Loans Overview
How Loans Affect Your Plan Account
Who Qualifies for a Plan Loan
How Much You Can Borrow
Loan Interest Rates
The Term of Your Loan
How Repayments Are Credited
How to Apply for a Plan Loan
The Loan Approval Process
The Promissory Note
Events That Affect Plan Loans
You don't need proof of hardship to take out a loan.
Loans aren't taxed-unless you default.
You pay interest on the loan into your own Plan account.
As you repay the loan, you restore your retirement savings to their pre-loan level.
Plan loans are subject to strict legal limits and other requirements.
You repay the loan with after-tax dollars that are taxed again when you receive money from the Plan.
The interest you pay on the loan may be less than the investment return you could earn by leaving your money in the Plan.
If you default on the loan (See Default section on page 6 below):
your account is not restored to its pre-loan level;
the unpaid balance is treated as a payment to you; and
unless you borrowed only after-tax contributions from your account, you will owe income tax, and possibly a 10% penalty tax, on the unpaid balance, even though you receive no money when you default.
pre-tax contribution account;
Roth 401(k) contribution account;
after-tax contribution account;
rollover contribution account;
matured company contribution account; and
non-matured company contribution account.
Category of Money
State Street Target Date 2050 Fund
Lincoln Stock Fund
Stable Value Fund
Pre-tax Contribution
$ 500
Matured Company Contribution
Category of Money
State Street Target Date 2050 Fund
Lincoln Stock Fund
Stable Value Fund
Pre-tax Contribution
Matured Company Contribution
you are an active participant in the Plan;
you have no more than one outstanding Plan loan;
you have a vested Plan account balance of at least $1,000 (after any other Plan loan amounts are subtracted); and
you have no unsatisfied, defaulted loans from any Lincoln sponsored plan.
$50,000 or
50% of your vested account balance.
Federal law requires the Plan to apply the loan limits on the day your loan is granted, and 50% of your account value can be lower on the date your loan is granted than on the day of your loan request.
If you had any outstanding loan balances from any Lincoln tax-qualified plans during the 12-month period ending on the day before the date of your new loan, the $50,000 limit will be reduced by the excess of the highest total outstanding loan balance you had during that 12-month period over any outstanding loan balance on the effective date of the new loan.
Available vested account balance on July 1
Plus current outstanding loan balance
Total vested account balance
X .50
50% of vested account balance
Less highest outstanding loan balance in the last 12 months
Amount available for second loan
Total maximum legally permitted loan amount
Less excess of highest 12-month balance over current
Outstanding loan balance ($27,000-$19,000=$8,000)
- 8,000
Adjusted maximum loan amount
Less current outstanding loan balance
Amount available for second loan
are set on the first day of the calendar quarter;
will apply to any loan processed during that quarter; and
once set, will not change while the loan is outstanding.
Loan payments are credited to your Plan account on a pro-rated basis across all the types of contributions from which the money was taken from your account when you took out the loan. See How Loans Affect Your Account, above. How repayments are credited is important; it may affect the amount of money in your account available for withdrawals.
Interest payments are treated as investment earnings in your account. Interest will be taxable to you when you receive it as a Plan payment. Interest you pay on loans of your tax deferred contributions is subject to the same withdrawal restrictions that apply to investment results on tax deferred contributions.
Repayments are deposited into Plan investment funds according to the investment elections you have in effect at the time of the repayment, regardless of what investment funds were the source of the loan.
your name, address and other basic information;
the amount and term of your loan;
the deadline for returning your completed loan application form;
a place to indicate whether the loan is to purchase or construct your principal residence;
the repayment installment amount and frequency of repayments;
certain required disclosures about the financing costs of the loan;
a Promissory Note (described below); and
the fax number and mailing address you use to submit your completed application. You should read the entire form and make sure it contains the loan amount and loan term you want before you sign it. If your properly completed loan application and supporting documents are not received by the deadline shown on the application, your application will be voided and you will need to re-start the loan application process.
is your promise to the Plan to repay the loan;
authorizes monthly deductions of after-tax loan repayments from your bank account via ACH;
gives the Plan the right to deduct money from your Plan account if you default; and
spells out the term of the loan, the interest rate, the total amount payable, and the frequency and amount of each repayment installment.
the unpaid loan balance will be treated as in default and as a deemed distribution to you;
the taxable amount of the unpaid balance will be reported to the IRS as income to you in the year you die; and
Plan money distributed to your beneficiary will not include the unpaid loan balance.
repay your outstanding loan balance in monthly installments via ACH
To avoid default, you must call the Lincoln Customer Contact Center at 800-234-3500 and verify that you wish to continue making monthly repayments via ACH e after your contract terminates;
repay the outstanding loan balance in full
To pay off the loan to avoid default, you must call the Lincoln Customer Contact Center at 800-234-3500 and arrange to repay the entire outstanding loan balance; or
accept the default
To default on the loan, simply ignore the steps outlined above. The unpaid loan balance will be treated as a taxable distribution to you.
after-tax contributions
Amounts deducted from compensation after withholding has been calculated for federal and most state and local taxes; contributed to the Plan before January 1, 1989.
matured company contributions
The portion of the company contribution account that has been credited to your account for a period of at least two (2) years.
non-matured company contributions
The portion of the company contribution account that has been credited to your account for a period of less than two (2) years.
pre-tax contributions
Amounts deducted from your compensation under Internal Revue Code section 401(k) that are taken from your pay before withholding is calculated for federal and most state and local taxes.
rollover contributions
Amounts transferred from another qualified plan or from a traditional or conduit individual retirement account.
Roth 401(k) contributions
A form of after-tax contributions that are deducted from your pay after withholding is calculated for federal and most state and local taxes and that are subject to special rules related to Plan loans, withdrawals, and taxes upon distribution.
your contract terminates
The date your agents' benefits eligible contract with Lincoln and all affiliates is no longer in effect.
This Summary of Material Information contains important information about the Plan and should be kept with your Summary Plan Description/Prospectus.