Washington, D.C. 20549

                                    FORM 8-K
                Current Report Pursuant to Section 13 or 15(d) of
                       The Securities Exchange Act of 1934
                          Date of Report: April 8, 2003

                             The Topps Company, Inc.
             (Exact name of registrant as specified in its charter)

         Delaware                    001-15817               95-1567322
(State or other jurisdiction    (Commission File No.)     (I.R.S. Employer
     of corporation)                                     Identification No.)

      One Whitehall, New York, NY                              10004
(Address of principal executive offices)                     (Zip Code)

    Registrant's telephone number, including area code   (212) 376-0300

          (Former name or former address, if changed since last report)

Item 5. Other Events

The Topps  Company,  Inc.  hereby  incorporates  by  reference  herein its press
release dated April 8, 2003  regarding  its fiscal 2003 fourth  quarter and full
year results, a copy of which is included as Exhibit 99.0 attached hereto.

Item 7. Financial Statements and Exhibits

(a) Financial statements of businesses acquired: None
(b) Pro forma financial information: None
(c) Exhibits:

   99.0    Press release dated April 8, 2003

Pursuant to the requirements of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, the
registrant has duly caused this report to be signed on its behalf by the
undersigned hereunto duly authorized.

The Topps Company, Inc.

By:                         /s/ Catherine Jessup

                               Catherine Jessup
                               Vice President, CFO

Date: April 8, 2003

Exhibit 99.0

Cathy Jessup, CFO
The Topps Company, Inc.
Betsy Brod/Jonathan Schaffer
Brod Group, LLC

For Immediate Release

                             The Topps Company, Inc.
            REPORTS FISCAL 2003 Fourth Quarter AND FULL YEAR Results

                --European Soccer Products Post Strong Results--
            --Topps to Celebrate 50th Anniversary of "Bazooka Joe"--
                  --Company to Introduce "Beyblade" Product --

New York,  NY,  April 8, 2003 - The Topps  Company,  Inc.  (Nasdaq:  TOPP) today
reported financial results for the fiscal fourth quarter and year ended March 1,

Net sales for the fiscal 2003 fourth  quarter were $65.7  million  compared with
$60.0 million for the same period last year. Stronger European currencies versus
the dollar in the fourth quarter  increased  sales by $2.2 million.  Income from
operations in the fourth quarter was $3.0 million versus $1.4 million last year.
Net income was $2.0  million,  or $0.05 per diluted  share,  compared  with $1.4
million, or $0.03 per diluted share, in the fiscal 2002 fourth quarter.

For the twelve  months  ended  March 1,  2003,  net sales  were  $290.1  million
compared with $300.2 million last year. Total Pokemon sales were $6.0 million in
fiscal 2003 versus $24.1 million last year, a decrease of $18.1 million.  Income
from operations for the full year was $20.8 million compared to $36.6 million in
fiscal 2002. Net income was $16.9 million, or $0.40 per diluted share,  compared
with $28.5 million, or $0.64 per diluted share last year.

Consistent with Topps  organizational  structure and product line  similarities,
the Company will report two business segments beginning with the fourth quarter:
Entertainment,  which now combines the former sports and entertainment  segments
into one, and Confectionery.

Sales in the Company's  Confectionery  segment were flat with last year's fourth
quarter  and 3.5%  lower  this  fiscal  year than in the prior  year.  Excluding
Pokemon,  confectionery sales increased 2.6% in the fourth quarter and were down
0.7% for the fiscal year. In addition to Pokemon,  the Company  believes  fiscal
2003 confectionery  sales were impacted by lower consumer traffic at U.S. retail
stores, plus softer sales of Baby Bottle Pop.


TOPP - Fourth Quarter Fiscal 2003 Financial Results
Page Two

Arthur T. Shorin,  Chairman and CEO of Topps, stated,  "Within our Confectionery
segment,  Ring Pop and Push Pop  posted  strong  gains in the U.S.  for both the
quarter and the year. Yu-Gi-Oh Sticker Pops,  introduced in the third quarter in
the U.S. and Canada,  generated  $1.4 million in sales for the year and Pro Flip
Pop performed well in Japan.  Seasonal  confectionery  items scored double-digit
gains,  albeit on a relatively small base.  Finally,  initial quantities of Baby
Bottle Pop with Candy  Juice were  introduced  in the fourth  quarter  and early
indications  of  consumer  acceptance  are  encouraging.  The product is showing
strong preliminary  sell-through at retail, seemingly without compromising sales
of our traditional Bottle Pop product."

Mr.  Shorin  continued,  "We are  entering  fiscal 2004 with new TV  advertising
campaigns for our  confectionery  business and with plans to market  several new
products in addition to Baby Bottle Pop with Candy  Juice.  For  example,  Juicy
Drop Pop,  which is currently  being tested in the U.K.,  is planned to roll out
later  this  year  in the  U.S.  and  Europe.  Additionally,  `Bazooka  Joe'  is
celebrating  his 50th  anniversary  this year.  We will  celebrate  this special
milestone in the fall with new Bazooka  graphics,  historical comics dating back
to 1953 and a promotional prize program."

In the Entertainment  sector, fourth quarter sales were up 20% versus last year.
This increase was driven by the strong  performance of European soccer products,
timing and returns  reversals of U.S. sports card releases,  the introduction of
`Yu-Gi-Oh'  and  `Hamtaro'  stickers,  as well as an increase  in etopps  sales.
Nonetheless, Entertainment sales for the year decreased 3.3%, largely the result
of  continued  industry-wide  sports  card  declines in the U.S.  and  difficult
Pokemon comparisons.

Mr. Shorin  commented,  "With respect to  traditional  sports  products,  and in
keeping with our long-term strategy, we took steps late last year to restructure
our organization, reducing headcount and paring down the domestic sports product
line commensurate with anticipated demand. We intend to maintain our position as
a major  force in the U.S.  sports  card  industry,  but will reduce the overall
number of  product  introductions  in fiscal  2004,  perhaps  by as much as 25%.
Accordingly, we expect U.S. sports cards to contribute less to sales and profits
in fiscal 2004.

"The Internet portion of the Entertainment  segment generated increased sales in
both the quarter and full fiscal year.  Our etopps  customer  base  continues to
expand,  and the third  season  of etopps  baseball  was  launched  on March 31,
coinciding  with the start of Major League play. The etopps  baseball  launch is
being supported by a new advertising campaign on television and online.

"On the new product  front,  we have  created  several  opportunities  featuring
licensed characters.  During the fourth quarter, we began marketing a `Simpsons'
sticker and gum product domestically and hope to introduce a supermarket version
this  summer.  Among the items  that we plan to  introduce  later  this year are
`Yu-Gi-Oh'  sticker and album  products,  collectible  punch-out cards featuring
`Beyblade,' the popular Japanese  fighting tops and a new product concept,  mini
sticker  albums  with gum.  We  successfully  marketed  our first  issue of this
concept featuring Italian football players late last year."


TOPP - Fourth Quarter Fiscal 2003 Financial Results
Page Three

Mr.  Shorin  concluded,  "During  fiscal 2004,  we will  continue to execute our
long-term growth strategies. In Confectionery,  we are continuing to enhance our
brands in terms of distribution, advertising and promotion. We are also adding a
number  of new  products  and are  actively  working  towards  the  launch  of a
non-lollipop,  non-chocolate  product  later  in the  fiscal  year.  Within  the
Entertainment  sector, we will work to leverage the Topps franchise,  extend our
Internet reach to a broader customer base, and selectively  pursue new licensing

In the fourth quarter,  Topps purchased 99,000 shares of its stock at an average
price of $9.00. For the full year, the Company repurchased 1.6 million shares of
stock at an average  price of $9.01.  As of March 1, 2003,  the Company had $114
million in cash and no debt.

As previously announced,  the Company adopted two accounting standards effective
March 3, 2002,  which  resulted in new  accounting  treatment  for certain trade
promotion  expenses,  such as  slotting  fees,  as well  as the  elimination  of
goodwill amortization.  As a result, trade promotion expenses for fiscal 2003 of
$1.3 million for the fourth quarter and $3.2 million for the full year have been
reported as a reduction  of net sales  rather than as  marketing  expense.  Last
year's  financials have also been  reclassified to reflect similar  treatment of
these  expenses which totaled $0.9 million for the fourth quarter of fiscal 2002
and  $2.7  million  for  the  fiscal  2002  full  year.  In  addition,  goodwill
amortization  totaling  $0.4 million in the fourth  quarter and $1.6 million for
fiscal  2003 has been  eliminated  in fiscal 2003 in  accordance  with SFAS 142,
resulting  in an increase in EPS of $0.01 for the quarter and $0.04 for the full

The Topps  Company,  Inc.  will host a webcast of its earnings  conference  call
today at 10:00  a.m.,  Eastern  Time.  Investors,  analysts,  and the  media are
invited  to listen to the call live at  A replay of the  webcast
will be available on the Company's  website for the next 60 days.  The call will
cover the  Company's  review of its  quarterly and full year results and outlook
for the fiscal year 2004.

The Topps  Company,  Inc.  is an  international  marketer of  confectionery  and
entertainment  products.  Founded in 1938,  Topps created  Bazooka bubble gum in
1947 and marketed its first baseball cards in 1951. For additional  information,
please visit the Company's website at

This release  contains  forward-looking  statements  pursuant to the safe harbor
provisions of the Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995. Although the
Company believes the expectations  contained in such forward-looking  statements
are reasonable, it can give no assurance that such expectations will prove to be
correct.  This information may involve risks and uncertainties  that could cause
actual results to differ materially from the forward-looking statements. Factors
that could cause or contribute to such differences  include, but are not limited
to,  factors  detailed  in the  Company's  Securities  and  Exchange  Commission

                            THE TOPPS COMPANY, INC.
                             (Amounts in Thousands)

                                                  As of           As of
                                              March 1, 2003    March 2, 2002
                                              -------------    -------------

Cash and Equivalents .......................    $114,259         $121,057
Working Capital ............................     141,485          136,389
Net Property, Plant and Equipment ..........      14,606           14,606
Total Assets ...............................     261,628          257,950
Shareholders' Equity .......................    $196,768         $194,054

                              SEGMENT INFORMATION
                             (Amounts in Thousands)

                                         Quarter Ended           Year Ended
                                       March 1,  March 2,    March 1,  March 2,
                                         2003      2002        2003      2002

Net Sales
Confectionery ......................   $32,323   $32,221    $146,865   $152,127
Entertainment Products .............    33,362    27,801     143,214    148,053
                                       -------   -------    --------   --------
Total ..............................   $65,685   $60,022    $290,079   $300,180
                                       =======   =======    ========   ========
Contributed Margin
Confectionery ......................   $11,135   $10,090    $ 52,101   $ 54,880
Entertainment Products .............    10,616     5,719      39,313     47,464
                                       -------   -------    --------   --------
Total ..............................   $21,751   $15,809    $ 91,414   $102,344
                                       =======   =======    ========   ========

Reconciliation of Contributed
 Margin to Income Before Provision
 for Taxes:

Total Contributed Margin               $21,751    $15,809    $ 91,414  $102,344
Unallocated General and Administrative
  Expenses and Manufacturing
   Overhead                            (17,723)   (14,028)    (65,778) (60,040)
Depreciation & Amortization            ( 1,357)   ( 1,329)    ( 5,038) ( 5,525)
Other Income (Expense)                     322        907         184  (   215)
                                       --------   -------     -------- --------
Income from Operations                   2,993      1,359      20,782   36,564
Interest Income, Net                       643      1,231       2,516    4,894
                                       -------    -------      ------   ------
Income before Provision for
  Income Taxes                         $ 3,636     $2,590      $23,298  $41,458
                                       =======     ======      =======  =======

                            THE TOPPS COMPANY, INC.
                   (Amounts in Thousands, Except Share Data)

                                         Quarter Ended           Year Ended
                                       March 1,  March 2,    March 1,  March 2,
                                         2003      2002        2003      2002
                                       -------   -------     -------   -------

Net sales                              65,685     60,022     290,079   300,180
Cost of sales                          43,531     42,349     188,345   186,339
                                       ------     ------     -------   -------
Gross profit                           22,154     17,673     101,734   113,841
Other Income (expense)                    322        907         184      (215)
Selling, general and admin. expense    19,483     17,221      81,136    77,062
Income from operations                  2,993      1,359      20,782    36,564
Interest income, net                      643      1,231       2,516     4,894
                                        ------     ------     -------   -------
Income before provision
 for income taxes                       3,636      2,590      23,298    41,458
Provision for income taxes              1,643      1,141       6,362    12,996
                                       ------     ------     -------   -------
Net income                             $1,993     $1,449     $16,936   $28,462
                                       ======     ======     =======   =======

Net income per share - basic           $ 0.05     $ 0.03     $  0.41   $  0.66
                     - diluted         $ 0.05     $ 0.03     $  0.40   $  0.64

Weighted avg.shares outstanding:
                     - basic      40,727,000  42,469,000  41,353,000  43,073,000
                     - diluted    41,380,000  43,580,000  42,065,000  44,276,000