Corporate Headquarters
                              150 Motor Parkway
                             Hauppauge, NY 11788

                                          May 1, 2002

To Holders of the Common Stock of


      The 2002 Annual Meeting of  Shareholders  of Curative  Health  Services,
Inc. will be held on Thursday,  May 30, 2002 at 10:00 a.m.,  New York time, at
the Company's corporate offices located at 150 Motor Parkway,  Hauppauge,  New
York 11788, for the following purposes:

1.    To nominate  and elect  seven (7)  directors  for terms  expiring at the
         2003 Annual Meeting of Shareholders;

2.    To vote on a proposed  amendment to the Company's  2000 Stock  Incentive

3.    To vote on proposed  amendments to the Company's  Non-Employee  Director
         Stock Option Plan;

4.    To  ratify  the  appointment  of  Ernst  &  Young  LLP as the  Company's
         independent auditors; and

5.    To transact  such other  business as may properly be brought  before the

      It  is  important   that  your  stock  be  represented  at  the  meeting
regardless  of the number of shares that you hold.  Whether or not you plan to
attend the  meeting in person,  please  complete,  sign and date the  enclosed
proxy and return it promptly in the accompanying postage-paid envelope.

                                          By Order of the Board of Directors

                                          /s/ Nancy F. Lanis
                                              Nancy F. Lanis

                        CURATIVE HEALTH SERVICES INC.

                               PROXY STATEMENT

      This Proxy  Statement is furnished in connection  with the  solicitation
of proxies by the Board of Directors of Curative  Health  Services,  Inc. (the
"Company"),  for use at the Annual Meeting of Shareholders  (the "Meeting") to
be held  Thursday,  May 30,  2002,  at  10:00  a.m.,  New  York  time,  at the
Company's corporate offices located at 150 Motor Parkway,  Hauppauge, New York
11788, and any adjournment  thereof,  for the purposes set forth in the Notice
of Meeting.  The shares  represented  by proxies in the form solicited will be
voted  in  the  manner   indicated  by  a  shareholder.   In  the  absence  of
instructions,  the  proxies  will be voted for the  election  of the  nominees
named in this  Proxy  Statement  and for the  management  proposals  discussed
herein and in  accordance  with the judgment of the persons named in the proxy
as to any other matters that properly come before the meeting.

      The mailing address of the executive  office of the Company is 150 Motor
Parkway,  Hauppauge,  New York 11788.  This Proxy  Statement  and the enclosed
proxy are being  furnished to  shareholders  of the Company on or about May 1,

      Returning  your  completed  proxy will not  prevent  you from  voting in
person  at the  Meeting  should  you be  present  and  wish to do so.  You may
revoke your proxy any time before the  exercise  thereof by written  notice to
the Secretary of the Company,  by the return of a new proxy to the Company, or
by voting  in  person  at the  Meeting.  Shares  voted as  abstentions  on any
matter (or a "withhold  vote for" as to  directors)  will be counted as shares
that  are  present  and  entitled  to vote for  purposes  of  determining  the
presence  of a quorum at the  Meeting  and as  unvoted,  although  present and
entitled to vote, for purposes of  determining  the approval of each matter as
to which the  shareholder  has  abstained.  If a broker  submits a proxy which
indicates that the broker does not have discretionary  authority as to certain
shares to vote on one or more matters,  those shares will be counted as shares
that  are  present  and  entitled  to vote for  purposes  of  determining  the
presence of a quorum at the  Meeting,  but will not be  considered  as present
and entitled to vote with respect to such matters.

      Shareholders  of record at the close of  business  on April 17, 2002 are
entitled  to  notice  of  and  to  vote  at  the   Meeting.   The  issued  and
outstanding  capital  stock of the  Company  entitled  to vote as of April 17,
2002 consisted of 11,562,209  shares of common stock, $.01 par value per share
(the "Common  Stock").  Each issued and  outstanding  share of Common Stock is
entitled to one vote.

      A copy of the Company's  Annual  Report for the year ended  December 31,
2001 is being furnished to each shareholder with this Proxy Statement.

                                 PROPOSAL #1
                            ELECTION OF DIRECTORS

      Section  3.02 of the  Company's  bylaws  provides  that  the  number  of
members of the Board of  Directors  shall be six or such other number as shall
be  determined  from time to time by  resolution  of the Board of Directors or
the  shareholders.  The Board of Directors has by resolution set the number of
directors at seven.


      The Company's  bylaws  provide that  nominations of persons for election
as  directors  are to be made at a meeting  of  shareholders  called  for that
purpose,  whether  at  the  direction  of  the  Board  of  Directors  or  by a
shareholder  as provided in the bylaws.  Seven  directors are to be elected at
the  Meeting,   each  to  hold  office  until  the  next  Annual   Meeting  of
Shareholders   and  until  his  successor  is  elected  and   qualified.   The
affirmative  vote of a  majority  of the  shares of Common  Stock  present  in
person or by proxy and  eligible to vote at the Meeting is required to elect a
nominee as director.  The persons  named in the  accompanying  proxy will vote
for the election of the nominees  described  herein,  unless authority to vote
is  withheld.  The  Board of  Directors  has been  informed  that  each of the
nominees has  consented to being named as a nominee and is willing to serve as
a director  if  elected;  however,  if any  nominee  should  decline or become
unable to serve as a director for any reason,  the proxy may be voted for such
other person as the proxies shall, in their discretion, determine.

      The  following  table lists the persons to be nominated  for election as
directors and their offices in the Company, if any:

   Name                   Position
   Joseph L. Feshbach     Chairman of the Board, Interim Chief Executive Officer
   Paul S. Auerbach, MD   Director
   Daniel E. Berce        Director
   Lawrence P. English    Director
   Timothy I. Maudlin     Director
   Gerard Moufflet        Director
   John C. Prior          Director, President-- Specialty Healthcare Services

      Set forth below is certain  information  about each nominee for director
of  the  Company,  including  each  such  person's  name,  age  and  principal
occupations for the last five years.

      Joseph L.  Feshbach,  48, is  serving  as  Chairman  of the Board and as
Interim  Chief  Executive  Officer.  Since  February  2000,  Mr.  Feshbach has
served  as a  director  of the  Company  and in  November  2000  he was  named
Chairman  of the  Board.  In  March  2001 Mr.  Feshbach  was  named  Executive
Chairman.  In March 2002,  Mr.  Feshbach was elected  Interim Chief  Executive
Officer.  Since  December  1998,  Mr.  Feshbach  has been a private  investor.
From 1983 to 1998,  Mr.  Feshbach  was a  cofounder  and  General  Partner  of
Feshbach  Brothers,  a money  management and brokerage firm. Mr. Feshbach is a
director of QuadraMed  Corporation,  a publicly traded healthcare  information
technology company.

      Paul S.  Auerbach,  M.D.,  M.S.,  51, has been a director of the Company
since February 2000.  Since October 1999, Dr. Auerbach has served as a Venture
Partner with Delphi  Ventures,  a venture  capital firm. From 1997 until 1999,
Dr.  Auerbach  served as Chief  Operating  Officer  of  MedAmerica,  a private
company,  and  from  1995 to 1996  as  Chief  Operating  Officer  of  Sterling
Healthcare  Group, a publicly traded company.  Prior to that, Dr. Auerbach was
Professor  and Chief of  Emergency  Medicine  at Stanford  University  Medical
Center and, prior to that,  held the same  positions at Vanderbilt  University
Medical Center.

      Daniel E. Berce,  48, has been a director of the Company since  February
2000.  Since  November  1996,  Mr. Berce has served as Vice Chairman and Chief
Financial  Officer  and a director  of  AmeriCredit  Corp.  a publicly  traded
finance  company.  From November 1994 until  November 1996 Mr. Berce served as
Executive  Vice   President,   Chief   Financial   Officer  and  Treasurer  of
AmeriCredit  Corp.  and from May 1990 until  November  1994, he served as Vice
President,  Chief  Financial  Officer and  Treasurer of the Company.  Prior to
joining  AmeriCredit,  he was a partner  with Coopers & Lybrand for four years
and was with such firm for fourteen  years.  Mr.  Berce is a certified  public
accountant.  Mr. Berce is a director of INSpire Insurance  Solutions,  Inc., a
publicly  held  company  which  provides  policy  and  claims   administration
services to the  property and  casualty  insurance  industry and a director of
AZZ  Incorporated,  a  publicly  held  company  that  manufacturers  specialty
electronic   equipment  and  provides   galvanizing   services  to  the  steel
fabrication industry.


      Lawrence P.  English,  61, has been a director of the Company  since May
2000.  Since June 2000, Mr. English has been the Chief  Executive  Officer and
a director of QuadraMed Corporation,  a publicly traded healthcare information
technology  company.  In January 2001, Mr.  English was appointed  Chairman of
the Board of  QuadraMed.  From January  1999 to April 2000 Mr.  English was an
independent  business  consultant to venture capital firms. From 1996 to 1999,
Mr.  English  served as  Founder,  Chairman  and Chief  Executive  Officer  of
Aesthetics  Medical   Management,   Inc.,  a  physician  practice   management
company.  From 1992 to 1996,  Mr.  English was President of CIGNA  HealthCare,
one of the nation's largest health maintenance  organizations  ("HMO").  Prior
to 1992,  Mr.  English  held  numerous  senior level  positions at CIGNA.  Mr.
English  is  also  a  director   and  Board   Chairman  of  Clarent   Hospital
Corporation, a publicly traded company.

      Timothy I.  Maudlin,  51, has been a director of the Company since 1984,
and served as Secretary of the Company from  November  1984 to December  1990.
Mr.  Maudlin  served as  President  of the Company  from  October 1985 through
December 1986. Mr.  Maudlin has been the Managing  General  Partner of Medical
Innovation  Partners, a venture capital firm, since 1988 and since 1982 he has
been an officer of the  affiliated  management  company of Medical  Innovation
Partners.  Mr.  Maudlin  also  serves as Chief  Financial  Officer  of Venturi
Group LLC.

      Gerard  Moufflet,  58, has been a director of the Company since November
1989.  Mr.   Moufflet  is  the  Chief   Executive   Officer  of   Acceleration
International  Corp., a private equity firm focused on healthcare  investments
in Europe and the United  States.  From 1989 to December  2001,  Mr.  Moufflet
served as Managing  Director of Advent  International  Corporation,  a venture
capital firm.  Prior to joining Advent,  Mr. Moufflet served as Corporate Vice
President in charge of various Baxter  International  European  operations and
spent 17 years in marketing,  financial and general management  positions with
that  company's   European   businesses.   Mr.   Moufflet  is  a  director  of
Serologicals  Corporation,  a publicly  traded company and global  provider of
biological products and enabling technologies.

      John C. Prior,  48, has been a director  of the Company  since May 2001.
He is currently  President of the  Specialty  Healthcare  Services unit of the
Company.  From March  2001  through  September  2001 Mr.  Prior  served as the
President  and Interim  Chief  Executive  Officer of the Company.  From August
1995 through  March 2001,  Mr.  Prior was the Chief  Financial  Officer.  From
1987  through  March 2001,  Mr. Prior held various  other  positions  with the
Company,  including Controller,  Secretary,  Vice President of Finance, Senior
Vice  President of Finance and Executive  Vice  President.  From 1979 to 1987,
Mr.    Prior   held   a   variety   of    positions   in   the   Health   Care
Auditing/Consulting  Group of KPMG Peat  Marwick  and was  promoted  to Senior
Manager in 1984.

Committees of the Board of Directors

      The  Board  of  Directors  has   established  an  Audit   Committee,   a
Compensation and Stock Option Committee, and a Nominating Committee.

      Audit  Committee.  The members of the Audit Committee are Messrs.  Berce
(as Chairman),  English and Maudlin, each of whom is an "independent director"
as defined in Rule  4200(a)(14)  of the Nasdaq  Marketplace  Rules.  The Audit
Committee  generally  reviews  the  scope of the  audit  with the  independent
public  auditors and meets with them for the purpose of reviewing  the results
of the  audit  subsequent  to its  completion.  The  Board  of  Directors  has
adopted  a  written  charter  for the  Audit  Committee,  a copy of which  was
included in last year's proxy statement.

      Compensation   and  Stock   Option   Committee.   The   members  of  the
Compensation  and Stock Option  Committee are Messrs.  English (as  Chairman),
Berce and  Maudlin.  All the  members  of the  Compensation  and Stock  Option
Committee,  are  "non-employee  directors" (as defined by Rule 16b-3 under the
Securities  Exchange Act of 1934,  as  amended).  The  Compensation  and Stock
Option  Committee  reviews and  approves  the  compensation,  including  stock
incentives,  bonuses and benefits,  of the  executive  officers of the Company
and makes all  determinations  regarding the  administration  of the Company's
various stock incentive plans and awards.


      Nominating  Committee.  The  members  of the  Nominating  Committee  are
Messrs.  Prior (as Chairman)  and  Feshbach.  The  Nominating  Committee  will
consider nominees for director  recommended by shareholders.  In order to have
nominees  considered,  shareholders must provide the Nominating Committee with
written  notice of such  proposal not later than 60 days  following the end of
the fiscal  year to which the next  annual  meeting of  shareholders  relates,
together with such nominee's name,  age,  address,  principal  occupations for
the  preceding  ten years,  and a brief  statement in support of such nominee.
The Nominating  Committee is under no obligation to accept a nominee  proposed
by  a  shareholder  pursuant  to  the  foregoing  procedure.  All  nominations
ultimately  made by the  Nominating  Committee  are in such  committee's  sole
discretion.  In the  alternative,  a  shareholder  may  nominate  persons  for
election as directors by following the  procedures  set forth in the Company's

      During  Fiscal 2001 the Board of  Directors  met nine  times;  the Audit
Committee  met five times;  the  Compensation  and Stock Option  Committee met
seven  times;  and the  Nominating  Committee  did not  meet.  Each  incumbent
director  attended at least 75% of all  meetings  of the Board and  applicable
committees held during Fiscal 2001.

Compensation of Directors

      In 2001  each  non-employee  director  was paid an  annual  retainer  of
$12,000,  $1,000 for each Board  meeting  attended  in person or $350 for each
Board  meeting  participated  in  by  means  of  conference  telephone.   Each
non-employee  director  also  received  an annual  retainer of $1,500 for each
Committee on which he served,  and the chairman of the each Committee received
an  additional  annual  retainer fee of $3,000.  Non-employee  directors  also
received  a fee of $500  for  each  Committee  meeting  attended,  except  for
meetings  held on the  same  date  as a  Board  meeting.  The  members  of the
Nominating  Committee  received  no  fees  or  options  for  serving  on  that

      In consideration for the additional  services he had been providing as a
result of a change in the Company's  management  which  occurred in late 2000,
Mr. Feshbach was given the title of Executive  Chairman in March 2001, awarded
a monthly  retainer  in the  amount of  $15,000  per  month,  and  granted  an
additional  option to  purchase  75,000  shares  of Common  Stock at $5.70 per
share  vesting at the rate of 15,000  shares every three  months.  In addition
to  options  awarded  to Gary  Blackford  under  the  Director  Plan  upon his
election to the Board,  Mr.  Blackford,  a former director and Chief Executive
Officer of the Company,  was awarded an option for 17,000  shares at $6.30 per
share as an  incentive  to join the Board and in  recognition  of his  special
expertise in the  specialty  pharmacy  industry,  which market the Company had
entered into through its acquisition of,  Inc. in March 2001. In
recognition  of his services in  evaluating  the  injectables  business of the
Company's  specialty  pharmacy  operations  and in order to further  align his
interests  with  those of the  shareholders,  Mr.  Blackford  was  awarded  an
additional  option for 10,000  shares at $8.68 share in August  2001.  Subject
to certain  conditions,  all of these options awarded to Mr. Blackford vest as
to  one-third  of  the  shares  after  one  year  and   thereafter   in  equal
installments at the end of the next eight successive  three-month  periods. At
the same time in August 2001, in  consideration  for extra services  performed
as directors,  Mr. Berce and Mr. Maudlin were each awarded  options for 15,000
shares  with an  exercise  price of $8.68 per share  and,  subject  to certain
conditions,  vesting  as to  one-third  of  the  shares  after  one  year  and
thereafter  in  equal  installments  at the end of the next  eight  successive
three-month  periods.  In September 2001, Mr.  Feshbach's  monthly retainer as
Executive  Chairman was increased to $20,000 per month in  recognition  of the
substantial    progress   made   in   resolving   the   pending   governmental
investigations.  Finally,  in December 2001, the Compensation and Stock Option
Committee  awarded Mr.  Feshbach a $50,000  cash bonus in  recognition  of the
extra  services he had  performed  for the Company  during 2001,  particularly
with respect to resolving the governmental investigations.


      In 1993, the Company  established a Director Share Purchase Program (the
"Program")  to  encourage  ownership  of its  Common  Stock by its  directors.
Under the program,  each non-employee  director can elect to forego receipt of
annual retainer and meeting fees in cash and, in lieu thereof,  receive shares
of Common  Stock  having a market  value at the date of issuance  equal to the
cash payment.

      In 1995, the Company  established a  Non-Employee  Director Stock Option
Plan  (the  "Director  Plan").  The  purpose  of the  Plan is to  promote  the
success of the Company by attracting and retaining  non-employee  directors by
supplementing   their  cash  compensation  and  providing  a  means  for  such
directors to increase  their  holdings of Common Stock.  The Company  believes
it is important  that the  interest of the  directors be aligned with those of
its  shareholders  and that the  Director  Plan  strengthens  that  link.  The
Director Plan  provides for an automatic  initial grant of options to purchase
12,000  shares  of  Common  Stock,  at  market  value on date of  grant,  to a
non-employee  director  upon his or her  initial  election  as a member of the
Board.  The Director Plan also  provides for the automatic  grant of an option
to purchase  12,000  shares of Common  Stock,  at market  value on the date of
grant,  each time a  non-employee  director is  re-elected  as a member of the
Board;  provided that, in lieu of such annual grants upon  re-election in 2000
and  2001,  each   non-employee   director   re-elected  at  the  2000  Annual
Shareholders  Meeting  received  a  one-time  grant of an option  to  purchase
24,000  shares  of  Common  Stock,  at  market  value on date of  grant.  As a
result,  none of the  non-employee  directors  re-elected  at the 2001  Annual
Shareholders  Meeting  received  an option  grant under the  Director  Plan in

Compensation Committee Interlocks and Insider Participation

      The members of the  Compensation  and Stock Option Committee during 2001
consisted  of  Daniel A.  Gregorie,  M.D.  (as  Chairman),  Mr.  Berce and Mr.
English,  until the 2001 Annual Meeting of Shareholders when Dr. Gregorie left
the  Board,  Mr.  Maudlin  was  appointed  to the  Committee  in  place of Dr.
Gregorie  and Mr.  English  was  chosen to act as its  Chairman.  Mr.  Maudlin
served as President of the Company  from October 1985 through  December  1986.
In December 2001, the Company  loaned Mr. Maudlin  $133,683 which  represented
80% of the aggregate  exercise  price payable to the Company by Mr. Maudlin in
connection  with an exercise by Mr. Maudlin of certain  Company stock options.
See "Certain Transactions" for more information about this loan.

      Mr. English,  who currently  serves as the Chairman of the  Compensation
and Stock Option  Committee,  is the Chairman and Chief  Executive  Officer of
QuadraMed  Corporation.  Mr.  Feshbach,  the Chairman of the Board and Interim
Chief  Executive   Officer  of  the  Company,   is  a  director  of  QuadraMed

                              EXECUTIVE OFFICERS

      Set forth  below is certain  information  about each  current  executive
officer of the Company who is not a director of the Company,  including  name,
age  and  principal  occupations  during  the  past  five  years.  All  of the
executive  officers of the Company  are elected by the Board of  Directors  to
serve until the next Annual  Meeting of the Board of  Directors or until their
successors are elected and qualified.

      William  C.  Tella,  44,  has served as  President,  Specialty  Pharmacy
Services  since March 2002.  From June 1999 to March 2002, he served as Senior
Vice  President of Corporate  Development  and  Communications.  From December
1995 to June 1999 Mr. Tella served as Vice President of Corporate  Development
and Communications.  From October 1993 to 1995, he served as Vice President of
Sales and  Marketing.  Mr. Tella held the position  Director of Marketing from
November 1987 to 1993.


      Roy McKinley,  42, has served as Senior Vice President  since  September
2000 and is primarily  responsible for meeting the sales,  marketing and field
operations  objectives of the Specialty  Healthcare  Services unit.  From July
1998 to September  2000,  Mr.  McKinley  served as Vice President of Sales and
Marketing.  From  January 1996 to 1998 he served as the South West Region Vice
President.  Prior to  joining  the  Company,  Mr.  McKinley  was an Area  Vice
President  for the Mid  Atlantic  Area for Coram  Healthcare,  Inc.,  a Denver
based  alternate  site infusion and  ancillary  healthcare  services  company.
From 1988 to 1993 Mr. McKinley held regional and general management  positions
with McGaw,  Inc. and Medical  Care  America,  Inc. in the medical  supply and
alternate-site infusion care industries.

      Nancy F.  Lanis,  45, has served as Senior  Vice  President  and General
Counsel since June 2001,  and as Corporate  Secretary  since  September  2001.
From  March  2000 to June 2001,  Ms.  Lanis was Of Counsel at Ruskin,  Moscou,
Evans &  Faltischek,  P.C. in the  Corporate  and Health Law Practice  Groups.
From  September  1991 to March 2000, Ms. Lanis held a number of positions with
the Health Services  Division (now known as Gentiva Health Services,  Inc.) of
Olsten  Corporation,  ultimately  serving as its Vice  President  and  General
Counsel for Infusion and Biotech at the time of her  departure.  Ms. Lanis was
Corporate  Counsel at W.R.  Grace & Co. from 1985 to September  1991,  and was
associated  with the firm of Cole & Deitz (now known as Winston & Strawn) from
1983 to 1985.

      Thomas  Axmacher,  43, is Senior  Vice  President  of Finance  and Chief
Financial  Officer.  From  March  2001  to  April  2002,  he  served  as  Vice
President of Finance and Chief  Financial  Officer.  From August 1997 to March
2001, Mr. Axmacher  served as Vice President and  Controller.  From March 1991
to August 1997 he served as  Controller  of the Company.  Prior to joining the
Company,   Mr.  Axmacher  spent  six  years  at  Tempo  Instrument  Group,  an
electronics manufacturer where he served as Vice President and Controller.

      Michelle  LeDell,  43, has served as Vice  President of Human  Resources
since  January  2002.  From March 1996 to January  2002,  Ms. LeDell served as
Senior  Director of Human  Resources at Express  Scripts,  a pharmacy  benefit
management  company.  From October 1995 to March 1996,  Ms.  LeDell  worked at
Dain  Bosworth,  an investment  banking  firm,  where she served as Manager of
Human  Resources.  From 1984 to 1995,  Ms.  LeDell  worked  at the  Prudential
companies,  an insurance  organization,  with eight of those years being spent
in human  resources.  From 1982 to 1984,  Ms.  LeDell was a financial  analyst
with Dun and Bradstreet, a credit rating services company.


                            EXECUTIVE COMPENSATION

Summary Compensation Table

      The following table  summarizes the cash and non-cash  compensation  for
each of the last three  fiscal  years  awarded to or earned by (i) each person
who served as the Chief  Executive  Officer of the  Company at any time during
2001, (ii) the four executive  officers of the Company most highly compensated
in salary and bonus for 2001 who were also  serving as  executive  officers of
the  Company on  December  31,  2001,  and (iii) the two  persons  most highly
compensated  in salary and bonus for 2001 who served as executive  officers of
the  Company  during  2001 but were  not  serving  as  executive  officers  on
December 31, 2001 (the "named executive officers").

                  Annual Compensation                     Long Term Compensation

                                                     Other  RestrictedSecurities    All
Name and Principal                                  Annual    Stock   Underlying   Other
Position (as of Dec. 31,  Year   Salary     Bonus    Comp.   Awards     Options    Comp.
                  2001)           ($)     ($) (1)  ($) (2)  ($) (3)      (#)     ($) (4)
Gary Blackford (5)        2001   83,462         0    -            0     430,000        0
Chief Executive Officer

John Prior (6)            2001  257,605     3,240    -       86,800      20,000    3,400
President & Former        2000  210,915   120,940    -            0     150,000    3,400
Interim Chief Executive   1999  194,250   116,548    -       82,500      46,000    3,200

William Tella             2001  187,000     2,244    -       43,400           0    2,878
Senior Vice President     2000  177,113    93,555    -            0     110,000    3,400
Business Development      1999  155,596    99,000    -       71,500      35,000    3,200

Roy McKinley (7)          2001  187,200     2,246    -            0           0    3,400
Senior Vice President     2000  164,400   101,088    -            0     108,000    3,400

Jule Crider (8)           2001  177,920         0    -            0           0  266,508
Senior Vice President     2000  148,832    97,200    -            0     108,000    3,400

Thomas Axmacher (9)       2001  147,392     1,470    -            0      10,000    3,400
Chief Financial Officer

Anthony Leiker (10)       2001  259,615         0    -            0     200,000        0


(1)   Represents  amounts awarded under the Company's  Incentive  Compensation
     Plan for the fiscal year  indicated.  All such awards are  actually  paid
     in the fiscal year immediately  following the year for which the award is

(2)   Amounts  paid did not exceed the lesser of $50,000 or ten percent  (10%)
     of salary and bonus for any of the named individuals.


(3)   The number of shares of restricted  stock  awarded were as follows:  Mr.
     Prior 15,000 shares in 1999 and 10,000  shares in 2001;  Mr. Tella 13,000
     shares in 1999 and  5,000  shares  in 2001.  The value of such  shares is
     calculated  using the closing price for the Company's Common Stock on the
     date of the award (i.e.,  $5.50 for 1999 awards;  $8.68 for 2001 awards).
     As of December 31, 2001,  an  aggregate  of 43,000  shares of  restricted
     stock were held by the named  executive  officers with an aggregate value
     of  $580,500  based on the closing  price on that date.  One third of the
     shares covered by these  restricted stock awards vest after one year with
     the balance of each award  vesting  thereafter in equal  installments  at
     the  end of the  eight  successive  three  month  periods  following  the
     initial  vesting date.  The recipients of these  restricted  stock awards
     are  entitled  to receive  any  dividends  declared  with  respect to the
     restricted shares.

(4)   All amounts  represent  Company  matching  contributions to 401(k) plan,
     except that amount  payable to Ms. Crider for 2001  represents  severance

(5)   Mr.  Blackford  was hired as Chief  Executive  Officer of the Company in
     September 2001. Mr. Blackford's employment was terminated in March 2002.

(6)   Mr.  Prior  served as Interim  Chief  Executive  Officer of the  Company
     prior to the hiring of Mr. Blackford In September 2001.

(7)   Mr. McKinley became an executive officer in August 2000.

(8)   Ms.  Crider  became  an  executive   officer  in  August  2000  and  her
     employment with the Company was terminated in November 2001.

(9)   Mr. Axmacher became an executive officer in March 2001.

(10)  Mr. Leiker became an executive officer in March 2001.


Stock Option Tables

      The following tables summarize stock option grants and exercises during
Fiscal 2001 to or by the named executive officers, and the value of the
options held by such persons at the end of Fiscal 2001.

                          Option Grants in Fiscal 2001
                                                                  Potential Realizable Value
                                                                  at Assumed Annual Rates
                                                                  of Stock Price Appreciation
                             Individual Grants                    for Option Term
                              % of
                  Number of   Total
                  Securities  Options
                  Underlying  Granted to
                  Options     Employees   Exercise
                  Granted     in Fiscal   Price     Expiration
 Name             (#)(1)      Year        ($/Sh)    Date             5% ($)     10% ($)


Mr. Blackford    40,000 (2)    3.1%       6.30      7/10/2011        158,760      400,680
                 10,000 (2)    0.8%       8.68      8/24/2011         54,684      138,012
                 380,000(3)   29.7%       8.85      9/17/2011      2,118,690    5,347,170

Mr. Prior         20,000       1.6%       5.70      3/30/2011         71,820      181,260

Mr. Tella              0         -           -              -              -            -

Mr. McKinley           0         -           -              -              -            -

Ms. Crider             0         -           -              -              -            -

Mr. Axmacher      10,000       0.8%       5.70      3/30/2011         35,910       90,630

Mr. Leiker       200,000     15.64%       5.70      3/30/2011        718,200    1,812,600


(1)   Except as otherwise  noted,  the options  become  exercisable  after one
     year with  respect to  one-third  of the shares  with the  balance of the
     shares  becoming  exercisable  in equal  installments  on the last day of
     each of the eight  successive  three month periods  following the initial
     exercisability date.

(2)   Represents  options that were  awarded to Mr.  Blackford in his capacity
     as a non-employee  director  prior to his employment by the Company.  See
     "Compensation of Directors" above for information on vesting.

(3)   Represents  options awarded at the commencement of his employment as the
     Company's Chief Executive  Officer.  These options become  exercisable on
     a monthly  basis at the rate of 1/36th of the total number of shares each


                        Option Exercises in Fiscal 2001
                         Value at End of Fiscal 2001


                                            Number of Securities
                                            Underlying Unexercised       Value of Unexercised
                   Shares                   Options at                   In-the Money Options at
                   Acquired on  Value       Fiscal Year End (#)          Fiscal Year End ($)
                   Exercise     Realized
Name               (#)          ($)         Exercisable/Unexercisable    Exercisable/Unexercisable (1)


Mr. Blackford     50,000(2)     232,500        0 / 380,000                  0       / 1,870,700

Mr. Prior              0              -        150,834 / 171,416            856,822 /   873,744

Mr. Tella              0              -        112,280 /  64,170            742,747 /   499,703

Mr. McKinley           0              -         63,337 /  64,164            382,962 /   506,532

Ms. Crider         7,000         31,500         85,158 /       0            591,117 /         0

Mr. Axmacher       1,700         14,132         45,457 /  34,168            219,919 /   265,824

Mr. Leiker             0              -              0 / 200,000                  0 / 1,560,000


(1)   Calculation is based on the difference  between the closing price of the
     Common Stock on December  31, 2001 and the exercise  price of the options
     for each optionee.

(2)   5,000 of the shares  acquired by Mr.  Blackford  in this  exercise  were
     subject to a  condition,  which was not  satisfied  due to his  departure
     from the Company in March 2002.

Employment and Other Agreements

      On September 17, 2001, the Company entered into an employment  agreement
with  Mr.  Blackford.  Under  the  employment  agreement,  Mr.  Blackford  was
entitled to receive an annual base salary of $350,000  and to  participate  in
any incentive  compensation program in effect from time to time for executives
of the  Company.  In  addition,  the  Company  agreed to grant  Mr.  Blackford
options for the  purchase of 380,000  shares of the  Company's  common  stock.
The  employment  agreement  had an  initial  term  of  one  year  and  renewed
automatically  for  additional  one year periods  unless notice of termination
was  given  at  least  three  months  prior  to  renewal.  The  Company  could


terminate the  employment  agreement at any time with or without cause upon 30
days'  prior  written  notice  to  Mr.  Blackford,  and  Mr.  Blackford  could
terminate  the  employment  agreement at any time upon 60 days' prior  written
notice to the  Company.  In the event the Company  terminated  (or elected not
to  renew)  the  employment  agreement  without  cause,  or in the  event  Mr.
Blackford terminated the agreement due to a breach by the Company,  prior to a
change of  control,  Mr.  Blackford  would be  entitled  to receive a lump sum
severance  payment  equal to Mr.  Blackford's  then  current base salary plus,
subject to certain  conditions,  an amount equal to between 25% and 50% of his
then current base salary.  If the employment  agreement was terminated (or not
renewed)  by the  Company  or by Mr.  Blackford,  for any  reason,  during the
period  following a change in control,  Mr.  Blackford  would be entitled to a
lump sum  severance  payment  equal to the product of two times the sum of the
then  current  annual  base salary  plus,  subject to certain  conditions,  an
amount  equal to  between  25% and 50% of his then  current  base  salary.  In
addition,  to the extent not  otherwise  required  under the  Company's  stock
option plan or any award  agreement  with Mr.  Blackford,  any unvested  stock
option awards would vest and become  immediately  exercisable  in full after a
change in control. Mr. Blackford's  employment with the Company was terminated
in March 2002. To date, no  termination  or severance  payments have been made
to Mr. Blackford.

      On September 1, 1997,  the Company  entered into an amended and restated
employment  agreement  with Mr. Prior.  Under the  employment  agreement,  Mr.
Prior initially  received an annual base salary of $175,000 and is entitled to
participate in any incentive  compensation program in effect from time to time
for executives of the Company.  The salary under the  employment  agreement is
subject to annual  review and  increase  by the  Compensation  Committee.  The
employment  agreement has an initial term of one year and renews automatically
for  additional  one year periods  unless  notice of  termination  is given at
least  three  months  prior  to  renewal.   The  Company  may   terminate  the
employment  agreement  at any time with or without  cause upon 30 days'  prior
written  notice to Mr.  Prior,  and Mr.  Prior may  terminate  the  employment
agreement at any time upon 30 days' prior  written  notice to the Company.  In
the event the Company terminates the employment  agreement without cause prior
to a change of control  (defined below) or elects not to renew, Mr. Prior will
be entitled to receive a lump sum severance  payment equal to Mr. Prior's then
current base salary plus the arithmetic  average of payments made to Mr. Prior
pursuant to the Company's  Executive Bonus  Compensation  Program with respect
to the three years immediately  preceding the fiscal year in which the date of
termination  occurs. In addition,  to the extent not otherwise  required under
the Company's  stock option plan,  any unvested stock option awards that would
have vested during the twelve month period  following the date of  termination
shall vest and  become  immediately  exercisable  in full.  If the  employment
agreement is  terminated  (or not renewed) by the Company  without cause or by
Mr.  Prior  for  good  reason  during  the  twelve  month  period  immediately
following a change in control  (or is  terminated  or not  renewed  prior to a
change in control at the  request or  insistence  of any person in  connection
with a  change  in  control),  Mr.  Prior  shall  be  entitled  to a lump  sum
severance  payment  equal  to the  product  of two  times  the sum of the then
current  annual base salary plus the  arithmetic  average of payments  made to
Mr. Prior pursuant to the Company's Executive Bonus Compensation  Program with
respect to the three fiscal  years  immediately  preceding  the fiscal year in
which  the  date  of  termination  occurs.  In  addition,  to the  extent  not
otherwise  required under the Company's  Stock Option Plan, any unvested stock
option  awards  shall vest and become  immediately  exercisable  in full.  The
employment  agreement also restricts Mr. Prior from competing with the Company
under certain  circumstances  during his employment with the Company and for a
period of two years thereafter.

      On June 1, 1999,  Mr.  Tella was  promoted  to Senior  Vice  President -
Corporate  Development and Technical  Services and entered into an amended and
restated  employment   agreement  with  the  Company.   Under  the  employment
agreement,  Mr. Tella  initially  received an annual salary of $165,000 and is
entitled to participate in any incentive  compensation  program in effect from
time to time for  executives of the Company.  The salary under the  employment
agreement  is  subject  to annual  review  and  increase  by the  Compensation
Committee.  The  employment  agreement  has an  initial  term of one  year and
renews  automatically  for  additional  one  year  periods  unless  notice  of
termination  is given at least three months prior to renewal.  The Company may
terminate the  employment  agreement at any time with or without cause upon 30
days' prior  written  notice to Mr.  Tella,  and Mr. Tella may  terminate  the
employment  agreement  at any time upon 30 days' prior  written  notice to the


Company.  In  the  event  the  Company  terminates  the  employment  agreement
without  cause prior to a change of control  (defined  below) or elects not to
renew,  Mr.  Tella will be  entitled to receive a lump sum  severance  payment
equal to Mr. Tella's then current base salary plus the  arithmetic  average of
payments  made  to  Mr.  Tella  pursuant  to  the  Company's  Executive  Bonus
Compensation  Program  with respect to the three years  immediately  preceding
the fiscal year in which the date of termination  occurs. In addition,  to the
extent not  otherwise  required  under the  Company's  stock option plan,  any
unvested  stock option  awards that would have vested  during the twelve month
period  following the date of  termination  shall vest and become  immediately
exercisable  in  full.  If the  employment  agreement  is  terminated  (or not
renewed) by the Company  without  cause or by Mr. Tella for good reason during
the twelve  month  period  immediately  following  a change in control  (or is
terminated  or not  renewed  prior to a change in  control  at the  request or
insistence  of any person in connection  with a change in control),  Mr. Tella
shall be entitled to a lump sum severance  payment equal to the product of two
times the sum of the then  current  annual  base  salary  plus the  arithmetic
average of payments  made to Mr.  Tella  pursuant to the  Company's  Executive
Bonus Compensation  Program with respect to the three fiscal years immediately
preceding  the  fiscal  year in  which  the  date of  termination  occurs.  In
addition,  to the extent not  otherwise  required  under the  Company's  stock
option  plan  any  unvested   stock  option   awards  shall  vest  and  become
immediately  exercisable in full. The employment  agreement also restricts Mr.
Tella from competing with the Company under certain  circumstances  during his
employment with the Company and for a period of two years thereafter.

      On  September  18,  2000,  Mr.  McKinley  was  promoted  to Senior  Vice
President and entered into an amended and restated  employment  agreement with
the Company.  Under the employment agreement,  Mr. McKinley initially received
an annual salary of $187,000 and is entitled to  participate  in any incentive
compensation  program  in  effect  from  time to time  for  executives  of the
Company.  The  salary  under the  employment  agreement  is  subject to annual
review and increase by the Compensation  Committee.  The employment  agreement
has an initial term of one year and renews  automatically  for  additional one
year  periods  unless  notice of  termination  is given at least three  months
prior to renewal.  The Company may terminate the  employment  agreement at any
time  with or  without  cause  upon  30  days'  prior  written  notice  to Mr.
McKinley,  and Mr. McKinley may terminate the employment agreement at any time
upon 30 days' prior  written  notice to the Company.  In the event the Company
terminates  the  employment  agreement  without  cause  prior to a  change  of
control  (defined below) or elects not to renew, Mr. McKinley will be entitled
to receive a lump sum severance  payment equal to Mr.  McKinley's then current
base  salary plus the  arithmetic  average of  payments  made to Mr.  McKinley
pursuant to the Company's  Executive Bonus  Compensation  Program with respect
to the three years immediately  preceding the fiscal year in which the date of
termination  occurs. In addition,  to the extent not otherwise  required under
the Company's  stock option plan,  any unvested stock option awards that would
have vested during the twelve month period  following the date of  termination
shall vest and  become  immediately  exercisable  in full.  If the  employment
agreement is  terminated  (or not renewed) by the Company  without cause or by
Mr.  McKinley  for good  reason  during the twelve  month  period  immediately
following a change in control  (or is  terminated  or not  renewed  prior to a
change in control at the  request or  insistence  of any person in  connection
with a change  in  control),  Mr.  McKinley  shall be  entitled  to a lump sum
severance  payment  equal  to the  product  of two  times  the sum of the then
current  annual base salary plus the  arithmetic  average of payments  made to
Mr. McKinley pursuant to the Company's  Executive Bonus  Compensation  Program
with respect to the three fiscal years  immediately  preceding the fiscal year
in which the date of  termination  occurs.  In  addition,  to the  extent  not
otherwise  required  under the Company's  stock option plan any unvested stock
option  awards  shall vest and become  immediately  exercisable  in full.  The
employment  agreement  also  restricts Mr.  McKinley from  competing  with the
Company under certain  circumstances  during his  employment  with the Company
and for a period of two years thereafter.

      On September 18, 2000 Ms.  Crider was promoted to Senior Vice  President
and  entered  into an  amended  and  restated  employment  agreement  with the
Company.  Under the employment  agreement,  Ms. Crider  initially  received an
annual  salary of $180,000 and was entitled to  participate  in any  incentive
compensation  program  in  effect  from  time to time  for  executives  of the
Company.  The salary  under the  employment  agreement  was  subject to annual
review and increase by the Compensation  Committee.  The employment  agreement
had an initial term of one year and renewed  automatically  for additional one


year  periods  unless  notice of  termination  was given at least three months
prior to renewal.  The Company  could  terminate the  employment  agreement at
any time with or  without  cause  upon 30 days'  prior  written  notice to Ms.
Crider,  and Ms. Crider could  terminate the employment  agreement at any time
upon 30 days' prior  written  notice to the Company.  In the event the Company
terminated  the  employment  agreement  without  cause  prior to a  change  of
control  (defined below) or elected not to renew, Ms. Crider would be entitled
to receive a lump sum  severance  payment  equal to Ms.  Crider's then current
base  salary  plus the  arithmetic  average  of  payments  made to Ms.  Crider
pursuant to the Company's  Executive Bonus  Compensation  Program with respect
to the three years immediately  preceding the fiscal year in which the date of
termination  occurred.  In  addition,  to the  extent not  otherwise  required
under the Company's  stock option plan,  any unvested stock option awards that
would have  vested  during  the  twelve  month  period  following  the date of
termination  would vest and become  immediately  exercisable  in full.  If the
employment  agreement was terminated  (or not renewed) by the Company  without
cause  or by Ms.  Crider  for good  reason  during  the  twelve  month  period
immediately  following a change in control (or was  terminated  or not renewed
prior to a change in control at the  request  or  insistence  of any person in
connection  with a change in control),  Ms. Crider would be entitled to a lump
sum  severance  payment  equal to the product of two times the sum of the then
current  annual base salary plus the  arithmetic  average of payments  made to
Ms. Crider  pursuant to the Company's  Executive  Bonus  Compensation  Program
with respect to the three fiscal years  immediately  preceding the fiscal year
in which the date of  termination  occurred.  In  addition,  to the extent not
otherwise  required  under the Company's  stock option plan any unvested stock
option  awards  would vest and become  immediately  exercisable  in full.  The
employment  agreement  also  restricted  Ms.  Crider from  competing  with the
Company under certain  circumstances  during her  employment  with the Company
and for a period of two years thereafter.

      In  connection  with her  termination  as an  executive  officer  of the
Company in November 2001,  Ms. Crider  entered into a Termination  Memorandum.
Pursuant  to  this  agreement,   Ms.  Crider  received  a  severance   payment
equivalent  to one year of salary  plus an amount  equal to the average of the
bonuses she had  received in the prior three years.  In addition,  all options
held by Ms.  Crider,  which would have  vested  pursuant to the terms of their
respective  grants at any time on or before  November  20,  2002,  vested  and
became  immediately  exercisable.  In addition,  Ms. Crider is restricted from
competing with the Company under any circumstances for a period of two years.

      On September 24, 1999, the Company entered into an employment  agreement
with Mr.  Axmacher.  Under the employment  agreement,  Mr. Axmacher  initially
received an annual  salary of $110,854 and is entitled to  participate  in any
incentive  compensation  program in effect from time to time for executives of
the Company.  The salary under the  employment  agreement is subject to annual
review and increase by the Compensation  Committee.  The employment  agreement
has an  initial  term of one  year and  renews  automatically  for  additional
one-year  periods unless notice of termination is given at least 30 days prior
to renewal.  The Company may  terminate the  employment  agreement at any time
with or without cause without  notice to Mr.  Axmacher,  and Mr.  Axmacher may
terminate  the  employment  agreement at any time upon 60 days' prior  written
notice to the  Company.  In the event the Company  terminates  the  employment
agreement  without cause or elects not to renew, Mr. Axmacher will be entitled
to receive six months of  severance  pay at the salary  level in effect on the
date of  termination,  paid in accordance  with the Company's  normal  payroll
policies.   The  employment   agreement  also  restricts  Mr.   Axmacher  from
competing with the Company under certain  circumstances  during his employment
with the Company and for a period of one year thereafter.

      In connection with the acquisition of,  Inc. in March 2001,
Mr. Leiker entered into an employment  agreement  with the Company.  Under the
employment  agreement,  Mr.  Leiker  initially  received  an annual  salary of
$270,000 and is entitled to participate in any incentive  compensation program
in effect from time to time for  executives  of the Company.  The salary under
the  employment  agreement  is subject to annual  review and  increase  by the
Compensation Committee.  The employment agreement has an initial term of three
years and renews  automatically for additional  one-year periods unless notice


of  termination  is given at least three months prior to renewal.  The Company
may terminate the  employment  agreement at any time, if such  termination  is
for cause,  or, if for any reason  other than for cause,  upon 30 days'  prior
written  notice to Mr.  Leiker,  and Mr. Leiker may  terminate the  employment
agreement  at any time  without  notice  or,  if the  termination  is for good
reason,  upon 60 days' prior written  notice to the Company.  In the event the
Company  terminates the employment  agreement  without cause, or elects not to
renew, prior to a change of control,  Mr. Leiker will be entitled to receive a
lump sum  severance  payment  equal to Mr.  Leiker's  then current base salary
plus the  arithmetic  average of payments made to Mr.  Leiker  pursuant to the
Company's  Executive  Bonus  Compensation  Program  with  respect to the three
years  immediately  preceding the fiscal year in which the date of termination
occurs.  In  addition,   to  the  extent  not  otherwise  required  under  the
Company's  stock option plan, any unvested stock option awards that would have
vested during the twelve-month  period following the date of termination shall
vest and become immediately  exercisable in full. If the employment  agreement
is terminated,  or not renewed,  by the Company without cause or by Mr. Leiker
for good reason during the twelve-month period immediately  following a change
in control (or is  terminated  or not renewed  prior to a change in control at
the  request  or  insistence  of any  person  in  connection  with a change in
control),  Mr. Leiker shall be entitled to a lump sum severance  payment equal
to the  product of two times the sum of the then  current  annual  base salary
plus the  arithmetic  average of payments made to Mr.  Leiker  pursuant to the
Company's  Executive  Bonus  Compensation  Program  with  respect to the three
fiscal  years  immediately  preceding  the  fiscal  year in which  the date of
termination  occurs. In addition,  to the extent not otherwise  required under
the  Company's  stock option plan any unvested  stock option awards shall vest
and become  immediately  exercisable in full.  The  employment  agreement also
restricts   Mr.  Leiker  from   competing   with  the  Company  under  certain
circumstances  during his employment  with the Company and for a period of two
years thereafter.

      The options held by the  executive  officers of the Company  provide for
the  acceleration  of vesting of the  options  upon a change in control of the
Company.  For the purpose of these  amendments,  the term  "change in control"
includes a sale of substantially all of the Company's assets;  the acquisition
by a  person  or  group  of  beneficial  ownership  of  51%  or  more  of  the
outstanding  Common  Stock or the  commencement  of a tender offer for such an
acquisition;  a merger in which the shareholders of the Company receive shares
of another company;  a reorganization,  merger or other transaction  resulting
in the  consolidation  of the Company with another  company for federal income
tax  purposes;  a change in the members of the Board of Directors  such that a
majority  of the  Board  of  Directors  was not  recommended  by the  Board of
Directors for election by the shareholder;  and any other transaction in which
there is a sufficient  change in the share  ownership of the Company to change
the effective control of the Company.

                             CERTAIN TRANSACTIONS

      In December  2001 and January  2002, in order to encourage the directors
and  executive  officers of the Company to increase  their equity stake in the
Company,  the Board of Directors  offered to accelerate the  exercisability of
certain  options held by directors and executive  officers  (provided that the
underlying  shares  could not be sold until such time,  if any,  as the option
would have become  exercisable  under its  original  terms) and to provide the
directors  and  officers  with  loans to cover 80% of the  aggregate  exercise
price of any  options  they  elected  to  exercise.  Under  this  program,  in
December  2001  Mr.  Blackford  borrowed  $354,000  and Mr.  Maudlin  borrowed
$133,683.  In  2002,  Mr.  Blackford  borrowed  an  additional  $708,000,  Mr.
Auerbach borrowed  $77,495,  Mr. Prior borrowed  $600,870,  Mr. Tella borrowed
$489,959,  Ms. Lanis borrowed  $78,200,  Mr. McKinley borrowed  $245,344,  Mr.
Axmacher  borrowed  $103,795 and Mr. Leiker  borrowed  $303,997 to fund 80% of
the exercise price of certain options.  All of these loans bear interest at an
annual rate of 2.46%. To date none of these loans has been repaid.


                              PERFORMANCE GRAPH

      The graph below  compares the  cumulative  total return on the Company's
Common  Stock  during the five year period  ended  December  31, 2001 with the
cumulative  total return of the Nasdaq  Composite  Index and the Nasdaq Health
Services Index  (assuming the investment of $100 in each vehicle on January 1,
1997 and reinvestment of all dividends).


             Curative Health           NASDAQ                  NASDAQ
             Services, Inc.            U.S. Stocks             Health Services
1997          100.000                   100.000                 100.000
1998          103.475                   161.270                  85.595
1999           23.938                   299.629                  68.850
2000           17.174                   180.222                  94.511
2001           41.699                   142.993                 102.183



      The  Compensation  and Stock Option  Committee of the Board of Directors
(the  "Committee")  is  responsible  for  reviewing  the  performance  of  the
Company's  executive officers and establishing their  compensation,  including
base salary, bonus incentive  compensation and other benefits, if any, as well
as grants to executive officers and other employees of long-term  compensation
incentives  in the form of  stock  options  pursuant  to the  Company's  stock
incentive plans. The Committee also makes  recommendations  as to compensation
policies  for  the  overall  Company.  The  Committee  is  composed  of  three
independent,  non-employee  directors.  The key objectives of the Committee in
administering executive compensation are the following:

o     Aligning the economic  interests  of  executive  officers  with both the
      short-and long-term interests of shareholders.

o     Motivating executive officers to undertake strategic business  initiatives
      and rewarding them for the successful development and implementation of
      those initiatives.

o     Attracting and retaining key executive  officers who will  contribute to
      the long-term success of the Company.

      At  present,  there  are  three  main  components  of  compensation  for
executive  officers:  base salary,  short-term  incentive  compensation in the
form of annual  bonuses and long-term  incentive  compensation  in the form of
stock options.

Base Salary

      The Committee sets base salaries for executive  officers  (including the
Chief Executive  Officer) with reference to the specific  responsibilities  of
the  executive  officer,  his or her  experience  in the  industry,  and other
competitive  factors.  The Committee  reviews each  executive  officer's  base
salary  annually and makes  appropriate  adjustments  depending  upon industry
trends in executive  salaries,  Company  financial and operating  performance,
and such  individual's  performance and  contribution to the Company's  growth
and success.  Due to numerous  factors,  including the Company's ongoing legal
difficulties in the Specialty  Healthcare Services unit, the departure of John
Vakoutis  as the  Company's  Chief  Executive  Officer in December  2000,  the
subsequent  appointment of Mr. Feshbach as Executive Chairman and Mr. Prior as
President and Interim Chief Executive  Officer,  followed by the hiring of Mr.
Blackford as Chief Executive  Officer in September 2001, and the addition of a
new business  segment to the Company with the  acquisition of in
March 2001,  2001 was not a typical year for the Company in terms of financial
or operational  performance.  Accordingly,  many of the compensation decisions
made  during  2001  were  based  on  changes  in  management   and  management
positions,  considering  market  conditions,  equity  factors  and  management
recommendations.   In  January  2001  the   Committee   approved  base  salary
increases  recommended  by Mr. Prior,  including his  recommendation  that the
base salaries of several of the executive  officers be raised to put them on a
par with other members of the executive  team. As a result,  the base salaries
of the Company's  executive  officers (other than the Chief Executive Officer)
generally  increased  for the year ended  December  31,  2001 by an average of
approximately five percent over their base salaries for the prior year.

      The Committee's  decisions  during 2001 regarding base  compensation for
its chief executive officer reflected the increased  responsibilities  assumed
by the individual  carrying out the functions of the chief executive  officer.
Early in 2001,  Mr.  Feshbach  was given the title of  Executive  Chairman and
awarded a monthly  retainer to  recognize  the increase in the time devoted by
him to the Company after the departure of Mr. Vakoutis.  See  "Compensation of
Directors"  above.  In March 2001,  when Mr.  Prior was  promoted to President


and Interim  Chief  Executive  Officer of the Company,  the Board of Directors
increased his annual salary from  $223,961 to $270,000 in  recognition  of the
increased  responsibilities  associated  with  his new  position.  Finally  in
September  2001, the Committee  recommended  and the Board approved the hiring
of Mr. Blackford as Chief Executive  Officer of the Company.  Mr.  Blackford's
employment  agreement provided for an initial base salary of $350,000 per year
which was the result of a lengthy  negotiation  between  the  Company  and Mr.
Blackford.  In  determining  the amounts to be paid either as  retainers or as
salary in  consideration  for senior  executive  leadership  during 2001,  the
Committee was primarily guided by the need to provide  appropriate  incentives
for individuals based on market and equity considerations.

Bonus Incentive Compensation

      The executive  officers of the Company  (including  the Chief  Executive
Officer) participate in the Company's Annual Incentive  Compensation  Program,
pursuant to which each executive  officer is eligible to earn a cash bonus for
each fiscal year of the Company  equal to a  predetermined  percentage of such
officer's  base  salary,  as  a  function  of  the  Company's  achievement  of
quarterly operating earnings goals and certain other milestones.  Furthermore,
a predetermined  weighting of the earnings goals and certain milestones is set
for each officer.

      At the  beginning  of the  fiscal  year of the  Company,  the  Committee
approves  pre-determined  percentages  of the executive  officers' base salary
that will be paid in the form of a cash bonus if the Company  achieves certain
targeted  goals as approved by the  Committee.  In addition,  at the beginning
of each fiscal year the Committee  establishes certain operational  milestones
for the Company  related to the  achievement  of healing  outcomes of patients
treated  at the wound  care  programs,  patient  satisfaction  results,  other
meaningful  corporate  goals  which the  Company's  Specialty  Healthcare  and
Specialty  Pharmacy  Services  units might expect to accomplish in such fiscal
year  and an  individual  milestone  for  each  officer.  The  Committee  also
establishes a specified  percentage of the executive  officers'  base salaries
that  will be paid in  relation  to the  achievement  of each  milestone.  The
earnings  goals and the special  milestones  established by the Committee will
permit the executive officers,  except the Chief Executive Officer, to earn up
to 60 percent of their base salary in the form of a cash bonus.  The executive
officers'  actual  bonuses are awarded and paid in the  following  fiscal year
once the Company's financial results and milestone  achievements for the prior
fiscal year have been finally determined.

      For fiscal 2001, the Company's  performance overall and the achievements
of  individuals  were  negatively  impacted by the Company's  legal issues,  a
turbulent  hospital  industry and the generally weak economy.  As a result, in
December  2001 the  Committee  determined  not to  award  any  bonuses  to the
executive officers under the Annual Incentive Compensation Program for 2001.

      With  respect  to  the  Company's  executive  officers,   the  Committee
determined  that some modest cash  incentive  compensation  was  warranted  to
recognize  the  service  provided  by certain  officers  during the  difficult
situation  faced by the  Company  in 2001.  The  Committee  did not  award Mr.
Blackford  any cash  incentive  compensation  due to his being  just  recently
hired in September 2001.

Stock Options and Restricted Stock Awards

      Although  the  Committee  did not  make an  across  the  board  grant of
options to the executive  officers during 2001, it did grant options and award
shares of  restricted  stock to various  officers  for specific  reasons.  Mr.
Blackford,  Mr. Leiker and Ms. Lanis were granted 380,000,  200,000 and 50,000
options,  respectively,  in  connection  with  their  hiring  by the  Company.
Similarly,  Mr. Prior and Mr.  Axmacher were granted 20,000 and 10,000 options
in connection  with promotions  received  during 2001. In addition,  Mr. Prior
was awarded  10,000 shares of restricted  stock in  recognition of his special
efforts  on behalf of the  Company  in  resolving  its legal  issues  with the
Department  of Justice.  Mr. Tella was also awarded 5,000 shares of restricted
stock in  recognition  of his  special  efforts  in  connection  with  matters
relating to Cytomedix.


Deductibility of Executive Compensation

      Section 162(m) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986, as amended,  sets a
$1.0 million limit on the amount of deductible  compensation  that can be paid
in  any   year  to  an   executive   officer   of  the   Company.   "Qualified
performance-based  compensation" (as defined under Section 162(m)) is excluded
from the  calculation of this $1.0 million limit.  Although the Committee does
not believe that the annual  compensation  for 162(m)  purposes for any of the
Company's  executive  officers  will exceed $1.0 million in fiscal  2002,  the
Company has taken the  necessary  steps to allow stock  options  granted under
the 2000  Stock  Incentive  Plan to qualify  as  "qualified  performance-based
compensation" and so be excluded from this calculation.

Members of the Compensation and Stock Option Committee:

Lawrence P. English, Chairman
Daniel E. Berce, Member
Timothy I. Maudlin, Member

                            AUDIT COMMITTEE REPORT

      The  Audit  Committee  oversees  the  Company's  internal  controls  and
financial  reporting  process on behalf of the Board of Directors.  All of the
members of the Audit  Committee  are  independent  for  purposes of the Nasdaq
listing  requirements.  The Audit  Committee  operates under a written charter
adopted  by the Board of  Directors.  The Audit  Committee  recommends  to the
Board of Directors the appointment of the Company's independent auditors.

      Management is responsible  for the Company's  internal  controls and the
financial  reporting  process.  The  Company's  independent   accountants  are
responsible for performing an independent audit of the Company's  consolidated
financial  statements in accordance with generally accepted auditing standards
and to  issue a  report  on the  Company's  financial  statements.  The  Audit
Committee's responsibility is to monitor and oversee these processes.

      In this context,  the Audit Committee has met and held  discussions with
management  and the  independent  accountants.  Management  represented to the
Audit  Committee that the Company's  consolidated  financial  statements  were
prepared in accordance with generally accepted accounting principles,  and the
Audit  Committee  has  reviewed  and  discussed  the  consolidated   financial
statements  with  management  and  the  independent  accountants.   The  Audit
Committee  discussed with the independent  accountants  matters required to be
discussed by  Statement  on Auditing  Standards  No. 61  (Communications  with
Audit Committees).

      The  Company's  independent  accountants  also  provided  to  the  Audit
Committee the written  disclosure  required by  Independence  Standards  Board
Standard  No. 1  (Independence  Discussions  with Audit  Committees),  and the
Audit  Committee  discussed with the  independent  accountants  the accounting
firm's independence.  The Committee also considered whether non-audit services
provided  by the  independent  accountants  during the last  fiscal  year were
compatible with maintaining the independent accountants' independence.

      Based upon the Audit  Committee's  discussion  with  management  and the
independent   accountants   and   the   Audit   Committee's   review   of  the
representations  of management and the report of the  independent  accountants
to the  Audit  Committee,  the  Audit  Committee  recommended  to the Board of
Directors that the audited  consolidated  financial  statements be included in
the Company's  Annual  report on Form 10-K for the fiscal year ended  December
31, 2001 for filing with the Securities and Exchange Commission.

Members of the Audit Committee:

Daniel E. Berce, Chairman
Lawrence P. English, Member
Timothy I. Maudlin, Member



      The following table sets forth the beneficial  ownership of Common Stock
of the Company as of March 31, 2002 with  respect to (1) each person who owned
of record  or was  known by the  Company  to own  beneficially  more than five
percent  of the  issued  and  outstanding  shares  of Common  Stock,  (2) each
director,  (3)  each  named  executive  officer,  and  (4) all  directors  and
current executive officers as a group.

                                                                Percentage of
                                        Amount and Nature       Common Stock
Name and Address                   of Beneficial Ownership      Outstanding

Cannell Capital, LLC...............      903,800(1)                7.9%
150 California Street
San Francisco, CA  94111

Joseph L. Feshbach.................      242,655(2)(3)             2.1%
Paul S. Auerbach, M.D. ............       18,581(3)                *
Daniel E. Berce....................       36,249(3)                *
Lawrence P. English................       62,333(3)                *
Timothy I. Maudlin.................      150,601(3)(4)             1.3%
Gerard Moufflet....................      116,807(3)                1.0%
John C. Prior......................      228,277                   2.0%
Gary Blackford.....................       63,333                   *
William C. Tella...................      143,517                   1.3%
Roy McKinley.......................       78,896                   *
Jule Crider........................            0                   *
Thomas Axmacher....................       68,560                   *
Anthony Leiker.....................       86,666                   *

All directors and current executive officers as
 a group (12 persons)..............    1,305,143(3)                11.1%
*   Ownership does not exceed 1%

(1) Disclosure is made in reliance upon a statement on Schedule 13G/A, dated
    as of April 5, 2002, filed with the Securities and Exchange Commission.

(2) Includes 219,659 shares held in trust.

(3) The  number of shares  shown in the table with  respect  to the  following
    persons  and group,  includes  the  indicated  number of shares  which are
    issuable upon exercise of options  exercisable within 60 days of March 31,
    2002 ("currently  exercisable  options"):  Mr. Feshbach 22,996 shares; Mr.
    Auerbach  5,581  shares;  Mr.  Berce 30,249  shares;  Mr.  English  32,333
    shares,  Mr.  Maudlin 4,082  shares;  Mr.  Moufflet  40,207 shares and all
    directors and current executive officers as a group 297,186 shares.

(4) Includes  40,700  shares  owned by Mr.  Maudlin's  spouse and  child.  Mr.
    Maudlin disclaims  beneficial  ownership of the shares owned by his spouse
    and child.



        Section  16(a) of the  Securities  and Exchange Act of 1934 requires the
Company's  directors and executive  officers and all persons who  beneficially
own more than ten percent of the  outstanding  shares of the Company's  Common
Stock to file with the Securities and Exchange  Commission  initial reports of
ownership   and  reports  of  changes  in  ownership  of  such  Common  Stock.
Directors,  executive  officers and ten percent or more beneficial  owners are
also  required to furnish the Company with copies of all Section 16(a) reports
filed.  Based  solely on a review  of the  copies  of such  forms and  certain
representations,   the  Company   believes   that  all  Section  16(a)  filing
requirements  applicable to its executive officers,  directors and ten percent
shareholders  were in  compliance,  except  that:  a March 2001 Form 3 filing,
and Form 4 filings for May and June 2001 with  respect to the  acquisition  of
20,000 shares of Common Stock,  with the  Securities  and Exchange  Commission
for Mr. Leiker were  inadvertently  omitted at the time such filings were due,
and  Form 4's  filed  for Mr.  Maudlin  and Mr.  Feshbach  in June  2001  were
inadvertently  filed  approximately  15 minutes  after the deadline for filing
such forms with the Securities and Exchange Commission.

                                  PROPOSAL #2
                         APPROVAL OF AMENDMENT TO THE

      In April  2002,  the Board of  Directors  amended  the  Curative  Health
Services, Inc. 2000 Stock Incentive Plan (the "Plan"),  subject to shareholder
approval,  to  increase  the number of shares of Common  Stock  available  for
issuance  pursuant to options awards  (including  Incentive  Stock Options (as
defined  below)) granted  thereunder from 1,600,000 to 2,177,900.  As of March
31, 2002, only 383,114 shares were available for grant under the Plan.

      The purpose of the Plan is to aid in attracting and retaining  personnel
capable of assuring the future  success of the Company,  to offer such persons
incentives  to put forth  maximum  efforts  for the  success of the  Company's
business and to afford such persons an  opportunity  to acquire a  proprietary
interest in the  Company.  The Board of Directors  believes  that the increase
in  authorized  shares is  necessary  because of the need to  continue to make
awards  under  the  option  plan to  attract  and  retain  key  employees.  In
addition,  since the  first  quarter  of 2001 the  Company  has been  actively
growing its  Specialty  Pharmacy  Services  unit  through the  acquisition  of
complementary  businesses,  such as Apex Therapeutic Care, Inc. and Hemophilia
Access,  Inc. The Board of Directors  believes that the ability to grant stock
incentive  awards under the Plan to new  officers and  employees is crucial to
the  Company's  ability to  continue to take  advantage  of  opportunities  to
acquire such  complementary  businesses  and expand the Company's  presence in
specialty pharmacy services.

Summary of the Plan

      Subject to  shareholder  approval at the  Meeting,  the total  number of
shares that may be granted  under the Plan,  and the total number of shares of
Common Stock that may be purchased  upon  exercise of Incentive  Stock Options
(as defined  below)  granted  under the Plan will be  increased  by 577,900 to
2,177,900.  Any shares that are used by a Plan  participant as full or partial
payment to the  Company of the  purchase  price  relating  to an award,  or in
connection with the  satisfaction  of tax obligations  relating to an award in
accordance  with the provisions  relating to tax  withholding  under the Plan,


will  again be  available  for the  granting  of awards  under  the  Plan.  In
addition,  if any shares  covered by an award under the Plan are not purchased
or are forfeited or are otherwise not delivered,  then such shares shall again
be  available  for  granting  awards  under the Plan.  In order to ensure that
awards  under  the  Plan  will  be  "performance-based"  compensation  and  so
deductible for tax purposes under Section 162(m) of the Internal  Revenue Code
of 1986,  as amended (the "Code"),  the Plan  provides  that, no person may be
granted  awards  representing  an  aggregate  of more than  500,000  shares of
Common Stock in the aggregate in any calendar year.


      Any employee,  officer,  consultant,  independent contractor or director
providing  services  to the  Company or any of its  affiliates  is eligible to
receive awards under the Plan.  Approximately  400 individuals are eligible to
participate  in the Plan as of the date of this  proxy  statement.  No  awards
may be granted under the Plan after May 31, 2010.

Types of Awards; Plan Administration

      The Plan permits the granting of (a) stock options,  including incentive
stock options  ("Incentive Stock Options") meeting the requirements of Section
422 of the  Code,  and  stock  options  that  do not  meet  such  requirements
("Nonqualified  Stock  Options"),  (b) restricted  stock and restricted  stock
units, (c) performance  awards, (d) stock appreciation  rights ("SAR's"),  and
(e) other  awards  valued  in whole or in part by  reference  to or  otherwise
based upon the  Company's  stock  ("other  stock-based  awards").  The Plan is
administered by a committee of the Board of Directors  consisting  exclusively
of two or more  members of the board of directors  who are not also  employees
of  the  Company  (the  "Committee").  The  Committee  has  the  authority  to
establish rules for the  administration of the Plan, to select the individuals
to whom awards are  granted,  to  determine  the types of awards to be granted
and the number of shares of Common Stock  covered by such  awards,  and to set
the terms and  conditions of such awards.  The  Committee  may also  determine
whether,  and to what extent, any amounts payable with respect to awards under
the Plan would be deferred,  and whether any deferral would be automatic or at
the election of the holder of the award or the Committee.  Determinations  and
interpretations  with  respect to the Plan are at the sole  discretion  of the
Committee,  whose  determinations  and  interpretations  are  binding  on  all
interested  parties.  The  Committee  may delegate to one or more officers the
right to grant  awards  under the Plan,  except  with  respect to  officers or
directors  of the Company or any  affiliate  of the Company who are subject to
Section  16(b) of the  Securities  Exchange Act of 1934, as amended (the "1934

      Awards  may be granted  for no cash  consideration  or for such  minimal
cash  consideration  as may be required by applicable  law. Awards may provide
that upon the grant or  exercise  thereof the holder  will  receive  shares of
Common  Stock,  cash  or  any  combination  thereof,  as the  Committee  shall
determine.  The  exercise  price per share under any stock  option,  the grant
price  of any  SAR,  and the  purchase  price  of any  security  which  may be
purchased  under any other  stock-based  award  shall not be less than 100% of
the fair market value of the  Company's  Common Stock on the date of the grant
of such option,  SAR or award.  Options  shall be exercised by payment in full
of the exercise price,  either in cash or, at the discretion of the Committee,
in  whole  or  in  part  by   tendering   shares  of  Common  Stock  or  other
consideration   including,   without   limitation,   promissory  notes,  other
securities,  other  awards  or other  property,  or any  combination  thereof,
having a fair market  value on the date the option is  exercised  equal to the
exercise  price.  Determinations  of fair market value under the Plan are made
in accordance with methods and procedures established by the Committee.

      The  Plan  provides  that  the  Committee  may  grant  reload   options,
separately  or together with another  option,  and may establish the terms and
conditions of such reload options.  Pursuant to a reload option,  the optionee
would be granted a new option to purchase  the number of shares not  exceeding
the sum of (i) the number of shares of Common  Stock  tendered as payment upon


the exercise of the option to which such reload option  relates,  and (ii) the
number of shares of the  Company's  Common  Stock  tendered  as payment of the
amount to be withheld  under income tax laws in  connection  with the exercise
of the option to which such  reload  option  relates.  Reload  options  may be
granted  with  respect to options  granted  under any stock option plan of the

      The  holder  of  restricted  stock  may  have  all  of the  rights  of a
shareholder of the Company,  including the right to vote the shares subject to
the restricted  stock award and to receive any dividends with respect thereto,
or such rights may be restricted as the Committee  imposes.  Restricted  stock
may not be  transferred  by the holder until any  restrictions  established by
the Committee have lapsed.  Holders of restricted  stock units have the right,
subject to any  restrictions  imposed by the  Committee,  to receive shares of
Common  Stock  (or a cash  payment  equal  to the  fair  market  value of such
shares) at some future  date.  Upon  termination  of the  holder's  employment
during the restriction  period,  restricted  stock and restricted  stock units
are forfeited, unless the Committee determines otherwise.

      Performance  awards may provide the holder  thereof the right to receive
payments,  in whole or in part, upon the achievement of such goals during such
performance  periods as the Committee  shall  establish.  A performance  award
granted  under  the Plan may be  denominated  or  payable  in cash,  shares of
Common Stock, or restricted  stock,  other  securities,  other awards or other

      The holder of an SAR will be  entitled to receive the excess of the fair
market value  (calculated  as of the exercise date or, if the Committee  shall
so  determine,  as of any time during a specified  period  before or after the
exercise  date) of a  specified  number of shares  over the grant price of the

      The Committee is also  authorized to establish the terms and  conditions
of other stock-based awards.


      Except as  otherwise  provided  in any award  agreement  (other  than an
award  agreement  relating to an  Incentive  Stock  Option)  pursuant to terms
determined by the Committee,  no award granted under the Plan may be assigned,
transferred,  pledged or otherwise  encumbered by the individual to whom it is
granted,  otherwise than by will, by designation of a beneficiary,  or by laws
of descent and distribution.  Except as otherwise  provided,  each award shall
be exercisable,  during such individual's  lifetime,  only by such individual,
or, if permissible  under  applicable  law, by such  individual's  guardian or
legal representative.

      If any dividend or other  distribution,  recapitalization,  stock split,
reverse  stock  split,  reorganization,   merger,   consolidation,   split-up,
spin-off,  combination,  repurchase,  or exchange of shares of Common Stock or
other  securities of the Company or other  similar  corporate  transaction  or
events  affects  the  shares  of  Common  Stock  such  that an  adjustment  is
appropriate  in order to prevent  dilution or  enlargement  of the benefits or
potential  benefits  intended to be made available  under the Plan or under an
award,  the Committee may, in such manner as it deems equitable or appropriate
in order to prevent  such  dilution  or  enlargement  of any such  benefits or
potential  benefits,  adjust  any or all of (a) the  number and type of shares
(or other  securities or property) which thereafter may be made the subject of
awards,  (b) the number and type of shares (or other  securities  or property)
subject to  outstanding  awards,  and (c) the purchase or exercise  price with
respect to any  award.  The  Committee  may  correct  any  defect,  supply any
omission,  or reconcile any  inconsistency  in the Plan or any award agreement
in the  manner and to the  extent it shall  deem  desirable  to carry the Plan
into effect.

      The  Board of  Directors  may  amend,  alter,  suspend,  discontinue  or
terminate the Plan at any time, provided that, without  shareholder  approval,
no such  amendment,  alteration,  suspension,  discontinuation  or termination
shall be made,  that (i) would violate the rules or  regulations of the Nasdaq
National Market or of any securities  exchange  applicable to the Company;  or
(ii) would  cause the Company to be unable  under the Code to grant  Incentive
Stock Options under the Plan.


Tax Consequences

      The  following  is  a  summary  of  the  principal  federal  income  tax
consequences  generally  applicable to awards under the Plan.  The grant of an
option  or SAR is not  expected  to  result  in any  taxable  income  for  the
recipient.  The holder of an  Incentive  Stock Option  generally  will have no
taxable  income upon  exercising  the  Incentive  Stock Option  (except that a
liability may arise pursuant to the alternative  minimum tax), and the Company
will not be entitled to a tax  deduction  when an  Incentive  Stock  Option is
exercised.  Upon  exercising a  Nonqualified  Stock Option,  the optionee must
recognize  ordinary income equal to the excess of the fair market value of the
shares of Common  Stock  acquired  on the date of exercise  over the  exercise
price,  and the Company will be entitled at that time to a tax  deduction  for
the same amount.  Upon  exercising a SAR, the amount of any cash  received and
the fair  market  value on the  exercise  date of any  shares of Common  Stock
received are taxable to the  recipient as ordinary  income and  deductible  by
the Company.  The tax  consequence to an optionee upon a disposition of shares
acquired  through the exercise of an option will depend on how long the shares
have been held and upon whether  such shares were  acquired by  exercising  an
Incentive  Stock Option or by exercising a  Nonqualified  Stock Option or SAR.
Generally,  there will be no tax consequence to the Company in connection with
the  disposition of shares  acquired under an option,  except that the Company
may be  entitled to a tax  deduction  in the case of a  disposition  of shares
acquired  under an Incentive  Stock  Option  before the  applicable  Incentive
Stock Option holding periods set forth in the Code have been satisfied.

      With respect to other awards  granted under the Plan that are payable in
cash or shares of Common Stock that are either  transferable or not subject to
substantial  risk of  forfeiture,  the holder of such an award must  recognize
ordinary  income  equal to the excess of (a) the cash or the fair market value
of the  shares of Common  Stock  received  (determined  as of the date of such
receipt)  over (b) the amount (if any) paid for such shares of Common Stock by
the holder of the award,  and the  Company  will be entitled at that time to a
deduction  for the same  amount.  With  respect to an award that is payable in
shares of Common Stock that are restricted as to  transferability  and subject
to substantial risk of forfeiture,  unless a special election is made pursuant
to the Code, the holder of the award must recognize  ordinary  income equal to
the  excess  of (i) the  fair  market  value of the  shares  of  Common  Stock
received  (determined as of the first time the shares become  transferable  or
not subject to substantial risk of forfeiture,  whichever occurs earlier) over
(ii) the amount (if any) paid for such  shares of Common  Stock by the holder,
and the Company will be entitled at that time to a tax  deduction for the same

      Under the Plan,  the  Committee  may permit  participants  receiving  or
exercising  awards,  subject to the  discretion of the Committee and upon such
terms and  conditions  as it may impose,  to surrender  shares of Common Stock
(either  shares  received  upon the receipt or exercise of the award of shares
previously  owned by the optionee) to the Company to satisfy federal and state
withholding tax  obligations.  In addition,  the Committee may grant,  subject
to its  discretion and such rules as it may adopt, a bonus to a participant in
order to provide  funds to pay all or a portion of federal and state taxes due
as a result of the  receipt or exercise  of (or lapse of  restrictions  to) an
award.  The  amount  of such  bonus  will be  taxable  to the  participant  as
ordinary income, and the Company will have a corresponding  deduction equal to
such amount (subject to the usual rules concerning reasonable compensation).

THE AMENDMENT TO THE 2000 STOCK  INCENTIVE  PLAN.  The  affirmative  vote of a
majority  of the  shares of  Common  Stock  present  in person or by proxy and
eligible to vote at the Meeting is required to approve this proposal.


                                 PROPOSAL #3
                         APPROVAL OF AMENDMENT TO THE

        The  Company's  Board of Directors has adopted,  subject to  shareholder
approval,  amendments  to the  Non-Employee  Director  Stock  Option Plan (the
"Director Plan") which provide that

      (a)   the  initial  and  annual  option  grants  made  to   non-employee
      directors  under the Director Plan upon their  re-election  to the Board
      of Directors be increased from 12,000 shares to 15,000 shares,

      (b)   the  initial  and annual  option  grants  described  in clause (a)
      above be immediately fully vested and exercisable,

      (c)   the non-employee  directors elected at the Meeting each be granted
      an  option  for  45,000  shares  under  the  Director  Plan  upon  their
      re-election,  which option shall be  exercisable  immediately  as to one
      third of the shares,  and shall become  exercisable  as to another third
      of the shares on the first  anniversary of its grant and as to the final
      third on the second anniversary of its grant,

      (d)   the options  granted  pursuant  to clause (c) above  shall  become
      fully vested and  exercisable in the event of a change in control of the
      Company in accordance with the terms of the Director Plan, and

      (e)   any  non-employee  director that is granted an option  pursuant to
      clause (c) above  shall not be  eligible  to  receive  an annual  option
      grant  otherwise due under the Director Plan upon  re-election  to Board
      at the Meeting or at the annual shareholder  meetings to be held in 2003
      and 2004.

        The  Company  believes  it  is  important  that  the  interests  of  its
directors  be aligned  with those of its  shareholders  and that the  Director
Plan is one means of  strengthening  that link. The amendments are intended to
provide the non-employee  directors with an increased stake in the Company and
an increased  interest in the Company's  long-term  performance.  The Board of
Directors   believes  the  amendments   will   substantially   strengthen  the
alignment of the interests of the directors with those of the shareholders.

Summary of the Director Plan

        Since August 23, 1995,  the Company has maintained the Director Plan for
the benefit of  non-employee  directors of the Company.  The Director  Plan is
administered  by the Board  which has the  authority  to adopt  such rules and
regulations and to make such  determinations as are necessary or desirable for
the   implementation   and   administration  of  the  Director  Plan  and  not
inconsistent with its terms.

        The  Director  Plan  provides for the grant of options to purchase up to
an  aggregate  of 650,000  shares of Common  Stock,  of which  320,332  shares
remain  available for grant as of March 31, 2002. The closing price of a share
of  Common  Stock as of April 17,  2002 was  $12.12.  Shares  of Common  Stock
covered by expired or  terminated  options under the Director Plan may be used
for subsequent awards under the Director Plan.

        The Director Plan currently  provides for the automatic  grant (i) of an
option to purchase  12,000  shares to each  non-employee  director upon his or
her  initial  election  as a member  of the  Board,  and (ii) of an  option to
purchase  12,000 shares each time a  non-employee  director is re-elected as a
member of the Board.  All options  granted  under the Director  Plan expire no
later  than ten  years  after  the date of  grant or on such  earlier  date as
determined in the event of a reorganization.


        The  purchase  price for the  option  stock is 100  percent  of the fair
market  value of the stock on the day the option is granted.  Options  granted
under the  Director  Plan  currently  become  exercisable  with respect to one
third of the shares on the first  anniversary of the grant date and thereafter
become  exercisable  with  respect  to the  balance  of the  shares  in  equal
installments  on the  last day of each of the  eight  successive  three  month
periods  following  the first  anniversary  of the  grant.  Each  option  also
becomes  immediately  exercisable in full upon the death or disability of such
director or an  unsuccessful  attempt by such director to win  re-election  to
the Board.  Any options subject to this  acceleration  clause can be exercised
in whole or in part within one year after termination.  In addition, under the
Director Plan, in the event of a change of control,  all  outstanding  options
granted  under  the  Director  Plan  accelerate  and are  exercisable  in full
provided  that  no  option  can  be  exercised  by  a  participant  after  the
termination  date of the option.  Under the Director Plan, a change in control
includes a sale of substantially all of the Company's assets;  the acquisition
by a person or group of  beneficial  ownership  of 51  percent  or more of the
outstanding  Common  Stock or the  commencement  of a tender offer for such an
acquisition;  a merger in which the shareholders of the Company receive shares
of another company; a reorganization,  a merger or other transaction resulting
in the  consolidation  of the Company with another  company for federal income
tax purposes;  and any other transaction in which there is a sufficient change
in the share  ownership of the Company to change the effective  control of the

        As a result of the proposed  amendments  to the Director  Plan,  each of
the five non-employee  directors nominated for re-election as directors of the
Company at the Meeting will receive the benefits shown below:

      (a)   an option for 45,000  shares with an  exercise  price equal to the
      closing  price of the Common Stock on the date of the Meeting which will
      be exercisable as to one third of the shares  immediately,  one third on
      the first  anniversary  of the date of grant and one third on the second
      anniversary  of the date of grant,  subject to immediate  vesting of all
      of the shares if a change in control occurs; and

      (b)   commencing  with the  annual  shareholders  meeting  in  2005,  an
      annual  grant  upon  re-election  to the Board of an option  for  15,000
      shares which will be immediately fully vested and exercisable.

of a majority of the shares of Common Stock  present in person or by proxy and
eligible to vote at the meeting is required to approve this proposal.


                                 PROPOSAL #4

Audit Fees

      Audit fees  billed or  expected  to be billed to the  Company by Ernst &
Young LLP for the audit of the Company's financial  statements for Fiscal 2001
and  for  reviews  of  the  Company's  financial  statements  included  in the
Company's quarterly reports on Form 10-Q for 2001 totaled $288,000.

Financial Information Systems Design and Implementation Fees

      During  Fiscal  2001 the  Company  did not incur  and was not  billed by
Ernst & Young LLP for any services  relating to the design and  implementation
of financial information systems.

All Other Fees

      Fees  billed or  expected  to be billed to the  Company by Ernst & Young
LLP for all other services provided during Fiscal 2001, including  tax-related
services and executive compensation matters, totaled $67,130.

Appointment of Auditors

      The Board of Directors  has appointed  Ernst & Young LLP as  independent
auditors  for the  Company for the fiscal year ending  December  31,  2002.  A
proposal to ratify that appointment will be presented at the Meeting.  Ernst &
Young LLP has served as the Company's  independent  auditors  since  September
1986.  Representatives  of Ernst & Young LLP are expected to be present at the
Meeting,  will have the  opportunity  to make a statement if they desire to do
so  and  will  be  available  to  respond  to   appropriate   questions   from

If the  appointment of Ernst & Young LLP is not ratified by the  shareholders,
the Board of Directors is not  obligated to appoint  other  auditors,  but the
Board of Directors will give consideration to such unfavorable vote.

                                 OTHER ACTION

      The Board of  Directors  of the Company is not aware at this time of any
other matters which will be presented for action at the Meeting.  However,  if
any  matters  other than those  referred  to above  properly  come  before the
meeting,  it is the  intention of the persons  named in the enclosed  proxy to
vote such proxy in accordance with their best judgment.

                            SHAREHOLDER PROPOSALS

      Proposals  of  shareholders  intended to be presented at the 2003 Annual
Meeting  of the  Shareholders  of  the  Company  and  included  in  the  Proxy
Statement  and form of Proxy  relating to that meeting must be received by the
Company  no  later  than  December  31,  2002 in  order  to  qualify  for such
inclusion.  If the Company  does not receive  notice  before March 31, 2003 of
any other  shareholder  proposal  intended to be  presented at the 2003 Annual
Meeting but not included in the Proxy  Statement and form of Proxy relating to
that meeting,  then the persons named in the Proxy  solicited by the Board for
that  meeting will be allowed to exercise  discretionary  voting power to vote
on that proposal.

                        NO INCORPORATION BY REFERENCE

        The information under the headings  "Performance  Graph,"  "Compensation
Committee  Report on  Executive  Compensation"  and "Audit  Committee  Report"
shall  not be  deemed  incorporated  by  reference  by any  general  statement
incorporating  by  reference  this Proxy  Statement  into any filing under the
Securities Act of 1933, as amended,  or under the  Securities  Exchange Act of
1934,  as  amended,  except  to  the  extent  that  the  Company  specifically
incorporates  the information by reference,  and shall not otherwise be deemed
filed under such Acts.


                            SOLICITATION STATEMENT

        The cost of this  solicitation  of proxies will be borne by the Company.
Solicitation  will be made  primarily  by mail,  but regular  employees of the
Company may solicit  proxies  personally,  by telephone or telegram.  Brokers,
nominees,   custodians  and   fiduciaries   have  been  requested  to  forward
solicitation  materials to obtain voting  instructions  from beneficial owners
of stock  registered  in their  names,  and the Company  will  reimburse  such
parties for their  reasonable  charges and expenses in  connection  therewith.
In addition,  the Company has retained MacKenzie  Partners,  Inc. to assist in
the  solicitation  of proxies,  and has agreed to pay such firm  approximately
$5,500, plus reasonable expenses incurred, for its services.

Hauppauge, New York                       By Order of the Board of Directors
May 1, 2002
                                          /s/ Nancy F. Lanis
                                              Nancy F. Lanis