Proxy Statement Pursuant to Section 14(a) of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934
(Amendment No.)

Filed by Registrant  [ x ]

Filed by a Party other than the Registrant  [   ]

Check the appropriate box:

[ x ]  Preliminary Proxy Statement

[   ]  Confidential, for Use of the Commission Only (as permitted by Rule

[   ]  Definitive Proxy Statement

[   ]  Definitive Additional Materials

[   ]  Soliciting Material Pursuant to ss. 240.14a-11(c) or ss. 240.14a-12

                           PAR Technology Corporation
                (Name of Registrant as Specified In Its Charter)

      (Name of Person(s) Filing Proxy Statement if other than Registrant)

Payment of Filing Fee (Check the appropriate box):

[ x ]  No fee required.

[   ]  Fee computed on table below per Exchange Act Rules 14a-6(i)(4) and 0-11.

       1)Title of each class of securities to which transaction applies:

       2)Aggregate number of securities to which transaction applies:

       3)Per unit price or other underlying value of transaction computed
         pursuant to Exchange Act Rule 0-11 (Set forth the amount on which
         the filing fee is calculated and state how it was determined):

       4)Proposed maximum aggregate value of transaction:

       5)Total fee paid:

[   ]  Fee paid previously with preliminary materials.

[   ]  Check box if any part of the fee is offset as provided by Exchange Act
       Rule 0-11(a)(2) and identify the filing for which the offsetting fee
       was paid previously.  Identify the previous filing by registration
       statement number, or the Form or Schedule and the date of its filing.

       1)Amount Previously Paid:  _________.

       2)Form, Schedule or Registration Statement No.:  _________.

       3)Filing Party:   _________.

       4)Date Filed:  __________.

Dr. John W. Sammon, Jr.                               PAR Technology Corporation
Chairman, President &                                 8383 Seneca Turnpike
Chief Executive Officer                               New Hartford, NY  13413

                                                           [GRAPHIC OMITTED]

April 11, 2006

Dear Shareholders:

It is my  pleasure  to invite you to PAR  Technology  Corporation's  2006 Annual
Meeting of  Shareholders.  This year, we are proud to hold the meeting at one of
our PAR  Springer-Miller  customer  locations,  The New York Palace  Hotel;  455
Madison Avenue;  New York, New York 10022. The meeting will be held on Thursday,
May 11, 2006 at 10:00 AM. During the Annual  Meeting,  we will discuss each item
of business  described in the Notice of Annual  Meeting and Proxy  Statement and
give a report on the Company's business operations.  There will also be time for

This booklet  includes  the Notice of Annual  Meeting and Proxy  Statement.  The
Proxy  Statement  provides  information  about PAR in addition to describing the
business we will conduct at the meeting.

We hope you will be able to attend the Annual Meeting. Whether or not you expect
to attend,  please vote your shares by signing,  dating and  returning the proxy
card in the prepaid envelope;  taking advantage of telephone or Internet voting;
or voting in person at the meeting.


John W. Sammon, Jr.

PAR Technology Corporation
8383 Seneca Turnpike; New Hartford, NY  13413-4991

                      TO BE HELD ON THURSDAY, MAY 11, 2006

Dear PAR Technology Shareholder:

The  Annual  Meeting  of   Shareholders   (the   "Meeting")  of  PAR  Technology
Corporation,  a Delaware  corporation (the "Company") is scheduled to be held at
The New York Palace Hotel; 455 Madison Avenue; New York, New York 10022 (see map
on reverse of this page) on Thursday, May 11, 2006, at 10:00 AM, local time, for
the following purposes:

     1.   To elect two  Directors  of the Company for a term of office to expire
          at the third succeeding Annual Meeting of Shareholders;

     2.   To approve the PAR Technology Corporation 2005 Equity Incentive Plan;

     3.   To approve  the  amendment  of the  Certificate  of  Incorporation  to
          increase the authorized  shares of voting Common Stock from 19,000,000
          to 29,000,000.

     4.   To ratify the  appointment  of KPMG LLP as the  Company's  independent
          registered  public accounting firm for the Company for the 2006 fiscal
          year; and

     5.   To  transact  such other  business  as may  properly  come  before the
          Meeting or any adjournments or postponements of the Meeting.

The Board of  Directors  set March 22, 2006 as the record date for the  Meeting.
This means that owners of the Company's Common Stock at the close of business on
March 22, 2006 are entitled to receive this notice and to vote at the Meeting or
any adjournments or postponements of the Meeting.  We will make available a list
of shareholders as of the close of business on March 22, 2006, for inspection by
any shareholder, for any purpose relating to the Meeting, during normal business
hours at our principal  executive offices,  8383 Seneca Turnpike;  New Hartford,
New York 13413,  for ten (10) days prior to the Meeting.  This list will also be
available to shareholders at the Meeting.

Every  shareholder's  vote is  important.  Whether or not you plan to attend the
Meeting, we request you complete,  sign, date and return the enclosed proxy card
promptly in the enclosed  postage  prepaid  envelope as soon as  possible.  Most
shareholders  also have the options of voting their shares on the Internet or by
telephone. If such methods are available to you, voting instructions are printed
on your proxy card or included with your proxy materials.

The proxy  solicited  hereby may be revoked at any time prior to its exercise by
executing  and  returning to the address set forth above a proxy bearing a later
date or later dated vote by  telephone  or on the  Internet,  by giving  written
notice of  revocation  to the  Secretary of the Company at the address set forth
above, or by attending the Meeting and voting in person.

                                             BY ORDER OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS

                                             Gregory T. Cortese

New Hartford, New York
April 11, 2006

                     Directions to The New York Palace Hotel
                     455 Madison Avenue; New York, NY 10022

From Westchester: Take the Saw Mill River Parkway South. Follow the signs to the
Henry Hudson Parkway South. Follow the Henry Hudson Parkway South to 50th Street
(Manhattan). Exit onto 50th Street and follow across town to Madison Avenue. The
New York Palace is located on 50th Street between Madison and Park Avenues.

From New Jersey Turnpike (Lincoln Tunnel):
Go North on the New Jersey  Turnpike  (Interstate 95 North) to Exit 16 E for the
Lincoln Tunnel (pay toll). Follow directions into the Lincoln Tunnel (pay toll).
Upon  exiting the tunnel bear left for  "Uptown"  and proceed two blocks to 42nd
Street. Turn left onto 42nd Street. Turn right on 10th Avenue. Continue North to
50th  Street;  turn right onto 50th  Street.  Follow  50th  Street  across  town
traveling East to Madison Avenue.  The New York Palace is located on 50th Street
between Madison and Park Avenues.

From New England Via Triboro Bridge/95 South/Hutchinson River Parkway:
Follow signs to the Triboro  Bridge.  Follow all signs for  Manhattan/FDR  South
(pay toll). Take the FDR South. Exit onto 49th Street. Follow 49th Street to 6th
Avenue.  Turn right on 6th  Avenue.  Turn right onto 50th  Street.  The New York
Palace is located on 50th Street between Madison and Park Avenues.

From Midtown Tunnel / Long Island Expressway:
Enter the Queens Midtown Tunnel (pay toll). Upon exiting the tunnel bear right
to 37th Street (Uptown sign). Upon exiting the tunnel bear right to 37th Street
(Uptown sign). Follow 37th Street to 3rd Ave. Turn right onto 3rd Avenue to 51st
Street and turn left onto 51st Street. The New York Palace is located on 51st
Street between Park and Madison Avenues.

                                [GRAPHIC OMITTED]

                                TABLE OF CONTENTS

General Information ..........................................................1

Purpose of Meeting............................................................1

Record Date, Voting Rights, Methods of Voting.................................1


Proxy Solicitation Costs......................................................2

Proposal 1: Election of Directors.............................................3

Biographies of Nominees and Continuing Directors..............................4

Board of Directors and Committees.............................................4

Director Compensation.........................................................7

Report of the Audit Committee.................................................8

Fees paid to Independent Registered Public Accountants........................9

Code of Business Conduct and Ethics..........................................10

Certain Transactions and Relationships.......................................10

Section 16(a) Beneficial Ownership Reporting Compliance......................10

Security Ownership of Certain Beneficial Owners and Management...............11

Executive Compensation.......................................................12

Compensation Committee Report................................................14

Performance Graph............................................................17

Proposal 2: Approval of 2005 the PAR Technology Corporation
Equity Incentive Plan........................................................18

Proposal 3:  Approval  the  amendment of the Certificate  of
Incorporation  to  increase  the  authorized  shares of voting
Common  Stock  from  19,000,000 to 29,000,000................................23

Proposal 4:  Ratification  of the  Selection of  Independent
Registered Public Accounting Firm ...........................................24

Other Matters................................................................25

Available Information........................................................25

Shareholder Proposals for 2007 Annual Meeting................................25

Appendix A:  Audit Committee Charter........................................A-1

Appendix B:  2005 Equity Incentive Plan.....................................B-1

Appendix C:  Amendment to Certificate of Incorporation......................C-1


PAR Technology Corporation
8383 Seneca Turnpike; New Hartford, NY  13413-4991

April 11, 2006

                                 PROXY STATEMENT
                         ANNUAL MEETING OF SHAREHOLDERS

                               GENERAL INFORMATION

The enclosed  proxy is  solicited  by the Board of  Directors of PAR  Technology
Corporation (the "Board"), a Delaware corporation (the "Company") for use at the
Annual Meeting of Shareholders (the "Annual Meeting" or "Meeting") to be held at
10:00 AM, local time,  on Thursday,  May 11, 2006, at The New York Palace Hotel;
455  Madison  Avenue;  New York,  New York  10022,  and at any  postponement  or
adjournment of the Meeting.

Purpose of Meeting

At the  Meeting  the  Shareholders  will be  asked to  consider  and vote on the
following matters:

     1.   To elect two  Directors  of the Company for a term of office to expire
          at the third succeeding Annual Meeting of Shareholders;

     2.   To approve the PAR Technology Corporation 2005 Equity Incentive Plan;

     3.   To approve  the  amendment  of the  Certificate  of  Incorporation  to
          increase the authorized  shares of voting Common Stock from 19,000,000
          to 29,000,000.

     4.   To ratify the  appointment  of KPMG LLP as the  Company's  independent
          registered  public accounting firm for the Company for the 2006 fiscal
          year; and

     5.   To  transact  such other  business  as may  properly  come  before the
          Meeting or any adjournments or postponements of the Meeting.

Each proposal is described in more detail in this Proxy Statement.

Record Date, Voting Rights, Methods of Voting

Only  shareholders of record at the close of business on March 22, 2006, will be
entitled  to  notice  of and to  vote at the  Meeting  or any  postponements  or
adjournments of the Meeting.  As of that date,  there were 14,157,620  shares of
the  Company's  Common  Stock,  par value $0.02 per share (the  "Common  Stock")
outstanding and entitled to vote. The holders of shares  representing  7,078,811
votes,  represented in person or by proxy,  shall constitute a quorum to conduct

Each share of Common Stock  entitles the  shareholder to one vote on all matters
to come before the Meeting including the election of the Directors. Shareholders
may vote in person or by proxy. Shareholders of record can vote by telephone, on
the Internet,  by mail or by attending the Meeting and voting by ballot.  If you
are a beneficial shareholder, please refer to your proxy card or the information

forwarded  by your  bank,  broker or other  holder of record to  identify  which
options are available to you. If you vote by telephone or on the Internet you do
not need to return your proxy card. Telephone and Internet voting facilities for
shareholders  of record will be available 24 hours a day, and will close at 3:00
AM on May 11, 2006. The method by which a shareholder  votes will not in any way
affect their right to attend the Meeting and vote in person.  If shares are held
in the name of a bank,  broker or other holder of record,  the shareholder  must
obtain a proxy, executed in their favor, from the holder of record to be able to
vote at the Meeting.  All shares that have been  properly  voted and not revoked
will be voted at the  Annual  Meeting.  When  proxies in the form  enclosed  are
returned properly executed,  the shares represented by the proxies will be voted
in accordance  with the  directions of the  shareholder.  If you sign and return
your  proxy  card  but do not  specify  your  voting  instructions,  the  shares
represented  by  that  proxy  will be  voted  as  recommended  by the  Board  of
Directors.  The proxy  solicited  hereby may be revoked at any time prior to its
exercise  by  executing  and  returning  to the  address set forth above a proxy
bearing a later date or later dated vote by  telephone  or on the  Internet,  by
giving  written  notice of  revocation  to the  Secretary  of the Company at the
address set forth above, or by attending the Meeting,  withdrawing the proxy and
voting in person.


A shareholder may, with respect to the election of the Directors: (i) vote "FOR"
the nominees named herein,  or (ii) "WITHHOLD  AUTHORITY" to vote for any or all
such nominees.  The election of the Directors  requires a plurality of the votes
cast. Accordingly, withholding authority to vote for a Director nominee will not
prevent the nominee from being elected.

With  respect to the  approval  of the PAR  Technology  Corporation  2005 Equity
Incentive Plan, a shareholder may: (i) vote "FOR"; (ii) vote "AGAINST"; or (iii)
"ABSTAIN"  from voting.  A "FOR" vote of a majority of votes cast by the holders
of capital stock present and  represented  by proxy and entitled to vote thereon
(a quorum being present) is required to approve the 2005 Equity  Incentive Plan.
A vote to  "ABSTAIN"  from voting on this matter has the legal  effect of a vote
"AGAINST" the matter. This is a "non-routine" proposal and therefore,  banks and
brokers that have not received  voting  instructions  from their clients  cannot
vote on their clients' behalf in connection with this proposal. These "non-voted
shares"  will be  considered  shares not  present  and  entitled to vote on this
matter,  although such shares may be considered present and entitled to vote for
other  purposes  and will count for  purposes of  determining  the presence of a

With respect to the approval the amendment of the  Certificate of  Incorporation
to increase the  authorized  shares of voting  Common Stock from  19,000,000  to
29,000,000,  a shareholder  may: (i) vote "FOR";  (ii) vote "AGAINST";  or (iii)
"ABSTAIN" from voting.  A "FOR" vote of a majority of all outstanding  shares is
required  to approve  the  amendment  of the  Certificate  of  Incorporation  to
increase the authorized  shares of voting Common Stock. A vote to "ABSTAIN" from
voting on this matter has the legal effect of a vote "AGAINST" the matter.  This
is a  "non-routine"  proposal  and  therefore,  banks and brokers  that have not
received  voting  instructions  from their clients cannot vote on their clients'
behalf in  connection  with this  proposal.  These  "non-voted  shares"  will be
considered shares not present and entitled to vote on this matter, although such
shares may be  considered  present and  entitled to vote for other  purposes and
will count for purposes of determining the presence of a quorum.

A shareholder may, with respect to the ratification of the selection of KPMG LLP
("KPMG") as the Company's  independent  registered  public  accounting firm: (i)
vote "FOR"; (ii) vote "AGAINST"; or (iii) "ABSTAIN" from voting. A "FOR" vote of
a majority of votes cast by the holders of capital stock present and represented
by proxy and entitled to vote  thereon (a quorum  being  present) is required to
ratify the selection of the Company's  independent  registered public accounting
firm. A vote to  "ABSTAIN"  from voting on this matter has the legal effect of a
vote "AGAINST" the matter.

Proxy Solicitation Costs

The Company will bear the cost of the  solicitation  of proxies,  including  the
charges and expenses of brokerage firms and others  forwarding the  solicitation
material  to  beneficial  owners of shares of the  Company's  common  stock.  In
addition  to the use of the mail,  directors,  officers,  employees  and certain
stockholders of the Company,  none of whom will receive additional  compensation
for doing so,  may  solicit  proxies  on behalf of the  Company  personally,  by
telephone or by facsimile transmission.

The Company's  Annual Report to its shareholders for the year ended December 31,
2005,  including audited  consolidated  financial  statements,  accompanies this
Proxy Statement.  Except as otherwise  expressly  provided herein, the Company's
Annual Report is not  incorporated  in this Proxy  Statement by  reference.  The
approximate  date on which this Proxy  Statement  and the  accompanying  form of
proxy are first being sent or given to shareholders is April 11, 2006.

Proposal 1:  Election of Directors

Under the Company's  Certificate of  Incorporation,  the members of the Board of
Directors  are divided into three  classes with  approximately  one-third of the
Directors  standing  for  election at each Annual  Meeting.  The  Directors  are
elected  for a  three-year  term of office,  and will hold  office  until  their
respective  successors  have been duly  elected  and  qualified  or until  their
earlier  resignation  or removal.  There were two Class II Directors  elected in
2003 and one Class II  Director  elected by the Board in  November  2005 to hold
office commencing January 1, 2006 until the 2006 Annual Meeting of Shareholders.
One of the Class II Directors,  Mr. Haney, has notified the Company that he does
not intend to stand for re-election.  Mr. Haney intends to serve on the Board of
Directors through the date of the Annual Meeting. The Company's By-Laws provides
for a Board  of not  less  than  three  nor  more  than  fifteen  Directors  and
authorizes the Board to determine the authorized number of Directors within that
range.  The  authorized  number  of  Directors  is  seven,  however,   effective
immediately prior to the annual meeting, the authorized number of Directors will
be reduced to six. Therefore, at this Meeting, two Directors will be elected for
a three-year  term expiring at the Annual  Meeting held in 2009. The nominees of
the Board for the Class II Director positions,  Mr. Sangwoo Ahn, and Mr. Paul D.
Nielsen are currently  members of the Board and have been nominated for election
by the Board upon  recommendation  of the  Nomination  and Corporate  Governance
Committee and each has decided to stand for re-election.

Each of the nominees for the Class II Director  positions,  have been determined
by the Board to be  "independent"  as this term is defined by the New York Stock
Exchange  ("NYSE")  in its  listing  standards  and  pursuant  to the  Company's
Corporate  Governance  Guidelines.  There is no family relationship among any of
the nominees,  Directors, or any of the Company's executive officers ("Executive
Officers"). The Executive Officers serve at the discretion of the Board.

The Board has no reason to believe  that any of the  nominees  will be unable or
unwilling  to serve if  elected.  In the event  that any of the  nominees  shall
become unable or unwilling to accept nomination or election as a Director, it is
intended  that such shares will be voted,  by the persons  named in the enclosed
proxy, for the election of a substitute  nominee  selected by the Board,  unless
the Board should  determine  to reduce the number of  Directors  pursuant to the
By-Laws of the Company.

The names of the nominees and each of the Directors  continuing in office, their
ages as of April 11,  2006,  the year each first became a Director are set forth
in the following table.

Nominees for Director          Age  Since      Term Expires

Sangwoo Ahn .................   67   1986   2006 Annual Meeting of Shareholders
Dr. Paul D. Nielsen .........   55   2006   2006 Annual Meeting of Shareholders

Continuing Directors           Age  Since       Term Expires

Dr. John W. Sammon, Jr.......   67   1968   2007 Annual Meeting of Shareholders
Charles A. Constantino.......   66   1970   2007 Annual Meeting of Shareholders
Kevin R. Jost ...............   51   2004   2008 Annual Meeting of Shareholders
James A. Simms ..............   45   2001   2008 Annual Meeting of Shareholders

The Board of Directors  unanimously  recommends a vote FOR the proposal to elect
Mr.  Ahn and Mr.  Nielsen.  Unless a contrary  direction  is  indicated,  shares
represented by valid proxies and not so marked as to withhold  authority to vote
for the nominees will be voted FOR the election of the nominees.


Sangwoo  Ahn. Mr. Ahn, age 67, has held the position of Chairman of the Board of
Quaker  Fabric  Corporation  since  1993  and is also a member  of the  Board of
Directors of Xanser Corp. Mr. Ahn is a member of Class II of the Company's Board
and has been a Director of the Company since March 1986.

Charles  A.  Constantino.  Mr.  Constantino,  age 66, has held the  position  of
Executive   Vice  President   since  1974  and  holds  various   positions  with
subsidiaries  of the Company.  Mr.  Constantino is also a member of the Board of
Directors of Veramark  Technologies,  Inc. Mr.  Constantino is a member of Class
III of the Company's Board and has been a Director of the Company since 1970.

Kevin R. Jost.  Mr. Jost,  age 51, has been the  President  and Chief  Executive
Officer of Hand Held Products,  Inc. since its inception as a separate entity in
1999. From 1982 through 1999, Mr. Jost was Vice President and General Manager of
Welch Allyn Data  Collection,  a division of Welch  Allyn,  Inc. In 1999,  Welch
Allyn Data  Collection  division became a separate entity and acquired Hand Held
Products,  Inc. and continued  business under the acquired  company's  name. Mr.
Jost is a member of Class I of the  Company's  Board and has been a Director  of
the Company since May 2004.

Dr. Paul D.  Nielsen.  Dr.  Nielsen,  age 55, has been  Director  and CEO of the
Software Engineering Institute ("SEI") at Carnegie Mellon University since 2004.
Prior to joining  SEI,  Dr.  Nielsen  served as a major  general in the U.S. Air
Force,  where he was the  commander  of the Air Force  Research  Laboratory  and
Technology Executive Officer for the Air Force. Dr. Nielsen is a member of Class
II of the Company's Board and has been a Director since January 1, 2006.

Dr. John W. Sammon,  Jr. Dr.  Sammon,  age 67, is the founder of the Company and
has been the  President,  Chief  Executive  Officer  and a  Director  since  its
incorporation  in 1968. He was elected Chairman of the Board in 1983. Dr. Sammon
is also a former President of the Company's subsidiary,  ParTech,  Inc., serving
in that  capacity  from 1978 to 1987 and again from  December  1997 through June
2000 and also currently holds various  positions with other  subsidiaries of the
Company. Dr. Sammon is a member of Class III of the Company's Board.

James A.  Simms.  Mr.  Simms,  age 46,  has been a Managing  Director  of Janney
Montgomery  Scott  LLC,  a  wholly  owned  subsidiary  of The Penn  Mutual  Life
Insurance  Company,  since November  2004.  For the prior seven years,  he was a
senior  executive  with Adams,  Harkness & Hill,  Inc.  Mr. Simms is a member of
Class I of the Company's  Board has been a Director of the Company since October


The  business  of the  Company is under the  general  direction  of the Board as
provided by the  By-Laws of the  Company and the laws of the State of  Delaware,
the state of incorporation.  In 2005, the Board held six meetings and Committees
of the Board held a total of 16 meetings.  Each member of the Board  attended at
least 75% of the  aggregate of all meetings of the Board and the  committees  on
which they served.  It is the Company's policy to encourage  Directors to attend
the Annual Meeting but such attendance is not required. Last year, one member of
the Board attended the Annual Meeting.

All members of the Board are  non-management  directors  except for the Chairman
(Dr. Sammon) and Director  Constantino,  who are also Executive  Officers of the
Company. The non-management directors have chosen Director Ahn to preside at the
regularly  scheduled  executive sessions of the non-management  directors of the
Company.  Interested  parties  may send  written  communication  to the Board of
Directors as a group,  the  non-management  directors as a group,  the presiding
director of executive sessions of non-management directors, or to any individual
director by sending the  communication  c/o Gregory T. Cortese,  Secretary,  PAR
Technology Corporation; PAR Technology Park; 8383 Seneca Turnpike, New Hartford,
NY 13413. Upon receipt, the communication will be relayed to the Chairman, if it
is addressed to the Board as a whole,  to Director  Ahn, if it is addressed  the
presiding director of executive  sessions of the non-management  directors or to
the  non-management  directors as a group, or to the individual  Director if the
communication  is  addressed  to  an  individual  Director.  All  communications
regarding  accounting,  internal  controls and audits will be referred  with the
Audit  committee.  Interested  parties may  communicate  anonymously  if they so

The Board has five  standing  committees:  (i) Executive  Committee,  (ii) Audit
Committee,  (iii)  Compensation  Committee,  (iv) Stock Option Committee and (v)
Nominating and Corporate Governance Committee. The members of each committee and
the  number  of  meetings  held by each  committee  in 2005 are set forth in the
following table.

---------------------- ------------ -------- ----------------- ---------------- -----------------
                                                                                 and Corporate
Name                    Executive    Audit     Compensation     Stock Option       Governance
----                    ---------    -----     ------------     ------------       ----------
Mr. Ahn (F1)                X        Chair                                             X
Mr. Constantino             X                                         X
Mr. Haney (F1)                         X            X                                  X
Mr. Jost (F1)                                     Chair
Dr. Nielsen (F1)(F2)                   X            X                                  X
Dr. Sammon                Chair                                     Chair
Mr. Simms (1)                          X            X                                Chair
---------------------- ------------ -------- ----------------- ---------------- -----------------
2005 Meetings               2          9            3                 2                2
---------------------- ------------ -------- ----------------- ---------------- -----------------

(F1) Independent Directors
(F2) Member of the Board as of January 1, 2006

In its annual  review of Director  independence,  the Board has  determined  all
Directors  to be  independent  except  Mr.  Constantino  and Dr.  Sammon.  For a
Director to be considered "independent",  the Board must affirmatively determine
that the Director has no material relationship with the Company, either directly
or  as a  partner,  shareholder  or  officer  of  an  organization  that  has  a
relationship with the Company.  The Board observes all criteria for independence
established by the NYSE and other governing laws and regulations.

Executive Committee

The  Executive  Committee  has the  delegated  authority  to exercise all of the
powers of the Board in the  management and direction of the business and affairs
of the Corporation in all cases in which specific directions shall not have been
given by the Board and subject to the limitations of the General Corporation Law
of the State of Delaware;  the Company's  Certificate of Incorporation;  and the
Company's By-Laws.  The Executive  Committee meets when required on short notice
during intervals between meetings of the Board.

Audit Committee

In accordance with its Charter,  the Audit Committee  consists of at least three
members,  each of whom has been determined by the Board to meet the independence
standards  adopted by the Board. The standards  adopted by the Board incorporate
the independence requirements of the NYSE Corporate Governance Standards and the
independence  requirements  set forth by the Securities and Exchange  Commission
("SEC").  The Board has  determined  the  members  of the  Audit  Committee  are
"independent"  as this term is defined by the NYSE in its listing  standards and
that no member of the  Audit  Committee  has a  material  relationship  with the
Company  that would  render  that member not to be  "independent".  At least one
member of the Committee  shall,  in the assessment of the Board,  qualify and be
identified as an audit committee  financial expert as defined by the Commission.
The Board has  determined  that  Sangwoo  Ahn is an "audit  committee  financial
expert".  All members of the Committee are  financially  literate at the time of
their  appointment  to the  Committee  or within a reasonable  time  thereafter.
Pursuant to its charter,  the Audit Committee  assists the Board in oversight of
management's  conduct and representations of the Company's reporting  processes,
its  systems of internal  control,  the audit  process,  and its  processes  for
monitoring compliance with laws and regulations and the Company's code of ethics
and conduct.  There were 9 meetings of the Audit Committee during 2005 including
meetings held separately with management,  and separate  Executive Sessions with
independent  Directors,  the  internal  auditor and the  independent  registered
public accounting firm respectively. The Report of the Audit Committee begins on
page 8 of this Proxy  Statement.  The Audit  Committee  operates under a written
charter  adopted by the Board.  The Charter of the Audit  Committee  was updated
during 2005 and a copy is attached to this Proxy Statement as Appendix A.

Compensation Committee

The Compensation  Committee,  which meets as required (but no less than once per
year),  reviews and makes  recommendations  to those  identified  in its charter
regarding the compensation,  benefits, stock options and incentive plans for all
Executive  Officers of the Company,  and in connection with the compensation for
outside  Directors  for service on the Board and  committees  of the Board.  The
Compensation  Committee Report set forth below describes the responsibilities of
this  committee,  and  discloses  the  basis for the  compensation  of the Chief
Executive   Officer,   including  the  factors  and  criteria  upon  which  that
compensation  was  based;  compensation  policies  applicable  to the  Company's
Executive Officers;  and the specific  relationship of corporate  performance to
executive  compensation  for 2005. The  Compensation  Committee Report begins on
page 16 of this Proxy Statement.

Stock Option Committee

The Stock Option Committee,  which meets as required,  makes  recommendations to
the  Compensation  Committee for stock option awards and otherwise serves as the
administrative body for the Company's 1995 Stock Option Plan and the 2005 Equity
Incentive  Plan. Both members of the Stock Option  Committee are  "disinterested
persons" in compliance with the Company's 1995 Stock Option Plan.

Nominating and Corporate Governance Committee

The Nominating and Corporate  Governance  Committee assists the Board in meeting
its responsibilities in connection with the identification and recommendation of
qualified  nominees  for  election  to the  Board,  developing,  monitoring  the
compliance with, and making recommendations to the Board regarding the Company's
governing  principles  and Code of Business  Conduct  and Ethics.  The Board has
determined  that each of the members of this committee has met the  independence
standards adopted by the Board which  incorporate the independence  requirements
under the NYSE listing standards.

The  Nominating and Corporate  Governance  Committee  considers all  shareholder
recommendations  for candidates for the Board. Such shareholder  recommendations
should be sent to: Nominating and Corporate Governance Committee; c/o Gregory T.
Cortese, Secretary; PAR Technology Corporation; PAR Technology Park; 8383 Seneca
Turnpike;  New Hartford,  NY 13413. The committee's  minimum  qualifications and
specific  qualities and skills required for Directors are set forth in Company's
Corporate   Governance   Guidelines  and  Nominating  and  Corporate  Governance
Committee  Charter.  The  Company's  Corporate  Governance  guidelines  and  the
committee's  charter are posted on the  Company's  website and a printed copy of
both documents may be obtained  without charge by written  request.  The website
and address to send such  requests  may be found  under the  heading  "Available
Information"  on page 25 of this Proxy  Statement.  In addition  to  considering
candidates   suggested  by  shareholders,   the  committee  considers  potential
candidates  recommended by current  Directors,  company officers,  employees and
others.  The committee may sometimes use the services of a third party executive
search firm to assist it in  identifying  and evaluating  possible  nominees for
Director.  The  committee  screens all  potential  candidates in the same manner
regardless of the source of the  recommendation.  In identifying and considering
candidates for nomination to the Board, this committee considers, in addition to
the requirements set out in the Company's  Corporate  Governance  Guidelines and
Nominating and Corporate  Governance  Committee Charter,  quality of experience,
the needs of the Company and the range of talent and  experience  represented on
the Board.  When considering a candidate,  the committee will determine  whether
requesting additional information or an interview is appropriate.

Director Nielsen is the only nominee for Director proposed to be elected for the
first time by the  shareholders  at the Annual  Meeting.  Director  Nielsen  was
appointed  by the Board in 2005  with an  effective  date of  January  1,  2006.
Director Nielsen's name was first recommended by the Chief Executive Officer.

Committee Charters

Each of the  Audit,  Compensation,  and  Nominating  and  Governance  Committees
operate under a written charter approved by the Board that is reviewed regularly
by the  respective  committees  which  may  recommend  appropriate  changes  for
approval by the Board. Copies of the charters for the Audit,  Compensation,  and
Nominating and Governance  Committees are posted on the Company's  website and a
printed  copy of these  documents  may be  obtained  without  charge by  written
request.  The website and address to send  requests for printed  copies of these
and  other  available  documents  may be  found  under  the  heading  "Available
Information" on page 25 of this Proxy Statement.

                              DIRECTOR COMPENSATION

Directors who are employees of the Company are not  separately  compensated  for
serving on the Board. In 2005,  non-employee Directors received annual retainers
of $25,000 for  membership on the Board and an attendance  fee of $1,000 per day
for in person  attendance at Board  meetings and any committee  meetings held on
the same day and $500 per day for any committee meetings held on days other than
Board meeting days.  The  attendance fee is $200 if attendance is via telephone.
All  Directors  are also  reimbursed  for all  reasonable  expenses  incurred in
attending meetings. In addition, any non-employee Director elected or re-elected
to the Board of Directors will annually  receive a number of Nonqualified  Stock
Options based on a formula for so long as the status of non-employee Director is

maintained.  The formula  aims to provide  that number of stock  options for the
Company's Common Stock, which on the date of the grant, have a fair market value
("FMV"),  comparable  to the  FMV of  stock  options  and/or  stock  granted  to
non-employee  directors of  comparable  companies as reported in the most recent
survey by The Conference  Board,  Inc.  and/or any other  nationally  recognized
research  firm(s)  determined  by the  Board to be  appropriate(1).  Such  stock
options shall vest on the first  anniversary date of the grant provided that, as
of the anniversary  date the Director's  position had not been vacated by reason
of  resignation  or removal for cause.  In addition,  from time to time,  at the
Board's   discretion,   non-employee   Directors   may  be  granted   additional
Nonqualified Stock Options under the then existing stock option plan(s).

(1) The  formula  is  expressed:  A/B = C where A = FMV of grants by  comparable
companies to their non-employee directors; B = per share FMV of PAR Common Stock
on the date of the  grant;  and C = the  number of shares  of PAR  Common  Stock
represented by Nonqualified Stock Options to be granted.  By way of example,  if
the FMV of  comparable  companies is determined to be $20,000 and, on the day of
the grant,  the FMV of PAR Common Stock is $20 per share,  the Director would be
granted  Nonqualified  Stock  Options  representing  1,000  shares of PAR Common

                          REPORT OF THE AUDIT COMMITTEE

The information  contained in the following  report is subject to the disclaimer
regarding  "soliciting  material" and "filed" information  immediately following
the Compensation Committee Report contained in this Proxy Statement.

For the fiscal year ending December 31, 2005, the Audit  Committee  consisted of
three  members,  Directors  Ahn,  Haney and Simms,  and operated under a written
charter that was updated during the year. A copy of the current Audit  Committee
Charter as approved by the Committee and the Board is set forth in Appendix A to
this Proxy  Statement.  Director Nielsen was appointed to the Committee in 2006.
The Audit  Committee  reports to, and acts on behalf of, the Board by  providing
oversight of the financial management,  independent registered public accounting
firm and financial  reporting process of the Company.  The Company's  management
has the primary responsibility for the preparation of the Company's consolidated
financial statements in accordance with generally accepted accounting principles
("U.S. GAAP"). The Company's management also has the primary  responsibility for
the financial  reporting process,  including the system of internal controls and
procedures  designed to ensure compliance with applicable laws,  regulations and
accounting  standards.  The Company's  independent  registered public accounting
firm, KPMG LLP ("KPMG"), is responsible for auditing the Company's  consolidated
financial  statements and expressing an opinion as to whether those consolidated
financial statements fairly present, in all material respects,  the consolidated
financial  position,  results  of  operations,  cash  flows  of the  Company  in
conformity with U.S. GAAP and on management's assessment of the effectiveness of
the Company's internal control over financial reporting.  In addition, KPMG will
express its own opinion on the  effectiveness of the Company's  internal control
over financial reporting.

In fulfilling its oversight  responsibilities,  the Audit Committee reviewed and
discussed with management and KPMG the audited consolidated financial statements
in the  Annual  Report  for the  year  ended  December  31,  2005  (including  a
discussion  of the  quality,  not  just  the  acceptability,  of the  accounting
principles,  the  reasonableness  of significant  judgments,  and the clarity of
disclosures in the consolidated financial statements);  management's  assessment
of the effectiveness of the Company's internal control over financial reporting;
and  KPMG's  evaluation  of  the  Company's   internal  control  over  financial
reporting. In addition, the Audit Committee has reviewed and discussed with KPMG
such other matters as are required to be discussed  with the Audit  Committee by
Statement on Auditing Standards No. 61 (Communication with Audit Committee),  as
amended.  In addition,  the Audit  Committee  has received from KPMG the written
disclosures  required  by  the  Independence  Standards  Board  Standard  No.  1
(Independence  Discussions with Audit Committees) and held discussions with KPMG
with  respect  to KPMG's  independence  from the  Company's  management  and the
Company itself.

The Audit Committee fully considered any non-audit services provided by KPMG and
the fees and  costs  billed  and  expected  to be  billed by such firm for those
services  (described  in the next  section).  In addition,  the Audit  Committee
considered whether those non-audit services provided by KPMG are compatible with
maintaining  auditor  independence.  In reliance on the reviews and  discussions
with the Company's  management and the independent  registered public accounting
firm, the Committee is satisfied that non-audit services provided to the Company
by KPMG are compatible with and did not impair the independence of KPMG.

Access to the Audit Committee by the Company's  internal auditors and by KPMG is
unrestricted.  The Audit Committee met and discussed with the Company's internal
auditors and KPMG the overall scope and plans for their respective  audits.  The
Audit Committee met with the Company's  internal auditors to discuss the results
of their examinations, their evaluations of the Company's internal controls, and
their  assessment of the overall quality of the Company's  financial  reporting.
These  meetings  were held both  within  and  outside  the  presence  of Company

In  reliance  on the  reviews  and  discussions  referred  to  above,  the Audit
Committee recommended to the Board, and the Board has approved, the inclusion of
the audited consolidated  financial statements in the Annual Report on Form 10-K
for the year ended December 31, 2005 for filing with the Securities and Exchange

The Audit  Committee has selected KPMG as the Company's  independent  registered
public accounting firm for fiscal 2005. One or more  representatives of KPMG are
expected to be in attendance at the Annual Shareholder Meeting,  where they will
have  the  opportunity  to  make a  statement  if they so  desire,  and  will be
available to answer appropriate questions.

         Audit Committee
         Sangwoo Ahn, Chairman
         J. Whitney Haney
         Paul D. Nielsen, Ph.D.
         James A. Simms

Fees Paid to Independent Registered Public Accountants

The following table presents fees paid by the Company for professional  services
by KPMG during the years ended December 31, 2005 and December 31, 2004.

------------------------- --------------- ---------------
   Type of Fees                 2005            2004
------------------------- --------------- ---------------
Audit Fees                $      731,000  $      264,000

Audit-Related Fees                     0          17,000

Tax Fees                  $      125,000          89,000

All Other Fees                         0               0
------------------------- --------------- ---------------
Total:                    $      856,000  $      370,000
------------------------- --------------- ---------------

The  categories of fees in the  preceding  table,  in accordance  with the SEC's
rules and definitions, are defined as follows:

     Audit Fees are fees for professional services rendered for the audit of the
     Company's  consolidated  financial  statements  and  review of the  interim
     consolidated   financial  statements  included  in  quarterly  reports  and
     services  that are  normally  provided  by the auditor in  connection  with
     statutory and regulatory filings or engagements.

     Audit-Related   Fees  are  fees  principally  for  audits  of  consolidated
     financial statements of employee benefit plans and due diligence services.

     Tax  Fees are  fees  for  professional  services  for  federal,  state  and
     international tax compliance, tax advice and tax planning.

     All  Other  Fees are for any  services  not  included  in the  first  three

The Audit  Committee has concluded that the provision of the non-audit  services
listed above is compatible with  maintaining  the  independence of the Company's
independent  registered  public  accounting  firm.  Consistent with SEC policies
regarding auditor independence,  the Audit Committee has established a policy to
pre-approve all auditing services and permitted  non-audit  services,  including
the fees and terms  thereof,  performed  by the  independent  registered  public
accounting firm.


All of the Company's  employees,  including the Chief Executive  Officer and the
Chief Financial Officer ("Officers") are required to abide by the Company's Code
of Business Conduct and Ethics (the "Code") to ensure the Company's  business is
conducted  in a  consistently  legal and  ethical  manner.  The full text of the
Company's    Code    is    available    on    the    Company's     website    at  The  Code is  designed  to  deter
wrongdoing and to promote: (a) honest and ethical conduct, including the ethical
handling  of actual or  apparent  conflicts  of interest  between  personal  and
professional  relationships;  (b) full, fair, accurate timely and understandable
disclosure  in reports and  documents  that the Company files with or submits to
the  SEC  and  other  public  communications;  (c)  compliance  with  applicable
governmental  laws, rules and regulations;  (d) the prompt internal reporting of
violations of the Code to the appropriate  person(s) identified in the Code; and
(e)  accountability  for adherence to the Code. The Company  intends to disclose
future amendments to, or waivers from, certain provisions of the Code that apply
to the Officers and Directors  and relate to the above  elements by posting such
information  on our website within five calendar days following the date of such
amendment or waiver.


John W. Sammon, III and Karen E. Sammon,  members of the immediate family of Dr.
John W. Sammon,  Jr., the Company's  Chairman of the Board,  President and Chief
Executive Officer,  are principals in Sammon and Sammon,  LLC, doing business as
Paragon  Racquet Club.  Paragon  Racquet Club currently  leases a portion of the
Company's facilities at New Hartford, New York at a monthly base rate of $9,775.
The Company provides membership to this facility to all local employees.

John  Springer-Miller,  the President and CEO of the Company's  subsidiary,  PAR
Springer-Miller  Systems,  Inc., is the owner of the building in Stowe, Vermont,
in  which  the  subsidiary  maintains  its  principal  offices.  The  subsidiary
currently  leases the majority of the  building  from Mr.  Springer-Miller  at a
monthly base rate of $30,000.

During the Company's 1996 secondary  offering,  Mr.  Charles A.  Constantino,  a
Director  and a  named  Executive  Officer  of the  Company,  desired  to sell a
significant  portion of his stock in the Company to generate liquid assets to be
used for a personal purchase of property.  The Company,  however,  believed that
the sale of the quantity of shares Mr. Constantino desired to sell would have an
adverse  impact  on the  market  price of the  Company's  stock,  and  therefore
requested that Mr.  Constantino not participate in the sale of shares during the
secondary offering at the level he had proposed. Instead, the Company offered to

extend Mr.  Constantino  loans  which  would  allow him to go  forward  with his
personal purchase.  Consequently,  during 1999, the Company's  subsidiary,  Rome
Research  Corporation,  granted  loans to Mr.  Charles  A.  Constantino  for the
purpose of  purchasing a home,  with annual  interest at the prime rate adjusted
quarterly.  Mr.  Constantino's  home  served  as  collateral  for  these  loans.
Subsequent  to July 30, 2002 the Company  has not made any  material  changes to
these loans. The largest aggregate amount  outstanding  (principal and interest)
under these loans to Mr. Constantino throughout 2005 was $250,902. The principal
and interest of these loans were due on demand from the Company. Mr. Constantino
paid all outstanding principal and interest on this note in May, 2005.


Section  16(a) of the  Securities  Exchange Act of 1934  requires the  Company's
Executive  Officers  and  Directors,  and  persons  who own  more  than 10% of a
registered  class  of the  Company's  equity  securities,  to  file  reports  of
ownership and changes in ownership  with the SEC and the NYSE.  Such persons are
required by  regulations  of the SEC to furnish  the Company  with copies of all
such filings.  Based solely on its review of the copies of such reports received
by the Company and written  representations  from reporting persons, the Company
believes  that all  ownership  filing  requirements  were timely met during 2005
except that: a Form 4 in  connection  with a sale of stock was filed late by Mr.
J. Whitney Haney, a director;  Mr. Albert Lane, Jr., an Executive  Officer,  was
late in filing two Form 4's in connection  with two sales of stock;  Mr. Gregory
T. Cortese, an Executive Officer, was late in filing a Form 4 in connection with
a  cashless  exercise  of  stock  options  and was  late in  filing  a Form 4 in
connection with a gift of stock;  and a Form 4 was filed late in connection with
a sale of stock by Mr. Ronald J. Casciano, an Executive Officer.


The following  table sets forth certain  information  regarding the ownership of
the Company's Common Stock as of February 28, 2006, by each Director, by each of
the named  Executive  Officers and by all Directors and Executive  Officers as a
group.  The table also sets forth  information  regarding  the  ownership of the
Company's  Common Stock by certain holders of 5% or more of the Company's Common
Stock based on several Schedule 13G filings with the SEC.

                                                  Amount and Nature
                                                    of Beneficial       Percent
Name of Beneficial Owner or Group(1)                 Ownership (2)  of Class (3)

Dr. John W. Sammon, Jr.                               5,708,550 (4)    40.33%
Charles A. Constantino.............................     277,050         1.96%
Gregory T. Cortese ................................     330,310 (5)     2.28%
J. Whitney Haney...................................      28,500            *
Sangwoo Ahn........................................      84,000 (6)        *
Ronald J. Casciano ................................     116,850 (7)        *
Albert Lane, Jr.                                         45,949 (8)        *
James A. Simms.....................................      13,500 (9)        *
Kevin R. Jost......................................       3,534 (10)       *
Dr. Paul D. Nielsen................................           0            *
All Directors and Executive Officers
as a Group (10 persons)............................   6,608,243        45.12%
*    Represents less than 1%

(1)  Except as otherwise  noted,  the address for each  beneficial  owner listed
     above is c/o PAR Technology  Corporation;  PAR Technology Park; 8383 Seneca
     Turnpike; New Hartford, NY 13413-4991.

(2)  Except as otherwise  noted,  each individual has sole voting and investment
     power with respect to all shares.

(3)  Percent of Class is calculated  utilizing 14,647,504 which is the number of
     the Company's  outstanding shares as of February 28, 2006 and the number of
     options  held  by  the  named  beneficial  owners,  if  any,  which  become
     exercisable within 60 days thereafter.

(4)  Includes 100 shares held jointly with Dr. Sammon's wife,  Deanna D. Sammon.
     Does not include 286,500 shares  beneficially owned by Mrs. Sammon in which
     Dr. Sammon disclaims beneficial ownership.

(5)  Includes  330,250  shares  which Mr.  Cortese has or will have the right to
     acquire  pursuant to the  Company's  1995 Stock Option Plan as of April 29,

(6)  Includes  24,000 shares which Mr. Ahn has or will have the right to acquire
     pursuant to the Company's 1995 Stock Option Plan as of April 29, 2006.

(7)  Includes  116,850  shares which Mr.  Casciano has or will have the right to
     acquire  pursuant to the  Company's  1995 Stock Option Plan as of April 29,

(8)  Does not include 1500 shares  beneficially  owned by Mrs. Lane in which Mr.
     Lane disclaims beneficial ownership.

(9)  Includes  13,500  shares  which  Mr.  Simms  has or will  have the right to
     acquire  pursuant to the  Company's  1995 Stock Option Plan as of April 29,

(10) Includes  3,524 shares which Mr. Jost has or will have the right to acquire
     pursuant to the Company's 1995 Stock Option Plan as of April 29, 2006.

                             EXECUTIVE COMPENSATION

The following table sets forth information  concerning  compensation for each of
the last  three  fiscal  years  awarded  to,  earned  by,  or paid to the  Chief
Executive Officer and the four other most highly compensated  Executive Officers
of the Company other than the Chief Executive Officer.

                           Summary Compensation Table

                                                                                Long Term
                                                  Annual Compensation             Awards
Name and                                                                        Options/          All Other
Principal Position                       Year      Salary       Bonus(1)        SAR's (#)(2)      Compensation(3)
------------------                       -----------------------------------------------------------------------

Dr. John W. Sammon, Jr.                     2005    $337,886         $244,000            0               $14,384
Chairman of the Board, President            2004    $309,837         $124,035            0                $9,963
and Chief Executive Officer                 2003    $300,500         $104,400            0                $7,691

Charles A. Constantino                      2005    $207,987         $101,200            0               $14,036
Executive Vice President                    2004    $245,864          $84,400            0                $9,916
and Director                                2003    $236,408          $73,200            0                $7,691

Gregory T. Cortese                          2005    $257,629         $135,000            0               $14,384
CEO & President, ParTech, Inc.              2004    $232,717          $75,413            0                $9,963
                                            2003    $231,750          $56,400            0                $7,720

Albert Lane, Jr.                            2005    $233,458         $216,434            0               $14,360
President, Rome Research                    2004    $239,519         $160,900       20,000                $9,958
Corporation and PAR Government              2003    $224,014         $157,900            0                $7,691
Systems Corporation

Ronald J. Casciano                          2005    $182,943          $86,100            0               $14,384
Vice President, C.F.O. & Treasurer          2004    $173,090          $49,483       40,000                $9,963
__________________                          2003    $161,952          $40,200            0                $7,024

(F1) Cash bonus awards earned in the respective fiscal year.

(F2) Represents  stock options  granted  under the  Company's  1995 Stock Option

(F3) All Other Compensation column consists only of Company contributions to the
     Company's  Employee  Retirement  Plan and Trust and the Company's  matching
     contribution to the 401(k) savings plan.

The policies and practices of the Corporation pursuant to which the compensation
set forth in the  Summary  Compensation  Table was paid or awarded is  described
under  "Compensation  Committee  Report"  set  forth  elsewhere  in  this  Proxy

         Aggregated Option Exercises in 2005 and Year-End Option Values

The table which  follows sets forth  information  concerning  exercises of stock
options  during  2005 by each of the  Executive  Officers  named in the  Summary
Compensation  Table and the value of his unexercised  options as of December 31,
2005 based on a fair market  value of $18.63 per share of the  Company's  Common
Stock on such date:

                                        Shares                         Number of Unexercised      Value of Unexercised in the
                                      Acquired on     Value(1)          Options at 12/31/05      Money Options at 12/31/05(2)
                                                                  --------------- -------------- -------------- --------------
               Name                   Exercise       Realized      Exercisable     Unexercisable  Exercisable    Unexercisable
----------------------------------- -------------- -------------- --------------- -------------- -------------- --------------

Ronald J. Casciano                        22,500        $382,360         100,000        53,250      $1,649,003       $672,191

Charles A. Constantino                     -----           -----           -----         -----           -----          -----

Gregory T. Cortese                       146,550      $2,349,467         335,250         -----      $5,435,771          -----

Albert Lane, Jr.                          30,682        $294,100          12,267        17,733        $164,378       $237,622

Dr. John W. Sammon, Jr.                    -----           -----           -----         -----           -----          -----
----------------------------------- -------------- -------------- --------------- -------------- -------------- --------------

(F1) The Value  Realized  equals the aggregate  amount of the excess of the fair
     market  value  on the date of  exercise  (the  average  of the high and low
     prices of the Company's Common Stock as reported in the Wall Street Journal
     for the exercise date) over the relevant exercise price(s).

(F2) The value is  calculated  based on the  aggregate  amount of the  excess of
     $18.63 (the fair market  value of the  Company's  Common Stock on 12/31/05)
     over the relevant exercise price(s).

Employment  Contracts  and  Termination  of  Employment  and   Change-in-Control

The Company has an arrangement with Mr. Cortese that provides that in the event
Mr. Cortese is terminated from the Company without cause he is entitled to
receive severance payment equal to one year of his base salary as of the time of

                          COMPENSATION COMMITTEE REPORT

The information  contained in the following  report is subject to the disclaimer
regarding  "soliciting  material" and "filed" information  immediately following
this Compensation Committee Report.

Committee Membership and Process

For the fiscal  year  ending  December  31,  2005,  the  Compensation  Committee
consisted of three members,  Directors Jost,  Haney and Simms,  all of whom have
been determined by the Board to be  "independent.  The  responsibilities  of the
Compensation  Committee are set forth in the Committee's charter and include the
review and evaluation of the Chief Executive Officer's compensation;  review and
approval  of  compensation  packages,  as  recommended  by the  Chief  Executive
Officer,  for the Executive  Officers of the Company;  the review and discussion
with the Company's Chief Executive Officer,  on at least an annual basis, of the
incentive  compensation  programs  for the fiscal year as well as the  corporate
goals and objectives  related to such programs;  oversight of the administration
of the  Company's  incentive,  equity based and other  compensatory  plans;  the
recommendation  of changes  and/or the  adoption  of new plans to the Board,  as
appropriate;  and the  annual  review  of the  Company's  retirement  and  other
compensation programs that involve significant cost to the Company.

Executive Compensation Policy

In developing its compensation policies, the Committee has sought to further the
Company's  objectives  of  attracting,  motivating,  retaining and rewarding the
management  talent  necessary  to achieve the  Company's  performance  goals and
maintaining  its  leadership  position in the  industries  in which it competes.
Accordingly, the Committee has adopted the following overriding policies:

     o    Executive   compensation   must  be  tied  to  the  Company's  general
          performance and achievement of financial and strategic goals;

     o    Executive compensation  opportunities should be competitive with those
          provided by other  companies  of  comparable  size  engaged in similar
          businesses; and

     o    Executive  compensation  should  provide  incentives  that  align  the
          long-term financial interests of the Company's Executive Officers with
          those of its shareholders.

Compensation  for the Company's  Executive  Officers in 2005 was consistent with
the above policies.  The primary responsibility of the Company's Chief Executive
Officer and its other Executive Officers is the enhancement of shareholder value
through  balancing the  requirements of long term growth with the achievement of
short term  performance.  The  contribution  an  Executive  Officer  has made to
achieve the Company's  short term  strategic  performance  objectives as well as
that Executive  Officer's  anticipated  contribution toward long term objectives
provide the basis upon which the officer's  individual  compensation  awards are

Elements of Executive Compensation

To meet its policy objectives for Executive Officer compensation,  the Company's
Executive  Officers  are  compensated  through  a  combination  of Base  Salary,
Bonuses,  Stock Options,  Deferred Compensation and various benefits,  including
medical and 401(k) plans generally available to employees of the Company.

Base Salary.  In setting the annual base salary of the Chief  Executive  Officer
and in reviewing and  approving the annual base salaries of the other  Executive
Officers,  the  Compensation  Committee  considered  the  salaries  of  relative
executives  in  similar  positions,  the  level  and  scope  of  responsibility,
experience and performance of the Executive Officer,  the financial  performance
of the Company;  and other overall general  economic  factors.  The Compensation
Committee   believes  the  companies   with  which  the  Company   competes  for
compensation  purposes  are  not  necessarily  the  same  companies  with  which
shareholder  cumulative  returns  are  compared.  The  peer  groups  used in the
Performance  Graph below include the Standard & Poor's 500 Stock Index and those
companies deemed most comparable to the Company's  businesses for the purpose of
measuring stock performance. In contrast, the salary information utilized by the
Company and the Compensation Committee includes national third party survey data
for  salaries in the high  technology  group within the durable  goods  industry
sector as reported in a nationally recognized report on executive  compensation.
An  objective  of the  Compensation  Committee  is to  approve a salary for each
Executive  Officer within a range with a midpoint near the average  midpoint for
similar  positions at comparable  companies taking into account variables of the
comparable companies,  such as the size and industry,  geographic location,  and

comparison of duties.  Consideration is also given to the individual performance
of that Executive  Officer,  the performance of the organization  over which the
Executive Officer has responsibility, the performance of the Company and general
economic  conditions  (with  each  factor  being  weighted  as the  Compensation
Committee deems appropriate).

Bonuses. The purpose of the Company's bonus program for Executive Officers is to
provide  incentive  based  compensation  to  Executive  Officers for meeting and
exceeding   pre-established  financial  performance  goals  for  the  respective
business units under their control. In general, the financial  performance goals
of the Executive  Officers (other than the Chief Executive Officer) are approved
by the Chief Executive Officer. For 2005, for Executive Officers of all business
units, the financial  performance measures taken into consideration to determine
an appropriate bonus included profit before tax, revenue and accounts receivable
collection  cycle.  Bonuses for  Executive  Officers  overseeing  the  Company's
Hospitality business segment,  ParTech, Inc., included the additional element of
inventory turns.

Stock Options.  In furtherance of the objective of providing long-term financial
incentives  that relate to  improvement  in  long-term  shareholder  value,  the
Company awards stock options to its key employees  (including Executive Officers
other than Dr. Sammon and Mr. Constantino) under the Company's 1995 Stock Option
Plan ("Option Plan").  Stock options  ("Options")  granted under the Option Plan
may be either  Incentive  Stock Options as defined by the Internal  Revenue Code
("Incentive  Stock  Options") or Options which are not  Incentive  Stock Options
("Nonqualified  Stock  Options").   Upon  review  of  recommendations  from  the
Compensation Committee,  the Stock Option Committee determines the key employees
of the Company and its subsidiaries  who shall be granted  Options,  the type of
Options  to be  granted,  the terms of the grant and the  number of shares to be
subject thereto.  Option grants become exercisable no less than six months after
the grant and  typically  expire  ten (10)  years  after the date of the  grant.
Option  grants  are  discretionary  and  are  reflective  of  the  value  of the
recipient's  position,  as  well  as  the  current  performance  and  continuing
contribution of that individual to the Company.

Deferred  Compensation.  The Company sponsors an unfunded Deferred  Compensation
Plan for a select  group of  highly  compensated  employees  that  includes  the
Executive Officers.  The Deferred  Compensation Plan was adopted effective March
4, 2004.  Participants may make voluntary  deferrals of their salary to the plan
in excess of tax code  limitations  that apply to the Company's  qualified plan.
The Company also has the sole discretion to make employer  contributions  to the
plan on  behalf  of the  participants,  though  it did  not  make  any  employer
contributions  in 2005.  Contributions  to the  plan  are held in a  rabbi-trust
established  by the Company  and  invested in a group  variable  universal  life
insurance  contract insuring the lives of the  participants.  The group variable
universal  life  insurance  contract  is owned by the Company and subject to the
claims of its creditors.  Contributions  to the plan are allocated to a separate
account  established  in each  participant's  name.  Each  separate  account  is
credited with the participant's elective deferrals and Company contributions, if
any. The value of each participant's  account is credited or debited with deemed
earnings,  gains  or  losses  based  on the cash  surrender  value of the  group
variable  universal life insurance  contract.  Distribution  of a  participant's
account balance is permitted upon that participant's  termination of employment,
death,  disability or financial  hardship.  Payment of a  participant's  account
balance  will be made in a lump sum  payment  or in annual  installments  over a
period  of two to 15  years,  as  selected  by the  participant.  The plan  also
provides that if a  participant  dies, a death benefit equal to $10,000 shall be
paid in  addition  to the  account  balance as of the time of the  participant's

Benefits and Perquisites.  The Company makes available to its Executive Officers
the  medical,  dental,  profit  sharing  plan,  401(k)  plan and life  insurance
benefits that are  generally  available to Company  employees.  Under the 401(k)
plan, all participants  receive a matching  contribution at the rate of 10% from

the Company.  The amount of any perquisites  received by the Company's Executive
Officers,  as  determined  in  accordance  with the rules of the SEC relating to
executive compensation, did not exceed 10% of the respective Executive Officer's
salary for fiscal 2005.

Compliance  with Internal  Revenue Code Section  162(m).  Section  162(m) of the
Internal Revenue Code of 1986, as amended,  provides that compensation in excess
of $1,000,000  paid to the Chief  Executive  Officer or to any of the other four
most highly  compensated  executive officers of a publicly held company will not
be deductible for federal income tax purposes  unless such  compensation is paid
pursuant to one of the enumerated  exceptions set forth in Section  162(m).  The
Company's  primary  objective in designing and  administering  its  compensation
policies is to support and encourage the achievement of the Company's  long-term
strategic  goals and to enhance  stockholder  value.  In general,  stock options
granted under the Company's  2005 Equity  Incentive Plan are intended to qualify
under and comply with the "performance  based  compensation"  exemption provided
under  Section  162(m),  thus  excluding  from the Section  162(m)  compensation
limitation  any income  recognized by executives at the time of exercise of such
stock options.  Because salary and bonuses paid to our Chief  Executive  Officer
and four  most  highly  compensated  executive  officers,  have  been  below the
$1,000,000  threshold,  the  Committee  has  elected,  at this  time,  to retain
discretion  over bonus  payments,  rather than to ensure that payments of salary
and bonus in excess of  $1,000,000  are  deductible.  The  Committee  intends to
review  periodically the potential  impacts of Section 162(m) in structuring and
administering the Company's compensation programs.

Chief Executive Officer Compensation for Fiscal 2005

The Compensation  Committee reviews,  on at least an annual basis, the goals and
objectives relevant to the compensation of the Company's Chief Executive Officer
and evaluates the Chief Executive Officer's  performance in light of those goals
and objectives. Based on this evaluation, either as a committee or together with
the  other  independent  Directors  directed  by  the  Board,  the  Compensation
Committee  determines  and  approves  the  compensation  of the Chief  Executive
Officer. The Compensation  Committee's  recommendation to the Board for the 2005
compensation  of the  Chief  Executive  Officer  was based on the  policies  and
practices  described above for Executive  Compensation in general.  Dr. Sammon's
2005  base  salary  was  established  after  review of his  performance  and the
comparative  information  from the third party salary survey data. Dr.  Sammon's
base  salary  in  2005  was  $337,886,  which  is  below  the  midpoint  of  the
compensation  peer group  contained  in the third party  survey and  reflects an
increase of 9% over Dr. Sammon's base salary for 2004.

In  establishing  Dr.  Sammon's total  compensation  package,  the  Compensation
Committee also  considered the financial  performance of the Company in 2005 and
compared this performance to the 2005 goals the Compensation Committee (with Dr.
Sammon  recused) had established for Dr. Sammon a year earlier during the course
of his 2004 performance  review.  The  Compensation  Committee noted the Company
exceeded all of the  pre-established  financial  performance goals to the extent
that would entitle the Chief Executive Officer to payment of a 2005 bonus in the
amount of $244,000.

Dr.  Sammon,  the Company's  founder,  became a  shareholder  before the Company
became  publicly-owned  and has not, to date,  been  granted  options  under the
Option Plan or any of the Company's  previous  stock option plans in view of his
already existing  substantial  interest in maximizing the value of the Company's
Common Stock. In addition, as Chairman of the Stock Option Committee, Dr. Sammon
is considered a "disinterested person" and therefore was not eligible to receive
stock option grants under the 1995 Option Plan.

         Compensation Committee

         Kevin R. Jost, Chairman
         J. Whitney Haney
         Dr. Paul D. Nielsen
         James A. Simms

Notwithstanding  anything  to the  contrary  set  forth in any of the  Company's
previous  filings under the  Securities Act of 1933, as amended (the "1933 Act")
or the Securities  Exchange Act of 1934 (the "1934 Act") that might  incorporate
by reference this Proxy Statement,  in whole or in part, the Report of the Audit
Committee  found  earlier  in  this  Proxy  Statement,  the  above  Compensation
Committee  Report and the Performance  Graph set forth below shall not be deemed
to be  incorporated  by reference into any filing under the 1933 Act or the 1934
Act,  except  to the  extent  the  Company  specifically  incorporates  them  by
reference  into a filing  under  the 1933 Act or the 1934 Act,  nor  shall  such
Report of the Audit  Committee,  Compensation  Committee  Report or  Performance
Graph be deemed to be  "soliciting  material"  or to be "filed"  with the SEC or
subject to  Regulation  14A or 14C under the 1934 Act or to the  liabilities  of
Section  18 of the 1934  Act,  except to the  extent  the  Company  specifically
incorporates them by reference into a filing under the 1933 Act or the 1934 Act.
As of  the  date  of  this  Proxy  Statement,  the  Company  has  made  no  such
incorporation by reference or request.

                                PERFORMANCE GRAPH

The following performance graph compares the cumulative total shareholder return
on the  Company's  Common  Stock  with the  Standard  & Poor's 500 Index and the
common  stock  of a self  constructed  peer  group  made up of  companies  on an
industry  basis,  which  companies'  returns  are  weighted  according  to their
respective  market  capitalizations  at the beginning of each year for which the
return is calculated.  The graph is constructed on the assumption  that $100 was
invested in each of the Company's Common Stock, the S&P 500 Stock Index, and the
peer group on December 31,  2000.  The year-end  values of each  investment  are
based on share price appreciation and the reinvestment of dividends.

                                         Cumulative Total Return ($)
                             12/00   12/01   12/02    12/03    12/04    12/05

PAR TECHNOLOGY CORPORATION  100.00  138.67  368.00   426.13    603.73   1482.53
S & P 500                   100.00   88.12   68.64    88.33     97.94    102.75
PEER GROUP                  100.00   84.96   77.78   114.98    178.98    246.56


* $100  invested  on  12/31/00  in  stock  or  index-including  reinvestment  of
dividends. Fiscal year ending December 31.

Graph and  Chart:  Copyright  (C) 2006,  Standard & Poor's,  a  division  of The
McGraw-Hill        Companies,        Inc.       All       rights       reserved.

The  following  companies are included in the Company's  self  constructed  Peer
Group:  Aspeon, Inc. (formerly known as Javelin Systems,  Inc.); Micros Systems,
Inc.; Radiant Systems, Inc. and PAR Technology Corporation.

Proposal 2: Approval of the PAR  Technology  Corporation  2005 Equity  Incentive

At the Annual Meeting,  the  stockholders  will be requested to consider and act
upon a proposal to approve the  Corporation's  2005 Equity  Incentive  Plan,  as
amended  (the  "Stock  Plan").  On December  28,  2005,  the Board of  Directors
approved, subject to stockholder approval at the Annual Meeting, the adoption of
the Stock Plan, and further amended the Stock Plan on March 29, 2006 to increase
the number of shares subject to issuance thereunder to 1,000,000, all subject to
stockholder approval.

The  stockholders  will be requested  at the Annual  Meeting to consider and act
upon a proposal to approve the Stock Plan,  as amended.  The Board of  Directors
believes  that the  Corporation's  ability to  continue  to  attract  and retain
qualified employees is in large part dependent upon the Corporation's ability to
provide such employees long-term,  equity-based  incentives in the form of stock
options as part of their compensation.  The Corporation's 1995 Stock Option Plan
terminated according to its terms in April 2005. The Board of Directors believes
that  the  approval  of  the  Stock  Plan,  as  amended,  would  allow  for  the
continuation  of the  Corporation's  current  equity  compensation  program  for
employees,  directors  and  other  service  providers  to  the  Corporation.  An
affirmative   majority  of  the  votes  cast  by  the  stockholders  present  or
represented  by proxy and entitled to vote at the Annual  Meeting is required to
approve the amendment.

The maximum  aggregate  number of shares of Common Stock  available for issuance
under the Stock Plan is 1,000,000  shares.  The shares of Common Stock available
for  issuance  under the Stock  Plan are  subject  to  adjustment  for any stock
dividend,  recapitalization,  stock split,  stock  combination  or certain other
corporate  reorganizations.  Shares  issued  may  consist in whole or in part of
authorized but unissued  shares or treasury  shares.  Shares subject to an award
that expires or is  terminated  unexercised  or is  forfeited  for any reason or
settled in a manner that results in fewer shares outstanding than were initially
awarded  will again be  available  for award under the Stock  Plan.  The maximum
number of shares which may be granted to an  individual  in a fiscal year is the
number of shares of Common Stock that are  authorized  for issuance  pursuant to
the Plan.

On the record date for the Annual Meeting,  the market price, as reported by the
New York Stock  Exchange,  of Common Stock,  the class of stock  underlying  all
options, awards and purchases subject to the Stock Plan was $17.91 per share. As
of the record  date for the Annual  Meeting,  no options to  purchase  shares of
Common Stock were issued to non-officer employees of the Corporation.

As described under Director Compensation  elsewhere in this Proxy Statement,  it
is the Company's  policy to annually  grant  non-employee  Directors a number of
Nonqualified Stock Options based on a formula.  The formula aims to provide that
number of stock options for the Company's Common Stock, which on the date of the
grant, have a fair market value ("FMV"),  comparable to the FMV of stock options
and/or  stock  granted to  non-employee  directors  of  comparable  companies as
reported in the most recent  survey by The  Conference  Board,  Inc.  and/or any
other  nationally  recognized  research  firm(s)  determined  by the Board to be
appropriate.  Such stock options vest on the first anniversary date of the grant
provided that, as of the anniversary  date the Director's  position had not been
vacated by reason of resignation or removal for cause.

A summary of the Stock Plan is set forth below. The full text of the Stock Plan
is attached to this Proxy Statement as Appendix B.

The Stock Plan

The Stock Plan was adopted by the Board of  Directors  on December  28, 2005 and
was  amended  on March 29,  2006.  The Stock  Plan  currently  provides  for the
issuance of a maximum of 1,000,000  shares of Common Stock pursuant to the grant
to employees of Incentive  Stock Options  ("ISOs") within the meaning of Section
422 of the Code and the grant of  Non-Qualified  Stock  Options  (the  "NQSOs"),
stock awards  ("Awards") or  opportunities  to make direct purchases of stock in
the Corporation ("Purchases") to employees, consultants, directors and executive
officers of the  Corporation.  As of March 1, 2006,  1,591 employees  (including
directors who are also employees of the Corporation and executive  officers) and
5 non-employee directors are eligible to participate in the Stock Plan.

The Stock Plan is administered by the Board of Directors.  The Board may, to the
extent permitted by applicable law,  delegate any or all of its powers under the
Stock Plan to the Corporation's  Compensation  Committee.  Each grant of an ISO,
NQSO,  Award or right to  Purchase  shall be  evidenced  by a  written  document
delivered to the  participant  specifying the terms and  conditions  thereof and
containing such other terms and conditions not inconsistent  with the provisions
of the Stock Plan as the Board of Directors  considers  necessary or  advisable.
Each type of grant may be made  alone,  in  addition  to, or in  relation to any
other type of grant.  The terms of each type of award need not be identical  and
the Board need not treat participants uniformly.  The Board may amend, modify or
terminate any outstanding grant,  including substituting therefor another award,
changing the date of exercise or realization  and converting an incentive  stock
option to a nonqualified stock option,  provided that the participant's  consent
to such action  shall be required  unless the Board  determines  that the action
would not materially and adversely affect the participant.

The Board of Directors will determine  whether grants pursuant to the Stock Plan
are settled in whole or in part in cash,  Common Stock,  other securities of the
Company, other property or such other methods as the Board of Directors may deem
appropriate.  In the Board's discretion, tax obligations required to be withheld
in  respect  of an award  may be paid in whole or in part in  shares  of  Common
Stock,  including  shares retained from such award. The Board will determine the
effect on an award of the death, disability,  retirement or other termination of
employment of a participant  and the extent to which and period during which the
participant's  legal  representative,  guardian or  designated  beneficiary  may
receive payment of an award or exercise rights  thereunder.  Except as otherwise
provided by the Board,  grants under the Stock Plan are not  transferable  other
than as  designated  by the  participant  by will or by the laws of descent  and
distribution  or, in the case of NQSOs and Purchase  rights only,  pursuant to a
valid domestic  relations  order or to certain  trusts or other estate  planning

The Board of Directors in its  discretion  may take certain  actions in order to
preserve  a  participant's  rights in the event of a change  in  control  of the
Company,  including  (i)  providing  for the  acceleration  of any  time  period
relating to the exercise or  realization  of the grant,  (ii)  providing for the
purchase  of the grant for an amount of cash or other  property  that could have
been received upon the exercise or  realization  of the grant had the award been
currently  exercisable  or payable,  (iii)  adjusting  the terms of the award in
order to reflect the change in control, (iv) causing the award to be assumed, or
new rights  substituted  therefor,  by another entity,  or (v) making such other
provision as the Board may consider  equitable  and in the best  interest of the
Corporation,  provided  that,  in the case of an action taken with respect to an
outstanding  award, the  participant's  consent to such action shall be required
unless the Board  determines  that the action,  taking into  account any related
action, would not materially and adversely affect the participant.

The Board of Directors of the  Corporation  may amend,  suspend or terminate the
Stock Plan or any portion thereof at any time;  provided that no amendment shall
be made  without  stockholder  approval if such  approval is necessary to comply
with any applicable law, rules or regulations.

Subject to the  provisions  of the Stock Plan,  the Board of  Directors  has the
authority  to select  the  optionees  and  determine  the  terms of the  options
granted,  including:  (i) the number of shares subject to each option, (ii) when
the option becomes exercisable, (iii) the exercise price of the option, (iv) the
duration  of the  option  and (v) the  time,  manner  and form of  payment  upon
exercise of an option. The Board of Directors  determines the exercise price per
share for NQSOs,  Awards and  Purchases  under the Stock  Plan,  so long as such
exercise price is no less than the minimum legal consideration required therefor
under the laws of any jurisdiction in which the Corporation may be organized. As
provided under the Plan, the number of shares of Common Stock underlying a stock
option  and the  exercise  price  thereof  will  continue  to  adjust  when  the
Corporation effects a stock split, stock dividend,  merger or similar event. The
exercise  price per share  for each ISO and NQSO to be  granted  under the Stock
Plan may not be less than the fair market value per share of Common Stock on the
date of such grant.  In the case of an ISO to be granted to an  employee  owning
stock  possessing more than ten percent (10%) of the total combined voting power
of all  classes  of stock of the  Corporation,  the price per share for such ISO
shall not be less than one hundred ten percent  (110%) of the fair market  value
per share of Common Stock on the date of grant.  Each option granted will expire
on the date specified by the Board of Directors, but not more than (i) ten years
from the date of grant in the case of options generally and (ii) five years from
the date of  grant  in the case of ISOs  granted  to an  employee  owning  stock
possessing more than ten percent (10%) of the total combined voting power of all
classes of stock of the  Corporation.  Generally,  no ISO may be exercised  more
than 90 days following  termination of  employment.  However,  in the event that
termination  is due to death or  disability,  the  option is  exercisable  for a
maximum of 180 days after such termination.

Subject to provisions of the Stock Plan, the Board of Directors may grant shares
of restricted  stock to  participants,  with such  restricted  periods and other
conditions  as the Board may  determine  and for no cash  consideration  or such
minimum  consideration  as  may  be  required  by  applicable  law.  During  the
restricted period,  unless otherwise determined by the Board, stock certificates
evidencing  the  restricted  shares  will be held by the  Company and may not be
sold,  assigned,  transferred,   pledged  or  otherwise  encumbered,  except  as
permitted by the Board. At the expiration of the restricted  period, the Company
will deliver such  certificates  to the  participant  or, if the participant has
died, to the beneficiary designed by the participant.

Subject to the  provisions  of the 2006 Plan,  the Board of Directors  may award
stock awards,  which may be designated as award shares by the Board,  subject to
such terms, restrictions, conditions, performance criteria, vesting requirements
and payment needs, if any, as the Board shall determine.  Shares of Common Stock
or other rights awarded in connection  with a stock award shall be issued for no
cash consideration or such minimum consideration as may be required by law.

United States Federal Income Tax Consequences

The following discussion of United States federal income tax consequences of the
issuance and exercise of options,  Awards and Purchases  granted under the Stock
Plan is based upon the  provisions  of the Code as in effect on the date of this
Proxy Statement,  current regulations and existing administrative rulings of the
Internal  Revenue  Service,  all of which are  subject to change  (perhaps  with
retroactive  effect).  It is not intended to be a complete  discussion of all of
the United  States  federal  income tax  consequences  of these  plans or of the
requirements  that  must  be met in  order  to  qualify  for the  described  tax
treatment.  In addition there may be foreign,  state, and local tax consequences
that are not discussed herein.

Incentive Stock Options:  The following  general rules will be applicable  under
current  United  States  federal  income tax law to ISOs granted under the Stock

     1.   In general,  no taxable  income results to the optionee upon the grant
          of an ISO or upon  the  issuance  of  shares  to him or her  upon  the
          exercise of the ISO, and the  Corporation is not entitled to a federal
          income tax  deduction  upon  either the grant or  exercise  of an ISO.
          However,  under certain circumstances there may be alternative minimum
          tax, as described above.

     2.   If shares  acquired upon exercise of an ISO are not disposed of within
          (i) two years  following the date the ISO was granted or (ii) one year
          following  the date the shares are issued to the optionee  pursuant to
          the ISO exercise (the "Holding  Periods"),  the difference between the
          amount  realized on any  subsequent  disposition of the shares and the
          exercise  price will  generally  be treated as capital gain or loss to
          the optionee.

     3.   If shares  acquired  upon  exercise of an ISO are  disposed of and the
          optionee   does  not  satisfy  the   requisite   Holding   Periods  (a
          "Disqualifying Disposition"), then in most cases the lesser of (i) any
          excess of the fair market  value of the shares at the time of exercise
          of the ISO  over  the  exercise  price  or  (ii)  the  actual  gain on
          disposition,  will be treated as compensation to the optionee and will
          be taxed as ordinary income in the year of such disposition.

     4.   In  any  year  that  an  optionee  recognizes  ordinary  income  on  a
          Disqualifying  Disposition of stock acquired by exercising an ISO, the
          Corporation  generally will be entitled to a  corresponding  deduction
          for federal income tax purposes,  provided the Corporation reports the
          income on a timely  provided and filed Form W-2 or 1099,  whichever is

     5.   The  difference  between the amount  realized  by the  optionee as the
          result of a Disqualifying  Disposition and the sum of (i) the exercise
          price and (ii) the  amount of  ordinary  income  recognized  under the
          above rules will be treated as capital gain or loss.

     6.   Capital gain or loss  recognized  by an optionee on a  disposition  of
          shares  will be  long-term  capital  gain  or  loss if the  optionee's
          holding period for the shares exceeds 12 months.

     7.   An optionee may be entitled to exercise an ISO by delivering shares of
          the  Corporation's  Common Stock to the  Corporation in payment of the
          exercise  price,  if the optionee's  ISO agreement so provides.  If an
          optionee exercises an ISO in such fashion, special rules will apply.

     8.   In addition to the tax  consequences  described above, the exercise of
          ISOs may result in a further "alternative minimum tax" under the Code.
          The Code provides that an "alternative minimum tax" (at a maximum rate
          of 28%)  will be  applied  against a  taxable  base  which is equal to
          "alternative   minimum  taxable   income,"   reduced  by  a  statutory
          exemption.  In  general,  the  amount by which the value of the Common
          Stock  received upon exercise of the ISO exceeds the exercise price is
          included in the  optionee's  alternative  minimum  taxable  income.  A
          taxpayer is required to pay the higher of his regular tax liability or
          the alternative  minimum tax. A taxpayer who pays alternative  minimum
          tax  attributable  to the  exercise of an ISO may be entitled to a tax
          credit against his or her regular tax liability in later years.

     9.   Special rules apply if the Common Stock acquired  through the exercise
          of an ISO is subject to vesting, or is subject to certain restrictions
          on resale under  federal  securities  laws  applicable  to  directors,
          officers or 10% stockholders.

Non-Qualified  Options: The following general rules are applicable under current
federal income tax law to NQSOs to be granted under the Stock Plan.

     1.   The optionee  generally does not recognize any taxable income upon the
          grant of a NQSO,  and the  Corporation  is not  entitled  to a federal
          income tax deduction by reason of such grant.

     2.   The optionee generally will recognize ordinary  compensation income at
          the time of exercise of the NQSO in an amount equal to the excess,  if
          any,  of the fair  market  value of the shares on the date of exercise
          over the exercise  price.  The Corporation may be required to withhold
          income tax on this amount.

     3.   When the optionee sells the shares acquired  through the exercise of a
          NQSO, he or she generally  will recognize a capital gain or loss in an
          amount equal to the  difference  between the amount  realized upon the
          sale of the shares and his or her basis in the stock  (generally,  the
          exercise  price  plus the amount  taxed to the  optionee  as  ordinary
          income).  If the  optionee's  holding period for the shares exceeds 12
          months, such gain or loss will be a long-term capital gain or loss.

     4.   The Corporation  generally  should be entitled to a federal income tax
          deduction when ordinary income is recognized by the optionee  pursuant
          to the exercise of a NQSO, provided the Corporation reports the income
          on a  timely  provided  and  filed  Form  W-2 or  1099,  whichever  is

     5.   An optionee may be entitled to exercise a NQSO by delivering shares of
          the  Corporation's  Common Stock to the  Corporation in payment of the
          exercise  price.  If an  optionee  exercises  a NQSO in such  fashion,
          special rules will apply.

     6.   Special rules apply if the Common Stock acquired  through the exercise
          of a NQSO is subject to vesting, or is subject to certain restrictions
          on resale under  federal  securities  laws  applicable  to  directors,
          officers or 10% stockholders.

Awards and Purchases:  The following  general rules are applicable under current
federal  income  tax law to the grant of Awards  and  Purchases  under the Stock

     1.   Persons  receiving  Common Stock  pursuant to an award of Common Stock
          ("Award")  or a grant  of an  opportunity  to  purchase  Common  Stock
          ("Purchase")  generally  recognize  ordinary  income equal to the fair
          market value of the shares  received,  reduced by any  purchase  price

     2.   The Corporation  generally will be entitled to a corresponding federal
          income tax deduction.  When such stock is sold,  the seller  generally
          will recognize capital gain or loss.

Special  rules apply if the stock  acquired  pursuant to an Award or Purchase is
subject  to  vesting,  or is subject to  certain  restrictions  on resale  under
federal securities laws applicable to directors, officers or 10% stockholders.

The Board of Directors unanimously recommends a vote FOR the proposal to approve
the 2005 Equity Incentive Plan.  Proxies solicited by the Board will be so voted
unless shareholders specify otherwise in their proxies.

Proposal 3:  Approval  the  amendment of the  Certificate  of  Incorporation  to
increase  the  authorized  shares of voting  Common  Stock  from  19,000,000  to

The Corporation's  Certificate of Incorporation  (the  "Certificate")  presently
authorizes the issuance of 20,000,000 shares, consisting of 19,000,000 shares of
common stock,  par value $.02 per share and 1,000,000 shares of preferred stock,
par  value  $.02 per  share.  The Board of  Directors  has  determined  that the
Certificate  should be amended to increase  the number of  authorized  shares of
common  stock from  19,000,000  to  29,000,000,  and has  unanimously  approved,
subject to stockholder  approval, an amendment to the Certificate to effect this

As of March 22, 2006,  there were  14,157,620  shares of common stock issued and
outstanding;  1,778,304  shares of common stock held in treasury;  and 1,237,000
shares of common stock reserved for issuance upon the award of restricted  stock
or the  exercise of options or other equity  awards  under  equity  compensation
plans.  This leaves a total of 1,827,076  shares of common stock  available  for
future  issuance  or  reservation.  There  are  no  shares  of  preferred  stock

The Board of  Directors  believes  that an increase in the number of  authorized
shares of common stock is necessary to provide the  Corporation  with additional
financial  flexibility  to meet  its  future  business  needs.  If the  proposed
amendment is approved by the stockholders,  the Corporation will have additional
shares  available  for  acquisitions,  financings,  stock  option  plans,  stock
dividends or stock splits, and other corporate  purposes.  The additional shares
would be available for issuance without further stockholder approval,  except as
may be required by applicable  law or the rules of the New York Stock  Exchange.
Other than as permitted or required under the Corporation's  equity compensation
plans,  there are no current plans or other  existing or proposed  agreements or
understandings to issue or reserve for further issuance the additional shares of
common stock.

If and when issued,  the newly authorized  shares of common stock would have the
same rights and privileges as the shares of common stock  currently  authorized.
The number of authorized  shares of preferred stock would not be affected by the
proposed amendment.

The issuance of additional  shares of common stock could have a dilutive  effect
on earnings per common share and on the equity and voting power of those holding
shares of common  stock at the time of  issuance,  as  stockholders  do not have
preemptive   rights.  In  addition,   the  proposed   amendment  could  have  an
anti-takeover  effect,  as additional  shares of common stock could be issued to
dilute the stock  ownership  and  voting  power of, or  increase  the cost to, a
person  seeking to obtain  control of the  Corporation.  However,  the  proposed
amendment is not being  proposed for such purposes and is not in response to any
known  effort to  accumulate  shares of common  stock or obtain  control  of the

The text of the proposed amendment to the Certificate is attached as Appendix C.

Pursuant to Sections 242 and 245 of the Delaware General Corporations Law, the
amendments to the Certificate must be approved also by the holders of a majority
of the Corporation's issued and outstanding shares of common stock. If approved,
this proposed amendment will become effective upon the filing of the Certificate
with the Secretary of State of the State of Delaware.

The Board of Directors unanimously recommends a vote FOR the proposal to approve
the amendment of the  Certificate  of  Incorporation  to increase the authorized
shares of voting common stock from 19,000,000 to 29,000,000.  Proxies  solicited
by the Board will be so voted  unless  shareholders  specify  otherwise in their

Proposal 4:  Ratification  of the  Selection of  Independent  Registered  Public
Accounting Firm

On the recommendation of the Audit Committee, the Board has selected KPMG as the
independent   registered  public  accounting  firm  to  audit  the  consolidated
financial  statements  of the Company and its  subsidiaries  for the 2006 fiscal
year. KPMG has been employed to perform this function since October 9, 2003.

Although  this  appointment  is not  required to be  submitted  to a vote of the
shareholders,   the  Board  generally  requests  the  shareholders   ratify  the
appointment.  If the  shareholders  do not  ratify  the  appointment,  the Audit
Committee will  investigate  the reasons for their  rejection and the Board will
reconsider the appointment.

The Board of Directors unanimously  recommends a vote FOR the proposal to ratify
the  selection of KPMG.  Proxies  solicited by the Board will be so voted unless
shareholders specify otherwise in their proxies.

                                  OTHER MATTERS

Other than the  foregoing,  the Board knows of no matters that will be presented
at the Annual Meeting for action by shareholders.  However, if any other matters
properly come before the Meeting,  or any  postponement or adjournment  thereof,
the  persons  acting  by  authorization  of the  proxies  will vote  thereon  in
accordance with their judgment.

                              AVAILABLE INFORMATION

The  Company's  Annual  Report on Form  10-K,  Quarterly  Reports  on Form 10-Q,
Current  Reports  on Form 8-K and  amendments  to  reports  filed  or  furnished
pursuant to Sections 13(a) and 15(d) of the Securities  Exchange Act of 1934, as
amended,   are   available   under  the  SEC   Filings   link  on  our   website  as soon as reasonably  practicable
after PAR electronically files such reports with, or furnishes those reports to,
the Securities and Exchange Commission.  PAR's Corporate Governance  Guidelines,
Board of  Directors  committee  charters  (including  the  charters of the Audit
Committee,  Compensation Committee, and Nominating and Governance Committee) and
code of ethics entitled "Code of Business Conduct and Ethics" also are available
at that same  location on our  website.  Stockholders  can receive  free printed
copies of these  documents  by  directing  a written  or oral  request  to:  PAR
Technology Corporation; Attention: Investor Relations; PAR Technology Park; 8383
Seneca    Turnpike;     New    Hartford,     NY    13413-4991;     315-738-0600;


Shareholders may submit proposals on matters  appropriate for shareholder action
at the Company's annual meetings  consistent with the regulations adopted by the
SEC and the By-Laws of the  Company.  To be  considered  for  inclusion  in next
year's Proxy  Statement and form of proxy  relating to the 2007 Annual  Meeting,
any shareholder  proposals must be received at the Company's  general offices no
later than the close of business on December 13,  2006.  If a matter of business
is  received  by  February  26,  2007,  the  Company may include it in the Proxy
Statement  and  form of proxy  and,  if it  does,  it may use its  discretionary
authority  to vote on the matter.  For matters that are not received by February
26, 2007 the Company may use its discretionary  voting authority when the matter
is raised at the Annual  Meeting,  without  inclusion of the matter in its Proxy
Statement.  Proposals should be addressed to Gregory T. Cortese,  Secretary; PAR
Technology Corporation; PAR Technology Park; 8383 Seneca Turnpike; New Hartford,
New York  13413-4991.  The Company  recommends  all such  submissions be sent by
Certified Mail - Return Receipt Requested.

                                              BY ORDER OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS

                                              Gregory T. Cortese
April 11, 2006

                                   Appendix A

                           PAR TECHNOLOGY CORPORATION
                             AUDIT COMMITTEE CHARTER


The  Audit  Committee  (the  "Committee")  of PAR  Technology  Corporation  (the
"Company")  shall  consist of at least three  members of the Board of  Directors
(the  "Board").  Members  shall  be  appointed  upon the  recommendation  of the
Nominating and Corporate Governance Committee and may be removed by the Board in
its  discretion.  All members of the Committee  will meet the  independence  and
other requirements of the Audit Committee Policy of the New York Stock Exchange,
Section  10A(m)(3) of the Securities  Exchange Act of 1934 (the "Exchange  Act")
and the rules and  regulations of the Securities  and Exchange  Commission  (the
"Commission").  At least one member of the Committee shall, in the assessment of
the Board,  qualify and be identified as an audit committee  financial expert as
defined by the  Commission.  All members of the Committee  shall be  financially
literate  at the  time  of  their  appointment  to the  Committee  or  within  a
reasonable time  thereafter.  Members of the Committee shall not  simultaneously
serve on the audit committees of more than two other public companies unless the
Board determines that  simultaneous  service would not impair the ability of the
member  to  effectively  serve on the  Committee  and the Board  discloses  this
determination in the Company's annual proxy statement.


The Company's  management is responsible  for preparing the Company's  financial
statements and the Company's  independent  auditor is  responsible  for auditing
those financial statements. The Audit Committee's purpose shall be to:

     1.   Prepare  an  audit  committee  report  as  required  by the  SEC to be
          included in the Company's annual proxy statement.

     2.   Assist the Board in its oversight of:

          a.   the integrity of the Company's financial statements;

          b.   the Company's compliance with legal and regulatory requirements;

          c.   the   Company's   independent   auditor's    qualifications   and
               independence; and

          d.   the  performance  of the Company's  internal  audit  function and
               independent auditors

The financial  management and the independent  auditors of the Company have more
time,  knowledge and more detailed  information on the Company than do Committee
members.  Therefore, in carrying out its responsibilities to assist the Board in
the above  oversight  functions,  the  Committee is not  providing any expert or
special assurance as to the Company's financial  statements or any certification
as to the work of the independent auditors.


The Committee  will meet at least four times a year,  with  authority to convene
additional  meetings,  as  circumstances  require.  All  Committee  members  are
expected  to  attend  each  meeting,   in  person  or  via   teleconference   or
video-conference.  The Committee will invite members of management,  auditors or
others to attend  meetings  and provide  pertinent  information,  as  necessary.
Meeting agendas will be prepared and provided to members in advance,  along with
appropriate briefing materials. Minutes will be prepared.

In addition to meetings with Company officers and employees, the independent
auditor or outside counsel or other advisers as necessary to fulfill its
responsibilities, the Committee shall, on a regular basis, hold separate private
meetings with the following to discuss any matters either party believes should
be discussed privately:

               o    Company management;
               o    the Company's independent auditors; and
               o    the Company's internal auditor

Authority & Responsibilities

In carrying out its purpose,  the Committee  shall have the following  authority
and responsibilities:

A.   Oversight of Independent Auditor

1.   The  independent  auditor is  ultimately  accountable  to the Board and the
     Committee.  Therefore,  the  Committee,  subject to any action  that may be
     taken  by the  full  Board,  has the  ultimate  authority  and is  directly
     responsible  for  the  appointment,  compensation,  evaluation,  retention,
     oversight of the work and when  appropriate  termination  of any registered
     public  accounting  firm engaged for the purpose of preparing or issuing an
     audit report or performing  other audit,  review or attest services for the
     Company. The oversight  responsibility includes resolution of disagreements
     between  management  and  the  independent   auditor  regarding   financial
     reporting.  Each  such  registered  public  accounting  firm  shall  report
     directly to the Committee.

2.   To assist the Board in its oversight of the independence, qualifications
     and performance of the independent auditor the Committee shall:

     a.   assess the auditor's  independence by at least annually  obtaining and
          reviewing  a  report  from the  independent  auditor  delineating  all
          relationships   between  the  Company  and  the  independent  auditor,
          including non-audit services,  consistent with Independence  Standards
          Board Standard Number 1;

     b.   discuss with the independent auditor any such disclosed  relationships
          and their impact or potential impact on the auditor's independence and
          objectivity,  taking into account the opinions of  management  and the
          internal auditors; and

     c.   set clear policies for the hiring of employees or former  employees of
          the Company's independent auditors who participated in any capacity in
          the audit of the Company  taking into account the  pressures  that may
          exist for auditors seeking a job with the company they audit.

     d.   at least  annually  obtain  and review a report  from the  independent
          auditor that describes:

          i.   the audit firm's internal quality-control procedures;

          ii.  any  material  issues  raised by the firm's most recent  internal
               quality  control  review,  or peer  review,  or by any inquiry or
               investigation by governmental or professional  authorities within
               the most  recent five years  relating to one or more  independent
               audits carried out by the firm; and

          iii. any steps taken to deal with any such issues

     e.   (after reviewing the independent  auditor's report and the independent
          auditor's   work   throughout   the  year)  review  and  evaluate  the
          qualifications,   performance  and  independence  of  the  independent
          auditor and lead partner of the  independent  auditor team taking into
          account the  opinions of the  Company's  management  and the  internal

     f.   discuss with  management the timing and process for  implementing  the
          rotation  of the  lead  audit  partner,  and the  concurring  (review)
          partner and any other active audit engagement team partner;

     g.   consider  and discuss with  management  whether it is  appropriate  to
          adopt a policy of  rotating  the  independent  audit firm on a regular

     h.   review and approve the independent  auditor's proposed audit scope and
          approach,  including  staffing of the audit and  coordination of audit
          effort with internal audit;

3.   The  Committee  shall  regularly  report to the full Board about  Committee
     activities,  issues and related recommendations and present the Committee's
     conclusions   with   respect  to  the  audit   firm's   quality   controls,
     independence,  qualifications  and  performance  and review any issues that
     arise with respect to the performance  and  independence of the independent

4.   The Committee shall have the sole authority to approve all audit engagement
     fees and  terms  and the  Committee,  or a member  of the  Committee,  must
     pre-approve  any  auditing  services  and  permitted   non-audit  services,
     including the fees and terms thereof provided by the Company's  independent
     auditor,  subject  to the  de  minimus  exception  for  non-audit  services
     described in Section  10A(i)(1)(B) of the Exchange Act that are approved by
     the Committee prior to the completion of the audit.

B.   Oversight of Internal Audit Function

1.   The  Committee  shall review and discuss with the  independent  auditor the
     responsibilities,  budget and  staffing  of the  Company's  internal  audit

2.   The Committee shall review and discuss with management,  the internal audit
     director and the independent auditor:

     a.   the effectiveness of the internal audit function, including compliance
          with established internal auditing practice standards

     b.   the  audit  risk  assessment  process  and the  proposed  scope of the
          Internal Audit  department for the upcoming year and  coordination  of
          that scope with the independent auditor; and

     c.   the  results of the  internal  auditors'  examination  of  significant
          internal audit department findings and management responses.

3.   The  Committee  shall  assess  and  confirm  there are no  restrictions  or
     limitations placed on the performance of internal audit.

4.   The  Committee  shall review the  appointment  and, when  appropriate,  the
     replacement of the senior internal auditing executive

5.   The  Committee  shall  regularly   report  to  the  Board  about  Committee
     activities,   issues  and  related  recommendations  with  respect  to  the
     performance of the internal audit function.

C.   Oversight of Management's Conduct of Financial Reporting Process

1.   Financial  Reporting  Practices.   The  responsibility  for  the  Company's
     financial statements and disclosures rest with the Company's management. In
     providing  oversight of the Company's financial  reporting  practices,  the
     Committee shall

     a.   regularly  review with the  independent  auditor any audit problems or
          difficulties and management's  response.  The review shall include any
          restrictions on the scope of the independent  auditor's  activities or
          on the access the independent auditor had to requested information and
          any  significant   disagreements   with  management;   any  accounting
          adjustments  noted or proposed by the auditor  that were  "passed" (as
          immaterial or otherwise);  any  communications  between the audit team
          and the audit firm's national office regarding  auditing or accounting
          issues presented by the engagement;  and any "management" or "internal
          control" letter or schedule of differences  issued,  or proposed to be
          issued, by the audit firm to the Company.

     b.   review and discuss with the independent  auditor, and with management,
          major issues regarding  accounting  principals and financial statement
          presentations,  including  any  significant  changes in the  Company's
          selection or application of accounting principles;

     c.   review and discuss with  management  and the  independent  auditor any
          major issues as to the quality and adequacy of the Company's  internal
          controls and any special  steps  adopted in light of material  control
          deficiencies,  if any review and discuss any analyses  prepared by the
          Company's   management  and/or   independent   auditor  setting  forth
          significant   financial   reporting   issues  and  judgments  made  in
          connection with the preparation of the financial statements, including
          any  analyses  of the  effects  of  alternative  GAAP  methods  on the
          financial statements;

     d.   review the effect of recent  accounting  professional  and  regulatory
          initiatives,  complex or unusual  transactions  and highly  judgmental
          areas, material off-balance sheet transactions or structures and other
          similar relationships on the financial statements of the Company;

2.   Audited Financial Statements.  With respect to the Company's annual audited
     financial statements, the Committee shall:

     a.   meet with Company management and the independent auditor to review and
          discuss  the  Company's  annual  audited  financial  statements  to be
          included in SEC Form 10-K (or in the Annual Report to  Shareholders if
          distributed  prior to filing  Form  10-K) and the  Company's  specific
          disclosures under  "Management's  Discussion and Analysis of Financial
          Condition and Results of Operations";

     b.   review and discuss with the independent  auditor the matters  required
          to be discussed  by the  applicable  Statement  of Auditing  Standards
          ("SAS"); and

     c.   based on these  discussions,  the  Committee  will  advise  the  Board
          whether it recommends the audited financial  statements to be included
          in the  Annual  Report  on  Form  10-K  (or in the  Annual  Report  to
          Shareholders if distributed prior to filing Form 10-K).

3.   Interim  Financial  Statements.  With  respect  to  the  Company's  interim
     financial statements the Committee shall:

     a.   meet with Company management and the independent auditor to review and
          discuss the Company's quarterly financial  statements to the SEC (e.g.
          Form 10-Q) including the results of the independent  auditor's  review
          of such  financials,  prior to the filing  thereof  and the  Company's
          specific  disclosures under  "Management's  Discussion and Analysis of
          Financial Condition and Results of Operations";

     b.   review and discuss with the  independent  auditor and  management  the
          matters required to be discussed by the applicable SAS.

4.   Disclosure of Financial Information. The Committee shall review and discuss
     in a general  manner (e.g.  the type of information to be disclosed and the
     type of  presentation  to be made) the Company's  earnings  press  releases
     (paying  particular  attention  to any use of  "pro  forma"  or  "adjusted"
     non-GAAP  information)  as well as the  financial  information  and earning
     guidance  provided to analysts and rating  agencies.  The  Committee is not
     required to discuss in advance each  earnings  release or each  instance in
     which the Company provides earnings guidance.

5.   Risk Assessment.  It is the  responsibility of the Company's CEO and senior
     management  to assess  and  manage  the  Company's  exposure  to risk.  The
     Committee  shall discuss with the Company's  management  the guidelines and
     policies to govern the process by which the Company's management undertakes
     to assess and manage the Company's exposure to risk. Discussion should also
     include  the  Company's  major  financial  risk  exposures  and  the  steps
     management has taken to monitor and control such exposures.

6.   The  Committee  shall  regularly   report  to  the  Board  about  Committee
     activities,  issues and related recommendations with respect to the quality
     or integrity of the Company's financial statements,

D.   Assist the Board in Oversight of the Company's Compliance with Policies and
     Procedures Addressing Legal and Ethical Concerns.

1.   The Committee  shall  establish  procedures for the receipt,  retention and
     treatment  of  complaints  received  by the Company  regarding  accounting,
     internal accounting controls or auditing matters, and for the confidential,
     anonymous  submission  by  employees  of the Company of concerns  regarding
     questionable accounting or auditing matters.

2.   The Committee has authority to conduct or authorize investigations into any
     matter brought to its attention. Within this scope of responsibility, the
     Committee has full access to all books, records, facilities and personnel
     of the Company and is empowered to:

     a.   engage  independent   counsel  or  other  advisers  as  it  determines
          necessary to carry out its duties;

     b.   seek any information  from any employees - all of whom are directed to
          cooperate with the Committee's requests - or external parties;

     c.   meet with Company officers, independent auditor or outside counsel, as
          necessary to fulfill its responsibilities;

3.   The  Committee  shall  regularly   report  to  the  Board  about  Committee
     activities,  issues and related recommendations with respect to the quality
     or  integrity  of  the  Company's   compliance  with  legal  or  regulatory

E.   General

1.   The Committee shall have the power to authorize  Company funding  necessary
     and  appropriate  to carry out its duties,  in particular it shall have the
     power to authorize funding for:

     a.   the compensation of any registered  public accounting firm engaged for
          the  purpose of  preparing  or issuing an audit  report or  performing
          other audit, review or attest services for the Company;

     b.   the  compensation of any  independent  counsel or other advisers as it
          determines necessary to carry out its duties; and

     c.   the payment of the Committee's ordinary  administrative  expenses that
          are necessary and appropriate in carrying out its duties.

2.   The Committees  functions are the sole  responsibility of the Committee and
     may not be allocated to a different committee of the Board.

3.   Review and assess the adequacy of this charter  annually,  requesting Board
     approval for proposed changes.

4.   Confirm  annually that all  responsibilities  outlined in this charter have
     been carried out

5.   Evaluate the Committee's and individual  members'  performance on an annual

6.   Perform  other  activities  related  to areas  covered  by this  charter as
     requested by the Board.

7.   Institute and oversee special investigations as needed.

                                   Appendix B

                           PAR TECHNOLOGY CORPORATION
                           2005 EQUITY INCENTIVE PLAN

                       (Effective Date: December 28, 2005)

                           PAR TECHNOLOGY CORPORATION
                           2005 EQUITY INCENTIVE PLAN

1. Purpose and Eligibility.  The purpose of this 2005 Equity Incentive Plan (the
"Plan") of PAR Technology Corporation, a Delaware corporation (the "Company") is
to provide stock  options,  stock  issuances  and other equity  interests in the
Company  (each,  an  "Award")  to  (a)  key  employees,   officers,   directors,
consultants and advisors of the Company and its Subsidiaries,  and (b) any other
Person  who is  determined  by the Board to have made (or is  expected  to make)
contributions to the Company. Any person to whom an Award has been granted under
the Plan is called a  "Participant."  Additional  definitions  are  contained in
Section 10.

2. Administration.

     a.  Administration by Board of Directors.  The Plan will be administered by
the Board of  Directors  of the Company (the  "Board").  The Board,  in its sole
discretion,  shall have the authority to grant and amend Awards, to adopt, amend
and  repeal  rules  relating  to the  Plan  and to  interpret  and  correct  the
provisions of the Plan and any Award. The Board shall have authority, subject to
the  express  limitations  of  the  Plan,  (i) to  construe  and  determine  the
respective Stock Option Agreement, Awards and the Plan, (ii) to prescribe, amend
and rescind rules and regulations  relating to the Plan and any Awards, (iii) to
determine the terms and provisions of the respective Stock Option Agreements and
Awards,  which  need not be  identical,  (iv) to  initiate  an  Option  Exchange
Program,  and (v) to make all other  determinations in the judgment of the Board
of Directors necessary or desirable for the administration and interpretation of
the Plan.  The Board may correct any defect or supply any  omission or reconcile
any  inconsistency  in the Plan or in any Stock Option Agreement or Award in the
manner and to the extent it shall deem  expedient  to carry the Plan,  any Stock
Option  Agreement  or Award into effect and it shall be the sole and final judge
of such expediency. All decisions by the Board shall be final and binding on all
interested  persons.  Neither  the  Company nor any member of the Board shall be
liable for any action or determination relating to the Plan.

     b. Appointment of Committee. To the extent permitted by applicable law, the
Board may delegate  any or all of its powers under the Plan to the  Compensation
Committee  (the  "Committee").  All  references in the Plan to the "Board" shall
mean such  Committee or the Board.  The Committee may consult with the Company's
Stock  Option  Committee,  which  shall make  recommendations,  with  respect to
Participants  eligible to receive Awards and the number of shares subject to the
Award, to the Committee for its review and final approval.

     c. Delegation to Executive Officers.  To the extent permitted by applicable
law, the Board may delegate to one or more executive officers of the Company the
power to grant Awards and exercise such other powers under the Plan as the Board
may determine, provided that the Board shall fix the maximum number of Awards to
be granted and the  maximum  number of shares  issuable  to any one  Participant
pursuant to Awards granted by such executive officers.

     d.  Applicability  of Section  Rule 16b-3.  Anything to the contrary in the
foregoing notwithstanding if, or at such time as, the Common Stock is or becomes
registered  under  Section  12 of the  Exchange  Act of 1934,  as  amended  (the
"Exchange Act"), or any successor  statute,  the Plan shall be administered in a
manner consistent with Rule 16b-3 promulgated  thereunder,  as it may be amended
from  time to  time,  or any  successor  rules  ("Rule  16b-3"),  such  that all
subsequent  grants of Awards  hereunder to  Reporting  Persons,  as  hereinafter
defined,  shall be exempt under such rule.  Those  provisions  of the Plan which
make express  reference to Rule 16b-3 or which are required in order for certain
option  transactions  to qualify for exemption under Rule 16b-3 shall apply only
to such  persons as are  required to file  reports  under  Section 16 (a) of the
Exchange Act (a "Reporting Person").

     e.  Applicability  of Section 162 (m). Any  provisions  in this Plan to the
contrary  notwithstanding,  whenever  the Board is  authorized  to exercise  its
discretion  in the  administration  or  amendment  of  this  Plan  or any  Award
hereunder or otherwise,  the Board may not exercise such  discretion in a manner
that  would  cause  any  outstanding  Award  that  would  otherwise  qualify  as
performance-based  compensation  under Section 162 (m) of the Code to fail to so
qualify under Section 162 (m).

3.   Stock Available for Awards.

     a.  Number of  Shares.  Subject  to  adjustment  under  Section  3(c),  the
aggregate  number of shares of Common Stock of the Company (the "Common  Stock")
that may be issued pursuant to the Plan is 1,000,000.  If any Award expires,  or
is  terminated,  surrendered  or  forfeited,  in whole or in part,  the unissued
Common  Stock  covered by such Award shall again be  available  for the grant of
Awards  under the Plan.  If an Award  granted  under  the Plan  shall  expire or
terminate for any reason without having been exercised in full, the  unpurchased
shares  subject to such Award shall again be  available  for  subsequent  Awards
under the Plan,  and if shares of Common Stock  issued  pursuant to the Plan are
repurchased  by, or are surrendered or forfeited to, the Company at no more than
the price paid for such  shares,  such  shares of Common  Stock  shall  again be
available  for the grant of Awards under the Plan.  Shares issued under the Plan
may consist in whole or in part of  authorized  but unissued  shares or treasury

     b.  Per-Participant  Limit.  Subject to  adjustment  under Section 3(c), no
Participant  may be granted  Awards  during any one fiscal year to purchase more
than the  number of shares of Common  Stock  that are  authorized  for  issuance
pursuant to the Plan.

     c.  Adjustment to Common  Stock.  Subject to Section 7, in the event of any
stock split,  reverse stock split stock dividend,  extraordinary  cash dividend,
recapitalization,  reorganization, merger, consolidation,  combination, exchange
of  shares,  liquidation,   spin-off,  split-up,  or  other  similar  change  in
capitalization  or  similar  event,  (i) the  number  and  class  of  securities

available for Awards under the Plan and the  per-Participant  share limit,  (ii)
the number and class of  securities,  vesting  schedule and  exercise  price per
share  subject  to each  outstanding  Option,  (iii)  the  repurchase  price per
security  subject to  repurchase,  and (iv) the terms of each other  outstanding
Award shall be adjusted  by the  Company (or  substituted  Awards may be made if
applicable) to the extent the Board shall determine, in good faith, that such an
adjustment (or substitution) is appropriate.

4. Stock Options.

     a. General.  The Board may grant options to purchase Common Stock (each, an
"Option")  and  determine  the number of shares of Common Stock to be covered by
each  Option,  the  exercise  price  of  each  Option  and  the  conditions  and
limitations  applicable  to the exercise of each Option and the shares of Common
Stock issued upon the exercise of each  Option,  including,  but not limited to,
vesting  provisions,   repurchase   provisions  and  restrictions   relating  to
applicable  federal or state securities laws. Each Option will be evidenced by a
Stock Option Agreement, consisting of a Notice of Stock Option Award and a Stock
Option Award Agreement (collectively, a "Stock Option Agreement").

     b.  Incentive  Stock  Options.  An Option  that the Board  intends to be an
incentive  stock option (an "Incentive  Stock Option") as defined in Section 422
of the Code, as amended,  or any successor  statute  ("Section  422"),  shall be
granted  only to an employee of the Company and shall be subject to and shall be
construed  consistently  with the  requirements  of Section 422 and  regulations
thereunder.  The Board and the Company  shall have no  liability if an Option or
any part  thereof  that is intended  to be an  Incentive  Stock  Option does not
qualify  as such.  An Option or any part  thereof  that does not  qualify  as an
Incentive Stock Option is referred to herein as a "Nonstatutory Stock Option" or
"Nonqualified Stock Option."

     c. Dollar  Limitation.  For so long as the Code shall so  provide,  Options
granted to any  employee  under the Plan (and any other  incentive  stock option
plans of the Company)  which are intended to qualify as Incentive  Stock Options
shall not qualify as Incentive Stock Options to the extent that such Options, in
the aggregate,  become  exercisable  for the first time in any one calendar year
for shares of Common Stock with an aggregate fair market value (determined as of
the  respective  date or dates of grant) of more than  $100,000.  The  amount of
Incentive Stock Options which exceed such $100,000 limitation shall be deemed to
be  Nonqualified  Stock  Options.  For the  purpose of this  limitation,  unless
otherwise required by the Code or regulations of the Internal Revenue Service or
determined  by the  Board,  Options  shall be taken  into  account  in the order
granted,  and the Board may designate that portion of any Incentive Stock Option
that shall be treated as Nonqualified Option in the event that the provisions of
this paragraph apply to a portion of any Option.  The  designation  described in
the  preceding  sentence  may be made at such  time as the  Committee  considers
appropriate,  including  after the  issuance of the Option or at the time of its

     d.  Exercise  Price.  The Board  shall  establish  the  exercise  price (or
determine  the method by which the exercise  price shall be  determined)  at the
time each Option is granted and specify  the  exercise  price in the  applicable
Stock  Option  Agreement,  provided,  however,  in no  event  may the per  share
exercise  price be less than the Fair  Market  Value (as  defined  below) of the
Common Stock.  In the case of an Incentive Stock Option granted to a Participant
who, at the time of grant of such Option,  owns stock representing more than ten
percent  (10%) of the voting power of all classes of stock of the Company or any
parent or subsidiary,  then the exercise price shall be no less than 110% of the
fair  market  value of the Common  Stock on the date of grant.  In the case of a
grant of an Incentive Stock Option to any other Participant,  the exercise price
shall be no less than 100% of the fair market  value of the Common  Stock on the
date of grant.

     e. Duration of Options.  Each Option shall be exercisable at such times and
subject to such terms and  conditions as the Board may specify in the applicable
Stock Option  Agreement;  provided,  that the term of any Incentive Stock Option
may not be more than ten (10)  years  from the date of grant.  In the case of an
Incentive  Stock Option  granted to a  Participant  who, at the time of grant of
such Option,  owns stock  representing more than ten percent (10%) of the voting
power of all  classes of stock of the Company or any parent or  subsidiary,  the
term of the  Option  shall be no longer  than  five (5)  years  from the date of

     f.  Exercise of Option.  Options may be  exercised  only by delivery to the
Company of a written  notice of exercise  signed by the proper  person  together
with payment in full as specified in Section 4(g) and the Stock Option Agreement
for the number of shares for which the Option is exercised.

     g. Payment Upon  Exercise.  Common Stock  purchased upon the exercise of an
Option shall be paid for by one or any  combination  of the  following  forms of
payment as permitted by the Board in its sole and absolute discretion:

          i.   by check payable to the order of the Company;

          ii.  only if the Common Stock is then publicly traded,  by delivery of
               an irrevocable  and  unconditional  undertaking by a creditworthy
               broker to deliver promptly to the Company sufficient funds to pay
               the exercise price, or delivery by the Participant to the Company
               of a copy of  irrevocable  and  unconditional  instructions  to a
               creditworthy  broker to deliver promptly to the Company cash or a
               check sufficient to pay the exercise price;

          iii. to the extent explicitly  provided in the applicable Stock Option
               Agreement,  by  delivery  of shares of Common  Stock owned by the
               Participant  valued at fair market  value (as  determined  by the
               Board or as determined  pursuant to the  applicable  Stock Option
               Agreement); or

          iv.  payment  of such  other  lawful  consideration  as the  Board may

The Board shall  determine  in its sole and absolute  discretion  and subject to
securities laws and its Insider  Trading Policy whether to accept  consideration
other than cash.  The fair market  value of any shares of the  Company's  Common
Stock or other non-cash consideration which may be delivered upon exercise of an
Option shall be determined in such manner as may be prescribed by the Board.

     h. Acceleration, Extension, Etc. The Board may, in its sole discretion, and
in all instances subject to any relevant tax and accounting considerations which
may adversely impact or impair the Company,  (i) accelerate the date or dates on
which all or any  particular  Options  or Awards  granted  under the Plan may be

exercised,  or (ii) extend the dates during which all or any particular  Options
or Awards  granted under the Plan may be  exercised;  provided,  however,  in no
event may any  extension  exceed the lesser of the option term  permitted  under
Section  4(e)  herein  or the  term  set  forth in the  governing  Stock  Option

     i. Determination of Fair Market Value. If, at the time an Option is granted
under the Plan, the Company's Common Stock is publicly traded under the Exchange
Act,  "fair  market  value"  shall mean (i) if the Common Stock is listed on any
established  stock  exchange,  its fair market value shall be the last  reported
sales price for such stock (on that date) or the  closing  bid, if no sales were
reported  as quoted on such  exchange  or system as  reported in The Wall Street
Journal or such other source as the Board deems reliable; or (ii) the average of
the  closing bid and asked  prices last quoted (on that date) by an  established
quotation service for  over-the-counter  securities,  if the Common Stock is not
reported on a national  market system.  In the absence of an established  market
for the Common Stock,  the fair market value thereof shall be determined in good
faith by the Board after taking into  consideration  all factors  which it deems

5. Restricted Stock.

     a.  Grants.  The Board may grant  Awards  entitling  recipients  to acquire
shares  of  Common  Stock,  subject  to  (i)  delivery  to  the  Company  by the
Participant  of a check  in an  amount  at least  equal to the par  value of the
shares purchased, and (ii) the right of the Company to repurchase all or part of
such  shares at their  issue  price or other  stated or  formula  price from the
Participant  in  the  event  that  conditions  specified  by  the  Board  in the
applicable  Award  are  not  satisfied  prior  to  the  end  of  the  applicable
restriction  period or periods  established by the Board for such Award (each, a
"Restricted Stock Award").

     b. Terms and Conditions. The Board shall determine the terms and conditions
of any such Restricted Stock Award. Any stock certificates  issued in respect of
a Restricted Stock Award shall be registered in the name of the Participant and,
unless otherwise determined by the Board, deposited by the Participant, together
with a stock power endorsed in blank, with the Company (or its designee).  After
the  expiration  of the  applicable  restriction  periods,  the Company (or such
designee) shall deliver the certificates no longer subject to such  restrictions
to the  Participant  or,  if  the  Participant  has  died,  to  the  beneficiary
designated by a  Participant,  in a manner  determined by the Board,  to receive
amounts  due  or  exercise  rights  of  the  Participant  in  the  event  of the
Participant's  death  (the  "Designated  Beneficiary").  In  the  absence  of an
effective  designation by a Participant,  Designated  Beneficiary shall mean the
Participant's estate.

6. Other  Stock-Based  Awards.  The Board  shall  have the right to grant  other
Awards based upon the Common Stock having such terms and conditions as the Board
may determine,  including,  without  limitation,  the grant of shares based upon
certain  conditions,  the grant of securities  convertible into Common Stock and
the grant of stock appreciation rights, phantom stock awards or stock units.

7. General Provisions Applicable to Awards.

     a.  Transferability of Awards.  Except as the Board may otherwise determine
or provide in an Award, Awards shall not be sold, assigned, transferred, pledged
or  otherwise  encumbered  by the  person  to  whom  they  are  granted,  either
voluntarily  or by operation  of law,  except by will or the laws of descent and
distribution, and, during the life of the Participant, shall be exercisable only
by the  Participant;  provided,  however,  except  as the  Board  may  otherwise
determine or provide in an Award, that Nonstatutory Options and Restricted Stock
Awards may be transferred  pursuant to a qualified  domestic relations order (as
defined in Employee  Retirement Income Security Act of 1974, as amended) or to a
grantor-retained annuity trust or a similar estate-planning vehicle in which the
trust is bound by all  provisions of the Stock Option  Agreement and  Restricted
Stock  Award,  which  are  applicable  to  the  Participant.   References  to  a
Participant,  to the extent relevant in the context, shall include references to
authorized transferees.

     b. Documentation. Each Award under the Plan shall be evidenced by a written
instrument  in such form as the  Board  shall  determine  or as  executed  by an
officer of the Company pursuant to authority  delegated by the Board. Each Award
may  contain  terms and  conditions  in addition to those set forth in the Plan,
provided that such terms and  conditions do not contravene the provisions of the
Plan or  applicable  law.

     c. Board Discretion. The terms of each type of Award need not be identical,
and the Board need not treat Participants uniformly.

     d.  Additional  Award  Provisions.  The Board may, in its sole  discretion,
include  additional  provisions in any Stock Option Agreement,  Restricted Stock
Award or other  Award  granted  under the  Plan,  including  without  limitation
restrictions on transfer, repurchase rights, commitments to pay cash bonuses, to
make,   arrange  for  or  guaranty  loans  or  to  transfer  other  property  to
Participants upon exercise of Awards, or transfer other property to Participants
upon exercise of Awards,  or such other provisions as shall be determined by the
Board;  provided that such additional  provisions shall not be inconsistent with
any other term or condition of the Plan or applicable law.

     e. Termination of Status.  The Board shall determine the effect on an Award
of the  disability  (as defined in Code Section  22(e)(3)),  death,  retirement,
authorized leave of absence or other change in the employment or other status of
a  Participant  and the  extent to  which,  and the  period  during  which,  the
Participant, or the Participant's legal representative, conservator, guardian or
Designated  Beneficiary,  may  exercise  rights  under  the  Award,  subject  to
applicable  law and the  provisions  of the  Code  related  to  Incentive  Stock

     f. Change of Control of the Company.

          i.   Unless  otherwise  expressly  provided  in the  applicable  Stock
               Option  Agreement or  Restricted  Stock Award or other Award,  in
               connection with the occurrence of a Change in Control (as defined
               below),  the  Board  shall,  in  its  sole  discretion  as to any
               outstanding  Award  (including any portion  thereof;  on the same
               basis or on different  bases, as the Board shall  specify),  take
               one or any combination of the following actions:

               A.   make  appropriate  provision  for the  continuation  of such
                    Award by the Company or the  assumption of such Award by the
                    surviving  or  acquiring  entity and by  substituting  on an
                    equitable  basis for the shares  then  subject to such Award
                    either (x) the  consideration  payable  with  respect to the
                    outstanding  shares of Common Stock in  connection  with the
                    Change of Control,  (y) shares of stock of the  surviving or
                    acquiring  corporation  or (z) such other  securities as the
                    Board deems appropriate,  the fair market value of which (as
                    determined  by the Board in its sole  discretion)  shall not
                    materially  differ from the fair market  value of the shares
                    of Common Stock subject to such Award immediately  preceding
                    the Change of Control;

               B.   accelerate the date of exercise or vesting of such Award; or

               C.   permit  the   exchange  of  such  Award  for  the  right  to
                    participate  in any stock option or other  employee  benefit
                    plan of any successor corporation.

               D.   For the  purpose of this  Agreement,  a "Change of  Control"
                    shall mean:

                    (a)  The  acquisition  by any  individual,  entity  or group
                         (within the meaning of Section  13(d)(3) or 14(d)(2) of
                         the  Securities  Exchange Act of 1934,  as amended (the
                         "Exchange  Act")) of beneficial  ownership  (within the
                         meaning of Rule 13d-3  promulgated  under the  Exchange
                         Act) of 50% or more of the then  outstanding  shares of
                         voting  stock of the Company (the  "Outstanding  Voting
                         Stock"); provided, however, that any acquisition by the
                         Company or its  subsidiaries,  or any employee  benefit
                         plan  (or   related   trust)  of  the  Company  or  its
                         subsidiaries of 50% or more of Outstanding Voting Stock
                         shall not constitute a Change in Control; and provided,
                         further,  that any  acquisition  by a corporation  with
                         respect to which, following such acquisition, more than
                         50% of the then  outstanding  shares of common stock of
                         such corporation,  is then beneficially owned, directly
                         or  indirectly,  by  all  or  substantially  all of the
                         individuals and entities who were the beneficial owners
                         of the Outstanding  Voting Stock  immediately  prior to
                         such acquisition in  substantially  the same proportion
                         as   their   ownership,   immediately   prior  to  such
                         acquisition, of the Outstanding Voting Stock, shall not
                         constitute a Change in Control; or

                    (b)  Individuals  who, as of the Effective Date,  constitute
                         the Board  (the  "Incumbent  Directors")  cease for any
                         reason to  constitute a majority of the members of this
                         Board;  provided  that any  individual  who  becomes  a
                         director  after the  Effective  Date whose  election or
                         nomination  for election by the Company's  Shareholders
                         was  approved  by a  majority  of  the  members  of the
                         Incumbent   Directors   (other   than  an  election  or
                         nomination of an individual whose initial assumption of
                         office is in  connection  with an actual or  threatened
                         "election  contest"  relating  to the  election  of the
                         Directors  of the  Company  (as such  terms are used in
                         Rule 14a-11 under the Exchange Act), "tender offer" (as
                         such term is used in Section 14(d) of the Exchange Act)
                         or a proposed Merger (as defined below) shall be deemed
                         to be members of the Incumbent Directors; or

                    (c)  The  consummation  of (i) a  reorganization,  merger or
                         consolidation  (any of the foregoing,  a "Merger"),  in
                         each case,  with respect to which all or  substantially
                         all  of the  individuals  and  entities  who  were  the
                         beneficial  owners  of  the  Outstanding  Voting  Stock
                         immediately prior to such Merger do not, following such
                         Merger,  beneficially own, directly or indirectly, more
                         than 50% of the then outstanding shares of common stock
                         of  the  corporation  resulting  from  Merger,  (ii)  a
                         complete  liquidation  or dissolution of the Company or
                         (iii)  the  sale  or  other   disposition   of  all  or
                         substantially   all  of  the  assets  of  the  Company,
                         excluding  a sale or other  disposition  of assets to a
                         subsidiary of the Company.

     g. Dissolution or Liquidation.  In the event of the proposed dissolution or
liquidation of the Company,  the Board shall notify each  Participant as soon as
practicable prior to the effective date of such proposed transaction.  The Board
in its sole  discretion  may  provide  for a  Participant  to have the  right to
exercise his or her Award until fifteen (15) days prior to such  transaction  as
to all of the shares of Common Stock  covered by the Option or Award,  including
shares as to which the Option or Award would not otherwise be exercisable, which
exercise  may in the  sole  discretion  of the  Board,  be made  subject  to and
conditioned upon the consummation of such proposed transaction. In addition, the
Board may provide that any Company repurchase option applicable to any shares of
Common Stock purchased upon exercise of an Option or Award shall lapse as to all
such shares of Common Stock,  provided the proposed  dissolution and liquidation
takes place at the time and in the manner contemplated. To the extent it has not
been previously exercised, an Award will terminate upon the consummation of such
proposed action.

     h. Assumption of Options Upon Certain  Events.  In connection with a merger
or consolidation of an entity with the Company or the acquisition by the Company
of property or stock of an entity,  the Board may grant Awards under the Plan in
substitution  for  stock and  stock-based  awards  issued  by such  entity or an
affiliate thereof.

     i. The  substitute  Awards shall be granted on such terms and conditions as
the Board considers appropriate in the circumstances.

     j. Parachute Payments and Parachute Awards.  Notwithstanding the provisions
of Section 7(f), if, in connection with a Change of Control described therein, a
tax under  Section 4999 of the Code would be imposed on the  Participant  (after
taking  into  account  the  exceptions  set  forth in  Sections  280G(b)(4)  and
280G(b)(5)  of the Code, if  applicable),  then the number of Awards which shall
become  exercisable,  realizable  or vested as provided in such Section shall be
reduced (or delayed), to the minimum extent necessary, so that no such tax would
be  imposed  on  the  Participant  (the  Awards  not  becoming  so  accelerated,
realizable or vested, the "Parachute Awards");  provided,  however,  that if the
"aggregate present value" of the Parachute Awards would exceed the tax that, but
for this sentence, would be imposed on the Participant under Section 4999 of the
Code in  connection  with the Change of Control,  then the Awards  shall  become
immediately exercisable,  realizable and vested without regard to the provisions
of this sentence. For purposes of the preceding sentence, the "aggregate present
value" of an Award shall be calculated  on an after-tax  basis (other than taxes
imposed by Section  4999 of the Code) and shall be based on economic  principles
rather  than the  principles  set forth under  Section  280G of the Code and the
regulations promulgated thereunder. All determinations required to be made under
this Section 7(j) shall be made by the Company.

     k.  Amendment  of Awards.  The Board may  amend,  modify or  terminate  any
outstanding Award including,  but not limited to, substituting  therefor another
Award  of the  same or a  different  type,  changing  the  date of  exercise  or
realization,  and converting an Incentive  Stock Option to a Nonstatutory  Stock
Option, provided that the Participant's consent to such action shall be required
unless the Board  determines  that the action,  taking into  account any related
action, would not materially and adversely affect the Participant.

     l.  Conditions  on Delivery of Stock.  The Company will not be obligated to
deliver  any  shares  of  Common  Stock  pursuant  to  the  Plan  or  to  remove
restrictions  from  shares  previously  delivered  under the Plan  until (i) all
conditions  of the Award  have been met or removed  to the  satisfaction  of the
Company,  (ii) in the opinion of the Company's counsel,  all other legal matters
in connection with the issuance and delivery of such shares have been satisfied,
including any applicable  securities  laws and any applicable  stock exchange or
stock market rules and  regulations,  and (iii) the Participant has executed and
delivered to the Company such  representations  or agreements as the Company may
consider  appropriate to satisfy the  requirements of any applicable laws, rules
or regulations.

     m.  Acceleration.  The Board may at any time provide that any Options shall
become  immediately  exercisable in full or in part,  that any Restricted  Stock
Awards shall be free of some or all restrictions,  or that any other stock-based
Awards  may  become  exercisable  in  full  or in  part  or  free of some or all
restrictions or conditions,  or otherwise  realizable in full or in part, as the
case may be,  despite  the fact  that the  foregoing  actions  may (i) cause the
application  of Sections 280G and 4999 of the Code if a change in control of the
Company  occurs,  or (ii)  disqualify  all or part of the Option as an Incentive
Stock Option.

8. Withholding.  The Company shall have the right to deduct from payments of any
kind  otherwise due to the optionee or recipient of an Award any federal,  state
or local taxes of any kind  required by law to be withheld  with  respect to any
shares  issued upon exercise of Options under the Plan or the purchase of shares
subject to the Award.  Subject to the prior  approval of the Company,  including
without  limitation,  its  determination  that such  withholding  complies  with
applicable tax and securities  laws, which may be withheld by the Company in its
sole discretion, the optionee or recipient of an Award may elect to satisfy such
obligation,  in whole or in part, (a) by causing the Company to withhold  shares
of Common Stock otherwise  issuable pursuant to the exercise of an Option or the
purchase  of shares  subject  to an Award or (b) by  delivering  to the  Company
shares of Common Stock  already  owned by the optionee or Award  recipient of an
Award. The shares so delivered or withheld shall have a fair market value of the
shares used to satisfy such withholding obligation as shall be determined by the
Company  as of  the  date  that  the  amount  of  tax  to be  withheld  is to be
determined.  An  optionee  or  recipient  of an Award  who has made an  election
pursuant to this Section may only satisfy his or her withholding obligation with
shares of Common  Stock  which are not  subject to any  repurchase,  forfeiture,
unfulfilled vesting or other similar requirements.

9. No Exercise of Option if Engagement or Employment  Terminated  for Cause.  If
the employment or engagement of any  Participant is terminated  "for Cause," the
Award may  terminate,  upon a  determination  of the Board,  on the date of such
termination  and the Option shall  thereupon  not be  exercisable  to any extent
whatsoever  and the  Company  shall have the right to  repurchase  any shares of
Common Stock subject to a Restricted Stock Award whether or not such shares have
vested. For purposes of this Section 9, "for Cause" shall be defined as follows:
(i) if the Participant has executed an employment  agreement,  the definition of
"cause" contained therein,  if any, shall govern, or (ii) conduct, as determined
by the Board of  Directors,  involving one or more of the  following:  (a) gross
misconduct;  or (b) the  commission of an act of  embezzlement,  fraud or theft,
which  results in economic  loss,  damage or injury to the  Company;  or (c) the
unauthorized  disclosure of any trade secret or confidential  information of the
Company  (or any  client,  customer,  supplier  or other  third  party who has a
business  relationship with the Company) or the violation of any  noncompetition
or  nonsolicitation  covenant or assignment of  inventions  obligation  with the
Company;  or (d) the commission of an act which constitutes  unfair  competition
with the Company or which  induces any customer or  prospective  customer of the

Company to breach a contract  with the Company or to decline to do business with
the Company;  or (e) the indictment of the  Participant  for a felony or serious
misdemeanor  offense,  either in connection  with the  performance of his or her
obligations  to the Company or which shall  adversely  affect the  Participant's
ability to perform such obligations; or (f) the commission of an act of fraud or
breach of fiduciary duty which results in loss, damage or injury to the Company;
or (g) the failure of the  Participant  to perform in a material  respect his or
her employment,  consulting or advisory obligations without proper cause; or (h)
intentional  violation  of  securities  laws or the  Company's  Insider  Trading
Policy. In making such  determination,  the Board shall act fairly and in utmost
good faith.  The Board may in its  discretion  waive or modify the provisions of
this  Section  at a  meeting  of  the  Board  with  respect  to  any  individual
Participant  with  regard  to the  facts  and  circumstances  of any  particular
situation involving a determination under this Section.

10. Miscellaneous.

     a.   Definitions.

     i.   "Company," for purposes of eligibility  under the Plan,  shall include
          any  present  or  future  subsidiary  corporations  of PAR  Technology
          Corporation,   as   defined   in   Section   424(f)  of  the  Code  (a
          "Subsidiary"),  and any present or future  parent  corporation  of the
          Company,  as defined in Section  424(e) of the Code.  For  purposes of
          Awards other than Incentive  Stock Options,  the term "Company"  shall
          include any other  business  venture in which the Company has a direct
          or indirect  significant  interest,  as determined by the Board in its
          sole discretion.

     ii.  "Code" means the Internal  Revenue Code of 1986,  as amended,  and any
          regulations promulgated thereunder.

     iii."Employee" for purposes of  eligibility  under the Plan shall include a
          person  to whom an  offer  of  employment  has  been  extended  by the

     iv.  "Option Exchange Program" means a program whereby  outstanding options
          are exchanged for options with a lower exercise price.

     b. No Right To Employment  or Other Status.  No person shall have any claim
or right to be  granted  an  Award,  and the  grant  of an  Award  shall  not be
construed as giving a Participant the right to continued employment or any other
relationship with the Company.  The Company expressly  reserves the right at any
time to dismiss or otherwise  terminate its relationship with a Participant free
from any liability or claim under the Plan.

     c. No Rights As  Stockholder.  Subject to the  provisions of the applicable
Award,  no  Participant  or  Designated  Beneficiary  shall have any rights as a
stockholder  with respect to any shares of Common Stock to be  distributed  with
respect to an Award until becoming the record holder thereof.

     d. Effective Date and Term of Plan. The Plan shall become  effective on the
date on which it is adopted by the Board (the "Effective  Date". No Awards shall
be  granted  under the Plan after the  completion  of ten years from the date on
which the Plan was  adopted by the  Board,  but Awards  previously  granted  may
extend beyond that date.

     e. Amendment of Plan. The Board may amend, suspend or terminate the Plan or
any portion thereof at any time.

     f.  Settlement of Awards.  Any other  provision of the Plan to the contrary
notwithstanding,  if any provisions of the Plan permits a Participant, at his or
her election,  to receive a cash settlement of Options or other Awards under the
Plan,  or  requires  the Company to pay a cash  settlement  of Options or Awards
under  the  Plan,  the  Participant  shall  be  entitled  to  receive  the  cash
settlement, and the Company shall be obligated to pay the cash settlement,  only
if the Company  determines,  in its sole and absolute  discretion,  to make such

     g.  Governing Law. The provisions of the Plan and all Awards made hereunder
shall be governed by and interpreted in accordance with the laws of the state of
incorporation  of  the  Company  Delaware,  without  regard  to  any  applicable
conflicts of law.

Original Plan:
Adopted by the Board of Directors on:
         December 28, 2005

Modified Plan:
Adopted by the Board of Directors on:
         March 29, 2006

Approved by the stockholders on:

                                   Appendix C


     PAR Technology Corporation (the "Corporation"), a corporation organized and
existing  under  and by virtue of the  General  Corporation  Law of the State of

     FIRST:  That at a meeting  of the Board of  Directors  of the  Corporation,
resolutions  were  duly  adopted  setting  forth  a  proposed  amendment  to the
Certificate of Incorporation of the Corporation,  declaring said amendment to be
advisable and subject to  consideration at a meeting of the stockholders of said
corporation for consideration thereof. The proposed amendment is as follows:

     RESOLVED,  that the  Certificate  of  Incorporation  of the  Corporation be
amended by changing the Section 1 of Article IV thereof so that, as amended said
first paragraph shall be and read as follows:

     The total  number of shares of capital  stock which the  Corporation  shall
     have the authority to issue is thirty million (30,000,000) shares of stock,
     par value $0.02 per share  consisting of twenty-nine  million  (29,000,000)
     shares of Common  Stock,  and one million  (1,000,000)  shares of Preferred
     Stock, par value $0.02 per share.

     SECOND: That thereafter,  pursuant to resolution of its Board of Directors,
an annual meeting of the  stockholders  of said  corporation was duly called and
held, upon notice in accordance with Section 222 of the General  Corporation Law
of the State of Delaware  at which  meeting  the  necessary  number of shares as
required by statute were voted in favor of the amendment.

     THIRD:  That  said  amendment  was  duly  adopted  in  accordance  with the
provisions  of  Section  242 of the  General  Corporation  Law of the  State  of

     IN WITNESS  WHEREOF,  the  Corporation  has caused this  certificate  to be
signed by ____________, its ____________, this ___ day of May, 2006.

By:  ____________
Its:  ____________

                                 REVOCABLE PROXY
                           PAR TECHNOLOGY CORPORATION
                         ANNUAL MEETING OF SHAREHOLDERS
                                  May 11, 2006
                                   10:00 AM

     The undersigned  shareholder of PAR TECHNOLOGY  CORPORATION hereby appoints
them, jointly or severally, proxies with full power of substitution, to vote all
shares of Common Stock of the Company which the  undersigned is entitled to vote
at the 2006 Annual Meeting of Shareholders to be held on Thursday,  May 11, 2006
at 10:00 AM, Local Time, at The New York Palace Hotel;  455 Madison Avenue,  New
York, NY 10022,  and at any adjournment  thereof,  for the election of Directors
and  upon  the  proposals  set  forth  and more  particularly  described  in the
accompanying  Notice of Annual  Meeting and Proxy  Statement and upon such other
matters that may properly come before the meeting.

                           INTERNET OR BY TELEPHONE.

       (Continued, and to be marked, dated and signed, on the other side)
                              FOLD AND DETACH HERE

                            YOUR VOTE IS IMPORTANT!
                   Proxy Materials are available on-line at:

                       You can vote in one of three ways:

1.   Call  toll  free  1-866-213-1445  on a  Touch-Tone  Phone  and  follow  the
     instructions on the reverse side. There is NO CHARGE to you for this call.


2.   Via  the  Internet  at   and  follow  the


3.   Mark,  sign and date your proxy card and return it promptly in the enclosed


                                 REVOCABLE PROXY
                           PAR TECHNOLOGY CORPORATION

May 11, 2006

Please mark as
indicated in this
example [ X ]


[ ]  For
[ ]  Withhold All
[ ]  For All Except

Nominees for a 3 year term:
(01) Mr. Sangwoo Ahn
(02) Dr. Paul Nielsen

INSTRUCTION:  To withhold  authority to vote for any  nominee(s),  mark "For All
Except" and write that  nominee(s')  name(s) or number(s) in the space  provided


2.   To approve the PAR Technology Corporation 2005 Equity Incentive Plan.

[ ]  For
[ ]  Against
[ ]  Abstain

3.   To approve the amendment of the  Certificate of  Incorporation  to increase
     the authorized shares of voting Common Stock from 19,000,000 to 29,000,000.

[ ]  For
[ ]  Against
[ ]  Abstain

4.   To  ratify  the  appointment  of  KPMG  LLP  as the  Company's  independent
     registered public accounting firm for the Company for the 2006 fiscal year.

[ ]  For
[ ]  Against
[ ]  Abstain

The Board of  Directors  recommends  a vote "FOR"  proposals  1,2,3 and 4 listed

Mark here if you plan to attend the meeting  [  ]
Mark here for address change and note change  [  ]





ELECTRONIC  DELIVERY OF PROXY  MATERIALS:  If you wish to receive  future annual
reports and proxy materials via the internet, please send an email with "On-Line
Proxy Materials" in the subject line to:

If signing as attorney,  executor,  administrator,  trustee or guardian,  please
give full  title as such and if  signing  for a  corporation,  please  give your
title. When shares are in the name of more than one person, each should sign the

Please be sure to date and sign this instruction card in the box below.

Sign above                                       Date

                    PLEASE READ THE INSTRUCTIONS BELOW x x x

                            PROXY VOTING INSTRUCTIONS

Shareholders of record have three ways to vote:
1. By Mail; or
2. By Telephone (using a Touch-Tone Phone); or
3. By Internet.

A telephone or Internet vote authorizes the named proxies to vote your shares in
the same manner as if you marked,  signed, dated and returned this proxy. Please
note telephone and Internet votes must be cast prior to 3 a.m., May 11, 2006. It
is not necessary to return this proxy if you vote by telephone or Internet.

Vote by Telephone

Call  Toll-Free on a Touch-Tone  Phone  anytime  prior to 3 a.m.,  May 11, 2006.

Vote by Internet
anytime prior to 3 a.m., May 11, 2006 go to

 Please note that the last vote received, whether by telephone, Internet or by
                        mail, will be the vote counted.


                            Your vote is important!