WASHINGTON, D.C. 20549

                                   FORM 8-K/A

                                 CURRENT REPORT
                              EXCHANGE ACT OF 1934

          Date of Report (Date of earliest event reported) July 9, 2003

                             THE TOPPS COMPANY, INC.
               (Exact name of registrant as specified in charter)

        Delaware                    0-15817                 11-2849283
(State or other jurisdiction      (Commission              (IRS Employer of
   incorporation)                 File Number)            Identification no.)

1 Whitehall Street, New York, NY                             10004
(Address of principal executive offices)                   (Zip Code)

                         (Registrant's telephone number,
                              including area code)

     (Former name or former address, if changed since last report).

Pursuant to the requirements of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, as amended,
the Registrant,  The Topps Company,  Inc., a Delaware corporation ("Topps"or the
"Company"),  filed a Current Report on Form 8-K on July 24, 2003, describing its
acquisition of Wizkids, LLC, a Delaware corporation ("WizKids").

This  Current  Report on Form  8-K/A  amends  the  previously  filed Form 8-K to
include the financial  information  required by Item 7 of Form 8-K. This Current
Report on 8-K/A  contains  forward  looking  statements  that involve  risks and
uncertainties  relating to this acquisition and actual results, and developments
may differ  materially from those described in this amended Current Report.  For
more  information  about the Company  and risks  relating  to  investing  in the
Company,  refer to the  Company's  annual report on Form 10-K for the year ended
March 1, 2003.

Item 2. Acquisition or Disposition of Assets

Topps  is  a  marketer  of  premium-branded   confectionery  products  including
lollipops  such as Ring Pop, Push Pop and Baby Bottle Pop,  Bazooka brand bubble
gum and certain  novelty candy  products.  The Company also markets  collectible
entertainment  products featuring  professional athletes and popular television,
movie and other licensed  characters.  Entertainment  product  formats  include,
among other things, trading cards, sticker albums, tattoos and toys.

On July 9, 2003 (the  "Closing"),  the Company  purchased the assets of WizKids.
Pursuant  to the  terms  of the  Agreement  and  Plan  of  Merger  (the  "Merger
Agreement") dated as of June 23, 2003, among WizKids,  Topps, Topps Enterprises,
Inc., a wholly owned subsidiary of the Company  ("Enterprises"),  Topps Finance,
Inc., a wholly  owned  subsidiary  of Topps  Enterprises,  Inc.,  and The Member
Representative,  the Company acquired WizKids through a merger ("the Merger") of
WizKids  with and into a newly formed  wholly-owned  subsidiary  of  Enterprises
("Merger  Sub").  Upon  consummation  of  the  Merger,  the  separate  corporate
existence  of Wizkids  ceased and the name of Merger Sub was changed to WizKids,
LLC ("New WizKids"), a Delaware corporation.

WizKids designs and sells  collectible  miniature games,  primarily to the hobby
market through  distributors  and  retailers.  The Company is  headquartered  in
Bellevue, Washington with additional facilities in Cincinnati, Ohio.

The total consideration payable by the Company to the WizKids' shareholders will
be comprised of $29.5 million in cash, offset by a purchase price adjustment, if
any, as defined,  based on the level of WizKids working capital at Closing.  The
working  capital  adjustment  will be the amount by which net working capital at
Closing was greater than or less than the required  $3,700,000  benchmark level.
Net initial  consideration of $28,284,469 in cash was paid at Closing,  which is
based on a preliminary negative working capital adjustment of $1,215,531.

The Company  entered  into an  employment  agreement  with Jordan  Weisman,  the
majority  shareholder  and founder of WizKids,  for a  forty-eight  month period
following the Closing. As part of this employment  agreement,  $2 million of the
consideration   paid  to  Mr.  Weisman  is  being   accounted  for  as  deferred
compensation  expense and is being  amortized over four years.  As an additional
part  of his  employment  agreement,  Mr.  Weisman  is  entitled  to  additional
contingent  payments  during the  forty-eight  months  subsequent to the Closing
equal to 2% of  WizKids'  annual net revenue in excess of $35 million per annual
period, assuming that certain operating margin targets are met. In addition, Mr.
Weisman was granted 200,000 options to acquire the Company's common stock, which
were  granted at fair  market  value on the date of grant and are vested  over a
four-year  period.  Subsequently,  the number of options  was reduced to 165,000
with the same terms in an amendment to the employment agreement.

Topps operates under a 52/53 week fiscal year. Its most recent fiscal year ended
on March 1, 2003,  and its most recent  unaudited  thirteen week period ended on
May 31, 2003.  For the purpose of the  presentation  of the unaudited  condensed
combining proforma financial information, WizKids' most recent fiscal year ended
December 31, 2002, and its most recent  unaudited three month period ended March
31, 2003 have been  combined  with Topps' most recent  annual and thirteen  week

The Merger  Agreement and Employment  Agreement are Exhibits 2.1 and 10.1 to the
Current Report on Form 8-K filed on July 24, 2003. The foregoing  description is
qualified in its entirety by reference  to the  agreements  previously  filed as

Item 7. Financial Statements, Pro Forma Financial Information and Exhibits.

     (a) Financial Statements of Businesses Acquired.

The audited  financial  statements of Wizkids,  LLC, as of December 31, 2002 and
2001 and for the years then ended,  together with the  accompanying  Independent
Auditors' Report, and the unaudited condensed  financial  statements as of March
31, 2003 and for the  three-month  periods ended March 31, 2003 and 2002 are set
forth in Exhibit 99.2.

     (b) Unaudited Pro Forma Financial Information

     The unaudited pro forma condensed combining  financial  information for The
Topps Company,  Inc. and Wizkids, LLC, for the periods reflected therein, is set
forth in Exhibit 99.3.

     (c) Exhibits

2.1  Agreement  and  Plan of  Merger  dated as of June 23,  2003,  by and  among
WizKids, the Company,  the Holding Company,  Finance and, solely in his capacity
as  the  Member   Representative  and  solely  for  purposes  of  accepting  his
appointment  as Member  Representative  under  Section  11.01(b)  of the  Merger
Agreement, Jordan K. Weisman. (*)

The  Company  has not,  with the  exception  of the  Jordan  Weisman  Employment
Agreement, included any exhibits or schedules to the Merger Agreement in Exhibit
2.1  filed  herewith.  The  Company  agrees  to  furnish  supplementally  to the
Commission  a copy of any omitted  schedule  or exhibit to the Merger  Agreement
upon request by the Commission.

10.1 Employment  Agreement,  dated as of July 9, 2003,  between Wizkids,  LLC, a
Delaware  limited  liability  company  (the  "Company"),  Jordan K. Weisman (the
"Executive"),  and, for the purposes of Sections 3(d) and 6(f) only, the Company
("Jordan Weisman Employment Agreement").(*)

99.1 Press Release,  dated as of July 9, 2003,  announcing  consummation  of the

99.2 Audited financial statements of Wizkids, LLC, as of and for the years ended
December 31, 2002 and 2001 and unaudited  condensed  financial  statements as of
March 31, 2003 and for the three-month periods ended March 31, 2003 and 2002.

99.3 Pro Forma Condensed Combining Financial  Information for The Topps Company,
Inc. and WizKids, LLC

99.4  Amendment  to  Employment  Agreement,  dated as of July 9,  2003,  between
Wizkids,  LLC, a Delaware limited liability  company (the "Company"),  Jordan K.
Weisman (the "Executive"), and, for the purposes of Sections 3(d) and 6(f) only,
the Company ("Jordan Weisman Employment Agreement").

(*) Exhibit  incorporated  by reference to the Company's  Current Report on Form
8-K filed on July 24, 2003.


Pursuant to the requirements of the Securities and Exchange Act of 1934, the
Registrant has duly caused this report to be signed on its behalf by the
undersigned hereunto duly authorized.

                                         THE TOPPS COMPANY, INC.

Date:  September 22, 2003               by:  /s/ Catherine K. Jessup
       ------------------               ----------------------------
                                        Name: Catherine K. Jessup
                                        Title: Chief Financial Officer

Index to Exhibits

99.2 Audited financial statements of Wizkids, LLC, as of and for the years ended
December 31, 2002 and 2001 and unaudited  condensed  financial  statements as of
March 31, 2003 and for the three-month periods ended March 31, 2003 and 2002.

99.3 Pro Forma Condensed Combining Financial  Information for The Topps Company,
Inc. and WizKids, LLC.

99.4  Amendment  to  Employment  Agreement,  dated as of July 9,  2003,  between
Wizkids,  LLC, a Delaware limited liability  company (the "Company"),  Jordan K.
Weisman (the "Executive"), and, for the purposes of Sections 3(d) and 6(f) only,
the Company ("Jordan Weisman Employment Agreement").


Financial Statements of Wizkids,  LLC. for the years ended December 31, 2002 and
2001 and for the three-month periods ended March 31, 2003 and 2002.

                                  WIZKIDS, LLC
                                 AND SUBSIDIARY

                                TABLE OF CONTENTS


As of and for the years ended December 31, 2002 and 2001:

Independent Auditors' Report ......................................  5

Consolidated Balance Sheets .......................................  6

Consolidated Statements of Income .................................  7

Consolidated Statements of Members' Equity ........................  8

Consolidated Statements of Cash Flows .............................  9

Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements ........................ 10

As of March 31, 2003 and for the three-month periods ended March 31, 2003
and 2002:

Unaudited Condensed Consolidated Balance Sheet .................... 19

Unaudited Condensed Consolidated Statements of Operations ......... 20

Unaudited condensed Consolidated Statements of Cash Flows ......... 21

Notes to Unaudited Condensed Consolidated Financial Statements .... 22

                          Independent Auditors' Report

The Members
Wizkids, LLC:

We have audited the accompanying consolidated balance sheets of Wizkids, LLC and
subsidiary  as of  December  31,  2002  and 2001  and the  related  consolidated
statements of income,  members' equity, and cash flows for the years then ended.
These consolidated  financial statements are the responsibility of the Company's
management.  Our  responsibility is to express an opinion on these  consolidated
financial statements based on our audits.

We conducted our audits in accordance with auditing standards generally accepted
in the  United  States of  America.  Those  standards  require  that we plan and
perform the audit to obtain  reasonable  assurance  about  whether the financial
statements are free of material misstatement.  An audit includes examining, on a
test basis,  evidence  supporting  the amounts and  disclosures in the financial
statements.  An audit also includes assessing the accounting principles used and
significant  estimates  made by  management,  as well as evaluating  the overall
financial  statement  presentation.   We  believe  that  our  audits  provide  a
reasonable basis for our opinion.

In our opinion, the consolidated  financial statements referred to above present
fairly, in all material  respects,  the financial  position of Wizkids,  LLC and
subsidiary as of December 31, 2002 and 2001, and the results of their operations
and their  cash flows for the years then  ended in  conformity  with  accounting
principles generally accepted in the United States of America.


Seattle, Washington
September 19, 2003

                                  WIZKIDS, LLC
                                 AND SUBSIDIARY

                           Consolidated Balance Sheets

                           December 31, 2002 and 2001


                                                       2002            2001
                                                       ----            ----
Current assets:

  Cash                                              $  897,977      $  121,085
  Trade receivables, less allowance of $182,078
    and $85,000 in 2002 and 2001, respectively       2,070,035       1,760,726
  Inventories                                        3,206,352       1,407,956
  Prepaid royalties                                     90,500         190,000
  Receivable from member                                   --           22,294
  Deposits and prepaid expenses                        228,797         216,681
                                                     ---------       ---------
     Total current assets                            6,493,661       3,718,742
Property and equipment, net                            431,216         158,775
Other assets                                           145,013         199,484
                                                    ----------      ----------
                                                    $7,069,890      $4,077,001
                                                    ==========      ==========

                         Liabilities and Members' Equity

Current liabilities:

  Trade accounts payable                            $  718,382      $  373,185
  Accrued expenses                                   1,339,726         233,413
  Short-term borrowings                                    --          200,000
  Current portion of loans from members                    --           57,497
                                                    ----------      ----------
    Total current liabilities                        2,058,108         864,095
Loans from members, less current portion                   --          195,398
Members' equity                                      5,011,782       3,017,508
                                                    ----------      ----------
                                                    $7,069,890      $4,077,001
                                                    ==========      ==========

See accompanying notes to consolidated financial statements.

                                  WIZKIDS, LLC
                                 AND SUBSIDIARY
                        Consolidated Statements of Income
                     Years ended December 31, 2002 and 2001

                                                       2002            2001
                                                       ----            ----

Net sales                                           $32,708,616     $15,501,238
Cost of sales                                        15,976,901       8,011,075
                                                    -----------     -----------
      Gross profit                                   16,731,715       7,490,163
                                                    -----------     -----------
Operating expenses:
  General and administrative                          5,586,265       2,688,741
  Sales and marketing                                 4,515,631       2,085,349
  Research and development                              527,000         307,400
                                                    -----------     -----------
      Total operating expenses                       10,628,896       5,081,490
                                                    -----------     -----------
      Operating income                                6,102,819       2,408,673
                                                    -----------     -----------
Other income (expense):
  Interest expense                                      (15,302)        (51,152)
  Interest income                                        21,757          16,739
                                                    -----------     -----------
      Net income                                    $ 6,109,274     $ 2,374,260
                                                    ===========     ===========

See accompanying notes to consolidated financial statements.

                                                WIZKIDS, LLC
                                               AND SUBSIDIARY

                                   Consolidated Statements of Members' Equity
                                     Years ended December 31, 2002 and 2001

                                          Class A          Class B        Class C         Deferred        Total
                                                                                         to Class C

                                        ------------    ------------    ------------    ------------    ------------
Balance at December 31, 2000            $ 1,007,078     $   336,170     $       --      $      --       $ 1,343,248

Distributions                              (700,000)            --               --             --         (700,000)

Net income                                  949,704       1,424,556              --             --        2,374,260
                                        ------------    ------------    ------------    ------------    ------------
Balance at December 31, 2001              1,256,782     $ 1,760,726              --             --        3,017,508

Grant of Class C member interests               --              --           600,000       (600,000)            --

Amortization of deferred
  compensation to Class C members               --              --               --         405,000         405,000

Distributions                            (1,676,978)     (2,391,022)        (452,000)           --       (4,520,000)

Net income                                2,199,339       3,299,008          610,927            --        6,109,274
                                        ------------    ------------    -------------   ------------    ------------
Balance at December 31, 2002            $ 1,779,143     $ 2,668,712     $    758,927    $  (195,000)    $ 5,011,782
                                        ============    ============    =============   ============    ============

See accompanying notes to consolidated financial statements.

                                  WIZKIDS, LLC
                                 AND SUBSIDIARY

                      Consolidated Statements of Cash Flows
                     Years ended December 31, 2002 and 2001

                                                            2002            2001
                                                            ----            ----
Cash flows from operating activities:
  Net income                                            $ 6,109,274     $ 2,374,260
  Adjustments to reconcile net income to net cash
    provided by operating activities:
      Depreciation and amortization                          79,196          45,181
      Amortization of deferred compensation
         to Class C members                                 405,000             --
      Losses and impairment in equity method investee       100,000             --
      Disposition of assets                                     --          250,000
      Change in certain assets and liabilities:
        Trade receivables                                  (309,309)       (676,549)
        Inventories                                      (1,798,396)       (642,430)
        Prepaid royalties                                    99,500        (190,000)
        Deposits and prepaid expenses                       (12,116)       (207,111)
        Other assets                                            990          94,562
        Accounts payable                                    345,197         108,878
        Accrued expenses                                  1,106,313         210,172
                                                        ------------    ------------
          Net cash provided by operating activities       6,125,649       1,366,963
                                                        ------------    ------------

Cash flows from investing activities:
  Purchases of property and equipment                      (348,156)       (164,809)
  Other assets                                              (50,000)       (165,000)
  Cash paid for purchase of assets                               --        (250,000)
  Repayments of receivables from members                    379,294             --
  Receivables from members                                 (357,000)        (22,294)
                                                         -----------    ------------
          Net cash used in investing activities            (375,862)       (602,103)
                                                         -----------    ------------

Cash flows from financing activities:
  Proceeds from short-term borrowings                           --          200,000
  Payments on short-term borrowings                        (200,000)       (200,000)
  Payment of loans from members                            (252,895)        (47,105)
  Distributions to members                               (4,520,000)       (700,000)
                                                         -----------    ------------
    Net cash used in financing activities                (4,972,895)       (747,105)
                                                         -----------    ------------
Net increase in cash                                        776,892          17,755
Cash at beginning of year                                   121,085         103,330
                                                         -----------    ------------
Cash at end of year                                      $  897,977     $   121,085
                                                         ===========    ============

Supplemental disclosures of cash flow information:
  Cash paid during the year for interest                 $   16,224     $    46,978
                                                         ===========    ============

See accompanying notes to consolidated financial statements.

                           WIZKIDS, LLC AND SUBSIDIARY

                   Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements
                           December 31, 2002 and 2001

(1)  Description of Business and Summary of Significant Accounting Policies

     (a)  Description of Business

          Wizkids,  LLC,  a limited  liability  company,  was  formed  and began
          operations on May 10, 2000. The Wizkids,  LLC managing  member is also
          the chief executive officer.  Under the terms of the limited liability
          company  agreement,  no member is  individually  liable for the debts,
          obligations or liabilities of Wizkids, LLC. Wizkids, LLC has perpetual
          existence unless terminated earlier, under certain circumstances.

          The consolidated financial statements include the accounts of Wizkids,
          LLC and its wholly owned subsidiary,  Wizkids Ohio, LLC (collectively,
          the   "Company"  or   "WizKids").   All   intercompany   accounts  and
          transactions   have  been   eliminated.   WizKids  designs  and  sells
          collectible  miniature  games,  primarily to the hobby market  through
          distributors and retailers.  The Company is headquartered in Bellevue,
          Washington with additional facilities in Cincinnati, Ohio.

     (b)  Use of Estimates

          The  preparation of  consolidated  financial  statements in conformity
          with accounting  principles generally accepted in the United States of
          America  requires  management to make estimates and  assumptions  that
          affect the reported  amounts of assets and  liabilities and disclosure
          of contingent  assets and liabilities at the date of the  consolidated
          financial statements and the reported amounts of revenues and expenses
          during the reporting  period.  Actual  results could differ from those

     (c)  Inventories

          Inventories  are primarily  comprised of finished goods and are stated
          at the lower of cost (first in, first out) or market.  Inventory costs
          consists  primarily  of the costs  charged by our primary  third party
          manufacturer  together  with the cost we incur for  tooling  and molds
          consumed in the manufacturing process.

     (d)  Trade Receivables

          Trade  receivables  are  recorded  at  the  invoiced  amount,  net  of
          anticipated  early-pay  discounts,  and  do  not  bear  interest.  The
          allowance for doubtful  accounts is the Company's best estimate of the
          amount of  probable  credit  losses in the  Company's  existing  trade
          receivables.  The Company determines the allowance based on historical
          write-off  experience.  The Company reviews its allowance for doubtful
          accounts at least monthly.  Past due balances over a specified  amount
          are reviewed individually for collectibility.  Receivable balances are
          charged off against the allowance  after all means of collection  have
          been  exhausted and the  potential for recovery is considered  remote.
          The  Company  does  not  have any  off-balance-sheet  credit  exposure
          related to its customers.

     (e)  Property and Equipment

          Property and  equipment are stated at cost.  Depreciation  is provided
          using the  straight-line  method over the following  estimated  useful

                                                Estimated useful life

             Software                                   3 years
             Equipment                                4-5 years
             Furniture and fixtures and           Shorter of 7 years
                leasehold improvements              or term of lease

          Expenditures  for  maintenance  and  repairs are charged to expense as
          incurred.  Upon sale or retirement,  the cost and related  accumulated
          depreciation  is removed from the accounts and any  resulting  gain or
          loss is reflected in results of operations.

     (f)  Concentrations

          The Company's  customers are located worldwide with  concentrations in
          North  America,  Europe,  and Asia.  The Company had aggregate  sales,
          denominated in U.S.  dollars,  to foreign  customers of 16% and 17% in
          2002  and  2001,  respectively.  There  were no  significant  sales to
          customers in any one foreign country in 2002 and 2001.

          Two domestic customers  accounted for 23% and 14% of trade receivables
          at  December   31,  2002  and  20%  and  13%  of  sales  during  2002,
          respectively.  No other customers accounted for more than 10% of sales
          in 2002 or of trade receivables at December 31, 2002.

          Two domestic customers  accounted for 30% and 18% of trade receivables
          at  December   31,  2001  and  15%  and  16%  of  sales  during  2001,
          respectively.  No other customers accounted for more than 10% of sales
          in 2001 or of trade accounts receivable at December 31, 2001.

          In 2002 and 2001,  the Company  purchased  approximately  99% and 98%,
          respectively, of its merchandise overseas from one supplier located in
          China.  The  Company's  sales and purchases  are  denominated  in U.S.
          dollars. The Company records inventory at the time product is shipped.
          Prior to shipment,  the Company places orders for its product with its
          suppliers  based on  expected  sales.  In the event  that the  Company
          decreases its order prior to shipment, the Company may be obligated to
          pay for some or all of the order placed.  This  obligation will depend
          on the  timing of the  change  in the  order  and the  degree to which
          product is completed by its  suppliers.  At any one time,  the Company
          normally has  approximately  two months of product ordered but not yet

     (g)  Income Taxes

          As  a  limited  liability  company,   the  Company  is  treated  as  a
          partnership for federal income tax reporting. Accordingly, the Company
          is not required to pay federal income taxes.  Instead,  the income and
          losses of the Company are  allocated  to its members for  inclusion in
          their respective  federal income tax returns.  Accordingly,  no income
          tax provision or benefit is reflected in the financial statements,  as
          they are the obligations or benefits of the members.

     (h)  Research and Development

          Research and development costs are expensed as incurred.

    (i)  Advertising

          The Company expenses the costs of advertising as incurred. The Company
          recognized  advertising  expense,  which includes sponsored  organized
          play events, of $1,711,188 in 2002 and $262,357 in 2001.

     (j)  Revenue Recognition

          The  Company  recognizes   revenue,   net  of  estimated  returns  and
          discounts,  when product is shipped. Under certain circumstances,  the
          Company allows for limited product  returns.  An accrual for estimated
          sales returns is made in these instances.

     (k)  Guarantees

     In   November  2002,  the Financial  Accounting  Standards  Board  ("FASB")
          issued FASB Interpretation  ("FIN") No. 45, Guarantor's Accounting and
          Disclosure Requirements for Guarantees,  Including Indirect Guarantees
          of Indebtedness  of Others.  FIN No. 45 provides  expanded  accounting
          guidance surrounding liability recognition and disclosure requirements
          related to guarantees, as defined by this Interpretation.  The Company
          adopted FIN No. 45 during  December  2002.  In the ordinary  course of
          business,  the Company is not subject to potential  obligations  under
          guarantees  that  fall  within  the  scope of FIN No.  45  except  for
          standard indemnification  provisions that are contained within many of
          the  Company's  licensing  agreements  and for the  Company's  product
          warranty.   These  give  rise  only  to  the  disclosure  requirements
          prescribed by FIN No. 45.  Indemnification  and  provisions  contained
          within the Company's  licensing  agreements  are generally  consistent
          with those  prevalent in the Company's  industry.  The duration of the
          Company's  product  warranty  is for a  year  after  manufacture.  The
          Company has not incurred significant obligations under indemnification
          or warranty provisions historically and the Company does not expect to
          incur significant obligations in the future. Accordingly,  the Company
          does not maintain accruals for potential  customer  indemnification or
          warranty-related  obligations. In addition, as discussed in note 8(b),
          the Company has future  minimum  royalties due of $240,847 at December
          31, 2002

     (l)  Equity Interest

          During 2002, the Company  granted an equity interest in the Company to
          certain employees.  The awards,  which have an exercise price of zero,
          vest over a period of three years.  The Company  applies the method of
          accounting prescribed by Accounting Principles Board (APB) Opinion No.
          25,   Accounting   for  Stock   Issued  to   Employees,   and  related
          interpretations  including FASB  Interpretation No. 44, Accounting for
          Certain Transactions  Involving Stock Compensation,  an interpretation
          of APB  Opinion  No. 25,  issued in March  2000,  to  account  for its
          fixed-plan  equity interest  awards.  Under this method,  compensation
          expense is recorded on the date of grant if the current  market  price
          of the underlying equity interest exceeds the required  investment for
          such interest.  Statement of Financial  Accounting  Standards ("SFAS")
          No.  123,   Accounting  for  Stock-Based   Compensation,   established
          accounting and disclosure requirements using a fair-value-based method
          of  accounting  for  stock-based  employee  compensation  plans or, as
          applicable to the Company,  equity interest awards. As allowed by SFAS
          No.  123,  the  Company has elected to continue to apply the method of
          accounting  prescribed by APB Opinion No. 25, and has adopted only the
          disclosure  requirements of SFAS No. 123. Had  compensation  cost been
          determined  consistent  with SFAS No.  123,  under the  minimum  value
          approach,  the  Company's  net income for the year ended  December 31,
          2002 would not have been significantly impacted.

     (m)  Investment in WizKids Games

          The  Company's  investment  in WizKids  Games is accounted  for by the
          equity  method.  During 2002, the investment of $60,000 was reduced to
          zero due to the Company  recording its  proportionate  share of losses
          and due to an other-than-temporary  decline in fair value based upon a
          review  of  qualitative  and  quantitative   factors  surrounding  the
          financial condition of WizKids Games.

     (n)  Impairment of Long-Lived Assets

          SFAS No. 144 provides a single  accounting model for long-lived assets
          to be  disposed  of.  SFAS  No.  144 also  changes  the  criteria  for
          classifying  an asset as held for  sale;  and  broadens  the  scope of
          businesses   to  be  disposed  of  that   qualify  for   reporting  as
          discontinued  operations and changes the timing of recognizing  losses
          on such  operations.  The Company  adopted  SFAS No. 144 on January 1,
          2002.  The  adoption  of SFAS No.  144 did not  affect  the  Company's
          financial statements.

          In accordance with SFAS No. 144,  long-lived assets, such as property,
          plant,   and   equipment,   and  purchased   intangibles   subject  to
          amortization,  are reviewed for impairment  whenever events or changes
          in circumstances indicate that the carrying amount of an asset may not
          be  recoverable.  Recoverability  of  assets  to be held  and  used is
          measured  by a  comparison  of the  carrying  amount  of an  asset  to
          estimated  undiscounted  future cash flows expected to be generated by
          the asset.  If the carrying  amount of an asset  exceeds its estimated
          future cash flows, an impairment charge is recognized in the amount by
          which the carrying  amount of the asset  exceeds the fair value of the
          asset.  Assets to be disposed of would be separately  presented in the
          balance sheet and reported at the lower of the carrying amount or fair
          value less costs to sell,  and are no longer  depreciated.  The assets
          and liabilities of a disposed group  classified as held for sale would
          be  presented  separately  in  the  appropriate  asset  and  liability
          sections of the balance sheet. To date, no adjustments to the carrying
          value of the Company's long-lived assets have been required.

          Prior to the  adoption of SFAS No.  144,  the  Company  accounted  for
          long-lived  assets in  accordance  with SFAS No. 121,  Accounting  for
          Impairment  of  Long-Lived  Assets  and for  Long-Lived  Assets  to be
          Disposed of.

     (o)  Fair Value of Financial Instruments

          At December 31, 2002 and 2001,  the  Company's  financial  instruments
          consist of cash, accounts  receivable,  receivable from member,  trade
          accounts payable,  accrued expenses,  short-term  borrowings and loans
          from members.  The fair values of these instruments  approximate their
          carrying value based on their liquidity or short maturity.

     (p)  Segment Reporting

          Operating segments are revenue-producing  components of the enterprise
          for which separate  financial  information is produced  internally for
          the  Company's  management.  For all  periods  presented  the  Company
          operated as a single segment.

(2)  Members' Equity

     Wizkids,  LLC has three classes of interest  holders.  Class A members have
     voting rights and are those  members that have made a capital  contribution
     to the  Company.  Class B members  are  family  members  of Class A members
     working for WizKids and an independent  game designer.  Class C members are
     employees  of the  Company  who are  not  Class A or B  members,  and  were
     admitted on January 1, 2002 for a total ownership percentage of 10%.

     The limited liability  agreement states that the issuance of Class C member
     interests is at the discretion of the Manager of the Company.

     Distributions  of cash flow,  capital proceeds and allocations of profit or
     loss to the A and B members were as follows  until January 1, 2002 when the
     Class C members were admitted:

          Class A and B members first receive priority distributions until these
          members have received an amount equal to their  capital  contribution.
          Second,  Class A members  share  distributions  equally  with  Class B
          members until the Class A members have  received an additional  30% of
          their original capital  contribution.  Third,  Class A members receive
          45% and Class B members  55% of  distributions  until  Class A members
          have   received  an   additional   10%  of  their   original   capital
          contribution.  All  distributions  afterward  are  made 40% to Class A
          members and 60% to Class B members.  Allocations of profits and losses
          are made  based on the  distribution  priorities,  beginning  with the
          second step above.

     Afterthe  admittance of the Class C members,  distributions after the first
     step above are modified  such that in the second step Class A and B members
     each received 45% and Class C members 10%, and in the third step Class A, B
     and C members  receive 40.5%,  49.5% and 10%,  respectively.  Subsequent to
     step three, distributions are made 36% to the Class A members, 54% to Class
     B members and 10% to Class C members and Class A and B members will receive
     a  priority  distribution  upon  liquidation  or  sale  of the  Company  of
     $8,042,492  above  their  capital  contribution,  which  results  from  the
     difference  of the fair  value of the  Company in excess of book value upon
     the admission of the Class C members.

     The Class C interests  are subject to a vesting  schedule such that the 20%
     of the interest is vested on the issuance date, 45% is cumulatively  vested
     after the first  anniversary  of the  issuance  date but on or prior to the
     second  anniversary of the issuance date, 70% is cumulatively  vested after
     the second  anniversary  of the issuance  date but on or prior to the third
     anniversary of the issuance date and 100% is cumulatively  vested after the
     third  anniversary  of the issuance  date.  The Class C interests vest 100%
     upon the Company  entering  into an agreement to sell all or  substantially
     all the  assets  of the  Company,  upon the sale of  substantially  all the
     intellectual property assets of the Company, upon the sale of a majority of
     the membership  rights of the Company,  upon the merger,  consolidation  or
     combination  of the Company with another entity in which the Company is not
     the survivor,  upon the filing of a  registration  statement for an initial
     public  offering,  or upon the resignation or removal of the Manager of the
     Company.  In addition,  if a Class C member is terminated without cause and
     an event  occurs,  which would have  resulted in 100%  vesting,  within six
     months of  termination,  the Class C member's  interest will  retroactively
     vest 100%.

     Upon the  admission of the Class C members,  the Company  recognized  total
     compensation  expense  of  $600,000  for the fair  value  of the  interests
     granted as determined by management and based in part on an appraisal. This
     value is being recognized over the vesting periods of the Class C interests
     in  accordance  with FIN No. 28, on an  accelerated  basis over the vesting
     period of the applicable interests. Under this method,  approximately 67.5%
     of the deferred  compensation to Class C members is recognized in the first
     12 months, 22.5% in the second 12 months, and 10.0% in the third 12 months.

     The  Company  has the  right to  purchase  the Class C  interests  upon the
     resignation,  termination  for cause,  death or  disability  of the Class C
     member at fair value.

     One of the Class A Members has been designated Manager of the Company.  The
     Manager has full, exclusive, and complete discretion,  power, and authority
     to manage, control,  administer and operate the business and affairs of the
     Company.  Consent of Class A Members is required for certain decisions made
     by the  Manager,  including  those with a cost or expense to the Company of
     over  $250,000.  A vote of  greater  than  75% of the  Class A  members  is
     required for removal of the  Manager;  however,  the current  Manager has a
     Class A interest of more than 25%.

(3)  Line of Credit

     At December 31, 2002 the Company has  available a revolving  line of credit
     totaling  $2,500,000  that  expires  July 1, 2003 at which time all amounts
     outstanding  become  due.  The  interest  rate is the prime rate plus 0.5%,
     which was 4.50% at December 31, 2002. Borrowings under the line at December
     31, 2002 and 2001 were $0 and  $200,000,  respectively,  and are secured by
     trade  receivables  and  inventories.  This facility  allows the Company to
     borrow up to the  lesser of 80% of  eligible  trade  receivables  (Eligible
     Receivables) or $2,500,000. The Company also has a standby letter of credit
     under  this  facility  for an  amount  up to (a)  the  lesser  of  Eligible
     Receivables  plus  25%  of  eligible  inventories  up to  $450,000  or  (b)
     $1,500,000.  The standby letter of credit  outstanding at December 31, 2002
     totaled $1,500,000.

     The line of credit agreement  contains  financial  covenants related to net
     worth,  working capital and net income and limits  distributions to members
     without  prior  approval.  As of  December  31,  2002,  the  Company was in
     compliance with the covenants.

(4)  Loans from Members

     The Company had loans from members of $252,895 at December  31,  2001.  The
     loans accrued  interest at an annual rate of 11.5%.  Interest and principal
     payments were due monthly through  December 31, 2005.  Interest  expense on
     the loans  amounts to $10,400 and  $38,666 in 2002 and 2001,  respectively.
     The loans and all accrued interest were paid during 2002.

(5)  Loans to Members

     During 2002 and 2001 the Company  loaned  certain  members,  including  the
     Manager,  amounts  totaling  $357,000  and $22,294,  respectively,  for the
     payment of personal taxes. These funds were repaid in 2002. Interest income
     related  to  these  loans   totaled   $5,917  and  $0  in  2002  and  2001,

(6)  Property and Equipment

     Property and equipment consist of the following at December 31:

                                           2002            2001
                                        ---------       ---------
        Equipment                       $ 264,840       $ 144,556
        Furniture, fixtures and
          leasehold improvements          217,474           6,969
        Software                           69,486          52,119
                                        ---------       ---------
                                          551,800         203,644
        Less accumulated depreciation
           and amortization               120,584          44,869
                                        ---------       ---------
        Property and equipment, net     $ 431,216       $ 158,775
                                        =========       =========

     Total  depreciation and  amortization  expense for the years ended December
     31,  2002 and 2001 on property  and  equipment  was  $75,715  and  $41,999,

(7)  Accrued Expenses

     Accrued expenses consist of the following at December 31:

                                           2002             2001
                                        ----------       ----------

        Royalties                       $  653,563       $     --
        Payroll                            473,996           90,000
        Sales return allowance
           and commissions                 191,029              --
        Marketing expenses                  19,895           61,000
        Insurance                              --            48,227
        Other                                1,243           34,186
                                         ---------       ----------
                                        $1,339,726       $  233,413
                                        ==========       ==========

(8)  Commitments

     (a)  Leases

          The Company leases facility space under noncancelable operating leases
          with expiration  dates through October 2006.  Aggregate  minimum lease
          payments under these agreements are as follows at December 31, 2002:

                                2003            $  276,911
                                2004               405,888
                                2005               405,888
                                2006               331,990

          Total  rent  expense  for 2002 and 2001  was  $195,602  and  $142,810,

     (b)  Royalty Payments

          During 2001, the Company  entered into multiple  royalty  arrangements
          with third  parties  which  enable  the  Company  to  incorporate  the
          intellectual  designs owned by such third parties in their collectible
          miniature games. The arrangements are structured such that the Company
          will owe the greater of; (i) 10% to 12% of the revenue  earned through
          the  incorporation  of  said  designs,  or  (ii)  set  minimum  annual
          royalties over a period of five years. The arrangements expire between
          December 31, 2004 and December 31, 2005. The royalty  arrangements are
          transferable  in the event of a sale,  merger or  transfer  of greater
          than 50% of the assets or ownership  interests of the Company  subject
          to the  approval  of the third  parties on an  individual  basis.  The
          royalties are  recognized as costs of sales as the related  revenue is
          generated.  During 2002 and 2001,  the  Company  paid  $1,049,165  and
          $190,000,  respectively,  under  these  arrangements.  Future  minimum
          royalties  due under the  arrangements  are  $240,847 at December  31,

     (c)  Related Party Royalty Commitment

          See discussion on purchase of intellectual property rights in note 9.

(9)  Related Party Transactions

     (a)  Purchase of Miniature Collectible Metal Manufacturing Company

          On March 14, 2001,  the Company  purchased  certain assets of a metals
          manufacturing  business for $250,000 from a company  controlled by two
          of the members,  including  the Manager,  of WizKids.  The assets were
          primarily molds and equipment used in the manufacturing  process.  The
          purchase  price was  allocated to the  identifiable  assets  purchased
          based on their estimated fair values as follows:

                Molds and tooling               $  215,165
                Office equipment                    18,875
                Manufacturing equipment             15,960
                                                $  250,000

          As part of the purchase agreement, WizKids granted a security interest
          in certain  purchased assets and guaranteed  payments under a $450,000
          note  payable  by  the  seller  to a  previous  owner  of  the  metals
          manufacturing  business  in the event that the  seller  failed to make
          payments when due. The agreement required WizKids to pay any royalties
          owed as  discussed in note 9(b)  directly to the previous  owner up to
          the amount of the note,  at which time the  security  interest  in the
          purchased  assets and the note payment  obligation  terminate.  During
          2002,  WizKids was  notified  that the note was in default and settled
          the seller's entire obligation, which had been reduced to $175,000, by
          paying  $175,000  of  royalties  that the  Company  owed to the seller
          directly to the previous owner.

          On December 7, 2001,  the  manufacturing  equipment and related assets
          were  transferred to several  employees of Wizkids Ohio, LLC and their
          employment with Wizkids Ohio, LLC was terminated. In exchange, WizKids
          will receive future royalty payments on certain metals  products.  The
          carrying value of the assets transferred of approximately $250,000 was
          charged   to   general   and   administrative   expense.    Contingent
          consideration,  in form of royalty  payments,  will be  recognized  as
          income  if  and  when  realized.  At  the  time  the  transaction  was
          consummated, management was unable to determine the value of royalties
          to be received  because such royalties are contingent  upon the former
          employees'  ability to generate  sales.  As of December 31,  2002,  no
          material royalties had been earned.

     (b)  Purchase of Intellectual Property Rights

          On March 14, 2001, WizKids purchased  intellectual property rights for
          multiple  properties from a company  controlled by two of the members,
          including the Manager,  of WizKids.  The Company paid $75,000 and also
          committed to pay future  royalties of 10% on any product sales and 50%
          of  sublicensing  fees  related to these  multiple  properties,  which
          include Battletech and Shadowrun. The total amount of royalty payments
          owed is capped at $5,000,000 with certain  limitations on this amount.
          In the event of a sale of the  Company,  the  agreement  provides  for
          potential  reductions  in the cap  amount of  $5,000,000  followed  by
          immediate payment of the reduced amount.  The Company's  obligation to
          make such  royalty  payments is  contingent  upon sales of the related
          products.  $531,975  and $0 of royalties  were  incurred for the years
          ended December 31, 2002 and 2001, respectively.

     (c)  Investment in WizKids Games

          In November 2001, the Company  invested  $60,000 in WizKids Games, LLC
          (WizKids Games). WizKids Games operates a retail game store located in
          Redmond,   Washington.   In  addition  to  its   investment,   WizKids
          transferred its e-commerce  business to WizKids Games and committed to
          loan up to $50,000,  at prime rate plus two percent.  During 2002, the
          investment  balance was  reduced to zero due to the Company  recording
          its proportionate  share of losses and due to an  other-than-temporary
          decline  in  fair  value  based  upon  a  review  of  qualitative  and
          quantitative  factors  surrounding the financial  condition of WizKids
          Games.  Also  during  2002,  $50,000  was loaned to  WizKids  Games in
          addition to $30,000 loaned in 2001.  These loans were reduced to their
          estimated  recoverable  value of  $40,000  during  2002.  The loans to
          WizKids Games were  modified in 2002 such that they carry  interest at
          6.75%  and are due on  demand  however;  WizKids  expects  the loan to
          remain outstanding in excess of one year. The investment and loans are
          included in other assets in 2002 and 2001.  During 2002 and 2001,  the
          Company  recorded sales to WizKids Games in the amount of $135,276 and
          $11,304  respectively.  WizKids  sells  product to WizKids Games under
          substantially  the same terms as its other  customers.  The Manager of
          WizKids has an ownership  interest in WizKids  Games of  approximately
          20%. At December 31, 2002, WizKids ownership interest in WizKids Games
          was  approximately  44% and is accounted for under the equity  method.
          Losses and  impairments  are included with general and  administrative
          expense and the  investment  and loans are included with other assets.
          The assets and  liabilities  of WizKids Games at December 31, 2002 and
          2001 and  results  of  operations  for the years  then  ended were not
          significant to WizKids.

                                  WIZKIDS, LLC
                                 AND SUBSIDIARY

                      Condensed Consolidated Balance Sheets
                                 March 31, 2003

                                                         March 31,      December 31,
                                                           2003             2002
                                                        ----------      ------------
Current assets:
  Cash                                                  $  802,548      $  897,977
  Trade receivables, less allowance of $99,577 and
     $182,078 in 2003 and 2002, respectively             2,828,365       2,070,035
  Inventories                                            3,054,409       3,206,352
  Prepaid royalties                                        135,333          90,500
  Deposits and prepaid expenses                            219,666         228,797
                                                        ----------       ---------
     Total current assets                                7,040,321       6,493,661

Property and equipment, net                                509,759         431,216
Other assets                                               115,000         145,013
                                                        ----------      ----------
                                                        $7,665,080      $7,069,890
                                                        ==========      ==========

                         Liabilities and Members' Equity
Current liabilities:
  Trade accounts payable                                $1,100,748      $  718,382
  Accrued expenses                                       1,461,424       1,339,726
                                                        ----------      ----------
     Total current liabilities                           2,562,172       2,058,108
Commitments                                                    --              --
Members' equity                                          5,102,908       5,011,782
                                                        ----------      ----------
                                                        $7,665,080      $7,069,890
                                                        ==========      ==========

See accompanying notes to unaudited condensed consolidated financial statements.

                                  WIZKIDS, LLC
                                 AND SUBSIDIARY

                 Condensed Consolidated Statements of Operations
                Three Month Period Ended March 31, 2003 and 2002

                                           2003            2002
                                           ----            ----
Net sales                               $6,678,824      $3,302,206
Cost of sales                            3,345,419       1,812,031
                                        ----------      ----------
Gross profit                             3,333,405       1,490,175

Operating expenses:
  General and administrative             1,878,869         980,762
  Sales and marketing                    1,367,031         791,801
                                        ----------      ----------
     Total operating expenses            3,245,900       1,772,563
                                        ----------      ----------
     Operating income (loss)                87,505        (282,388)
                                        ----------      ----------
Other income (expenses):
  Interest expense                             --           (7,358)
  Interest income                            3,620           2,585
                                        ----------      -----------
     Net income (loss)                  $   91,125      $ (287,161)
                                        ==========      ===========

See accompanying notes to unaudited condensed consolidated financial statements.

                                  WIZKIDS, LLC
                                 AND SUBSIDIARY

                 Condensed Consolidated Statements of Cash Flows
                Three Month Period Ended March 31, 2003 and 2002

                                                            2003            2002
                                                            ----            ----

Cash flows from operating activities:
  Net income (loss)                                     $   91,125      $ (287,161)
  Adjustments to reconcile net income (loss)
  to net cash provided by operating activities:
     Depreciation and amortization                          47,551          17,184
     Amortization of deferred compensation
        to Class C members                                     --              --
     Losses and impairment in equity method investee           --              --
     Disposition of assets                                     --              --
     Change in certain assets and liabilities:
        Trade receivables                                 (758,330)      1,022,713
        Inventories                                        151,943        (775,993)
        Prepaid royalties                                  (44,833)        (50,000)
        Deposits and prepaid expenses                        9,131        (137,729)
        Accounts payable                                   382,366          12,056
        Accrued expenses                                   121,697         207,428
                                                        -----------     -----------
           Net cash provided by operating activities           650           8,498
                                                        -----------     -----------

Cash flows from investing activities:
   Purchases of property and equipment                    (117,402)        (13,919)
   Other assets                                             21,323             745
                                                        -----------     -----------
           Net cash used in investing activities           (96,079)        (13,174)
                                                        -----------     -----------
Cash flows from financing activities:
     Proceeds from short-term borrowings                       --              --
     Payments on short-term borrowings                         --              --
     Payment of loans from members                             --          (16,939)
     Distributions to members                                  --              --
                                                        ------------    -----------
           Net cash used in financing activities               --          (16,939)
                                                        ------------    -----------
           Net decrease in cash                             (95,429)       (21,615)

Cash at beginning of period                                 897,977        121,085
                                                        ------------    -----------
Cash at end of period                                   $   802,548     $   99,470
                                                        ============    ===========

Supplemental disclosures of cash flow information:
   Cash paid during the period for interest             $       --      $    7,358
                                                        ============    ===========

See accompanying notes to unaudited condensed consolidated financial statements.


(a)  Summary of Significant Accounting Policies

     The accompanying  unaudited condensed  consolidated financial statements as
     of March 31, 2003 and for the three-month  periods ended March 31, 2003 and
     2002  have  been  prepared  by  Wizkids,  LLC  and  its  subsidiaries  (the
     "Company")  pursuant to the rules and  regulations  of the  Securities  and
     Exchange  Commission and reflect all adjustments  which are, in the opinion
     of  management,  considered  necessary for a fair  presentation.  Operating
     results for the  thirteen  weeks  ended March 31, 2003 are not  necessarily
     indicative of the results that may be expected for the year ending December
     31,  2003.  For further  information  refer to the  consolidated  financial
     statements  and notes thereto in the  Company's  annual report for the year
     ended December 31, 2002.

(b)  Concentrations

     The Company's  customers are located worldwide with concentrations in North
     America,  Europe, and Asia. The Company had aggregate sales, denominated in
     U.S.  dollars,  to foreign  customers  of 17% and 30% in the periods  ended
     March 31, 2003 and 2002,  respectively.  There were no significant sales to
     customers in any one foreign country in 2002 and 2001.

     Two domestic  customers  accounted for 22% and 12% of trade  receivables at
     March 31, 2003 and 19% and 11% of sales in the period ended March 31, 2003,
     respectively.  No other  customers  accounted for more than 10% of sales in
     the period ended March 31, 2003 or of trade receivables at March 31, 2003.

     Two domestic  customers  accounted for 23% and 14% of trade  receivables at
     December  31,  2002 and 19% and 11% of sales in the period  ended March 31,
     2002, respectively. No other customers accounted for more than 10% of sales
     in the period ended March 31, 2002 or of trade  receivables at December 31,

     In the periods  ended March 31,  2003 and 2002,  respectively,  the Company
     purchased  approximately  99% and  98%,  respectively,  of its  merchandise
     overseas  from one  supplier  located  in China.  The  Company's  sales and
     purchases are denominated in U.S. dollars. The Company records inventory at
     the time product is shipped.  Prior to shipment,  the Company places orders
     for its product with its suppliers  based on expected  sales.  In the event
     that the Company decreases its order prior to shipment,  the Company may be
     obligated to pay for some or all of the order placed.  This obligation will
     depend  on the  timing of the  change in the order and the  degree to which
     product  is  completed  by its  suppliers.  At any one  time,  the  Company
     normally  has  approximately  two  months of  product  ordered  but not yet

(c)  Line of Credit

     At March 31,  2003 the Company  has  available  a revolving  line of credit
     totaling  $2,500,000  that  expires  July 1, 2003 at which time all amounts
     outstanding  become  due.  The  interest  rate is the prime rate plus 0.5%,
     which was 4.25% at March 31,  2003.  Borrowings  under the line at December
     31, 2002 and 2001 were $0 and  $200,000,  respectively,  and are secured by
     trade  receivables  and  inventories.  This facility  allows the Company to
     borrow up to the  lesser of 80% of  eligible  trade  receivables  (Eligible
     Receivables) or $2,500,000. The Company also has a standby letter of credit
     under  this  facility  for an  amount  up to (a)  the  lesser  of  Eligible
     Receivables  plus  25%  of  eligible  inventories  up to  $450,000  or  (b)
     $1,500,000.  The  standby  letter of credit  outstanding  at March 31, 2003
     totaled $0.

     The line of credit agreement  contains  financial  covenants related to net
     worth,  working capital and net income and limits  distributions to members
     without prior approval. As of March 31, 2003, the Company was in compliance
     with the covenants.

(d)  Subsequent Event

     On July 9, 2003 The Topps  Company,  Inc.  purchased the assets of WizKids.
     The total consideration  payable by The Topps Company, Inc. to the WizKids'
     shareholders  will be  comprised  of $29.5  million  in cash,  offset  by a
     purchase  price  adjustment,  if any,  as  defined,  based on the  level of
     WizKids working capital at the Closing.


Pro Forma Condensed Combining Financial  Information for The Topps Company, Inc.
and Wizkids, LLC


Unaudited Pro Forma Condensed Combining Balance Sheet
   as of May 31, 2003                                                   25

Unaudited Pro Forma Condensed Combining Statement of Operations
   for the year ended March 1, 2003                                     26

Unaudited Pro Forma Condensed Combining Statement of Operations
   for the thirteen week period ended May 31, 2003                      27

Notes to Unaudited Pro Forma Condensed Combining Financial
   Information                                                          28

The following unaudited pro forma condensed combining financial  statements have
been prepared to give effect to the proposed  business  combination of the Topps
Company,  Inc. ("Topps" or the "Company") and Wizkids, LLC ("WizKids") using the
purchase method of accounting and the  assumptions and adjustments  described in
the accompanying notes to the unaudited pro forma condensed  combining financial
statements.  These  pro  forma  statements  were  prepared  as if  the  business
combination had been completed as of May 31, 2003 for balance sheet purposes and
as of March 3, 2002 for statements of operations purposes.

The unaudited pro forma condensed combining  financial  statements are presented
for  illustrative  purposes  only  and are  not  necessarily  indicative  of the
financial  position  or results of  operations  that  would have  actually  been
reported  had the business  combination  occurred as of May 31, 2003 for balance
sheet purposes and as of March 3, 2002 for statements of operation purposes, nor
is it  necessarily  indicative  of  future  financial  position  or  results  of
operations.  The pro forma  condensed  combining  financial  statements  include
adjustments,  which  are  based  upon  preliminary  estimates,  to  reflect  the
allocation of purchase price to the acquired  assets and assumed  liabilities of
WizKids,  before  any  integration  adjustments.  The  final  allocation  of the
purchase  price  will  be  determined  after  the  completion  of  the  business
combination  and will be based upon actual net  tangible and  intangible  assets
acquired  as well as  liabilities  assumed.  Because  the  unaudited  pro  forma
condensed combining financial  statements are based upon preliminary  estimates,
the pro forma adjustments may differ materially based upon the final allocation.

These unaudited pro forma  condensed  combining  financial  statements are based
upon the respective  historical  consolidated  financial statements of Topps and
WizKids  and  should be read in  conjunction  with the  historical  consolidated
financial statements of both entities and related notes.


                             (amounts in thousands)

                                                          Topps           WizKids                               Pro Forma
                                                          As of            As of         Pro Forma                As of
                                                      May 31, 2003    March 31, 2003    Adjustments  Notes     May 31, 2003
                                                     -------------    --------------    -----------  -----     ------------
   Cash and cash equivalents                            $ 113,910       $      803      $  (27,656)   1a
                                                                                            (2,000)   1c        $  85,057
   Accounts receivable, net                                25,068            2,897              -                  27,965
   Inventories                                             30,887            3,131             200    1b(6)        34,218
   Deferred tax assets and income tax receivable            4,325               -               -                   4,325
   Prepaid expenses and other current assets               10,761              355           2,000    1b(5)        13,116
                                                        ---------       ----------      -----------             ----------
      TOTAL CURRENT ASSETS                                184,951            7,186         (27,456)               164,681
                                                        ---------       ----------      -----------             ----------

NET PROPERTY, PLANT & EQUIPMENT                            14,465              510              -                  14,975

GOODWILL                                                   48,839               -           17,100    1b(2)
                                                                                               784    1b(4)        66,723
INTANGIBLE ASSETS                                           5,996               -            6,200    1b(3)        12,196
OTHER ASSETS                                                8,989              115              -                   9,104
                                                        ---------       ----------      -----------             ----------
        TOTAL ASSETS                                    $ 263,240       $    7,811      $   (3,372)             $ 267,679
                                                        =========       ==========      ===========             ==========


   Accounts payable                                     $   8,729       $    1,101      $       -               $   9,830
   Accrued expenses and other liabilities                  24,189            1,665             620    1a(3)
                                                                                               784    1b(4)        27,258
   Income taxes payable                                     4,402              269              -                   4,671
                                                        ---------       ----------      ----------              ----------
      TOTAL CURRENT LIABILITIES                            37,320            3,035           1,404                 41,759
                                                        ---------       ----------      ----------              ----------

DEFERRED INCOME TAXES                                          -                -               -                      -
OTHER LIABILITIES                                          23,077               -               -                  23,077
                                                        ---------       ----------      ----------              ----------
        TOTAL LIABILITIES                                  60,397            3,035           1,404                 64,836
                                                        ---------       ----------      ----------              ----------
 Preferred stock, par value $.01 per share
   authorized 10,000,000 shares, none issued
 Common stock, par value $.01 per share,                      492               -               -                     492
   authorized 100,000,000 shares; issued 49,244,000
   shares, less 8,564,000 shares in Treasury Stock
 Additional paid-in capital                                27,475               -               -                  27,475
 Treasury stock, at cost                                  (80,678)              -               -                 (80,678)
 Retained earnings                                        266,398             4,776         (4,776)  1b(1)        266,398
 Minimum pension liability adjustment                     (10,529)              -               -                 (10,529)
 Cumulative foreign currency adjustment                      (315)              -               -                    (315)
                                                        ----------      -----------     -----------             ----------
      TOTAL STOCKHOLDERS' EQUITY                          202,843             4,776         (4,776)               202,843
                                                        ----------      -----------     -----------             ----------
        TOTAL LIABILITIES AND STOCKHOLDERS' EQUITY      $ 263,240       $     7,811     $   (3,372)             $ 267,679
                                                        ==========      ===========     ===========             ==========

 See Notes to unaudited proforma condensed combining financial information.

   (amounts in thousands, except share data)

                                                        Topps             WizKids                                 Pro Forma
                                                 Fiscal Year Ended   Fiscal Year Ended       Pro Forma         Fiscal Year Ended
                                                    March 1, 2003    December 31, 2002    Adjustments  Notes     March 1, 2003
                                                 -----------------   -----------------    -----------  -----   -----------------
Net sales                                           $  290,079          $   32,709         $      -                $  322,788
Cost of sales                                          188,345              15,977               200    2a            204,522
                                                    ----------          ----------         ----------              ----------
   Gross profit on sales                               101,734              16,732              (200)                 118,266

Other income, net                                          184                  -                  -                      184
Selling, general and administrative expenses            81,136              10,629              1,533   2a             93,298
                                                    ----------          ----------         -----------             ----------
   Income from operations                               20,782               6,103             (1,733)                 25,152

Interest income, net                                     2,516                   6                 -                    2,522
                                                     ---------          ----------         -----------             ----------
Income before provision for income taxes                23,298               6,109             (1,733)                 27,674

Provision for income taxes                               6,362                  -               1,531   2b              7,893
                                                    ----------          ----------         -----------             ----------
   Net income                                       $   16,936          $    6,109         $   (3,264)             $   19,781
                                                    ==========          ==========         ===========             ==========

Basic Net income per share                               $0.41                                                         $0.48
Diluted Net income per share                              0.40                                                          0.47

Weighted average shares outstanding - Basic         41,353,000                                                    41,353,000
Weighted average shares outstanding -               42,065,000                                                    42,065,000

See Notes to unaudited proforma condensed combining financial information.

   (amounts in thousands, except share data)

                                                  Topps               WizKids                                    Pro Forma
                                              Thirteen Weeks     Three Months Ended      Pro Forma             Thirteen Weeks
                                            Ended May 31, 2003      March 31, 2003      Adjustments  Notes   Ended May 31, 2003
                                            ------------------  --------------------    -----------  -----   ------------------
Net sales                                         $  76,112           $   6,679           $       -               $  82,791
Cost of sales                                        47,771               3,806                  50     2a           51,627
                                                  ----------          ----------          -----------             ----------
   Gross profit on sales                             28,341               2,873                 (50)                 31,164

Other income, net                                       398                   7                   -                     405
Selling, general and administrative expenses         24,356               3,120                 383     2a           27,859
                                                  ----------          ----------          -----------             ----------
   Income from operations                             4,383                (240)               (433)                  3,710

Interest income, net                                  1,034                   4                  -                    1,038
                                                  ----------          ----------          -----------             ----------
Income before provision for income taxes              5,417                (236)               (433)                  4,748

Provision for income taxes                            1,896                  -                 (264)   2b             1,632
                                                  ----------          ----------          -----------             ----------
   Net income                                     $   3,521           $    (236)               (169)              $   3,116
                                                  ==========          ==========          ===========             ==========

Basic Net income per share                            0.09                                                            0.08
Diluted Net income per share                          0.08                                                            0.08

Weighted average shares outstanding - Basic       40,694,000                                                      40,694,000
Weighted average shares outstanding - Diluted     41,480,000                                                      41,480,000

 See Notes to unaudited proforma condensed combining financial information.

                             THE TOPPS COMPANY, INC.


1.   Basis of Presentation.

On July 9, 2003  (the  "Closing"),  The Topps  Company,  Inc.  ("Topps"  or "the
Company")  purchased  the assets of Wizkids,  LLC  ("WizKids").  Pursuant to the
terms of the Agreement and Plan of Merger (the "Merger  Agreement")  dated as of
June 23, 2003, among WizKids,  Topps,  Topps  Enterprises,  Inc., a wholly owned
subsidiary of the Company  ("Merger Sub"),  Topps Finance,  Inc., a wholly owned
subsidiary of Topps Enterprises, Inc, and The Member Representative, the Company
acquired WizKids through a merger ("the Merger") of WizKids with and into Merger
Sub.  Upon  consummation  of the Merger,  the  separate  corporate  existence of
Wizkids  ceased and the name of Merger Sub was  changed  to  WizKids,  LLC ("New
WizKids"), a Delaware corporation.

WizKids designs and sells  collectible  miniature games,  primarily to the hobby
market through  distributors  and  retailers.  The Company is  headquartered  in
Bellevue, Washington with additional facilities in Cincinnati, Ohio.

The total consideration payable by the Company to the WizKids' shareholders will
be comprised of $29.5 million in cash, offset by a purchase price adjustment, if
any, as defined,  based on the level of WizKids  working capital at the Closing.
The working  capital  adjustment will be the amount by which net working capital
at the Closing is greater  than or less than the required  $3,700,000  benchmark
level. $26,284,469 was paid at Closing to the shareholders of Wizkids based on a
preliminary negative working capital adjustment of $1,215,531.

The Company  entered  into an  employment  agreement  with Jordan  Weisman,  the
majority  shareholder  and founder of Wizkids,  for a  forty-eight  month period
following the Closing.  As part of this employment  agreement,  an additional $2
million of  consideration  was paid to Mr.  Weisman,  is being  accounted for as
deferred  compensation  expense and is being  amortized  over four years.  As an
additional  part  of his  employment  agreement,  Mr.  Weisman  is  entitled  to
additional  contingent  payments during the forty-eight months subsequent to the
closing  equal to 2% of  WizKids'  annual net  revenue,  assuming  that  certain
revenue and  operating  margin  targets are met. In  addition,  Mr.  Weisman was
granted  200,000  options to acquire  the  Company's  common  stock,  which were
granted  at fair  market  value  on the  date of  grant  and are  vested  over a
four-year  period.  Subsequently,  the number of options  was reduced to 165,000
with the same terms in an amendment to the employment agreement.

The accompanying  unaudited pro forma condensed combining financial  information
is presented for illustrative purposes and is not necessarily  indicative of the
results of operations  that would have been reported if the combination had been
completed  as  presented  in the  accompanying  unaudited  pro  forma  condensed
combining  balance sheet and statement of operations.  The results of operations
of WizKids will be  consolidated  with the results of  operations of the Company
for all  periods  subsequent  to the  acquisition  date of  July 9,  2003,  (the
"Closing").  The unaudited pro forma condensed  combined  financial  information
presented is based on, and should be read in  conjunction  with,  the historical
financial  statements  and the  related  notes  thereto for both the Company and

The pro forma condensed combining financial information included herein does not
reflect any contingent  consideration that may be paid in the future. The actual
amount of future consideration will be recognized as compensation expense in the
period in which the contingency is recognized.

Topps operates under a 52/53 week fiscal year. Its most recent fiscal year ended
on March 1, 2003 and, and its most recent unaudited  thirteen week period in its
fiscal year 2004 ended on May 31, 2003. For the purpose of the  presentation  of
the condensed  combining  proforma financial  information,  WizKids' most recent
fiscal year ended  December 31, 2002 and its most recent  unaudited  three month
period ended March 31, 2003 have been  combined  with Topps' annual and thirteen
week periods noted previously.

The allocation of the initial  purchase price  consideration  paid at Closing to
the assets acquired and liabilities  assumed included in the pro forma condensed
combining financial  information is based upon preliminary estimates of the fair
market value of the acquired assets and assumed liabilities.  These estimates of
fair market value may change based upon completion of the Company's valuation of
the WizKids' assets and liabilities.

The following table sets forth the components of the purchase price:

        Total consideration                             $ 29,500,000
        Less: preliminary working capital adjustment      (1,215,531)
              deferred compensation agreement             (2,000,000)
        Cash paid at closing to shareholders            $ 26,284,469
        Purchase of license                                1,291,130
        Estimated transaction costs                          700,000
        Total purchase price                            $ 28,275,599

The  following  table  provides  the  preliminary  estimated  fair  value of the
acquired assets and liabilities assumed based upon WizKids' July 9, 2003 balance

        Current assets                                  $  8,041,851
        Property and equipment                               564,743
        Other assets                                         115,000
        Liabilities assumed, current                      (5,426,072)
        Fair value of assets acquired                      3,295,522
        Cost in excess of fair value of
          net assets acquired                             24,980,077
        Less: Intangible assets                            6,200,000
              Fair value adjustment to inventory             200,000
        Estimated goodwill                                18,580,077
        Total estimated fair value of net assets
           acquired and estimated goodwill              $ 21,875,599

In June 2001,  the Financial  Accounting  Standards  Board issued  Statements of
Financial  Accounting  Standards ("SFAS") No. 141, "Business  Combinations," and
No. 142,  "Goodwill  and Other  Intangible  Assets,"  effective for fiscal years
beginning after December 15, 2001. The provisions of these  statements  apply to
all business combinations initiated after June 30, 2001. Under the provisions of
these  pronouncements,  goodwill and intangible assets deemed to have indefinite
lives  will no longer be  amortized  but will be  subject  to annual  impairment
tests.  Intangible  assets with finite lives will be amortized over their useful

In accordance with the provisions of SFAS No. 142, the Company will not amortize
goodwill and intangible assets with indefinite lives recorded in connection with
the acquisition of WizKids.  The Company expects to perform an annual impairment
test of the goodwill and any indefinite lived intangible  assets but has not yet
determined what effect these tests will have on the results of operations or the
financial position of the Company in future periods.

2.   Explanation of Pro Forma Adjustments:

The pro forma balance  sheet as of May 31, 2003 gives effect to the  acquisition
of WizKids by the Company as if it had occurred effective on such date.

The pro forma  statement of operations  for the year ended March 1, 2003 and the
thirteen  week  period  ended May 31,  2003 give  effect to the  acquisition  of
WizKids by the Company as if it had occurred effective March 2, 2002.

(1)  Balance Sheet Adjustments:

     (a)  Record the  Company's  $28,275,599  actual and  estimated  future cash
          outlay for the transaction, as follows:

          1. Payment to the WizKids Shareholders of $26,284,469 in cash;
          2. Purchase of license for $1,291,130;
          3. Estimated  transaction  costs of  $700,000,  of which  $620,172 is
             currently unpaid.

     (b)  Allocate the purchase price to WizKids' assets and liabilities,  which

          1. Elimination of WizKids' retained earnings of $4,776,000;
          2. Recording goodwill of $17,100,599;
          3. Recording intangible assets of $6,200,000;
          4. Recording  accrued  compensation of $784,000 in connection with the
             sale of WizKids;
          5. Recording  deferred  compensation  of $2,000,000 in connection with
             the Employment Agreement between the Company and Mr. Weisman; and
          6. Recording a fair value adjustment to inventory $200,000.

     (c)  Record the $2,000,000 cash outlay for the deferred  compensation  paid
          to Mr. Weisman per his Employment Agreement.

(2)  Statement of  Operations  Adjustments  for the most recent  fiscal year and

     (a)  Record   amortization  of  the  fair  value  adjustment  to  inventory
          ($200,000 and $50,000 for the most recent fiscal year and quarter), to
          intangible assets ($1,033,000 and $258,000,  respectively), and to the
          $2,000,000  deferred  compensation  agreement  ($500,000 and $125,000,
          respectively) for the period.

     (b)  Record the impact of income taxes based on WizKids' effective tax rate
          of  36.7%  and  Topps'  effective  tax  rate  of 41%  for  the  period

Exhibit 99.4

Amendment to Employment  Agreement,  dated as of July 9, 2003,  between Wizkids,
LLC, a Delaware limited  liability  company (the  "Company"),  Jordan K. Weisman
(the  "Executive"),  and, for the purposes of Sections  3(d) and 6(f) only,  the
Company ("Jordan Weisman Employment Agreement").

                                 FIRST AMENDMENT
                             TO EMPLOYMENT AGREEMENT

FIRST  AMENDMENT,  dated  August  20,  2003  (this  "First  Amendment")  to  the
Employment Agreement,  dated as of July 9, 2003 between WizKids, LLC, a Delaware
limited liability company (the "Company"),  Jordan Weisman (the "Executive") and
for purposes of Sections 3(d) and 6(f) only, The Topps Company,  Inc. ("Topps"),
a Delaware corporation.

                              W I T N E S S E T H:
                              - - - - - - - - - -

     WHEREAS,  the parties desire to amend the Agreement as more fully set forth

     NOW,  THEREFORE,  for good and  valuable  consideration,  the  receipt  and
sufficiency  of which  are  hereby  acknowledged,  and in  consideration  of the
agreements herein, the parties hereto agree as follows:

Defined Terms
Unless otherwise defined herein,  capitalized terms in this First
Amendment shall have the meanings ascribed to them in the Agreement.

Section 3(d) of the agreement is hereby  amended and restated in its entirety to
read as follows:

     "(d) Options.  On July 29, 2003,  Topps shall grant the Executive an option
to purchase  165,000 shares of common stock of Topps, at an exercise price equal
to the Fair  Market  Value (as such term is  defined  in the  Topps'  2001 Stock
Incentive  Plan) as of such date.  The option shall vest as to 41, 250 shares as
of the date hereof,  and shall vest as to an additional 41,250 shares on each of
the first,  second, and third  anniversaries of such date and shall otherwise be
subject to the terms and conditions of the Company's  Topps 2001 Stock Incentive
Plan and a stock  option  agreement  entered  into  between the parties  hereto,
containing customary terms for similarly situated employees of Topps."

The terms of this First  Amendment and all rights and obligations of the parties
hereto shall be interpreted and governed by the laws of Delaware, without giving
effect to the choice of law principles  thereof. No amendment or modification of
this First Amendment or the Agreement shall be valid or binding upon the parties
unless in writing and signed by both parties.

Enforceability of Agreement
Except as otherwise  specifically provided herein, the Agreement shall remain in
full  force  and  effect in  accordance  with its  terms,  without  any  waiver,
amendment or  modification  of any  provision  thereof.  All  references  in the
Agreement  to "this  Agreement"  shall be  deemed to refer to the  agreement  as
amended by this First Amendment.

This First Amendment may be executed in  counterparts  (including by facsimile),
each of which shall be deemed an original, but all of which shall constitute the
same instrument.