Proxy Statement Pursuant to Section 14(a) of
                       the Securities Exchange Act of 1934

Filed by the Registrant  _X_
Filed by a Party other than the Registrant
Check the appropriate box:
___  Preliminary Proxy Statement
___  Confidential, for Use of the Commission Only
        (as permitted by Rule 14a-6(e)(2))
___  Definitive Proxy Statement
___  Definitive Additional Materials
___  Soliciting Material Pursuant to Section 240.14a-11(c)
        or Section 240.14a-12

                             THE TOPPS COMPANY, INC.
                (Name of Registrant as Specified In Its Charter)

                   (Name of Person(s) Filing Proxy Statement,
                          if other than the Registrant)

Payment of Filing Fee (Check the appropriate box):

_X_   No fee required.
___   Fee computed on table below per Exchange Act Rules 14a-6(i)(1) and 0-11.

      (1)   Title of each class of securities to which transaction applies:
      (2)   Aggregate number of securities to which transaction applies:
      (3)   Per unit price or other underlying value of transaction computed
            pursuant to Exchange Act Rule 0-11 (set forth the amount on which
            the filing fee is calculated and state how it was determined):
      (4)   Proposed maximum aggregate value of transaction:
      (5)   Total fee paid:

___   Fee paid previously with preliminary materials.

___   Check box if any part of the fee is offset as provided by Exchange Act
      Rule 0-11(a)(2) and identify the filing for which the offsetting fee was
      paid previously. Identify the previous filing by registration statement
      number, or the Form or Schedule and the date of its filing.

      (1)    Amount Previously Paid:
      (2)    Form, Schedule or Registration Statement No.:
      (3)    Filing Party:
      (4)    Date Filed:

Use the  Internet  to  transmit  your  voting  instructions  and for  electronic
delivery  of  information  up until 11:59 P.M.  Eastern  Time the day before the
cut-off date or meeting  date.  Have your proxy card in hand when you access the
web site and follow the  instructions  to obtain  your  records and to create an
electronic voting instruction form.

VOTE BY PHONE - 1-800-690-6903
Use any touch-tone  telephone to transmit your voting instruction up until 11:59
P.M.  Eastern  Time the day before the cut-off date or meeting  date.  Have your
proxy card in hand when you call.

Mark, sign, and date your proxy card and return it in the postage-paid  envelope
we have  provided  or return  it to the The Topps  Company,  Inc.,  c/o ADP,  51
Mercedes Way, Edgewood, NY 11717.




(Please read both sides before signing)

The Board of Directos recommends a vote FOR
all nominees for director and FOR Item 2.               For  Withhold  For All
                                                        All    All     Except
The undersigned authorizes and instructs
        said proxies to vote as follows:                ___     ___     ___

To withold authority to vote, mark "For All Except"
and write the nominee's number on the line below

   1.  01) Allan A. Feder, 02) David M. Mauer
       and 03) Jack H. Nusbaum

   VOTE ON PROPOSAL                                    For   Against   Abstain
   2.  To ratify the appointment of Deloitte
       & Touche LLP as independent auditors for
       The Topps Company, Inc. for the fiscal            ___     ___      ___
       year ending FEBRUARY 26, 2005                    /__/    /__/     /__/

For comments, please check this box and write them      ___
on the back where indicated                            /__/

Please sign exactly as your name appears above.
 _______________________________________        ________________________________
/______________________________/_______/       /________________________/______/
Signature(PLEASE SIGN WITHIN BOX)  Date        Signature (Joint Owners)   Date

                             THE TOPPS COMPANY, INC.

     The undersigned  hereby  appoints Warren E. Friss and Scott  A.Silverstein,
and each of them, the attorneys and proxies of the undersigned,  with full power
of substitution,  to vote on behalf of the undersigned,  all the shares of stock
of THE TOPPS  COMPANY,  INC.,  which the  undersigned is entitled to vote at the
Annual Meeting of  Stockholders of the Company to be held at J.P. Morgan Chase &
Co., 270 Park Avenue, New York, NY on July 1, 2004 at 10:30 a.m.(local time) and
at any adjournments  thereof,  hereby revoking any proxy hereto- fore given with
respect to such stock.

     This Proxy,  when properly  executed,  will be voted in the manner directed
herein and, in the discretion of the aforementioned proxies on all other matters
which may properly come before the meeting.  If no  instructions to the contrary
is  indicated,  this Proxy will be voted FOR all  nominees  for director and FOR
Item 2.

      Please return this proxy in the accompanying business reply envelope,
                     even if you expect to attend in person.

      COMMENTS: ___________________________________________________________

 (If you noted comments above, please mark corresponding box on reverse side.)

                             THE TOPPS COMPANY, INC.


                                  JULY 1, 2004

To the Stockholders of THE TOPPS COMPANY, INC.

     I am pleased to invite  you to attend  the annual  meeting of  stockholders
(the "Annual Meeting") of The Topps Company,  Inc., a Delaware  corporation (the
"Company"),  which will be held at J.P. Morgan Chase & Co., 270 Park Avenue, New
York,  New York, on July 1, 2004 at 10:30 A.M.,  Eastern  Standard time, for the
following purposes:

     1.   To elect  three  directors  to serve for  three-year  terms  until the
          annual meeting of stockholders to be held in the year 2007;

     2.   To ratify the  appointment  by the Board of  Directors  of  Deloitte &
          Touche LLP as independent auditors for the Company for the fiscal year
          ending February 26, 2005; and

     3.   To transact such other  business as may properly be brought before the
          Annual Meeting or any adjournment or postponement thereof.

     The Board of  Directors  has fixed the close of business on May 14, 2004 as
the record date for the determination of stockholders entitled to receive notice
of, and to vote at, the  Annual  Meeting  and any  adjournment  or  postponement

                                        By order of the Board of Directors,

                                                Arthur T. Shorin
                                             Chairman, President and
                                             Chief Executive Officer

Dated:  May 27, 2004

Whether or not you expect to be present at the Annual  Meeting,  please date and
sign the enclosed proxy and return it promptly in the enclosed envelope.  In the
event you attend  the Annual Meeting  and vote in person,  the proxy will not be

                             THE TOPPS COMPANY, INC.

                              One Whitehall Street
                            New York, New York 10004

                                 PROXY STATEMENT


     The Board of  Directors  of The Topps  Company,  Inc.  (the  "Company")  is
furnishing this proxy statement (the "Proxy  Statement") to all  stockholders of
record so that they will submit their proxies to be voted at the Annual  Meeting
of stockholders of the Company (the "Annual  Meeting") and at any adjournment or
postponement  of the Annual  Meeting.  The Annual  Meeting  will be held at J.P.
Morgan  Chase & Co.,  270 Park Avenue,  New York,  New York,  on July 1, 2004 at
10:30 A.M.,  Eastern  Standard  time. A copy of the  Company's  Annual Report to
Stockholders  for the fiscal year ended February 28, 2004 is being mailed to all
stockholders  with this Proxy Statement.  The annual report is also available on
the  internet  at  The  approximate  mailing  date of this Proxy
Statement is May 27, 2004.

Proxy Information

     Proxies in the form  enclosed are being  solicited by, or on behalf of, the
Company's  Board of Directors  (the "Board of Directors"  or the  "Board").  The
persons named in the accompanying  form of proxy have been designated as proxies
by the Board of Directors.

     All proxies  received as a result of this request will be voted  (except as
to matters where  authority to vote is specifically  withheld).  Where the proxy
asks that a  stockholder  choose  for or against a  proposal,  the proxy will be
voted in accordance with the stockholder's  choice. If no choice is indicated on
the  proposals,  the Board of Directors will vote on behalf of the persons named
in the proxy:  (i) for the  nominees  for  election as  directors of the Company
listed herein,  and (ii) for the ratification of the appointment by the Board of
Directors  of Deloitte & Touche LLP as  auditors  for the Company for the fiscal
year ending  February 26, 2005.  If any other matter  should be presented at the
Annual Meeting upon which a vote may properly be taken,  the shares  represented
by the proxy will be voted at the discretion of the proxies.

     Stockholders who submit proxies may revoke them at any time before they are
voted by written  notice to the Company by either  submitting  a new proxy or by
personal ballot at the Annual Meeting.

Record Date and Voting

     As of May 14, 2004, the Company had outstanding 40,613,981 shares of common
stock,  par value $.01 per share ("Common  Stock"),  entitled to be voted at the
Annual Meeting. Each share is entitled to one vote on each matter submitted to a
vote of  stockholders.  Only  stockholders of record at the close of business on
May 14, 2004 will be entitled to vote at the Annual Meeting.  If your shares are
registered  directly in your name with the Company's  transfer  agent,  American
Stock Transfer & Trust Company,  you are considered with respect to those shares
the stockholder of record,  and these proxy materials are being sent directly to
you.  As the  stockholder  of record,  you have the right to submit  your voting
proxy directly to the Company using the enclosed proxy card or to vote in person
at the Annual Meeting.

     If your shares are held in a stock brokerage  account or by a bank or other
nominee,  you are  considered  the  beneficial  owner of shares  held in "street
name".  These proxy  materials are being  forwarded to you by your broker who is
considered,  with respect to those shares,  the  stockholder  of record.  As the
beneficial  owner, you have the right to direct your broker to vote your shares,
and your broker or nominee  has  enclosed a voting  instruction  card for you to
use. You are also invited to attend the Annual Meeting;  however,  since you are
not the  stockholder  of record,  you may not vote these shares in person at the

     Under  Delaware law and the Company's  bylaws,  the presence of a quorum is
required to transact business at the Annual Meeting.  A quorum is defined as the
presence,  either in person or by proxy, of a majority of the shares entitled to
vote.  Proxies marked  "abstain"  will be included in  determining a quorum.  On
routine matters,  brokers who hold customer shares in "street name" but have not
timely received voting instructions from their customers have discretion to vote
such shares. Since all of the matters to be voted upon at the Annual Meeting are
routine,  the presence of such shares will be included in determining  whether a
quorum is present.

     Under Delaware law and the Company's bylaws,  proposals must be approved by
the affirmative vote of a majority or, in the case of the election of directors,
a plurality,  of the shares present, either in person or by proxy, at the Annual
Meeting and entitled to vote. Accordingly, abstentions will have the same effect
as votes  "against" a proposal,  whereas  instructions to withhold voting on the
election of any nominee for  director  will have no effect on the outcome of the


     The following table sets forth  information  available to the Company as to
shares of Common  Stock owned as of May 14, 2004 by (i) each person known to the
Company to be the beneficial  owner of more than five percent of the outstanding
Common Stock,  (ii) each director and nominee for election as a director,  (iii)
each  person  designated  in the  section  of  this  Proxy  Statement  captioned
"Executive  Compensation"  and (iv) all directors  and  executive  officers as a
group.  Except  as  otherwise  indicated,  each  person  named  below  has  sole
investment and voting power with respect to the shares of Common Stock shown.

             Name of                        Amount and Nature           Percentage of Shares
        Beneficial Owner                of Beneficial Ownership(1)           Outstanding
        ----------------                --------------------------           -----------
Arthur T. Shorin (2) (3) .............          2,855,489                      7.0%
Ronald L. Boyum (4) ..................             54,602                        *
Allan A. Feder (2) (5) ...............             93,400                        *
Ira Friedman (6) .....................             86,200                        *
Stephen D. Greenberg (7)..............            131,400                        *
Ann Kirschner (8) ....................             70,400                        *
David M. Mauer (9) ...................            167,400                        *
Edward D. Miller (10) ................             36,400                        *
Jack H. Nusbaum (11) .................            152,400                        *
John Perillo (12).....................             74,000                        *
Scott A. Silverstein (2) (13).........            276,000                        *
Richard Tarlow (14) ..................             70,400                        *
Stanley Tulchin (15) .................            162,575                        *

Private Capital Management, Inc. (16)          11,177,024                    27.6%
     8889 Pelican Bay Blvd.
     Naples, Florida 34108
Merrill Lynch & Co., Inc. (17)                  5,307,925                    13.1%
     Merrill Lynch Investment Mangers(MLIM)
     World Financial Center
     250 Vesey Street
     New York, New York 10381
Royce & Associates, LLC (18)                    4,482,100                    11.1%
     1414 Avenue of the Americas
     New York, New York 10019
All directors and executive officers
     as a group (19 persons) (2)                5,332,392                   12.5%
*     less than 1.0%

(1)  Pursuant to  regulations of the  Securities  and Exchange  Commission  (the
     "Commission"),  shares are deemed to be "beneficially owned" by a person if
     such  person  directly  or  indirectly  has or shares  the power to vote or
     dispose of such  shares,  or has the right to acquire  the power to vote or
     dispose  of such  shares  within 60 days,  including  any right to  acquire
     through the exercise of any option, warrant or right.

(2)  Does not include  50,000,  1,378 and 20,702 shares of Common Stock owned by
     immediate family members of each of Messrs.  Shorin, Feder and Silverstein,
     respectively.  Messrs.  Shorin,  Feder and Silverstein  disclaim beneficial
     ownership of such shares.

(3)  Includes 557,500 shares of Common Stock issuable upon exercise of options.

(4)  Includes 44,602 shares of Common Stock issuable upon exercise of options.

(5)  Includes 68,000 shares of Common Stock issuable upon exercise of options.

(6)  Includes 84,500 shares of Common Stock issuable upon exercise of options.

(7)  Includes 85,000 shares of Common Stock issuable upon exercise of options.

(8)  Includes 68,000 shares of Common Stock issuable upon exercise of options.

(9)  Includes 136,000 shares of Common Stock issuable upon exercise of options.

(10) Includes 34,000 shares of Common Stock issuable upon exercise of options.

(11) Includes 85,000 shares of Common Stock issuable upon exercise of options.

(12) Includes 68,000 shares of Common Stock issuable upon exercise of options.

(13) Includes 266,000 shares of Common Stock issuable upon exercise of options.

(14) Includes 68,000 shares of Common Stock issuable upon exercise of options.

(15) Includes 85,000 shares of Common Stock issuable upon exercise of options.

(16) Based upon a Schedule 13G filed on February 13, 2004 with the Commission by
     Private Capital Management, Inc.

(17) Based upon a Schedule  13G/A filed on January 27, 2004 with the  Commission
     by Merrill Lynch and Co., Inc.

(18) Based upon a Schedule  13G/A filed on February 9, 2004 with the  Commission
     by Royce & Associates, LLC.

                               BOARD OF DIRECTORS

Election of Directors

     There  are  currently  nine  members  of the Board of  Directors,  which is
divided into three  classes (each with three  members),  with each class serving
for a  period  of  three  years.  One  class  of  directors  is  elected  by the
stockholders  annually.  This year,  Messrs.  Allan A. Feder, David M. Mauer and
Jack H. Nusbaum have been  nominated  to stand for  re-election  for a term that
expires at the annual meeting of stockholders to be held in the year 2007.

     Should  any one or more of these  nominees  become  unable to serve for any
reason or, for good cause, will not serve,  which is not anticipated,  the Board
of Directors may designate substitute nominees, unless the Board of Directors by
resolution  provides for a lesser number of directors.  In this event, the proxy
holders will vote for the election of such substitute nominee or nominees.

     The  following  table  sets  forth the  name,  age and  principal  business
experience during the past five years of each director of the Company.

                                                Business Experience                Director of the
                                                During Past 5 Years,                Company or its
           Name                              Age and Other Information            Predecessors Since
           ----                              -------------------------            ------------------
Nominees to Serve in Office
Until 2007

Allan A. Feder ............     An  independent  business  consultant  for more         1992
                                 than the  past five years and Chief  Executive
                                 Officer of Vitarroz Corporation (a proprietary
                                 brand  food  company) from  1988 to 2000.  Mr.
                                 Feder is 72 years of age.

David M. Mauer ............     Chief  Executive  Officer of E&B  Giftware, LLC         1996
                                 since January  2003.  An independent  business
                                 consultant  from  July 2001 to  December 2002.
                                 Served  as  President  and   Chief   Executive
                                 Officer of Riddell Sports Inc. from 1993 until
                                 June 2001.   Mr. Mauer is 55 years of age.

Jack H. Nusbaum ...........     Chairman  of the  New York  law firm of Willkie         1992
                                 Farr & Gallagher  LLP  and a  partner in  that
                                 firm for more  than thirty years.  Mr. Nusbaum
                                 is  also  a   director   of   W.  R.   Berkley
                                 Corporation  and  Strategic Distribution, Inc.
                                 Mr. Nusbaum is 63 years of age.

                                                Business Experience                Director of the
                                                During Past 5 Years,                Company or its
           Name                              Age and Other Information            Predecessors Since
           ----                              -------------------------            ------------------
Directors to Continue in
Office Until 2006

Arthur T. Shorin ..........     Chairman of  the  Board  and  Chief  Executive          1960
                                 Officer of the  Company  and its  predecessor
                                 since 1980.   Mr. Shorin  was  appointed  the
                                 President of the  Company  in November  1997.
                                 Mr. Shorin is the father-in-law  of  Scott A.
                                 Silverstein,  an  executive  officer  of  the
                                 Company.   Mr. Shorin is 68 years of age.

Edward D. Miller...........     Member of  the Supervisory  Board  and  Senior          2001
                                 Advisor to the Chief Executive Officer of AXA
                                 Group since July  2001.  Mr. Miller served as
                                 President and Chief Executive  Officer of AXA
                                 Financial, Inc. from August 1997 through June
                                 2001.  Mr. Miller was Senior Vice Chairman of
                                 the  Chase  Manhattan  Corporation from  1996
                                 through  July  1997.    Mr. Miller is  also a
                                 director of Keyspan Corp. and Chairman of the
                                 Board  of  Directors  of  Phoenix  House.  Mr.
                                 Miller is 63 years of age.

Stanley Tulchin ...........     Chairman   of   STA  International,  Inc.   (a           1987
                                 commercial collection agency) since 1955. Mr.
                                 Tulchin is also Chairman and  Chief Executive
                                 Officer of  Reprise  Capital  Corporation  (a
                                 venture capital fund) for more than the  past
                                 five years.  Mr. Tulchin is 77 years of age.

Directors to Continue in
Office Until 2005

Stephen D. Greenberg.......     Managing  Director,  Allen  & Co.,  LLC  since          1993
                                 January  2002.   Chairman  of  Fusient  Media
                                 Ventures,  Inc.  from  January  2000  through
                                 December   2001.    Private   Investor   from
                                 November  1998 to  December  1999.  President
                                 of  Classic   Sports   Network,   Inc.   from
                                 November  1993  through   October  1998.  Mr.
                                 Greenberg is 55 years of age.

Ann Kirschner .............     President,   Comma  International  (management          1999
                                 consulting    company,     specializing    in
                                 education,   media  and   technology)   since
                                 February 2003.  Chief  Executive  Officer and
                                 President  of FATHOM  (the first  interactive
                                 knowledge  network) from 1999 through January
                                 2003.  Dr.  Kirschner  was Vice  President of
                                 Programming  and  Media  Development  for the
                                 National  Football  League from November 1994
                                 through  January 1999. Dr.  Kirschner is also
                                 on the  Board  of  Directors  of New York New
                                 Media   Association.   Dr.  Kirschner  is  53
                                 years of age.

Richard Tarlow.............     Chairman    of   Carlson   &   Partners    (an          1999
                                advertising  agency)  since 1988.   Mr. Tarlow
                                was  President  of   Tarlow   Advertising,   a
                                division  of Revlon  Inc.,  from  1987 to 2000
                                and Executive  Vice  President of  Revlon Inc.
                                from  1988 to 2000.  Mr.  Tarlow  is  62 years
                                of age.

Board Attendance

     The Board of Directors met four times during the fiscal year ended February
28, 2004.  Each of the directors who served during such period attended at least
75% of the  aggregate  number  of  meetings  of the Board of  Directors  and any
committee of which they were members during such period.

     The  Company  does not have a formal  policy  with  regard to Board  member
attendance at the Annual  Meeting.  All  directors are  encouraged to attend the
Annual  Meeting and eight of the nine  directors  attended the annual meeting of
stockholders held on June 26, 2003.

Section 16(a) Beneficial Ownership Reporting Compliance

     The Company's  executive officers,  directors and ten percent  stockholders
are  required  under  the  Securities  Exchange  Act of 1934,  as  amended  (the
"Exchange  Act"), to file reports of ownership and changes in ownership with the
Commission.  Based solely upon its review of the copies of reports  furnished to
the Company through the date hereof, or written  representations that no reports
were required to be filed, except as stated below, the Company believes that all
filing  requirements  applicable  to its executive  officers,  directors and ten
percent  stockholders  were complied with during the fiscal year ended  February
28, 2004.

     Ronald L. Boyum,  an  executive  officer of the  Company,  failed to timely
report  on Form 4 the  exercise  and sale of 9,899  options  during  the  period
January 14 to January  16,  2004.  Mr.  Boyum  filed a Form 4  disclosing  those
transactions on January 21, 2004.

Compensation of Directors

     For the fiscal year ended  February 28, 2004,  directors  who were not also
officers of the Company received directors' fees of $20,000 per year in cash and
$20,000 in shares of the common  stock of the  Company  which will vest one year
from grant date.

     In addition,  members of the Audit and Compensation Committees received the
following  annual fees: the chairperson of the Audit  Committee  received $6,000
while each member received $3,000; the chairperson of the Compensation Committee
received $4,000 and each member received $2,000.

     Directors  who are also  officers of the Company  are not  compensated  for
their duties as a director.

                             APPOINTMENT OF AUDITORS

     The Board of Directors  has retained  Deloitte & Touche LLP as  independent
auditors to report on the consolidated  financial  statements of the Company for
the fiscal year ending  February 26, 2005 and to perform such other  services as
may be required of them.  The Board of Directors  has directed  that  management
submit the appointment of auditors for  ratification by the  stockholders at the
Annual  Meeting.  Representatives  of  Deloitte & Touche LLP are  expected to be
present at the Annual Meeting,  will have the opportunity to make a statement if
they desire to do so and will be available to respond to appropriate stockholder


                              OTHER VOTING MATTERS

     Management  does not know of any matters other than the foregoing that will
be presented for consideration at the Annual Meeting.  However, if other matters
properly come before the Annual Meeting, the proxy holders should vote upon them
in accordance with their best judgment.

                                BOARD COMMITTEES


     The Company  has a  Compensation  Committee  responsible  for  recommending
officers'  remuneration  and  administering  The Topps Company,  Inc. 2001 Stock
Incentive Plan (the "Stock Incentive Plan"),  the 1996 Stock Option Plan and the
1987 Stock Option Plan. The members of the Compensation Committee for the fiscal
year ended February 28, 2004 were Messrs.  Richard  Tarlow,  Stanley Tulchin and
Dr. Ann Kirschner  (effective June 26, 2003), all of whom are independent  under
the  applicable  listing  standards of the National  Association  of  Securities
Dealers,  Inc. (the "NASD") and none of whom is an employee of the Company.  The
Compensation  Committee held four meetings during the fiscal year ended February
28, 2004.


     The  Compensation  Committee  is  responsible  for  setting  the  Company's
compensation  objectives and policies.  It regularly approves compensation plans
and sets specific  compensation levels for all executive officers.  In addition,
the Compensation Committee administers the stock option plans and determines the
degree and extent of awards granted thereunder.

Compensation Policy

     The Compensation  Committee seeks to provide a total  compensation  package
that is competitive and intended to retain and motivate the Company's  executive
officers.  In structuring the compensation  package for executive officers,  the
Committee seeks to provide  financial  incentives tied to the achievement of the
Company's  short-term and long-term business  objectives and intended to enhance
stockholder value.

Base Salary

     In setting base salary for the  executive  officers  for fiscal  2004,  the
Compensation  Committee  considered  the base salary levels of  executives  with
similar  responsibilities in companies of similar size, business and complexity.
The  Committee  also  considered  each  executive  officer's  experience  in his
position at the Company and his actual  performance  over the prior fiscal year.
Based  on  the  above  criteria,  the  Compensation  Committee  made  subjective
determinations  with  respect  to the  compensation  of  all  of  the  Company's
executive officers other than Mr. Shorin (whose  compensation was governed by an
Employment Agreement).

Bonus Awards

     The Company's Bonus Plan for fiscal 2004 was structured to reward executive
officers for  performance  on the  achievement  of certain  strategic  goals and
earnings targets.  Bonus achievement  levels and performance  targets for fiscal
2004 were set by the  Compensation  Committee at the beginning of the year after
consideration  of bonus levels for executives with similar  responsibilities  in
companies of similar size,  business and complexity and the Company's  strategic
and financial plan for fiscal 2004. Bonus payments for fiscal 2004 reflected the
attainment of one-third of the maximum objectives for executive officers.

Stock Option Awards

     Long-term incentive compensation  opportunities are provided through grants
of stock options under the 2001 Stock Incentive Plan. The Compensation Committee
continues to believe that option  awards are  essential to the long term success
of the Company because they provide financial  incentives to those key employees
directly  responsible  for the Company's  success which are tied to increases in
stockholder  value and serve to align the interests of such key  employees  with
those of the  Company's  stockholders.  Because there have been no option grants
since fiscal 2001 and in keeping with the Company's  long-term incentive goal to
provide key employees with a financial  stake in the Company's  future and align
their  interests  with those of the  Company's  stockholders,  the  Compensation
Committee granted options to certain key employees in fiscal 2004, including the
executive  officers  named  in  the  Summary   Compensation  Table  herein.  The
individual award amounts were determined based on a subjective  determination of
the employee's  position,  seniority,  prior option grants and ability to affect
the Company's future success. All options granted have exercise prices which are
equal to the fair market value of the Common Stock on the date of grant.

Chief Executive Officer

     Effective June 1, 2003,  the  Compensation  Committee  agreed to extend the
term of Mr. Shorin's Amended and Restated Employment  Agreement (the "Employment
Agreement") for an additional two years in order to secure Mr. Shorin's services
through May 31,  2005.  Mr.  Shorin's  base salary is set under the terms of his
Employment  Agreement and has remained  unchanged since June 1, 2001. Mr. Shorin
agreed  to waive  the  automatic  increase  in his base  salary  to which he was
entitled  upon the  extension  of the  terms of his  Employment  Agreement.  Mr.
Shorin's  annual  performance  bonus for fiscal 2004 was determined  entirely by
reference to uniform,  pre-established  earnings and strategic targets that were
developed for all senior  executives  at the  beginning of the fiscal year.  The
bonus paid on the achievement of these targets reflected attainment of one-third
of the maximum bonus  potential.  In addition,  Mr. Shorin received an extension
bonus of $500,000 upon the extension of the term of his Employment  Agreement as
required under the Employment Agreement.

Section 162(m)

     Section  162(m) of the Code  generally  disallows a tax deduction to public
companies for annual  compensation over $1 million paid to each of the Company's
Chief  Executive  Officer  and four  other  most  highly  compensated  executive
officers,    except   to   the   extent   such    compensation    qualifies   as
"performance-based."  Only Mr. Shorin has received compensation in excess of the
Section 162(m) limits and all other  compensation  has been fully  deductible by
the Company.  While the Committee's  policy has always been to pursue a strategy
of maximizing deductibility of compensation for the Named Executive Officers (as
defined below),  it also believes it is important to maintain the flexibility to
take  actions  it  considers  in the  best  interests  of the  Company  and  its
stockholders,  which are  necessarily  based on  considerations  in  addition to
Section  162(m).  In  light  of the  competitive  market  for  highly  qualified
executives,  the Company has  exercised  that  flexibility  with  respect to Mr.

May 14, 2004
                                                Richard Tarlow
                                                Stanley Tulchin
                                                Ann Kirschner


     The Audit Committee is responsible for overseeing the Company's  accounting
functions and internal  controls and for recommending to the Board of Directors,
subject to stockholder ratification,  the selection of the Company's independent
auditors.  The Audit  Committee  is composed  of  independent  directors  of the
Company,  as defined by the  applicable  listing  standards  of the NASD and the
standards set forth by the  Commission,  and acts pursuant to a written  charter
adopted by the Board of Directors,  a copy of which is attached as Appendix A to
this Proxy  Statement.  The members of such  committee for the fiscal year ended
February 28, 2004 were Messrs. Allan A. Feder,  Stephen D. Greenberg,  Edward D.
Miller and Stanley  Tulchin.  During the fiscal year ended  February  28,  2004,
there were eight  meetings  of the Audit  Committee.  At the present  time,  the
Company does not have an "audit  committee  financial  expert" as defined in the
rules of the  Commission  serving  on the Audit  Committee.  However,  the Board
believes that each of the current members of the Audit Committee is able to read
and   understand   fundamental   financial   statements   and  is   "financially
sophisticated"  pursuant  to  applicable  NASD  rules.  Therefore,  our Board of
Directors has concluded that the  appointment  of an additional  director to the
Audit  Committee is not necessary at this time. None of the members of the Audit
Committee are employees of the Company.

Pre-Approval Policies and Procedures

     Pursuant to its charter,  the Audit  Committee is responsible for reviewing
and pre-approving all audit and non-audit services provided by Deloitte & Touche
LLP and shall not engage Deloitte & Touche LLP to perform the specific non-audit
services   proscribed  by  law  or   regulation.   The  Committee  may  delegate
pre-approval  authority  to the Chairman of the Audit  Committee,  in which case
such  approval  must be  presented  to the  full  Audit  Committee  at its  next
scheduled meeting.  The Audit Committee  pre-approved all audit,  audit-related,
tax and other  services  provided  by  Deloitte  & Touche  LLP for the  recently
completed fiscal year.

Auditors Service Fees

     The following is the breakdown of aggregate  fees billed by the auditors to
the Company for professional services in the last two fiscal years.

         Description                                   2004             2003
         -----------                                   ----             ----
         Audit Fees                                $409,000         $319,800
         Audit-Related Fees (1)                     186,000           18,500
         Tax Fees (2)                               265,100          124,000
         All Other Fees                               --               --
                                                   --------         --------
                  Total                            $860,100         $462,300
                                                   ========         ========

(1)  Consists of acquisition due diligence and benefit plan audits.
(2)  Consists primarily of U.S. and international tax compliance and planning.

Report of The Audit Committee of The Board of Directors

     The Audit  Committee has reviewed and  discussed  with  management  and the
independent  auditors the audited financial statements for the fiscal year ended
February 28, 2004.  In addition,  the Audit  Committee  has  discussed  with the
independent  auditors the matters  required to be discussed by the  Statement on
Auditing Standards No. 61, Communications with Audit Committees,  as amended, by
the  Auditing  Standards  Board of the American  Institute  of Certified  Public

     The  independent  auditors  provided  to the Audit  Committee  the  written
disclosures   and  the  letter  from  the  independent   auditors   required  by
Independence Standards Board Standard No. 1, Independence Discussions with Audit
Committees,  as amended. The Audit Committee has reviewed and discussed with the
independent   auditors  the  firm's   independence   and  has   considered   the
compatibility of any non-audit services with the auditors' independence.

     Based on its review of the  audited  financial  statements  and the various
discussions  referred to above, the Audit Committee has recommended to the Board
of Directors that the audited financial  statements be included in the Company's
annual report on Form 10-K for the fiscal year ended February 28, 2004.

April 30, 2004
                                                Allan A. Feder
                                                Stephen D. Greenberg
                                                Edward D. Miller
                                                Stanley Tulchin


     The Company does not currently have a nominating  committee.  The functions
typical of a nominating committee, including the identification, recruitment and
selection of nominees for election as a director of the Company,  are  performed
by the Board as a whole.  Seven of the nine members of the Board (Messrs.  Allan
A. Feder,  Stephen D.  Greenberg,  Edward D. Miller,  Jack H.  Nusbaum,  Richard
Tarlow, Stanley Tulchin and Dr. Ann Kirschner) are "independent" as that term is
defined under applicable NASD listing standards. The nominees for re-election as
a director at this Annual Meeting were unanimously recommended by the Board. The
Board believes that a nominating  committee separate from the whole Board is not
necessary at this time to ensure that candidates are appropriately evaluated and
selected,  given the size of the Company and its Board.  The Board also believes
that an additional  committee of the Board would not add to the effectiveness of
the evaluation and nomination process.

     The Board's  process for  recruiting  and  selecting  nominees is for Board
members to identify  individuals who are thought to have the business background
and experience, industry-specific knowledge and general reputation and expertise
that would allow them to  contribute  as an effective  director to the Company's
governance.  To date,  the  Company has not engaged any third party to assist in
identifying  or evaluating  potential  nominees.  After a possible  candidate is
identified,  the  individual  meets  with  various  members  of the Board and is
sounded out  concerning his or her possible  interest and  willingness to serve,
and Board members discuss amongst themselves the individual's potential to be an
effective  Board member.  If the  discussions  and evaluation are positive,  the
individual is invited to serve on the Board.

     To date, no stockholder has presented any candidate for Board membership to
the Company for  consideration,  and the Company does not have a specific policy
on stockholder-recommended  director candidates. However, the Board believes its
process  for  evaluation  of  nominees  proposed  by  stockholders  would  be no
different  from the process of  evaluating  any other  candidate.  In evaluating
candidates,  the Board will require that candidates  possess,  at a minimum,  an
ability to contribute to the effectiveness of the Board, an understanding of the
function of the Board of a public  company and relevant  industry  knowledge and
experience.  In  addition,  while not required of any one  candidate,  the Board
would consider favorably experience,  education,  training or other expertise in
business or financial  matters and prior experience  serving on boards of public

     Collectively,  the  composition of the Board must meet the applicable  NASD
listing  requirements.  In evaluating  any candidate for director  nominee,  the
Board  will also  evaluate  the  contribution  of the  proposed  nominee  toward
compliance with the applicable NASD listing standards.

                             EXECUTIVE COMPENSATION

     The  following  table sets forth for each of the last  three  fiscal  years
information  regarding the  compensation  of (i) the Company's  Chief  Executive
Officer,  (ii) the four other most highly compensated persons who were executive
officers  at the end of the fiscal  year ended  February  28, 2004 and (iii) any
other  person who would have been among the four other most  highly  compensated
persons  but was not an  executive  officer at the end of the last  fiscal  year
(each, a "Named Executive Officer").

                                                           Summary Compensation Table (1)

                                                                                          Long Term
                                               Annual Compensation                   Compensation Awards

                                      Fiscal                                        Securities Underlying
                                       Year        Salary          Bonus                  Options/
Name and Principal Position           Ended          ($)             ($)                   SARs (#)
----------------------------------- ----------- -------------- ---------------    --------------------------
Arthur T. Shorin...............        2004        985,000         697,000 (2)             50,000
  Chairman, President and              2003        985,000         450,145                    --
  Chief Executive Officer              2002        960,130       1,076,078 (2)                --

Scott A. Silverstein(3)........        2004        310,692          62,138                 75,000
  Executive Vice President             2003        305,706         137,364                    --
                                       2002        260,442         156,265                    --

Ronald L. Boyum................        2004        293,000          58,600                 50,000
  Vice President - Marketing and       2003        289,000         131,932                    --
  Sales and General Manager -          2002        286,020         171,612                    --

John Perillo..................         2004        260,038          52,008                 40,000
  Vice President - Operations          2003        255,836         126,932                    --
                                       2002        248,471         149,083                    --

Ira                                    2004        250,692          50,138                 60,000
Friedman.............................  2003        246,864         110,418                    --
  Vice President - Publishing          2002        236,028         141,617                    --
  and New Product Development


(1)  Because none of the Named Executive  Officers  received (a) perquisites and
     other  personal  benefits  (including,  for certain of the Named  Executive
     Officers,  medical reimbursements,  moving expenses and car use allowances)
     in excess of the lesser of $50,000 or 10% of such  officer's  annual salary
     and bonus,  (b) any other  compensation  required to be reported or (c) any
     restricted stock awards, the columns entitled "Other Annual  Compensation,"
     "Restricted Stock Awards," "LTIP Payouts" and "All Other  Compensation" are
     inapplicable and have therefore been omitted from the table.

(2)  Includes payment of $500,000 under the Employment Agreement.

(3)  Mr. Silverstein is the son-in-law of Mr. Shorin.

Option/SAR Grants in Last Fiscal Year

     The following  table provides  information  regarding the grants of options
during the fiscal year ended February 28, 2004.

                                                                                                       Potential Realized Value at
                                                                                                         Assumed Annual Rates of
                                                                                                         Stock Price Appreciation
                                         Individual Grants                                                 For Option Term ($)
_______________________________________________________________________________________________         ___________________________
         (a)                       (b)                   (c)             (d)             (e)               (f)             (g)
         ---                       ---                   ---             ---             ---               ---             ---

                                                     % of Total
                           Number of Securities      Granted to      Exercise or
                                Underlying          Employees in      Base Price     Expiration
         Name             Options Granted (1)        Fiscal Year        ($/Sh)          Date               5%              10%
         ----             --------------------       -----------        ------          ----               --              ---
Arthur T. Shorin                50,000 (2)              5.62             8.52          7/29/2013         273,610         688,012

Scott A. Silverstein            75,000 (3)              8.43             8.52          7/29/2013         410,415       1,032,019

Ronald L. Boyum                 50,000 (3)              5.62             8.52          7/29/2013         273,610          688,012

John Perillo                    40,000 (3)              4.49             8.52          7/29/2013         218,888          550,410

Ira Friedman                    60,000 (3)              6.74             8.52          7/29/2013         328,332          825,615


(1)  All options were granted under the 2001 Stock Incentive Plan.

(2)  The  options to  acquire  shares of Common  Stock were  granted on July 29,
     2003. Half will become  exercisable on July 29, 2004 and the remainder will
     become exercisable on July 29, 2005.

(3)  The  options to  acquire  shares of Common  Stock were  granted on July 29,
     2003.  One-third  will become  exercisable  on July 29, 2004, an additional
     one-third  will become  exercisable on July 29, 2005 and the remainder will
     become exercisable on July 29, 2006.

Aggregate Option/SAR Exercises in Last Fiscal Year and FY-End Option/SAR Values

     The following table provides information  regarding the exercise of options
during  the  fiscal  year ended  February  28,  2004 and the number and value of
unexercised  options  held at fiscal  year-end  by each of the  Named  Executive

             (a)                      (b)           (c)                      (d)                          (e)
                                                                     Number of Securities          Value of Unexercised
                                                                    Underlying Unexercised             In-the-Money
                                                                  Options/SARS at FY-End (#)     Options/SARS at FY-End ($)
                                                                 ___________________________    ___________________________
                                Shares Acquired      Value
             Name               on Exercise (#)   Realized ($)   Exercisable   Unexercisable    Exercisable   Unexercisable
             ----               ---------------   ------------   -----------   -------------    -----------   -------------
Arthur T. Shorin.........             --              --           532,500         50,000         3,140,062        33,500

Scott A. Silverstein.....             --              --           241,000         75,000         1,092,793        50,000

Ronald L. Boyum..........           46,564          206,359         27,936         50,000           178,070        33,500

John Perillo ............             --              --           104,500         40,000           434,291        26,800

Ira Friedman ............            6,000           27,583         64,500         60,000           244,487        40,200

Equity Compensation Plan Information

                                              (a)                        (b)                          (c)
                                                                                               Number of Securities
                                    Number of Securities To       Weighted-Average      Remaining Available for Future
                                    Be Issued Upon Exercise      Exercise Price of           Issuance Under Equity
                                    of Outstanding Options,     Outstanding Options,     Compensation Plans (Excluding
          Plan Category               Warrants and Rights       Warrants and Rights     Securities Reflected in Column (a))
          -------------               -------------------       -------------------     -----------------------------------
Equity compensation plans                  3,800,407                     $6.90                         2,030,402
approved by security holders

Equity compensation plans not
approved by security holders                  --                           --                             --
                                    ---------------------       -------------------    ------------------------------------
              TOTAL                        3,800,407                     $6.90                         2,030,402

Pension Benefits

     The Company  maintains a tax  qualified  non-contributory  defined  benefit
pension plan for its eligible  employees (the  "Retirement  Plan").  The Summary
Compensation  Table  contained  in this Proxy  Statement  does not  include  the
benefit accruals in respect of the Named Executive Officers under the Retirement
Plan. The estimated annual pension benefits under the Retirement Plan,  assuming
retirement at age 65, at various  levels of  compensation  and years of credited
service are illustrated by the following table:

                                              Annual Retirement Benefit for Specified
                                                   Years of Credited Service (1)(2)
   Highest Average
   Compensation(3)         15           20           25           30           35          40           50
                        --------     --------     --------     --------     --------    --------     --------
$  160,000.........     $ 34,865     $ 47,322     $ 60,278     $ 73,312     $ 75,010    $ 77,010     $ 81,010
$  175,000.........     $ 38,615     $ 52,323     $ 66,528     $ 80,812     $ 82,727    $ 84,885     $ 89,260
$  200,000.........     $ 44,865     $ 60,656     $ 76,945     $ 93,312     $ 95,540    $ 98,010     $103,010
$  225,000.........     $ 51,115     $ 68,990     $ 87,362     $105,812     $108,352    $111,135     $116,760
$  250,000.........     $ 57,365     $ 77,323     $ 97,779     $118,313     $121,165    $124,260     $130,510
$  300,000.........     $ 69,866     $ 93,990     $118,613     $143,313     $146,790    $150,510     $158,010
$  400,000.........     $ 94,866     $127,324     $160,280     $193,314     $198,040    $203,010     $213,010
$  450,000.........     $107,366     $143,991     $181,114     $218,315     $223,665    $229,260     $240,510
$  500,000.........     $119,867     $160,658     $201,948     $243,315     $249,290    $255,510     $268,010
$  600,000.........     $144,867     $193,992     $243,615     $293,316     $300,540    $308,010     $323,010
$  800,000.........     $194,868     $260,660     $326,950     $393,318     $403,040    $413,010     $433,010
$1,000,000.........     $244,869     $327,328     $410,285     $493,320     $505,540    $518,010     $543,010
$1,500,000.........     $365,040     $490,040     $615,040     $740,040     $758,790    $777,540     $815,040


(1)  These are  hypothetical  benefits based upon the  Retirement  Plan's normal
     retirement  benefit  formula.  The maximum annual benefit  permitted  under
     Section 415 of the Internal  Revenue Code of 1986, as amended (the "Code"),
     is generally limited to $165,000 at present and will be adjusted to reflect
     cost-of-living increases in 2005 and succeeding plan years.

(2)  The  benefits  shown   corresponding  to  these  compensation   ranges  are
     hypothetical  benefits based upon the Retirement  Plan's normal  retirement
     benefit  formula.  Under Section  401(a)(17) of the Code,  compensation  in
     excess of $205,000 (as  adjusted to reflect  cost-of-living  increases)  is
     disregarded  for purposes of determining  highest  average  compensation of
     participants  in the Retirement Plan for 2004.  Benefits  accrued as of the
     last day of the plan year beginning in 1993 on the basis of compensation in
     excess of the  applicable  dollar limit are  preserved.  The $205,000 limit
     will be adjusted for  cost-of-living  increases in 2005 and succeeding plan

(3)  This table includes  supplemental pension benefits payable to Mr. Shorin in
     excess of the limitations on  compensation  and benefits under the Code and
     other  applicable  laws,  pursuant to an amended and restated  supplemental
     pension  agreement  entered  into  as of June 1,  2001  (the  "Supplemental
     Pension  Agreement").  These  benefits are computed in accordance  with the
     same formula  provided  under the  Retirement  Plan  without  regard to the
     aforementioned  limitations.  However,  compensation  attributable to stock
     appreciation  rights  and  stock  options  is not  taken  into  account  in
     determining  highest average  compensation for purposes of the Supplemental
     Pension Agreement.

     The normal  retirement  benefit under the Retirement Plan is payable in the
form of a "straight life" annuity and is equal to the greater of (i) 1.667% of a
participant's  highest average W-2 compensation  multiplied by the participant's
years  of  credited  service  not  in  excess  of 30  years,  plus  .25%  of the
participant's highest average compensation multiplied by the participant's years
of credited service in excess of 30 years,  reduced by 50% of the  participant's
estimated  primary  Social  Security  benefit  determined  on the  basis  of the
participant's  earnings  from  the  Company,  or  (ii)  $204  multiplied  by the
participant's  years of credited  service  not in excess of 20 years,  plus $144
multiplied by the participant's  credited service in excess of 20 years (but not
to exceed 10 additional years). The "highest average  compensation" for purposes
of determining the normal retirement  benefit is equal to one-fifth of the total
compensation  that  is  paid  to  a  participant  by  the  Company  for  the  60
consecutive-month  period in which the  participant's  compensation was greatest
during the 120-month period prior to the participant's retirement or termination
of  employment.  Subject to the  $205,000  compensation  limit in the case of an
executive  officer  other  than  Mr.  Shorin,  such  compensation  includes  all
compensation  reflected in the Summary Compensation Table to the extent included
in gross income for the applicable base years.

     As of February  28,  2004,  the persons  named in the Summary  Compensation
Table were credited with the  following  years of service:  Mr. Shorin - 46, Mr.
Silverstein - 12, Mr. Boyum - 15, Mr. Perillo - 27, Mr. Friedman - 16.

                              EMPLOYMENT AGREEMENT

     Effective June 1, 2003,  the  Compensation  Committee  agreed to extend the
term of Arthur T.  Shorin's  Amended and Restated  Employment  Agreement  for an
additional two years in order to secure Mr.  Shorin's  services  through May 31,
2005. As a result,  the Company entered into an amended and restated  employment
agreement  (the  "Employment  Agreement")  with Mr.  Shorin to reflect  the term
extension,  and Mr.  Shorin  was  paid  an  extension  bonus  of  $500,000.  The
Employment  Agreement  provides for an annual base salary of $985,000 subject to
increase  at  the  discretion  of  the  Compensation  Committee.   Mr.  Shorin's
Employment  agreement  provides for an annual target bonus  opportunity which is
not less  favorable  than that  provided  for other  executive  officers  of the

     If Mr.  Shorin is terminated  without  "Cause" or resigns for "Good Reason"
(as defined in the  Employment  Agreement),  he will  receive a full or prorated
bonus for the year of termination (based on the time within the fiscal year that
the  termination  occurs)  and a lump  sum  severance  payment  will  be made as
liquidated  damages  equal to three  times Mr.  Shorin's  base  salary  plus his
highest  annual bonus paid for the three fiscal years ended prior to the date of
termination, and he will continue to participate in all of the Company's benefit
plans for a period of three years following such termination.  In addition,  all
of his unvested  stock options vest and remain  exercisable  in accordance  with
their terms.

     The Employment Agreement also requires that, in the event any payments made
upon his termination of employment are treated as "parachute  payments"  subject
to excise  taxes under  federal tax law,  the  Company  will make an  additional
payment to the  applicable  tax  authorities on behalf of Mr. Shorin so that his
after-tax  position is the same as if the payments were not subject to an excise

     Mr. Shorin's Employment  Agreement also requires the Company to make annual
contributions,  to an irrevocable  Company trust account, of assets equal to the
present  value of the  supplemental  pension  benefits  which accrue during each
fiscal year for Mr.  Shorin under his  Supplemental  Pension  Agreement.  In the
event of his  termination  without  Cause or  resignation  for Good Reason,  the
Employment  Agreement  counts  severance  compensation  paid  to Mr.  Shorin  in
determining  highest  average  compensation  and credits  Mr.  Shorin with three
additional years of service for pension purposes.

     At the  end of the  two-year  term,  Mr.  Shorin  may  request  a  two-year
extension  on  equivalent  terms  with a  minimum  base  salary  adjustment  for
increases  in the cost of living  since  June 1, 2003 and a  $500,000  extension
bonus. If the Company determines not to extend the term, Mr. Shorin's employment
will  terminate  on May  31,  2005,  and he will be  entitled  to the  severance
compensation  outlined  above  for a  termination  without  cause  for two years
instead of three. If Mr. Shorin elects to retire at the end of the two-year term
rather than seek an  extension of the term,  Mr.  Shorin will be entitled to the
severance  compensation  outlined  above  for one  year  instead  of  three.  In
addition,  the Employment  Agreement provides that if the term of the Employment
Agreement is not extended by the Company or if Mr. Shorin  retires at the end of
the term,  the  Company  will  offer  Mr.  Shorin a  three-year  post-employment
consulting  agreement  providing for a $350,000 annual  consulting fee in return
for Mr. Shorin's continued part-time services.

                              CERTAIN RELATIONSHIPS

     Jack H. Nusbaum, a director, is a partner in the law firm of Willkie Farr &
Gallagher LLP, outside counsel to the Company.

                                PERFORMANCE GRAPH

     The  graph set  forth  below  shows  the  yearly  percentage  change in the
Company's cumulative total stockholder return against each of the S&P MidCap 400
and a  composite  index  (the  "Composite  Index"),  in each  case  assuming  an
investment of $100 on February 27, 1999 and the accumulation and reinvestment of
dividends paid thereafter through February 28, 2004.

                  Comparison of 5 Year Cumulative Total Return
                       Assumes Initial Investment of $100

                                  1999      2000      2001      2002      2003      2004
                                  ----      ----      ----      ----      ----      ----
Topps Co Inc         Return%               71.43     30.00     -1.64    -15.85    -15.34
                     Cum$      $100.00   $171.43   $222.86   $219.20   $184.46   $212.76

S & P 500            Return%               11.73     -8.20     -9.51    -22.68     38.53
                     Cum$      $100.00   $111.73   $102.57   $ 92.82   $ 71.76   $ 99.42

S&P Midcap 400       Return%               30.99      8.93      2.70    -18.67     49.74
                     Cum$      $100.00   $130.99   $142.68   $146.54   $119.18   $178.45

Peer Group Only      Return%              -21.07     27.74     10.47    -11.66     22.01
                     Cum$      $100.00   $ 78.93   $100.83   $111.38   $ 98.39   $120.04

Peer Group + Topps   Return%              -20.41     27.78     10.27    -11.72     21.93
                     Cum$      $100.00   $ 79.59   $101.70   $112.14   $ 99.00   $120.72

Note: Data complete through last fiscal year.
Note: Corporate Performance Graph with peer group uses peer group only
       performance (excludes only company).
Note: Peer grou indices use beginning of period market capitalization weighting.
Note: S&P index returns are calculated by Zacks.

     The Composite  Index is comprised of four industry  groups  reported in the
"Directory of Companies  Required to File Annual Reports with the Securities and
Exchange Commission" for the period ended September 30, 1993, and based upon the
Standard  Industrial  Classification  ("SIC")  codes  developed by the Office of
Management  and Budget,  Executive  Office of the  President.  The four industry
groups are  Miscellaneous  Publishing (SIC Code 2741),  Sugar and  Confectionery
Products (SIC Code 2060),  Periodicals:  Publishing  or Publishing  and Printing
(SIC Code 2721) and Wholesale - Miscellaneous Durable Goods (SIC Code 5090).


     The Company has adopted a Code of Business  Conduct and Ethics that applies
to its  directors  and  executive  officers as well as to all  employees  of the
Company.  The Code of Business Conduct and Ethics is available free of charge on
our website.  Amendments to the Code of Business Conduct and Ethics or any grant
of a  waiver  from a  provision  of the  Code of  Business  Conduct  and  Ethics
requiring  disclosure  under  applicable  rules of the  Commission  will also be
disclosed on the Company's website.


     To date, the Board has not developed formal processes by which stockholders
may  communicate  directly with directors  because it believes that the existing
informal process,  in which any communication sent to the Board either generally
or in care of the Chief  Executive  Officer,  Corporate  Secretary,  or  another
corporate  officer is  forwarded  to all  members  of the Board,  has served the
stockholders' needs. In view of recently adopted disclosure  requirements by the
Commission  related to this issue, the Company may consider  development of more
specific procedures.  Until any other procedures are developed and posted on the
Company's corporate website,  any communication to the Board should be mailed to
the  Board,  in care of the  Company's  Corporate  Secretary,  at the  Company's
headquarters  in New York, New York.  The mailing  envelope must contain a clear
notation indicating the enclosed letter is a  "Stockholder-Board  Communication"
or  "Stockholder-Director  Communication."  All such letters  must  identify the
author as a  stockholder  and  clearly  state  whether the  intended  recipients
include all members of the Board or just certain specified individual directors.
The  Corporate  Secretary  will  forward  such  communications  to the  Board of
Directors or the specified  individual  directors to whom the  communication  is
directed unless such  communication is unduly hostile,  threatening,  illegal or
similarly inappropriate, in which case the Corporate Secretary has the authority
to discard the  communication or to take appropriate legal action regarding such


     Any proposals of stockholders of the Company intended to be included in the
Company's  proxy  statement  and form of proxy  relating to the  Company's  next
annual meeting of stockholders  must be in writing and received by the Assistant
Treasurer of the Company at the Company's  office at One Whitehall  Street,  New
York, New York  10004-2109 no later than January 24, 2005. In the event that the
next annual meeting of  stockholders  is called for a date that is not within 30
days  before  or after  June 29,  2005,  in order to be  timely,  notice  by the
stockholder  must be  received  no later than the close of business on the tenth
day following the day on which such notice of the date of the annual meeting was
mailed or such  public  disclosure  of the date of the annual  meeting was made,
whichever first occurs.

     Any stockholder  interested in making a proposal is referred to Article II,
Section 4 of the Company's Restated By-Laws.

                             SOLICITATION OF PROXIES

     The  entire  cost of  soliciting  management  proxies  will be borne by the
Company.  In  addition  to the  use  of  the  mails,  proxies  may be  solicited
personally by directors,  officers or regular employees of the Company, who will
not be  compensated  for their  services.  Management of the Company  intends to
request banks, brokerage houses, custodians, nominees and fiduciaries to forward
soliciting  material to the beneficial owners of the Common Stock held of record
by such persons and entities.

     The Company's Annual Report on Form 10-K for the fiscal year ended February
28, 2004 and the Proxy  Statement are available to all investors on the internet
at  and will be provided to any stockholder of record at the close
of business  on May 14, 2004  without  charge upon  written  request to Investor
Relations at One Whitehall Street, New York, New York 10004-2109.

                                        By order of the Board of Directors,

                                        Arthur T. Shorin
                                        Chairman, President and
                                        Chief Executive Officer

                             THE TOPPS COMPANY, INC.
                              AMENDED AND RESTATED
                             AUDIT COMMITTEE CHARTER
                               February 10, 2004

Board of Directors

     The Board of  Directors  (the  "Board")  of The Topps  Company,  Inc.  (the
"Company") hereby amends and restates the charter of the Board's Audit Committee
(the  "Committee"),  providing the Committee with authority,  responsibility and
specific powers as described below.


     The  purpose  of the  Committee  is to  oversee  the broad  range of issues
surrounding the accounting and financial  reporting processes of the Company and
its subsidiaries  and audits of the financial  statements of the Company and its
subsidiaries. The purpose of this charter (the "Charter")is to specify the scope
of  the   Committee's   responsibilities,   and  how  it   carries   out   those
responsibilities,  including structure,  processes and membership  requirements.
The Committee's  primary focus will be (1) to assist the Board in monitoring (a)
the integrity of the financial  statements of the Company and its  subsidiaries,
(b) the compliance by the Company and its subsidiaries with legal and regulatory
requirements, (c) the independent auditor's qualifications and independence, and
(d) the performance of the Company's  independent  auditors,  and (2) to prepare
any report that the United States Securities and Exchange Commission (the "SEC")
rules require be included in the Company's annual proxy statement.


     The  Company's  By-Laws (the  "By-Laws")  and this Charter (the  "Charter")
govern the operation of the Committee;  in the event of a conflict, the terms of
the By-Laws  shall  govern.  The  Committee  shall  provide a medium  within the
Company for consideration of matters relating to any audit issues. The Committee
shall be directly responsible for the appointment, compensation and oversight of
the work of any  registered  public  accounting  firm  employed  by the  Company
(including  resolution  of  disagreements  between  management  and the  auditor
regarding financial  reporting) for the purpose of preparing or issuing an audit
report or related work, and each such  registered  public  accounting firm shall
report directly to the Committee. At its sole discretion,  the Committee has the
power to  retain  and  determine  funding  for  outside  legal,  accounting  and
financial  consultants  or other  advisors or to delegate  to  subcommittees  to
assist it in its activities to the extent  permitted by the SEC and the National
Association of Securities  Dealers,  Inc. ("NASD").  The outside accounting firm
shall  report  directly  to  the  Committee.  The  fees  and  expenses  of  such
consultants and advisors shall be borne by the Company.


     The  members of the  Committee  shall be  appointed  by the Board and shall
consist of three (3) or more independent  directors,  as the Board may determine
from time to time, of the Company's Board and shall serve until their successors
are duly  elected and  qualified.  Each  Committee  member may be removed by the
Board at its discretion.  In order to be independent,  a member of the Committee
may not,  other than in his or her  capacity as a member of the  Committee,  the
Board, or any other Board committee  accept any consulting,  advisory,  or other
compensatory fee from the Company or be an affiliated  person, as defined by the
SEC, of the Company or any of its  subsidiaries.  This includes  payments to any
firm of which a  Committee  member is an  executive  officer,  partner,  member,
principal  or designee  (but does not  include  the receipt of fixed  amounts of
compensation under a retirement plan (including deferred compensation) for prior
service with the Company  (provided that such  compensation is not contingent in
any way on continued  service).  Each Committee member shall meet the applicable
independence  requirements  of the  Sarbanes-Oxley  Act of 2002, the SEC and the


     All  members  of  the  Committee  must  be  able  to  read  and  understand
fundamental financial statements,  including the Company's balance sheet, income
statement,  and cash flow statement at the time of his or her appointment to the

     At least one member of the Committee shall have past employment  experience
in finance or accounting, requisite professional certification in accounting, or
any other comparable  experience or background which results in the individual's
financial  sophistication,  including  being or  having  been a chief  executive
officer,  chief  financial  officer  or  other  senior  officer  with  financial
oversight  responsibilities.  Financial  sophistication  will be  presumed  if a
member satisfies the SEC definition of "financial expert."


     The Committee  shall  maintain and submit to the Board copies of minutes of
each meeting of the Committee,  and each written consent to action taken without
a meeting,  reflecting the actions so authorized or taken by the Committee since
the preceding  meeting of the Board. A copy of the minutes of each meeting shall
be placed in the Corporation's minute book.

Charter Amendment

     Any member of the Committee may submit proposed  Charter  amendments to the
Board. The Board shall circulate any proposed Charter amendment(s) to members of
the  Committee  immediately  upon  receipt.  By a majority  vote,  the Board may
approve the amendments to the Charter.


     The  Committee  shall hold such  regular  meetings as may be  necessary  or
advisable, but no less frequently than quarterly, and special meetings as may be
called by the Committee's chairperson. The presence in person or by telephone of
a majority of the Committee's  members shall constitute a quorum for any meeting
of the  Committee.  All  actions of the  Committee  will  require  the vote of a
majority of its members  present at a meeting of the Committee at which a quorum
is present.

     The Committee  chairperson should consult with management in the process of
establishing agendas for Committee meetings.

Duties and Responsibilities

     The Committee's  policies and procedures  shall remain flexible in order to
best  react  to  changing  conditions  and to help  ensure  that  the  Company's
accounting  and  reporting   practices  are  consistent  with  applicable  legal
requirements and are of the highest quality. The Committee shall:

          (1) Appoint,  terminate when  appropriate,  determine  funding for and
     directly oversee the Company's  independent  auditors (including  resolving
     disagreements between the independent  accountants and management regarding
     financial reporting).  The independent accountants shall report directly to
     the Committee;

          (2) Pre-approve all auditing  services by the independent  auditor and
     all non-audit  services,  other than non-audit  services  prohibited by the

          (3) Pre-approve appropriate funding for payment of (a) compensation to
     the Company's  independent  auditors for the purpose of rendering audit and
     non-audit  services,  (b)  compensation  to any  advisors  employed  by the
     Committee, (c) ordinary administrative expenses of the audit committee that
     are necessary or appropriate in carrying out its duties.  The Committee may
     delegate  to one or  more  designated  members  of the  Committee  who  are
     independent  directors of the Board, the authority to grant  pre-approvals.
     The decisions of any member to whom  authority is delegated to  pre-approve
     activity  must be presented to the full  Committee at each of its scheduled

          (4) Approve all related party transactions entered into by the Company
     with any of the Company's directors or executive officers;

          (5) Prohibit the independent auditor from performing any audit service
     for the Company, if a chief executive officer,  controller, chief financial
     officer,  chief accounting  officer, or any person serving in an equivalent
     position  for the  Company,  was  employed by the  independent  auditor and
     participated  in any  capacity  in the  audit  of the  Company  during  the
     one-year period preceding the date of the initiation of the audit;

          (6) Ensure audit partner rotation if the lead (or coordinating)  audit
     partner (having primary responsibility for the audit), or the audit partner
     responsible  for reviewing the audit,  has performed audit services for the
     Company in each of the Company's five previous fiscal years;

          (7) Review and  reassess  the  adequacy  of the Charter  annually  and
     recommend any proposed changes to the Board for approval;

          (8) Review the  Company's  annual  audited  financial  statements  and
     quarterly unaudited financial  statements with the Company's management and
     independent auditors;

          (9) Review any major changes to the Company's  auditing and accounting
     principles  and  practices  as  suggested by the  Company's  management  or
     independent auditors;

          (10) At least  annually,  obtain and review a report by the  Company's
     independent auditors describing:

               (a) the auditors' internal quality-control procedures;

               (b) any  material  issues  raised  by the  most  recent  internal
          quality-control review, or peer review, of the firm, or by any inquiry
          or investigation by governmental or professional  authorities,  within
          the preceding five years,  respecting one or more  independent  audits
          carried out by the  independent  auditor,  and any steps taken to deal
          with any such issues; and

               (c) all  relationships  between the  independent  auditor and the
          Company (to assess the auditor's independence);

          (11) Ensure receipt from the independent  auditors of a formal written
     statement  delineating  all  relationships  between  the  auditor  and  the
     Company,  consistent  with  Independence  Standards Board Standard 1. It is
     also the Committee's  responsibility  to actively engage in a dialogue with
     the auditor with respect to any  disclosed  relationships  or services that
     may impact the objectivity and  independence of the auditor and for taking,
     or  recommending  that the Board  take,  appropriate  action to oversee the
     independence of the independent auditor;

          (12)  Meet  regularly  with the Board and  review  with the  Company's
     management  any  legal  matters  that may  have a  material  impact  on the
     financial  statements,  the Company's  compliance policies and any material
     reports or inquiries received from regulators or governmental agencies;

          (13) Review with the  Company's  independent  auditors any problems or
     difficulties  the auditor may have  encountered  and any management  letter
     provided  by the  auditor  and  the  Company's  response  to  that  letter,

               (a) any difficulties encountered in the course of the audit work,
          including any restrictions on the scope of the activities or access to
          required information;

               (b) any changes  required in the  planned  scope of the  external

               (c) any disagreements with management;

               (d) any material written  communications  between the independent
          auditors and the Company's  management,  such as any management letter
          or schedule of unadjusted differences; and

               (e)  Any  accounting   adjustments  that  were  proposed  by  the
          Company's  independent  auditors but were  "passed" (as  immaterial or
          otherwise), any material communications between the audit team and the
          independent   auditors'   national  office   respecting   auditing  or
          accounting issues presented by the engagement;

          (14) Review  annually with the Company's  management  and  independent

               (a)  analyses   prepared  by  the  Company's   management  and/or
          independent  auditors setting forth  significant  financial  reporting
          issues and judgments  made in connection  with the  preparation of the
          financial statements, including analyses of the effects of alternative
          generally accepted accounting period methods on financial  statements;

               (b) the effect of regulatory and accounting initiatives,  as well
          as  review  and  approve  any  off-balance  sheet  structures  on  the
          Company's financial statements;

          (15) Review annually major issues regarding accounting  principles and
     financial statement presentations, including any significant changes in the
     Company's  selection or  application  of accounting  principles,  and major
     issues as to the  adequacy  of the  Company's  internal  controls,  and any
     special audit steps adopted in light of control deficiencies;

          (16)  Review  and  discuss  major  issues  as to the  adequacy  of the
     Company's disclosure and internal controls;

          (17) Review and discuss  any special  audit steps  adopted in light of
     disclosure and control deficiencies;

          (18) Review the audit  report  provided by the  Company's  independent
     auditors, which should include:

               (a) all critical  accounting policies and practices used; and (b)
          all alternative  treatments of financial  information within generally
          accepted   accounting   principles   that  have  been  discussed  with
          management  officials of the issuer,  ramifications of the use of such
          alternative disclosures and treatments, and the treatment preferred by
          the independent auditors;

          (19)  Review  any  failures  of  the  Company's   financial  reporting

          (20) Meet periodically  with the Company's  management and independent
     auditors in separate sessions to review the Company's policies with respect
     to major risk  exposures and the steps  management has taken to monitor and
     control such exposures;

          (21) Meet periodically  with the Company's  management and independent
     auditors in separate sessions to encourage  entirely frank discussions with
     the  Committee,  including  without  limitation  discussions  regarding the
     Company's  financial  reporting  control  procedures,  the  quality  of the
     Company's  financial  reporting  and the  adequacy  and  competency  of the
     Company's financial management;

          (22)  Meet  and  discuss  with the  independent  auditor  the  matters
     required to be discussed by Statement on Auditing Standards No. 61 relating
     to the conduct of the audit of the Company's  annual  financial  statements
     and the  matters  required  to be  discussed  relating to the review of the
     Company's quarterly financial statements;

          (23) Meet and discuss with the internal  auditors (or other  personnel
     or independent third party responsible for the internal audit function) the
     Company's risk management processes and systems of internal control;

          (24) Establish procedures for:

               (a) the receipt,  retention, and treatment of complaints received
          by the Company regarding accounting,  internal accounting controls, or
          auditing matters; and

               (b) the  confidential,  anonymous  submission by employees of the
          Company of  concerns  regarding  questionable  accounting  or auditing

          (25) Obtain assurance from the Company's  independent  auditor that it
     has notified the Committee of any failure of which the independent  auditor
     is aware of the Company to comply with applicable legal requirements;

          (26)  Advise the Board  with  respect to the  Company's  policies  and
     procedures  regarding  compliance  with applicable laws and regulations and
     with any code of business conduct adopted by the Board from time to time;

          (27) Ensure compliance with rules and regulations set forth by the SEC
     and the NASD  regarding the hiring of employees or former  employees of the
     independent auditors;

          (28) Ensure the outside  auditor's  ultimate  accountability is to the
     Board and the Committee,  as  representatives  of  shareholders,  and these
     shareholder  representatives'  ultimate  authority  and  responsibility  to
     select, evaluate and where appropriate,  replace the outside auditor (or to
     nominate the outside auditor to be proposed for shareholder approval in any
     proxy statement); and

          (29) Do every other act incidental to, arising out of or in connection
     with,  or  otherwise  related to, the  authority  granted to the  Committee
     hereby or the carrying out of the Committee's  duties and  responsibilities

Limitation of Committee's Role

     While the Committee has the authority,  powers,  and  responsibilities  set
forth in this  Charter,  it is not the duty of the  Committee to plan or conduct
audits or to determine that the Company's  financial  statements and disclosures
are complete and accurate and are in accordance with GAAP and applicable  legal,
accounting,  and  other  requirements.  These  are the  responsibilities  of the
Company's management and the independent auditor.