirty-three  years. He has
directed  a  statewide  performance  audit of  North  Carolina,  resulting  in a
strategic fiscal plan. He further directed similar  statewide fiscal  strategies
for the  Commonwealth  of Kentucky,  the State of Louisiana  and the District of
Columbia.  Mr. Herman received his B.S. degree in Mathematics and Economics from
Tufts University in 1965 and his Masters of Business Administration in 1967 from
Harvard Business School.

Each  executive  officer of ePlus is chosen by the board of directors  and holds
his or her office  until his or her  successor  shall have been duly  chosen and
qualified  or until  his or her  death or until  he or she  shall  resign  or be
removed as provided by the Bylaws.

Section 16(a) Beneficial Ownership Reporting Compliance

Section  16(a) of the  Securities  Exchange  Act of 1934,  as amended,  requires
ePlus'  officers and  directors,  and persons who own more than ten percent of a
registered class of ePlus' equity  securities,  to file reports of ownership and
changes in ownership of equity  securities  of ePlus with the SEC and the Nasdaq
National Market. Officers, directors and  greater-than-ten-percent  stockholders
are required by SEC regulation to furnish ePlus with copies of all Section 16(a)
forms that they file.

Based  solely upon a review of Forms 3, Forms 4 and Forms 5  furnished  to ePlus
pursuant to Rule 16a-3 under the  Exchange  Act,  ePlus  believes  that all such
forms  required to be filed  pursuant to Section  16(a) of the Exchange Act were
timely filed,  as necessary,  by the  officers,  directors and security  holders
required to file such forms.

The Board of Directors

ePlus' Bylaws,  as amended,  provide that the number of directors of ePlus shall
be six,  until this number is amended by a resolution  duly adopted by the board
of directors or the  stockholders  (subject to certain  provisions of the Bylaws
relating to the entitlement of holders of preferred  stock to elect  directors).
Our board of directors is divided into three classes:  Class I, comprised of two
directors; Class II, comprised of two directors; and Class III, comprised of two
directors.  Subject to the  provisions of the Bylaws,  at each annual meeting of
stockholders,  the  successors  to the  class of  directors  whose  term is then
expiring  shall be  elected  to hold  office  for a term  expiring  at the third
succeeding annual meeting of stockholders.  Each director holds office until his
or her  successor  has been duly  elected and  qualified  or until he or she has
resigned or been removed in the manner provided in the Bylaws.

The members of the three classes of directors are as follows:

          o    Class I

               C. Thomas Faulders, III
               Lawrence S. Herman

          o    Class II

               Terrence O'Donnell
               Thomas L. Hewitt

          o    Class III
               Phillip G. Norton
               Bruce M. Bowen

The Class II  Directors  will stand for  re-election  at the  annual  meeting of
stockholders  in 2001,  The  Class  III  Directors  are  expected  to stand  for
re-election at the annual meeting of stockholders in 2002. The Class I Directors
will stand for  re-election at the annual meeting of  stockholders  in 2003. The
classification  of the board of directors,  with staggered terms of office,  was
implemented  for the purpose of maintaining  continuity of management and of the
board of directors.

There are no material  proceedings to which any director,  executive  officer or
affiliate  of  ePlus,  any owner of  record  or  beneficially  of more than five
percent of any class of voting securities of ePlus, or any associate of any such
director,  executive  officer,  affiliate of ePlus or security holder is a party
adverse to ePlus or any of its  subsidiaries or has a material  interest adverse
to ePlus or any of its subsidiaries.

Director Compensation

Directors  who  are  also  employees  of  ePlus  do not  currently  receive  any
compensation  for  service as members of the board of  directors.  Each  outside
director  receives  an annual  grant of 10,000  stock  options and $500 for each
special  committee   meeting.   All  directors  will  be  reimbursed  for  their
out-of-pocket expenses incurred to attend board or committee meetings.

Meetings and Committees of the Board of Directors

The board of  directors  met four times  during the fiscal  year ended March 31,
2001.  In  addition  to meetings  of the full  board,  directors  also  attended
meetings of board committees.  No incumbent  director attended fewer than 75% of
the total number of meetings  held by the board of directors and the meetings of
any  committee on which the  director  served.  The board of  directors  has the
following committees:  the audit committee,  the compensation  committee and the
stock incentive committee.

Audit Committee

General. The audit committee of the board of directors is responsible for making
recommendations  to the board  concerning the  engagement of independent  public
accountants,  monitoring  and  reviewing  the quality and  activities  of ePlus'
internal and external  audit  functions  and  monitoring  the adequacy of ePlus'
operating and internal  controls as reported by  management  and the external or
internal  auditors.  The members of the audit committee are C. Thomas  Faulders,
III, Terrence O'Donnell and Thomas L. Hewitt. During the fiscal year ended March
31, 2001, two meetings of the audit committee were held.

Audit Committee  Report.  The audit committee is composed of three directors who
are  independent  as  defined  under the rules of the  National  Association  of
Securities  Dealers.  The committee operates under a written charter approved by
the board of directors which is included as Appendix A to this proxy statement.

The committee reviews ePlus' financial  reporting process on behalf of the board
of directors. In fulfilling its responsibilities, the committee has reviewed and
discussed  the audited  financial  statements  contained in our Annual Report on
Form 10-K for the year  ended  March 31,  2001 with  ePlus'  management  and the
independent accountants.  Management is responsible for our financial statements
and  the  financial   reporting  process,   including  internal  controls.   The
independent  accountants  are  responsible  for  expressing  an  opinion  on the
conformity of those audited  financial  statements  with  accounting  principles
generally accepted in the United States of America.

The audit committee has discussed with the  independent  accountants the matters
required  to  be  discussed  by   Statement  on  Auditing   Standards   No.  61,
Communication with Audit Committees,  as amended. In addition, the committee has
discussed with the independent  accountants the accountants'  independence  from
ePlus and its  management  including  the  matters  in the  written  disclosures
provided to the committee as required by  Independence  Standards Board Standard
No. 1, Independence  Discussions with Audit  Committees.  The committee has also
considered  whether the  provision  of  non-audit  services  by the  independent
accountants to ePlus is compatible with maintaining auditors' independence.

Based  on  the  reviews  and  discussions   referred  to  above,  the  committee
recommended to the board of directors, and the board of directors approved, that
the audited  financial  statements be included in our Annual Report on Form 10-K
for the year ended March 31, 2001,  for filing with the  Securities and Exchange

                                                         BY THE AUDIT COMMITTEE

                                                         C. Thomas Faulders, III
                                                         Terrence O'Donnell
                                                         Thomas L. Hewitt

Compensation Committee

General. The compensation committee of the board of directors is responsible for
reviewing the salaries,  benefits and other compensation,  including stock-based
compensation,  of Mr.  Norton and Mr.  Bowen and making  recommendations  to the
board  of  directors  based  on its  review.  The  members  of the  compensation
committee are Terrence O'Donnell,  C. Thomas Faulders, III and Thomas L. Hewitt,
all of whom are non-employee directors.  Mr. Norton and Mr. Bowen, as directors,
do not vote on any matters affecting their personal compensation.  Mr. Bowen and
Mr. Norton are responsible for reviewing and establishing salaries, benefits and
other compensation, excluding stock-based compensation, for all other employees.
During the fiscal year ended  March 31,  2001,  one meeting of the  compensation
committee was held.

Report Of The Compensation  Committee.  The  compensation  programs of ePlus are
designed to align compensation with business objectives and performance,  and to
enable ePlus to attract,  retain and reward  executives  who  contribute  to the
long-term success of ePlus. The compensation  committee  believes that executive
pay should be linked to  performance.  Therefore,  ePlus  provides an  executive
compensation  program  which  includes  base  pay,  potential  cash  bonus,  and
long-term incentive opportunities through the use of stock options.

The  role  of  the  compensation  committee  is  limited  to the  review  of the
compensation,  excluding stock-based  compensation for Mr. Norton and Mr. Bowen,
who are principal  stockholders of ePlus. Section 162(m) of the Internal Revenue
Code  imposes  a  limit,  with  certain   exceptions,   on  the  amount  that  a
publicly-held  corporation may deduct in any year for the compensation paid with
respect  to its five  most  highly  compensated  executive  officers.  While the
compensation committee cannot predict with certainty how ePlus' compensation tax
deduction might be affected,  the  compensation  committee tries to preserve the
tax deductibility of all executive  compensation  while maintaining  flexibility
with respect to ePlus' compensation programs as described in this report.

                                                   BY THE COMPENSATION COMMITTEE

                                                   Terrence O'Donnell
                                                   C. Thomas Faulders, III
                                                   Lawrence S. Herman

Stock Incentive Committee

The stock  incentive  committee of the board of directors is authorized to award
stock, and various stock options and rights and other  stock-based  compensation
grants under ePlus' Master Stock Incentive Plan and its component  plans,  which
include the Amended and Restated  Incentive  Stock Option Plan,  the Amended and
Restated   Outside   Director  Stock  Option  Plan,  the  Amended  and  Restated
Nonqualified  Stock  Option Plan,  and the Employee  Stock  Purchase  Plan.  The
members of the stock  incentive  committee  are Mr.  Bowen,  Mr.  Hewitt and Mr.
Norton.  Except for  formula  plan  grants to the  outside  directors  under the
Amended and  Restated  Outside  Director  Stock  Option Plan and grants that are
approved by a majority of the  disinterested  members of the board of directors,
no member of the stock  incentive  committee  or the  compensation  committee is
eligible  to  receive  grants  under the Stock  Incentive  Plan or the Long Term
Compensation  Plan.  During the fiscal year ended March 31, 2001, one meeting of
the stock incentive committee was held.


Summary Compensation Table

The  following  table  provides  certain  summary  information   concerning  the
compensation earned, for services rendered in all capacities to ePlus, by ePlus'
Chief Executive  Officer and certain other executive  officers of ePlus,  who we
refer to as the "named executive officers," for the fiscal years ended March 31,
1999,  2000 and 2001.  Certain  columns  have  been  omitted  from this  summary
compensation table as they are not applicable.


                                                         ANNUAL COMPENSATION             Long Term
                                                         -------------------           Compensation      All Other
                                                                        Bonus/            Awards        Compensation
  Name and Principal Position         Fiscal Year    Salary ($)       Commission ($)   Options/SARs (#)  ($) (1)
  ---------------------------         -----------    ----------       --------------   ----------------  -------

Phillip G. Norton                        2001        $250,000          $147,773                           $1,500
Chairman, Chief Executive                2000         233,000           132,000           175,000
Officer and President                    1999         200,000

Bruce M. Bowen                           2001         225,000           100,000                            1,500
Director, Executive Vice President       2000         191,667           100,000           115,000          1,500
                                         1999         150,000                                              1,500

Kleyton L. Parkhurst                     2001         175,000 (2)        70,000            30,000          1,500
Senior vice President,                   2000         140,000            60,000            20,000          1,500
Secretary and Treasurer                  1999         120,000            65,000                            1,500

Steven J. Mencarini                      2001         168,751 (3)        25,000            15,000          1,500
Chief Financial Officer and              2000         150,000            25,000            20,000          1,500
Senior Vice President                    1999         137,500            20,000                              775
(1)  All  amounts  reported  represent  ePlus'  employer  401(k)  plan  matching

(2)  Difference in salary represents a salary increase effective 10/4/00 to $200,000.

(3)  Difference  in salary  represents  a salary  increase  effective  7/1/00 to
$175,000 per year.

Option Grants in Last Fiscal Year

The  following  table sets forth  certain  information  with  respect to options
granted during the last fiscal year to the named executive officers.

                             Number of       Percent of Total                                  Realizable Value
                             Securities        Options/SARs                                    at Assumed Annual
                             Underlying         Granted to                                      Rates of Stock
                              Options/         Employees in      Exercise or     Expiration   Price Appreciation
         Name            SARs Granted(#)(1)   Fiscal Year (2)  Base Price ($/Sh)   Date       for Option Term (3)
         ----            ------------------   ---------------  ----------------- ----------   -------------------
                                                                                                5% ($)   10% ($)
                                                                                                ------   -------
Kleyton L. Parkhurst......    .30,000......    ....5.2%..............$17.38.......9/13/10     $327,905  $830,977

Steven J. Mencarini........   .10,000........   ...1.7................17.38.......9/13/10      109,301    276,992

                                5,000              0.9                 7.75      12/27/10       24,370     61,758
(1) All options were granted under the long-term  incentive  plan.  Options vest
over three years at 20%, 30% and 50%.

(2) Based on an aggregate of 579,250  shares  granted during fiscal year 2001 to
certain employees of ePlus.


(3)  Potential  realizable  value is calculated  based on an assumption that the
     price of ePlus' common stock will  appreciate  at the assumed  annual rates
     shown  (5% and  10%),  compounded  annually,  from the date of grant of the
     option until the end of the option term (10 years).  The 5% and 10% assumed
     rates  of  appreciation  are  required  by the  rules of the SEC and do not
     represent ePlus' estimate of future market prices of the common stock.

Aggregated  Option/SAR  Exercises  in  Last  Fiscal  Year  and  Fiscal  Year-end
Option/SAR Values

The  following  table sets forth  certain  information  with  respect to options
exercised  during ePlus' fiscal year ended March 31, 2001 by the named executive
officers,  and with respect to  unexercised  options held by such persons at the
end of fiscal year 2001.

                                                         Number of Securities             Value of Unexercised
                                                        Underlying Unexercised                In-the-Money
                                                        Options/SARs at Fiscal           Options/SARs at Fiscal
                                                             Year-End (#)                   Year-End ($)(1)
                                                             ------------                   ---------------
                        Acquired on       Value
        Name           Exercise (#)   Realized ($)   Exercisable     Unexercisable    Exercisable    Unexercisable
        ----           ------------   ------------   -----------     -------------    -----------    -------------

Phillip G. Norton             --            --         323,750            6,250        $309,200              --

Bruce M. Bowen                --            --         145,000               --         172,000              --

Kleyton L. Parkhurst          --            --         155,000           55,000         318,000         $11,000

Steven J. Mencarini           --            --          55,920           39,780          43,675          22,075
(1) Based on a closing  bid price of $9.19 per share as of the close of business
on March 31, 2001.

Employment  Contracts  and  Termination  of  Employment  and  Change in  Control

ePlus has entered into employment  agreements  with Phillip G. Norton,  Bruce M.
Bowen and Kleyton L. Parkhurst, each effective as of September 1, 1996, and with
Steven J. Mencarini  effective as of June 18, 1997.  Each  employment  agreement
provided  for an initial  term of three  years,  and is subject to an  automatic
one-year renewal at the expiration thereof unless ePlus or the employee provides
notice of an intention not to renew at least three months prior to expiration.

The  current  annual  base salary  ($250,000  in the case of Phillip G.  Norton;
$225,000  in the case of Bruce M.  Bowen;  $200,000  in the case of  Kleyton  L.
Parkhurst  and  $185,000 in the case of Steven J.  Mencarini)  are in effect and
each  employee may be eligible  for  commissions  or  performance  bonuses.  The
performance  bonuses for Phillip G. Norton and Bruce M. Bowen are discretionary,
based on the performance of ePlus and as approved by the compensation committee.
The  performance  bonuses for Kleyton L.  Parkhurst and Steven J.  Mencarini are
paid based upon performance  criteria established by Phillip G. Norton and Bruce
M. Bowen.


Under the employment agreements,  each receives certain other benefits including
medical,  insurance,  death and long term disability  benefits,  employer 401(k)
contributions,  and reimbursement of  employment-related  expenses.  Mr. Bowen's
country  club dues are paid by  ePlus.  The  employment  agreements  of  Messrs.
Norton,  Bowen and  Mencarini  contain a covenant  not to compete on the part of
each,  whereby  in the event of a  voluntary  termination  of  employment,  upon
expiration of the term of the agreement or upon the termination of employment by
ePlus for cause,  each are subject to restrictions  upon  acquiring,  consulting
with or otherwise engaging in or assisting in the providing of capital needs for
competing business  activities or entities within the United States for a period
of one year after the date of such  termination or expiration of the term of the
employment agreement.

Under his original employment  agreement,  Phillip G. Norton was granted options
to acquire  130,000  shares of common stock at a price per share equal to $8.75.
These  options  have a ten year term and  became  exercisable  and vested in 25%
increments  over four years,  ending on November 20, 1999. In February 1998, Mr.
Norton was also granted  options to purchase  25,000 shares of common stock at a
price per share  equal to $12.65  and, in August  1999,  was granted  options to
purchase  175,000  shares of common  stock at a price per share  equal to $7.75.
ePlus had paid a $120,000  annual  guarantee  fee  payable  in  $10,000  monthly
payments to Patricia A. Norton,  wife of Phillip G. Norton,  in consideration of
providing  certain  guarantees and collateral for ePlus'  NationsBank  and First
Union  credit  facilities.  This  fee was  terminated  when the  secured  credit
facilities were terminated and the guarantee released.

Under his original employment  agreement,  Bruce M. Bowen was granted options to
acquire 15,000 shares of common stock at a price per share equal to $8.75. These
options have a ten year term and became exercisable and vested in 25% increments
over four years,  ending on November 20, 1999. In February  1998,  Mr. Bowen was
also granted  options to purchase  15,000  shares of common stock at a price per
share equal to $11.50 and in August 1999, was granted options to purchase 115,00
shares of common stock at a price per share equal to $7.75.

Under his  original  employment  agreement,  Kleyton L.  Parkhurst  was  granted
options to acquire  100,000 shares of common stock at a price per share equal to
$6.40.  These options have a ten year term and became  exercisable and vested in
25%  increments  over four years ending on November 20, 1999. In February  1998,
Mr. Parkhurst was also granted options to purchase 10,000 shares of common stock
at a price per share equal to $11.50 and, in September 1998, was granted options
to  purchase  50,000  shares of common  stock at a price per share of $8.75.  In
August 1999,  Mr.  Parkhurst  was granted  options to purchase  20,000 shares of
common  stock at a price per share equal to $7.75 and, in May 2000,  was granted
options to purchase  30,000 shares of common stock at a price per share equal to

In  connection  with his original  employment,  Steven J.  Mencarini was granted
options to acquire  16,200  shares of common stock at a price per share equal to
$12.75.  These options have a ten year term, and become  exercisable and vest in
20%  increments  over  five  years at the end of each year of  service,  and are
subject  to  acceleration  upon  certain  conditions.  In  September  1997,  Mr.
Mencarini was also granted options to purchase 5,100 shares of common stock at a
price per share equal to $13.75 and, in December  1997,  was granted  options to
purchase  9,400 shares of common stock at a price per share equal to $12.35.  In
February  1998,  Mr.  Mencarini was granted  options to purchase 5,000 shares of
common  stock at a price per share  equal to  $11.50;  in October  1998,  he was
granted  options to purchase  25,000 shares of common stock at a price per share
equal to $8.00;  and,  in May 2000,  he was granted  options to purchase  10,000
shares of common stock at a price per share equal to $18.75.


ePlus  maintains  key-man  life  insurance  on Mr.  Norton in the  amount of $10
million.  ePlus  maintains its key-man life insurance  policy on Mr. Norton with
the Transamerica Occidental Life Insurance Company.

Compensation Committee Interlocks and Insider Participation

For  the  year  ended  March  31,  2001,  all  decisions   regarding   executive
compensation were made by the compensation committee, when applicable, or by Mr.
Norton as  President.  The members of the  compensation  committee  are Terrence
O'Donnell, C. Thomas Faulders, III and Lawrence S. Herman. None of the executive
officers of ePlus  currently  serves on the  compensation  committee  of another
entity or any  other  committee  of the board of  directors  of  another  entity
performing similar functions.


                                PERFORMANCE GRAPH

The  following  graph shows the value as of March 31, 2001 of a $100  investment
made on  November  15, 1996 in ePlus'  common  stock  (with  dividends,  if any,
reinvested),  as compared with similar investments based on (1) the value of the
NASDAQ Stock Market Index (U.S.) (with  dividends  reinvested) and (2) the value
of the  NASDAQ  financial  index.  The  stock  performance  shown  below  is not
necessarily indicative of future performance.

                                3/97      3/98       3/99     3/00       3/01
                                ----      ----       ----     ----       ----

EPLUS INC.......................126.32    144.74     86.84    348.68     96.72
NASDAQ STOCK MARKET (U.S.)...... 96.98    147.00    198.60    369.40    147.88
NASDAQ FINANCIAL................109.53    170.19    153.36    145.34    160.76


                              CERTAIN TRANSACTIONS


On October 23,  1998,  we sold  1,111,111  shares of common  stock at a price of
$9.00 per share and a warrant to acquire an additional  1,090,909  shares of our
common  stock at an  exercise  price of $11.00  per  share,  subject  to certain
anti-dilution  adjustment,  to TC Plus, LLC, formerly named TC Leasing, LLC, for
total  consideration of $10 million. TC Plus, LLC is controlled by Thayer Equity
Investors  III,  L.P., a private  equity  investment  fund. TC Equity  Partners,
L.L.C. is the sole general partner of Thayer Equity Investors III, L.P.

The stock purchase  agreement  entered into in connection  with the  transaction
imposed certain super-majority voting requirements on our board of directors and
restricted our ability to engage in mergers or other material  transactions.  We
also entered into a stockholders agreement with TC Plus, LLC, Phillip G. Norton,
Bruce M. Bowen,  J.A.P.  Investment Group,  L.P., Kevin M. Norton and Patrick J.
Norton.  The  stockholders  agreement as  originally  entered into  provided for
restrictions  on  transfers  of shares,  restriction  on the issuance of shares,
board  representation,  the  forced  sale of ePlus by TC  Plus,  LLC in  certain
circumstances and registration rights.

The warrant gave us the right to require TC Plus, LLC to exercise the warrant if
our common stock closed at or above $11.00 per share for 20 consecutive  trading
days. On December 23, 1999, this condition was satisfied,  and we gave notice to
TC Plus, LLC to require exercise.

On February 25, 2000, we entered into an agreement with TC Plus,  LLC, which was
amended on April 11, 2000, to defer the  obligation of TC Plus,  LLC to exercise
the warrant and to permit TC Plus,  LLC to exercise  the warrant  simultaneously
with a follow-on public offering of common stock on a cashless basis in exchange
for a  commitment  by TC Plus,  LLC to waive  certain  provisions  of the  stock
purchase  agreement  and amend the  stockholders  agreement.  Upon the  cashless
exercise of the warrant,  which was completed on April 14, 2000, we issued to TC
Plus, LLC 709,956 shares of our common stock.

The agreement, as amended,  provides for the waiver of all super-majority voting
requirements and restrictions on mergers and material transactions  contained in
the stock purchase agreement.  The stockholders  agreement,  as amended, has the
following provisions:

o    Our board of directors will have six members with two directors  designated
     by TC Plus,  LLC, two directors  designated by the management  stockholders
     party to the  agreement  and two  non-employee  directors  designated  by a
     nominating committee comprised of one individual designated by TC Plus, LLC
     and one individual  designated by the management  stockholders party to the
     agreement.  Currently,  TC Plus, LLC does not exercise its right to appoint
     directors  of ePlus  pursuant  to the  stockholders  agreement.  Phillip G.
     Norton  and  Bruce  M.  Bowen  serve  as the  directors  designated  by the
     management stockholders.

o    TC Plus, LLC has the right to demand registration of its shares,  under the
     Securities Act of 1933, on three separate occasions.  TC Plus, LLC also has
     the right to  include  its  shares in any other  registration  by us of our


     common  stock.  We are  responsible  for all of the  registration  expenses
     incurred in connection with TC Plus,  LLC's exercise of these  registration

o    If we  agree  to  purchase  any  shares  of our  common  stock  held by the
     management  stockholders party to the agreement,  we must give notice to TC
     Plus,  LLC. If TC Plus,  LLC wishes to  participate,  we must  purchase its
     shares on the same terms and  conditions  as we purchase the shares held by
     the management stockholders.

o    Shares held by  stockholders  party to the  stockholders  agreement  are no
     longer subject to the terms of the agreement when they are transferred in a
     registered offering or pursuant to Rule 144 under the Securities Act.

o    All rights and obligations under the stockholders  agreement terminate when
     TC Plus, LLC no longer holds 5% of our  outstanding  stock and shall remain
     terminated  even  if TC  Plus,  LLC  later  acquires  5%  or  more  of  our
     outstanding stock. TC Plus, LLC currently holds 1,015, 552 or approximately
     10.0% of our outstanding shares of common stock.

Advances and Loans to Employees and Stockholders

ePlus has in the past  provided  loans and  advances  to  employees  and certain
stockholders.  Such balances are to be repaid from personal funds or commissions
earned by the employees  and/or  stockholders  on successful  sales or financing
arrangements obtained on behalf of ePlus. Loans and advances to employees and/or
stockholders totaled $66,082 for the year ended March 31, 2001.

Reimbursement of Certain Expenses

ePlus leases  certain  office space from entities  which are owned,  in part, by
executives  of our  subsidiaries.  During the year ended  March 31,  2001,  rent
expense paid to these related parties was $248,849.

Sale of Equity Investment

On May 23, 2000,  ePlus  Capital,  Inc.,  one of our wholly owned  subsidiaries,
exercised  a  warrant  to  purchase  3,450,000  shares  of the  common  stock of
solven.com  inc.  ePlus  Capital,  Inc.  then sold  those  shares  to  Immedient
Corporation  in exchange for a cash  payment of $344,891,  a warrant to purchase
222,500 shares of unregistered common stock of Immedient at an exercise price of
$10.00 per share,  and 260,953 shares of unregistered  common stock of Immedient
Corporation.  Immedient is an affiliate of Thayer  Equity  Investors  III,  L.P.
which is the managing member of TC Plus, LLC.


Indemnification Agreements

We have entered into separate but identical indemnification agreements with each
of our  directors and  executive  officers,  and we expect to enter into similar
indemnification  agreements  with  persons  who become  directors  or  executive
officers in the future. The  indemnification  agreements provide that ePlus will
indemnify the director or officer  against any expenses or liabilities  incurred
in  connection  with any  proceeding  in which the  director  or officer  may be
involved  as a party or  otherwise,  by reason of the fact that the  director or
officer  is or was a  director  or  officer  of ePlus or by reason of any action
taken by or omitted to be taken by the  director or officer  while  acting as an
officer  or  director  of ePlus.  However,  ePlus is only  obligated  to provide
indemnification under the indemnification agreements if:

             (1) the  director  or  officer  was  acting in good  faith and in a
             manner the  director  or officer  reasonably  believed to be in the
             best interests of ePlus,  and, with respect to any criminal action,
             the  director  or officer  had no  reasonable  cause to believe the
             director`s or officer`s conduct was unlawful;

             (2) the claim was not made to recover  profits made by the director
             or officer in  violation of Section  16(b) of the Exchange  Act, as
             amended, or any successor statute;

             (3)  the claim was not initiated by the director or officer;

             (4)  the claim was not covered by applicable insurance; or

             (5) the claim was not for an act or omission of a director of ePlus
             from  which a  director  may not be  relieved  of  liability  under
             Section  103(b)(7)  of the DGCL.  Each  director  and  officer  has
             undertaken  to repay ePlus for any costs or expenses  paid by ePlus
             if it is ultimately  determined that the director or officer is not
             entitled to indemnification under the indemnification agreements.

Future Transactions

ePlus'  policy  requires  that all material  transactions  between ePlus and its
officers,  directors or other  affiliates  must be approved by a majority of the
disinterested  members of the board of  directors  of ePlus,  and be on terms no
less favorable to ePlus than could be obtained from unaffiliated third parties.

                                   PROPOSAL 1

To Elect  Two Class II  Directors  to Serve  for  Three  Years  and until  their
Respective Successors Have Been Duly Elected and Qualified.

The board of directors has concluded that the re-election of Terrence  O'Donnell
and Thomas L. Hewitt as Class II Directors is in the best  interest of ePlus and
recommends  stockholder  approval of the  re-election of Terrence  O'Donnell and
Thomas L.  Hewitt as Class II  directors.  The  remaining  four  directors  will
continue  to  serve  in  their  positions  for the  remainder  of  their  terms.
Biographical  information  concerning Mr.  O'Donnell and Mr. Hewitt,  and ePlus'
other directors can be found under "Directors and Executive Officers."


Unless otherwise instructed or unless authority to vote is withheld, all proxies
will be voted for the  election  of Terrence  O'Donnell  and Thomas L. Hewitt as
Class  II  Directors.  Although  the  board  of  directors  of  ePlus  does  not
contemplate  that such  nominees  will be unable to serve,  if such a  situation
arises prior to the annual meeting, the persons named in the enclosed proxy card
will vote for the  election of such other  person or persons as may be nominated
by the board of directors.

Vote Required for  Approval.  The two persons  receiving the greatest  number of
affirmative  votes  cast at the  annual  meeting  will be  elected  as  Class II

Board of Directors Recommendation. The board of directors unanimously recommends
that you vote in favor of the  election  of  Terrence  O'Donnell  and  Thomas L.
Hewitt as Class II Directors.

                                   PROPOSAL 2

To Ratify  the  Appointment  of  Deloitte  & Touche  LLP as  ePlus'  Independent
Auditors for ePlus' Fiscal Year Ending March 31, 2002.

Subject to stockholder ratification,  the board of directors has reappointed the
firm of  Deloitte & Touche LLP as the  independent  auditors  to examine  ePlus'
financial  statements  for the fiscal year  ending  March 31,  2002.  Deloitte &
Touche has audited  ePlus'  financial  statements  since its  inception.  If the
stockholders do not ratify this appointment,  other independent auditors will be
considered by the board of directors upon recommendation of the audit committee.

Representatives  of Deloitte & Touche are expected to attend the annual  meeting
and will have the  opportunity to make a statement if they desire and to respond
to appropriate questions.

Audit Fees.  The  aggregate  fees  billed by Deloitte & Touche for  professional
services  rendered  for the audit of our  annual  financial  statements  for the
fiscal year ended March 31, 2001 and for the reviews of the financial statements
included  in our  Quarterly  Reports  on Form  10-Q for that  fiscal  year  were

Financial Information Systems Design and Implementation Fees. There were no fees
billed by Deloitte & Touche for professional  services  rendered for information
technology  services  relating  to  financial  information  systems  design  and
implementation for the fiscal year ended March 31, 2001.

All Other  Fees.  There were no fees  billed by  Deloitte & Touche for  services
rendered to the ePlus,  other than the  services  described  above under  "Audit
Fees" and "Financial Information Systems Design and Implementation Fees" for the
fiscal year ended March 31, 2001.

Vote Required for Approval.  The  affirmative  vote of the holders of at least a
majority  of the  shares  of  common  stock  present  in  person or by proxy and
entitled to vote at the annual meeting on the proposal will constitute  approval
of Proposal 2.


Board of Directors Recommendation. The board of directors unanimously recommends
that you vote in favor of the  ratification  of the  appointment  of  Deloitte &
Touche LLP as independent auditors for the fiscal year ending March 31, 2002.

                              OTHER PROPOSED ACTION

The board of  directors  does not intend to bring any other  matters  before the
annual meeting,  nor does the board of directors know of any matters which other
persons intend to bring before the annual meeting.  If,  however,  other matters
not mentioned in this proxy  statement  properly come before the annual meeting,
the  persons  named in the  accompanying  form of proxy  will  vote  thereon  in
accordance with the recommendation of the board of directors.

You should note that ePlus' Bylaws  provide that in order for a  stockholder  to
bring  business  before a meeting or to make a  nomination  for the  election of
directors,   the  stockholder  must  give  written  notice  complying  with  the
requirements  of the Bylaws to the  Secretary of ePlus not later than 90 days in
advance of the meeting or, if later,  the seventh day following the first public
announcement of the date of the meeting.


If any  stockholder  wishes to present a  proposal  for  inclusion  in the proxy
materials to be solicited by ePlus' board of directors  with respect to the next
annual  meeting of  stockholders,  that  proposal  must be  presented  to ePlus'
management prior to April 24, 2002.

Whether or not you expect to be present at the annual  meeting,  please sign and
return the enclosed  proxy card promptly.  Your vote is important.  If you are a
stockholder  of record and attend the annual meeting and wish to vote in person,
you may withdraw your proxy at any time prior to the vote.


                                   APPENDIX A

                                   EPLUS, INC.



The  Audit  Committee  of the  Board of  Directors  shall  assist  the  Board in
monitoring (1) the integrity of the financial statements of the company, (2) the
company's  compliance  with  legal  and  regulatory  requirements  and  (3)  the
independence and performance of the company's internal and external auditors.


Effective June 14, 2001, the membership of the audit  committee shall consist of
at least  three  members  of the  Board of  Directors,  who  shall  serve at the
pleasure  of the  Board of  Directors  and be  appointed  by the  full  Board of
Directors, and who shall meet the following criteria:

1.   Each member of the Audit Committee must be an `independent director' within
     the meaning of the applicable rules of The Nasdaq Stock Market,  Inc. as in
     effect on June 14, 2001.

2.   Each  member of the  Audit  Committee  must be able to read and  understand
     fundamental  financial  statements,  including the company's balance sheet,
     income statement, and cash flow statement, or become able to do so within a
     reasonable  period  of  time  after  his or her  appointment  to the  Audit

3.   At least one  member  of the Audit  Committee  shall  have past  employment
     experience in finance or accounting,  requisite professional  certification
     in accounting,  or other comparable  experience or background which results
     in the  individual's  financial  sophistication,  including being or having
     been a chief executive  officer,  chief  financial  officer or other senior
     officer with financial oversight responsibilities.

Prior to June 14, 2001, the membership of the Audit  Committee  shall consist of
at least two members of the Board of Directors,  who shall serve at the pleasure
of the Board of Directors and be designated by the full Board of Directors,  and
who shall be `independent  directors' within the meaning of the applicable rules
of The Nasdaq Stock Market, Inc. as in effect prior to that date.


In carrying out its responsibilities,  the audit committee believes its policies
and  procedures  should  remain  flexible,  in order to best  react to  changing
conditions  and to ensure to the directors and  shareholders  that the corporate
accounting and reporting practices of the corporation are in accordance with all
requirements and are of the highest quality.

In carrying out these responsibilities, the audit committee will:

1.   Provide an open avenue of  communication  between the independent  auditor,
     Internal Audit, and the Board of Directors.

2.   Review and update the committee's charter annually.

3.   Review and  recommend  to the  directors  the  independent  auditors  to be
     selected  to audit the  financial  statements  of the  corporation  and its
     divisions and subsidiaries.

4.   Meet with the independent  auditors and financial management of the
     corporation  to review the scope of the proposed audit for the current year
     and the audit  procedures  to be utilized,  and at the  conclusion  thereof
     review  such  audit,  including  any  comments  or  recommendations  of the
     independent auditors.

5.   Review with the independent  auditors,  the company's  internal auditor and
     financial and accounting  personnel,  the adequacy and effectiveness of the
     accounting  and  financial  controls  of the  corporation,  and  elicit any
     recommendations   for  the  improvement  of  such  control   procedures  or
     particular  areas where new or more  detailed  controls or  procedures  are
     desirable.  Particular  emphasis  should be given to the  adequacy  of such
     internal controls to expose any payments,  transactions, or procedures that
     might be deemed  illegal or  otherwise  improper.  Further,  the  committee
     periodically  should  review  company  policies  and  procedures  regarding
     compliance  with  applicable  laws  and  regulations  and  with the code of
     conduct, if any.

6.   Review  the  internal  audit  function  of the  corporation  including  the
     independence and authority of its reporting obligations, the proposed audit
     plans  for the  coming  year,  and  coordination  of such  plans  with  the
     independent auditors.

7.   Receive  prior to each  meeting,  a  summary  of  findings  from  completed
     internal audits and a progress report on the proposed  internal audit plan,
     with explanations for any deviations from the original plan.

8.   Review  the  financial   statements  contained  in  the  annual  report  to
     shareholders with management and the independent auditors to determine that
     the  independent  auditors are satisfied with the disclosure and content of
     the financial  statements to be presented to the shareholders.  Any changes
     in accounting principles should be reviewed.

9.   Provide sufficient opportunity for the internal and independent auditors to
     meet with the members of the audit committee  without members of management
     present.  Among  the  items  to be  discussed  in  these  meetings  are the
     independent   auditors'   evaluation   of  the   corporation's   financial,
     accounting,   and  auditing   personnel,   and  the  cooperation  that  the
     independent auditors received during the course of the audit.

10.  Submit the minutes of all  meetings of the audit  committee  to, or discuss
     the matters discussed at each meeting with, the Board of Directors.

11.  Confirm  and assure the  independence  of the  independent  auditor and the
     objectivity of the internal auditor.

12.  Investigate  any matter  brought to its  attention  within the scope of its
     duties,  with the power to retain  outside  counsel for this purpose if, in
     its judgement, that is appropriate.

Relationship with Auditors and Board of Directors
The company's  independent  auditors are ultimately  accountable to the Board of
Directors of the company and to the Audit Committee,  as  representatives of the
stockholders of the company. The Board of Directors and the Audit Committee have
ultimate   authority  and  responsibility  to  select,   evaluate,   and,  where
appropriate, replace the independent auditors.

                              [FORM OF PROXY CARD]

                                ePlus inc. Proxy

                       Annual Meetings of Stockholders Of
                                   ePlus inc.
                               September 20, 2001


The undersigned hereby appoints Phillip G. Norton,  Bruce M. Bowen and C. Thomas
Faulders, III, and each or any of them, proxies, with power of substitution,  to
vote all shares of the  undersigned  at the annual  meeting of  stockholders  of
ePlus inc., a Delaware  corporation,  to be held on September  20, 2001 at 10:30
a.m. at Hyatt Regency Reston, 1800 Presidents Street, Reston, Virginia 20191, or
at any  adjournment  thereof,  upon the matters set forth in the Proxy Statement
for such  meeting,  and in their  discretion,  upon such other  business  as may
properly come before the meeting.




Thomas L. Hewitt                                              Terrence O'Donnell


Thomas L. Hewitt                     [ ]FOR                [ ]WITHHOLD AUTHORITY
Terrence O'Donnell                   [ ]FOR                [ ]WITHHOLD AUTHORITY


[ ]FOR                              [ ]AGAINST                        [ ]ABSTAIN

Dated:                   , 2001


Signature if held jointly:

NOTE: When shares are held by joint tenants,  both should sign.  Persons signing
as  Executor,  Administrator,  Trustee,  etc.  should so  indicate.  Please sign
exactly as the name appears on the proxy.


                             THE ENCLOSED ENVELOPE.