                                                      OMB Number:      3235-0059
                                                      Expires: February 28, 2006
                                                      Estimated average burden
                                                      hours per response...12.75

                                 UNITED STATES
                             Washington, D.C. 20549

                                  SCHEDULE 14A
                                 (Rule 14a-101)

                            SCHEDULE 14A INFORMATION

          Proxy Statement Pursuant to Section 14(a) of the Securities
                     Exchange Act of 1934 (Amendment No.  )

Filed by the Registrant [X]
Filed by a Party other than the Registrant [ ]

Check the appropriate box:

[ ]  Preliminary Proxy Statement
     RULE 14a-6(e)(2))
[ ]  Definitive Proxy Statement
[X]  Definitive Additional Materials
[ ]  Soliciting Material Pursuant to Section 240.14a-12

                          BUTLER MANUFACTURING COMPANY
                (Name of Registrant as Specified In Its Charter)

    (Name of Person(s) Filing Proxy Statement, if other than the Registrant)

Payment of Filing Fee (check the appropriate box):

[X]  No fee required.

[ ]  Fee computed on table below per Exchange Act Rules 14a-6(i)(4) and 0-11.

     1) Title of each class of securities to which transaction applies:


     2) Aggregate number of securities to which transaction applies:


     3) Per unit price or other underlying value of transaction computed
        pursuant to Exchange Act Rule 0-11 (set forth the amount on which the
        filing fee is calculated and state how it was determined):


     4) Proposed maximum aggregate value of transaction:


     5) Total fee paid:


[ ]  Fee paid previously with preliminary materials.

[ ]  Check box if any part of the fee is offset as provided by Exchange Act
     Rule 0-11(a)(2) and identify the filing for which the offsetting fee was
     paid previously. Identify the previous filing by registration statement
     number, or the Form or Schedule and the date of its filing.

     1) Amount Previously Paid:


     2) Form, Schedule or Registration Statement No.:


     3) Filing Party:


     4) Date Filed:


SEC 1913 (02-02)

The letter attached hereto as Exhibit A was received by Butler Manufacturing
Company on April 16, 2004 from Robertson-Ceco Corporation. The press release
attached hereto as Exhibit B was issued by Butler Manufacturing Company on April
19, 2004.


                                   April 16, 2004

Mr. Jonathan E. Baum
George K. Baum Advisors LLC
As Advisor to the Board of Directors
of Butler Manufacturing Company
Kansas City, Missouri  64105

Dear John:

         This letter renews the proposal set forth in the letter of
Robertson-Ceco Corporation ("RCC") to the Board of Directors of Butler
Manufacturing Company, dated April 13, 2004. In addition, this letter identifies
the financing sources for the proposed transaction.

         Enclosed is a copy of a proposal from the Longleaf Partners Small-Cap
Fund to provide up to $100 million of capital to facilitate the purchase of
Butler shares from shareholders who make the cash election. Also enclosed is a
proposal from LaSalle Bank National Association to provide up to $225 million of
financing in connection with the proposed combination.

         RCC is prepared to deliver to Butler audited financial statements for
its five past fiscal years, upon receipt of a customary confidentiality

         RCC believes that its proposal is a "Superior Proposal" under Butler's
Agreement and Plan of Merger with BlueScope Steel Limited and requests Butler to
cooperate with the identified capital sources and RCC to confirm the available
funding, and ultimately to withdraw its recommendation that the Butler
shareholders vote for approval of the BlueScope proposal.

                                             Very truly yours,

                                             Robertson-Ceco Corporation



                                           April 14, 2004

Robertson-Ceco Corporation
5600 Three First National Plaza
Chicago, Illinois 60602

Attn: Mr. Michael Heisley

Dear Mr. Heisley:

         We are pleased to present, for your consideration, our proposal for an
investment by Longleaf Partners Small-Cap Fund of between sixty million dollars
($60,000,000) and one hundred million dollars ($100,000,000) in Butler
Manufacturing Company ("Butler") concurrently with a proposed transaction for
the combination of Butler with the three operating divisions of Robertson Ceco
Corporation as described in the proposal letter attached hereto as Exhibit A
(the "Transaction). As set forth in more detail in the attached term sheet, the
investment would be made concurrently with the closing of the Transaction.

         The term sheet attached hereto as Exhibit B is for discussion purposes
only and, except as set forth therein, is not binding. The completion of the
transactions contemplated by the term sheet would be subject, among other
things, to our satisfactory completion of financial and legal due diligence, as
well as the execution of definitive agreements acceptable to us with respect to
the proposed investment and the Transaction.

         We are excited about the proposed investment and very much look forward
to working with you in implementing a transaction that would be in the best
interests of all parties involved.

                                    Very truly yours,

                                    LONGLEAF PARTNERS SMALL-CAP FUND

                                    By: /s/ G. Staley Cates
                                    Name: G. Staley Cates
                                    Title: Co-Portfolio Manager



PARTNERS FUNDS  6410 POPLAR AVE. - SUITE 900 - MEMPHIS, TN 38119 - (901)761-2474

                                    Exhibit A

                                         April 13, 2004

The Board of Directors
Butler Manufacturing Company
1540 Genessee Street
Kansas City, Missouri 64102


         This letter sets forth a proposal for the combination of the businesses
of Butler Manufacturing Company, a Delaware corporation ("Butler"), and the
three operating divisions of Robertson Ceco Corporation, a Delaware corporation
("RCC"), and an opportunity for liquidity for Butler shareholders who desire it.
The three operating divisions of RCC, each of which is engaged in North America
in the design, fabrication and sale of pre-engineered buildings, are Star
Building Systems ("Star"), Ceco Building Systems ("Ceco") and Robertson Building
Systems Canada ("RBS").

         Under our proposal, Butler shareholders will have the right to elect to
receive in cash $23 per share or alternatively to continue their ownership of
shares in the combined company. We believe the shares in the publicly traded,
combined company will have a long term value significantly above $23 per share.

         We have arranged to refinance outstanding Butler debt, including
letters of credit. We are prepared to purchase all three series of the 8.02%,
the 6.57% and the 7.87% Senior Notes issued by Butler and further extend the
Noteholder Amendment and Acknowledgement Agreements. In connection therewith, we
are prepared to offer the existing noteholders a value of par plus accrued
interest plus the "make-whole" payment at the completion of the transaction.

         We believe that our proposal as set forth below is superior to the
BlueScope buyout proposal. Accordingly, we respectfully suggest that the Butler
Board of Directors should determine in fulfillment of its fiduciary duties to
withdraw its recommendation that the Butler shareholders vote for approval of
the BlueScope proposal.

         The combined net sales and EBITDA of Star, Ceco and RBS for the year
ended December 31, 2003, and the average annual combined net sales and EBITDA of
Star, Ceco and RBS for the five years ended December 31, 2003 are as follows:

Board of Directors
Butler Manufacturing Company
April 13, 2004
Page 2

                                            Average Annual for Five Years
             Year Ended December 31, 2003      Ended December 31, 2003
             ----------------------------   -----------------------
Net sales           $287.6 million                 $291.9 million

EBITDA              $ 16.6 million                 $ 27.3 million

A combined balance sheet for the three divisions at December 31, 2003, excluding
all assets and liabilities to be retained by RCC, is attached hereto as Exhibit

         We propose to combine the operating divisions of RCC and Butler in a
transaction that values the shares of Butler common stock at $26,00 per share.
The RCC operating divisions would be valued at 6.7x the average EBITDA of the
divisions for the five years ended December 31, 2003. The multiple of 6.7x
EBITDA when applied to Butler's average annual EBITDA for the same period
results in a value of $22,50 per Butler common share, as proposed to be paid by
BlueScope. Based on these values, we believe the combination of Butler and the
RCC operating divisions is immediately accretive to Butler's shareholders. See
Exhibit B, As part of the transaction proposed by us, Butler shareholders who do
not wish to continue their ownership of shares in the combined enterprise would
be given the opportunity to receive $23.00 per Butler common share in cash.

         We propose that the transaction will be effected as follows:

                  1.       RCC will transfer all of the operating assets and
                           liabilities of each of Star, Ceco and RBS to newly
                           formed corporations for each respective division. In
                           addition, each division will assume any currently
                           outstanding indebtedness relating to its business and
                           assets. RCC will retain certain intercompany
                           obligations owed to it by affiliates and certain
                           liabilities (including contingent claims) relating to
                           discontinued operations.

                  2.       RCC will transfer the stock of the newly formed
                           corporations to a newly formed corporation ("Newco"),
                           and Newco will form an acquisition subsidiary ("Newco

                  3.       Butler will commit to issue shares of its common
                           stock at a price of $23.00 per share immediately
                           prior to the merger described below, in an amount
                           sufficient to fund the cash portion of the merger
                           described in item 4 below, but not less than $60
                           million of newly issued shares. RCC has identified
                           investors who are prepared to commit to purchase the
                           shares to be issued.

                  4.       Newco Acquisition will merge with and into Butler.
                           Butler shareholders will elect to either receive cash
                           at $23 per share or receive one registered Newco
                           share for each Butler share. Newco will own 100% of
                           Butler, will change its name to Butler ("New
                           Butler"), and will become the public

Board of Directors
Butler Manufacturing Company
April 13, 2004
Page 3

                           reporting company. It is anticipated that following
                           the merger, a minimum of approximately 43.1% of the
                           New Butler shares will be held by RCC and 16.6% by
                           the new investors.

                  5.       Following the merger, RCC nominees will constitute a
                           majority of the board of directors of New Butler. At
                           least three (3) current Butler directors will be
                           asked to continue as members of the board of New

                  6.       The Butler management contracts will be honored.

                  7.       Outstanding indebtedness of Butler will be

                  8.       RCC will continue in existence with substantial net
                           worth and will discharge its liabilities as they come

         As a result of (a) the refinancing of Butler debt, (b) the synergies
derived from the combined operations, (c) value associated with the successful
conclusion of the Louisiana Pacific litigation and (d) input from RCC designated
board members, we believe that the market value of the New Butler shares will
significantly exceed the current BlueScope valuation of $22.50 per share.
Recognizing that the business cycle for the pre-engineered metal buildings
businesses in which Butler and RCC participate was at a five-year low in 2003,
we expect that Butler shareholders would also benefit from being able to
continue their share ownership when the business cycle improves. For these
reasons, we believe our proposal is superior for Butler shareholders than the
current BlueScope buyout proposal.

         RCC is ready to immediately negotiate and sign a definitive agreement
for the transaction, without contingencies. We believe that HSR clearance should
be obtained expeditiously. We suggest that any review by Butler of the Star,
Ceco and RBS businesses could be commenced immediately and concluded during the
next week or so while definitive agreements are prepared. Because we have also
conducted significant due diligence during our participation in your sale
process in late 2003, we have substantially completed our review of Butler. We
believe the transaction structure proposed herein allows us to put a value on
Butler above our valuation arrived at during the 2003 sales process.

Board of Directors
Butler Manufacturing Company
April 13, 2004
Page 4

         Provided that Butler's Board of Directors withdraws not later than
April 23, 2004 its recommendation that its shareholders approve the BlueScope
buyout proposal, our proposal will remain open until the close of business on
April 30, 2004. Please contact the undersigned at (312) 419-8220 to indicate
your acceptance of our proposal and with any questions you may have.

                                      Very truly yours,

                                      E.A. Roskovensky



DECEMBER 31, 2003


Current Assets:
   Cash and cash equivalents                      9,449
   Accounts and notes receivable                 30,202
   Inventories                                   16,985
   Deferred taxes - current                       1,079
   Other current assets                             566
       Total current assets                      58,281

Property, plant & equipment, net                 38,370

Notes receivable from affiliates                      0

Goodwill                                          3,123

Deferred taxes                                    6,413

Other noncurrent assets                             876

TOTAL ASSETS                                    107,063


Current Liabilities:
   Current portion - long-term debt               6,697
   Accounts payable                              16,194
   Accrued payroll and benefits                   6,357
   Other accrued liabilities                      8,455

       Total Current assets                      37,703

Long - term debt                                  9,298

Minimum pension liability                        18,293

Long - term warranty                              3,219

Other long - term liabilities                     3,320

Stockholders' Equity:
   Capital surplus                               77,354
   Accumulated deficit                          (30,183)
   Accumulated and comprehensive income         (11,941)

       Total stockholders' equity                35,230


Exhibit B

1      Blue Scope Multiple Paid of Butlers last 5 years EBITDA               6.7x

2      RCC 5 years average EBITDA                                           27.3
       EBITDA Multiple                                                       6.7
       RCC Enterprise Value                                                  183
       Less Debt                                                               7
       Equity Value                                                          176 mm

       New Butler shares issued to
       RCC @26                                                              6.77 mm

       Value of shares issued @ $23   (1)                                  155.7 mm

       Value transfer to Butler shareholders                              $   20 mm
        (Approximate $3 per share)

(1) implies an EDITDA multiple of 5.97 times


                                    EXHIBIT B

                                SUMMARY OF TERMS
                               PROPOSED INVESTMENT
                                 APRIL 13, 2004

         This term sheet ("Term Sheet") summarizes the principal terms of a
proposed investment by Longleaf Partners Small-Cap Fund (the "Investor") of
between sixty million dollars ($60,000,000) and one hundred million dollars
($100,000,000) in Butler Manufacturing Company ("Butler") concurrently with a
proposed transaction for the combination of Butler with the three operating
divisions of Robertson Ceco Corporation as described in the proposal letter
attached hereto as Attachment A (the "Transaction"), This Term Sheet is for
discussion purposes only and, except as set forth in the "Publicity" provisions,
is not binding. The binding provisions will survive any termination or
expiration of this Term Sheet, may be amended or modified only by a writing
executed by both parties and constitute the entire agreement between the parties
with respect to the subject matter thereof. The transaction contemplated hereby
is subject, among other things, to the Investor's satisfactory completion of
financial and legal due diligence, as well as the definitive agreements relating
to the Transaction and the proposed investment being reasonably acceptable to
the Investor.


Issuer:                              Butler

Investor:                            Longleaf Partners Small-Cap Fund

Securities To Be Issued:             Between 2,608,695 and 4,347,825 shares (the
                                     "Common Shares") of Common Stock of Butler
                                     at the Per Share Purchase Price (as defined

Aggregate Proceeds to Butler:        Between sixty million dollars ($60,000,000)
                                     and one hundred million dollars ($

Use of Proceeds:                     To fund a cash election in the Merger for
                                     existing Butler shareholders to receive $23
                                     per share and/or to repay existing
                                     indebtedness of Butler.

Per Share Purchase Price:            $23.00

Expected Closing Date:               Concurrent with the closing of the

Expenses:                            Each party shall bear its own expenses in
                                     connection with the transactions
                                     contemplated by this Term Sheet.

Documentation:                       Robertson Ceco will have responsibility for
                                     negotiating the terms and conditions of the
                                     definitive agreements relating to the
                                     Transaction and the Investor will be
                                     responsible for drafting the definitive
                                     agreements relating to the proposed


Representations and Warranties:      Standard representations and warranties by
                                     Butler with respect to Butler and Robertson
                                     Ceco with respect to the Contributed
                                     Entities and their assets and liabilities.
                                     Additional representations by Robertson
                                     Ceco with respect to its solvency both
                                     before and after the closing (e.g. the
                                     value of its assets exceeds those of its
                                     liabilities, its ability to pay its present
                                     and anticipated liabilities as they come
                                     due (including contingent, unliquidated
                                     and/or disputed liabilities and demands
                                     with respect to, inter alia, asbestos) and
                                     the amount, availability and sufficiency of
                                     its capital).

Conditions to Closing:               Standard conditions to closing, including,
                                     without limitation: (i) consummation of the
                                     Transaction without any material waiver not
                                     approved by the Investor (which approval
                                     will not be unreasonably withheld by the
                                     Investor); (ii) the absence of any material
                                     adverse change in the businesses of the
                                     Contributed Entities or Butler; (iii) the
                                     accuracy in all material respects of
                                     Butler's and Robertson Ceco's
                                     representations and their compliance in all
                                     material respects with the covenants and
                                     other obligations contained in the
                                     definitive agreements; (iv) the Investor
                                     having completed a due-diligence review
                                     with respect to Butler and the Contributed
                                     Entities, which due diligence review does
                                     not reveal any facts, developments or
                                     circumstances that are reasonably likely to
                                     cause a material adverse effect, including
                                     with respect to the nature, number,
                                     historical payouts, available insurance
                                     coverage and trends with respect to
                                     Robertson Ceco's asbestos claims; (v)
                                     obtaining all necessary governmental
                                     consents, including under the
                                     Hart-Scott-Rodino Antitrust Improvements
                                     Act of 1976, as amended; (vi) Butler being
                                     in compliance with all applicable rules and
                                     regulations of the New York Stock Exchange
                                     (both before and after giving effect to the
                                     Transaction); (vii) the Common Shares to be
                                     purchased having been listed for quotation
                                     on the New York Stock Exchange; (viii)
                                     approval of the investment by the
                                     Investor's board of trustees; (ix)
                                     execution of the investor rights agreement
                                     on terms and conditions reasonably
                                     satisfactory to the Investor; (x) receipt
                                     of any and all necessary shareholder
                                     approvals with respect to the Transaction
                                     and share issuance; (xi) the effectuation
                                     of the necessary amendments to the
                                     organizational documents of Butler to
                                     effect the Transaction; (xii) no action,
                                     injunction or order being in place which
                                     prohibits the consummation of the
                                     Transaction or the share issuance; and
                                     (xiii) receipt of appropriate officers'
                                     certificates and legal opinion.


Indemnification:                        The Investor to receive customary
                                        indemnification from Butler and
                                        Robertson Ceco.


Registration Rights:                    (a) Resale Registration. At any time
                                        after the closing, if requested by the
                                        Investor, to the extent Butler is
                                        eligible to file a registration
                                        statement on Form S-3, Butler shall file
                                        a registration statement c overing the
                                        resale of the Common Shares (each such
                                        registration statement, a "Shelf
                                        Registration Statement"). Butler shall
                                        use its reasonable best efforts to cause
                                        each Shelf Registration Statement to be
                                        effective promptly after receiving any
                                        such request from the Investor. Expenses
                                        shall be paid by Butler.

                                        (b) Demand Rights. Beginning immediately
                                        upon the closing, two demand
                                        registrations for underwritten public
                                        offerings (or block trades), provided
                                        the anticipated aggregate offering price
                                        in each demand registration shall be at
                                        least $20,000,000. Expenses of the
                                        registration shall be paid by Butler.

                                        (c) Piggyback Rights. The Investor shall
                                        have unlimited piggyback registration
                                        rights with respect to primary-
                                        offerings of the Common Shares, subject
                                        to cutback at the underwriter's
                                        discretion; provided Rule 144 sales are
                                        not available. Expenses incurred in
                                        connection therewith shall be paid by

Restriction on Transfer by
Robertson Ceco:                         Robertson Ceco will be prohibited from
                                        transferring or disposing of the RC
                                        Shares without the Investor's consent as
                                        long as the Investor continues to hold
                                        at least 1,000,000 of the Common Shares.
                                        The parties will discuss an appropriate
                                        mechanism to permit limited dispositions
                                        of the RC Shares following an agreed
                                        upon period.

Minority Protections:                   Supermajority approval (i.e., majority
                                        approval of shareholders other than
                                        Robertson Ceco) in the case of
                                        transactions involving Robertson Ceco,
                                        such as a going private transaction.

Consulting Rights:                      Butler will consult with the Investor
                                        before making material capital
                                        allocation decisions, including, the
                                        incurrence of significant indebtedness,
                                        the sale or purchase of assets above
                                        designated thresholds and the issuance
                                        or redemption of equity securities.

Financial Information:                  Butler shall provide to the Investor, on
                                        the same day as filed with the
                                        Securities and Exchange Commission
                                        ("SEC"), copies of its annual, quarterly
                                        and other reports


                                        filed with the SEC pursuant to Section
                                        13 or Section 15(d) of the Securities
                                        Exchange Act of 1934. Butler's auditors
                                        shall be an accounting firm of national


Certain Legal Expenses:                 Robertson Ceco will pay all costs,
                                        including legal expenses, incurred by
                                        Butler arising from or related to
                                        asbestos liabilities of Robertson Ceco
                                        or any predecessor of the Contributed

Transfer of Rights:                     Any rights accorded to the Investor may
                                        be transferred to (i) any affiliate or
                                        associate of the Investor and (ii) any
                                        other transferee who acquires at least
                                        25% of the Common Shares; provided in
                                        each instance that Butler is given
                                        written notice thereof.

Publicity:                              Robertson Ceco will not discuss the
                                        terms or existence of this Term Sheet
                                        with any person other than key officers,
                                        directors of Robertson Ceco or Robertson
                                        Ceco's accountants or attorneys without
                                        the prior consent of the Investor,
                                        except as required by law. In addition,
                                        Robertson Ceco shall not use the
                                        Investor's name in any manner, context
                                        or format without the prior review
                                        and approval of the Investor.

                            [SIGNATURE PAGES FOLLOW]


                                        AGREED AND ACCEPTED:

                                        ROBERTSON-CECO CORPORATION


                      [SIGNATURE PAGE TO SUMMARY OF TERMS]

                                        AGREED AND ACCEPTED:

                                        LONGLEAF PARTNERS SMALL-CAP FUND

                                        BY: /s/ G. Staley Cates
                                           NAME: G. STALEY CATES
                                           TITLE: CO-PORTFOLIO MANAGER

                      [SIGNATURE PAGE TO SUMMARY OF TERMS]

                                  Attachment A

                                                          April 13, 2004

The Board of Directors
Butler Manufacturing Company
1540 Genessee Street
Kansas City, Missouri 64102


         This letter sets forth a proposal for the combination of the businesses
of Butler Manufacturing Company, a Delaware corporation ("Butler"), and the
three operating divisions of Robertson Ceco Corporation, a Delaware corporation
("RCC"), and an opportunity for liquidity for Butler shareholders who desire it.
The three operating divisions of RCC, each of which is engaged in North America
in the design, fabrication and sale of pre-engineered buildings, are Star
Building Systems ("Star"), Ceco Building Systems ("Ceco") and Robertson Building
Systems Canada ("RBS").

         Under our proposal, Butler shareholders will have the right to elect to
receive in cash $23 per share or alternatively to continue their ownership of
shares in the combined company. We believe the shares in the publicly traded,
combined company will have a long term value significantly above $23 per share:

         We have arranged to refinance outstanding Butler debt, including
letters of credit. We are prepared to purchase all three series of the 8.02%,
the 6.57% and the 7.87% Senior Notes issued by Butler and further extend the
Noteholder Amendment and Acknowledgement Agreements. In connection therewith, we
are prepared to offer the existing noteholders a value of par plus accrued
interest plus the "make-whole" payment at the completion of the transaction.

         We believe that our proposal as set forth below is superior to the
BlueScope buyout proposal. Accordingly, we respectfully suggest that the Butler
Board of Directors should determine in fulfillment of its fiduciary duties to
withdraw its recommendation that the Butler shareholders vote for approval of
the BlueScope proposal.

         The combined net sales and EBITDA of Star, Ceco and RBS for the year
ended December 31, 2003, and the average annual combined net sales and EBITDA of
Star, Ceco and RBS for the five years ended December 31, 2003 are as follows:

Board of Directors
Butler Manufacturing Company
April 13, 2004
Page 2

                                                       Average Annual for Five Years
                  Year Ended December 31, 2003            Ended December 31, 2003
                  ----------------------------         -----------------------------
Net sales                 $287.6 million                    $291.9 million

EBITDA                    $ 16.6 million                    $ 27.3 million

A combined balance sheet for the three divisions at December 31, 2003, excluding
all assets and liabilities to be retained by RCC, is attached hereto as Exhibit

         We propose to combine the operating divisions of RCC and Butler in a
transaction that values the shares of Butler common stock at $26.00 per share.
The RCC operating divisions would be valued at 6.7x the average EBITDA of the
divisions for the five years ended December 31, 2003. The multiple of 6.7x
EBITDA when applied to Butler's average annual EBITDA for the same period
results in a value of $22.50 per Butler common share, as proposed to be paid by
BlueScope. Based on these values, we believe the combination of Butler and the
RCC operating divisions is immediately accretive to Butler's shareholders. See
Exhibit B. As part of the transaction proposed by us, Butler shareholders who do
not wish to continue their ownership of shares in the combined enterprise would
be given the opportunity to receive $23.00 per Butler common share in cash.

         We propose that the transaction will be effected as follows:

               1.   RCC will transfer all of the operating assets and
                    liabilities of each of Star, Ceco and RBS to newly formed
                    corporations for each respective division. In addition, each
                    division will assume any currently outstanding indebtedness
                    relating to its business and assets. RCC will retain certain
                    intercompany obligations owed to it by affiliates and
                    certain liabilities (including contingent claims) relating
                    to discontinued operations.

               2.   RCC will transfer the stock of the newly formed corporations
                    to a newly formed corporation ("Newco"), and Newco will form
                    an acquisition subsidiary ("Newco Acquisition").

               3.   Butler will commit to issue shares of its common stock at a
                    price of $23.00 per share immediately prior to the merger
                    described below, in an amount sufficient to fund the cash
                    portion of the merger described in item 4 below, but not
                    less than $60 million of newly issued shares. RCC has
                    identified investors who are prepared to commit to purchase
                    the shares to be issued.

               4.   Newco Acquisition will merge with and into Butler. Butler
                    shareholders will elect to either receive cash at $23 per
                    share or receive one registered Newco share for each Butler
                    share. Newco will own 100% of Butler, will change its name
                    to Butler ("New Butler"), and will become the public

Board of Directors
Butler Manufacturing Company
April 13, 2004
Page 3

                    reporting company. It is anticipated that following the
                    merger, a minimum of approximately 43.1% of the New Butler
                    shares will be held by RCC and 16.6% by the new investors.

               5.   Following the merger, RCC nominees will constitute a
                    majority of the board of directors of New Butler. At least
                    three (3) current Butler directors will be asked to continue
                    as members of the board of New Butler.

               6.   The Butler management contracts will be honored.

               7.   Outstanding indebtedness of Butler will be refinanced.

               8.   RCC will continue in existence with substantial net worth
                    and will discharge its liabilities as they come due.

         As a result of (a) the refinancing of Butler debt, (b) the synergies
derived from the combined operations, (c) value associated with the successful
conclusion of the Louisiana Pacific litigation and (d) input from RCC designated
board members, we believe that the market value of the New Butler shares will
significantly exceed the current BlueScope valuation of $22.50 per share.
Recognizing that the business cycle for the pre-engineered metal buildings
businesses in which Butler and RCC participate was at a five-year low in 2003,
we expect that Butler shareholders would also benefit from being able to
continue their share ownership when the business cycle improves. For these
reasons, we believe our proposal is superior for Butler shareholders than the
current BlueScope buyout proposal.

         RCC is ready to immediately negotiate and sign a definitive agreement
for the transaction, without contingencies. We believe that HSR clearance should
be obtained expeditiously. We suggest that any review by Butler of the Star,
Ceco and RBS businesses could be commenced immediately and concluded during the
next week or so while definitive agreements are prepared. Because we have also
conducted significant due diligence during our participation in your sale
process in late 2003, we have substantially completed our review of Butler. We
believe the transaction structure proposed herein allows us to put a value on
Butler above our valuation arrived at during the 2003 sales process.

Board of Directors
Butler Manufacturing Company
April 13, 2004
Page 4

         Provided that Butler's Board of Directors withdraws not later than
April 23, 2004 its recommendation that its shareholders approve the BlueScope
buyout proposal, our proposal will remain open until the close of business on
April 30, 2004. Please contact the undersigned at (312) 419-8220 to indicate
your acceptance of our proposal and with any questions you may have.

                                                          Very truly yours,

                                                          E.A. Roskovensky



DECEMBER 31, 2003


Current Assets:
   Cash and cash equivalents                                     9,449
   Accounts and notes receivable                                30,202
   Inventories                                                  16,985
   Deferred taxes - current                                      1,079
   Other current assets                                            566

     Total current assets                                       58,281

Property, plant & equipment, net                                38,370

Notes receivable from affiliates                                     0

Goodwill                                                         3,123

Deferred taxes                                                   6,413

Other noncurrent assets                                            876

TOTAL ASSETS                                                   -------

Current Liabilities:
   Current portion - long-term debt                              6,697
   Accounts payable                                             16,194
   Accrued payroll and benefits                                  6,357
   Other accrued liabilities                                     8,455
     Total Current assets                                       37,703

Long - term debt                                                 9,298

Minimum pension liability                                       18,293

Long - term warranty                                             3,219

Other long - term liabilities                                    3,320

Stockholders' Equity:
   Capital surplus                                              77,354
   Accumulated deficit                                         (30,183)
   Accumulated and comprehensive Income                        (11,941)
     Total stockholders' equity                                 35,230

Exhibit B

1    Blue Scope Multiple Paid of Butlers last 5 years EBITDA            6.7x

2    RCC 5 years average EBITDA                                        27.3
     EBITDA Multiple                                                    6.7
     RCC Enterprise Value                                               183
     Less Debt                                                            7
     Equity Value                                                       176 mm

     New Butler shares issued to
     RCC @26                                                           6.77 mm

     Value of shares issued @ $23   (1)                               155.7 mm

     Value transfer to Butler shareholders                           $   20 mm
       (Approximate $3 per share)

(1) implies an EDITDA multiple of 5.97 times


Company:                   Robertson-Ceco Corporation (the "Company").

Loan Parties:              The Company and each of its subsidiaries.

Administrative Agent:      LaSalle Bank National Association ("LaSalle" and, in
                           such capacity, the "Administrative Agent").

Arranger:                  LaSalle.

Lenders:                   A syndicate of financial institutions (including
                           LaSalle) and other accredited investors arranged by
                           the Arranger in consultation with the Company.

Documentation Agent:       To be determined.

Syndication Agent:         To be determined.

Facilities:                Senior secured credit facilities (the "Facilities")
                           in the aggregate amount of $225.0 million, consisting
                           of the following:

                           (a)      $160.0 million revolving credit facility
                                    (the "Revolving Credit Facility"), with a
                                    subfacility for letters of credit issued by
                                    LaSalle or one of its affiliates (the
                                    "Issuing Lender") in an amount equal to
                                    $30.0 million; and

                           (b)      $65.0 million term loan facility (the "Term

Maturity:                  Five years from the closing date.

Availability:              Availability under the Revolving Credit Facility will
                           be based on a borrowing base formula, which will
                           include advance rates of (i) 85% on eligible accounts
                           receivable and (ii) the lesser of (a) 60% of eligible
                           inventory or (b) 85% of the net orderly liquidation
                           value of eligible inventory but, in either case, (a)
                           or (b) shall not exceed $______ million. Eligibility
                           definitions and advance rates shall be defined and
                           confirmed by the Administrative Agent's Collateral
                           Reports (herein defined) and/or due diligence, in
                           each case subject to reserves reasonably established
                           by the Administrative Agent. Outstanding letters of
                           credit will be reserved against availability.
                           Borrowings under the Revolving Credit Facility shall
                           be governed by a weekly borrowing base certificate.
                           In the event that availability exceeds $35.0 million
                           (for period of time to be determined), borrowing base
                           certificates will be required on a monthly basis.


                           Availability under the Term Loan will be based on the
                           aggregate of (i) 80% of the net orderly liquidation
                           value of the Company's unencumbered equipment and
                           (ii) 70% of the fair market value of certain real
                           estate properties.

Purpose:                   To (a) finance the acquisition of Butler
                           Manufacturing Company by the Company (the
                           "Acquisition"), including related fees and expenses,
                           (b) refinance existing debt of the Loan Parties and
                           (c) provide for the working capital requirements and
                           general corporate purposes of Company and its

Fees and Interest Rates:   See Annex I.

Voluntary Prepayments      The Company may prepay amounts outstanding under the
and Commitment             Facilities in whole or in part (in minimum amounts to
Reductions:                be agreed upon), with prior notice but without
                           premium or penalty (but subject to payment of costs
                           associated with breakfunding on LIBOR loans).
                           Prepayments under the Term Loan shall be applied
                           against remaining scheduled installments pro rata.
                           The Company may reduce commitments under the
                           Revolving Credit Facility upon advance notice and in
                           minimum amounts to be agreed upon.

Amortization:              The Term Loan will amortize on a straight line basis
                           over seven years with monthly payments due on the
                           last day of each month.

Security:                  The Facilities will be secured by a first priority
                           security interest in substantially all existing and
                           after acquired assets (real and personal) of the Loan
                           Parties and all products and proceeds thereof. The
                           Loan Parties will authorize the filing of UCC
                           financing statements prior to the closing of the
                           Facilities. In addition, the Facilities will be
                           secured by a first priority pledge of all outstanding
                           equity securities of the Company and each of its

Guarantees:                The Facilities will be guaranteed by all subsidiaries
                           of the Company.

Initial Conditions:        The closing of the Facilities will be subject to
                           customary closing conditions, all in form and
                           substance satisfactory to the Administrative Agent,
                           including, without limitation, the following:

                           (a)      The Administrative Agent shall have received
                                    an executed credit agreement and other loan
                                    documents and all conditions to the initial
                                    borrowing thereunder shall have been
                                    satisfied. Such loan documents shall include
                                    conditions precedent, representations,
                                    warranties, affirmative, negative and
                                    financial covenants, Administrative Agent
                                    and Lender indemnity and reimbursement
                                    provisions, events of default, remedies, and


                                    other customary provisions.

                           (b)      The Administrative Agent shall have received
                                    all fees required to be paid, and all
                                    expenses for which invoices have been
                                    presented, on or before the closing date.

                           (c)      The Administrative Agent shall have received
                                    satisfactory evidence that (i) the sum of
                                    (x) the aggregate purchase price of the
                                    Acquisition and (y) the amount required to
                                    refinance all existing debt of the Loan
                                    Parties shall not exceed $_______ million
                                    and (ii) the aggregate fees and expenses
                                    with respect to the Acquisition will not
                                    exceed $_______ million.

                           (d)      The Company shall have reported at least
                                    $_________ million in adjusted EBITDA for
                                    the most recent trailing twelve month period
                                    (on a combined basis) with all adjustments
                                    satisfactory to the Administrative Agent.

                           (e)      After giving effect to the funding of the
                                    loans on the closing date and payment of all
                                    costs and expenses, the Administrative Agent
                                    shall receive a borrowing base certificate
                                    in form and substance satisfactory to the
                                    Administrative Agent with minimum excess
                                    availability of at least $35.0 million.

                           (f)      The Administrative Agent shall have received
                                    (i) audited consolidated financial
                                    statements for the Company and its
                                    subsidiaries for the fiscal years ending
                                    2001, 2002 and 2003 and (ii) unaudited
                                    interim consolidated financial statements
                                    for the Company and its subsidiaries for
                                    each fiscal month and quarterly period ended
                                    after the latest fiscal year referred to in
                                    clause (i) above.

                           (g)      The Administrative Agent shall have received
                                    a pro forma consolidated balance sheet of
                                    the Company and its subsidiaries as of the
                                    date of the most recent consolidated balance
                                    sheet delivered pursuant to the preceding
                                    paragraph, adjusted to give effect to the
                                    consummation of the Acquisition and the
                                    financings contemplated hereby as if such
                                    transactions had occurred on such date,
                                    which is consistent in all material respects
                                    with the sources and uses of cash for the
                                    Acquisition previously described to the
                                    Administrative Agent and the forecasts
                                    previously provided to the Administrative

                           (h)      The Administrative Agent and the Lenders
                                    shall have received projected income
                                    statements, balance sheets and cash flow


                                    statements prepared by the Company and
                                    giving effect to the Acquisition, the
                                    Facilities and the use of proceeds
                                    therefrom. The Company shall provide
                                    projections on a monthly basis for fiscal
                                    2004 and on an annual basis thereafter.

                           (i)      The Administrative Agent shall be satisfied
                                    with the results of its legal and business
                                    due diligence.

                           (j)      The Administrative Agent shall have received
                                    a field audit examination and appraisals
                                    (including appraisals of inventory,
                                    equipment and real estate) (collectively,
                                    the "Collateral Reports") requested by the
                                    Administrative Agent and the results thereof
                                    shall be satisfactory to the Administrative
                                    Agent in its sole and absolute discretion.
                                    The Administrative Agent shall have the
                                    right to distribute the Collateral Reports
                                    and other due diligence reports it obtains
                                    from consultants engaged by the Company to
                                    other Lenders, subject only to reasonable
                                    confidentiality restrictions.

                           (k)      The Administrative Agent shall have received
                                    the results of recent tax, judgment and UCC
                                    lien searches in each relevant jurisdiction
                                    with respect to the Loan Parties, and such
                                    searches shall reveal no liens on any of the
                                    assets of the Loan Parties except for liens
                                    permitted by the credit agreement.

                           (l)      If requested, the Administrative Agent shall
                                    have received an environmental audit with
                                    respect to certain real property owned or
                                    leased by the Loan Parties.

                           (m)      All documents and instruments required to
                                    perfect the Administrative Agent's security
                                    interest in the collateral under the
                                    Facilities shall have been executed and be
                                    in proper form for filing, and, in
                                    connection with real estate collateral, the
                                    Administrative Agent shall have received
                                    title insurance policies, surveys, permits
                                    and other customary documentation requested
                                    by the Administrative Agent.

                           (n)      The Administrative Agent shall be reasonably
                                    satisfied with the insurance program to be
                                    maintained by the Loan Parties.

                           (o)      If requested, the Administrative Agent shall
                                    have received a solvency certificate from
                                    the chief financial officer of the Company
                                    which shall document the solvency of the
                                    Company and its subsidiaries after giving
                                    effect to the Acquisition and the other
                                    transactions contemplated hereby.


                           (p)      The Administrative Agent shall have received
                                    such legal opinions as Administrative Agent
                                    may reasonably request.

                           (q)      The Administrative Agent shall have received
                                    such other documents, agreements,
                                    certificates and opinions to be executed or
                                    delivered, or relating to the transactions
                                    contemplated, on or prior to the closing
                                    date as the Administrative Agent or the
                                    Lenders may request.

                           (r)      The Loan Parties shall have obtained all
                                    governmental and third party approvals
                                    necessary in connection with the
                                    Acquisition, the financing contemplated
                                    hereby and the continuing operations of the
                                    Loan Parties shall have been obtained on
                                    terms reasonably satisfactory to the
                                    Administrative Agent and shall be in full
                                    force and effect, and all applicable waiting
                                    periods shall have expired without any
                                    action being taken or threatened by any
                                    competent authority which would restrain,
                                    prevent or otherwise impose adverse
                                    conditions on the Acquisition or the
                                    financing thereof contemplated by the
                                    Facilities, except for such governmental and
                                    third party approvals the failure to obtain
                                    which could not individually or in the
                                    aggregate, reasonably be expected to have a
                                    material adverse effect on the condition
                                    (financial or otherwise), business, assets,
                                    liabilities, properties, results of
                                    operations or prospects of the Loan Parties
                                    taken as a whole.

                           (s)      The Acquisition shall have been or shall
                                    concurrently be consummated in accordance
                                    with applicable law and on satisfactory
                                    terms. The documentation relating to the
                                    Acquisition (collectively, the "Acquisition
                                    Documents") shall have satisfactory terms
                                    and conditions, and no provision of such
                                    documentation shall have been waived,
                                    amended, supplemented or otherwise modified
                                    in any material respect. The Loan Parties
                                    shall have no debt other than the
                                    Facilities, and debt approved by the
                                    Administrative Agent. The capitalization and
                                    structure of the Loan Parties after the
                                    Acquisition shall be reasonably satisfactory
                                    in all respects.

                           (t)      The Administrative Agent shall be satisfied
                                    that, since December 31, 2003, there has
                                    been no material adverse change in the
                                    business, assets, liabilities, properties,
                                    condition (financial or otherwise), results
                                    of operations or prospects of the Loan

Ongoing Conditions:        The making of each extension of credit shall be
                           conditioned upon (a) the accuracy of all
                           representations and warranties in the credit


                           agreement and the other loan documents and (b) there
                           being no default or event of default in existence at
                           the time of, or after giving effect to the making of,
                           such extension of credit.

Representations and        Those representations and warranties customarily
Warranties:                found in credit agreements for transactions of this

Affirmative Covenants:     Those affirmative covenants customarily found in
                           credit agreements for transactions of this nature.

Negative Covenants:        Those negative covenants customarily found in credit
                           agreements for transactions of this nature.

Financial Covenants:       To include, without limitation, the following
                           financial covenants (with covenant levels to be

                           (i)      Minimum Fixed Charge Coverage Ratio (the
                                    ratio of (i) EBITDA less cash taxes less
                                    capital expenditures to (ii) the sum of
                                    scheduled principal and interest expense)
                                    (tested quarterly);

                           (ii)     Maximum Senior Leverage Ratio (the ratio of
                                    Senior Debt to trailing twelve month EBITDA)
                                    (tested quarterly); and

                           (iii)    Minimum Availability (all times test).

                           In the event that availability exceeds $35.0 million
                           (for period of time to be determined) financial
                           covenants will not be tested.

Events of Default:         Those events of default customarily found in credit
                           agreements for transactions of this nature.

Lockbox Collections/       Payments from all of the Company's customers shall be
Disbursement:              mailed directly to a lockbox at LaSalle. The company
                           will also maintain its primary operating accounts at

Expenses;                  Upon acceptance of the Term Sheet, the Company agrees
Indemnification:           to pay all reasonable costs and expenses associated
                           with the preparation, due diligence, administration,
                           syndication and enforcement of all documentation
                           executed in connection with the Facilities,
                           including, without limitation, legal fees of counsel
                           to the Administrative Agent regardless of whether or
                           not the Facilities close.

                           Upon acceptance of this Term Sheet, the Company
                           agrees to pay on demand all reasonable out-of-pocket
                           costs and expenses of the Administrative Agent
                           (including all field examination and appraisal costs,
                           all reasonable fees and charges of any counsel to the
                           Administrative Agent, the reasonable allocable cost
                           of internal legal services of the Administrative
                           Agent, all reasonable disbursements


                           of such internal counsel and all court costs and
                           similar legal expenses and any taxes) in connection
                           with the preparation, execution and delivery
                           (including the costs of Intralinks (or other similar
                           transmission systems), if applicable) of this Term
                           Sheet whether or not the Facilities close.

                           The Company shall indemnify the Administrative Agent,
                           the Lenders and their respective directors, officers,
                           affiliates, employees and agents from and against all
                           losses, liabilities, claims damages or expenses
                           relating to the Facilities and the Company's use of
                           the Facilities, including, without limitation,
                           reasonable attorneys' fees and settlement costs,
                           except to the extent that such losses, liabilities,
                           claims, damages or expenses are incurred by reason of
                           the gross negligence of willful misconduct of the
                           applicable indemnified person, as determined by a
                           final, nonappealable judgment by a court of competent

Taxes and Yield            The Company will indemnify the Lenders for
Protection:                withholding taxes. The definitive loan documents will
                           also contain customary tax gross-up, yield protection
                           and breakage provisions.

Voting:                    Required Lenders shall be equal to 66-2/3% or more of
                           commitments under the Facilities, except that (a) the
                           consent of each Lender directly affected thereby
                           shall be required with respect to (i) reductions in
                           the amount of, or extensions of the scheduled date of
                           amortization or final maturity of, any loan, (ii)
                           reductions in the rate of interest or any fee or
                           extensions of any due date therefore, and (iii)
                           increases in the amount or extension of the expiry
                           date of any Lender's commitments and (b) the consent
                           of 100% of the Lenders shall be required with respect
                           to (i) modifications of the voting percentages and
                           rights and (ii) releases of all or substantially all
                           of the guarantees or all or substantially all of the

Syndication:               Upon acceptance of this term sheet, LaSalle may
                           initiate discussions with potential lenders relating
                           to the syndication of the Facilities. LaSalle will
                           syndicate the transaction with the assistance of the
                           Company. Such assistance shall include, but not be
                           limited to: (i) prompt assistance in the preparation
                           of an information memorandum and verification of the
                           accuracy and completeness of the information
                           contained therein; (ii) preparation of other
                           materials and projections by the Company and its
                           advisors taking into account the proposed Facilities;
                           (iii) providing LaSalle with all information
                           reasonably deemed necessary by LaSalle to
                           successfully complete the syndication; (iv)
                           confirmation as to the accuracy and completeness of
                           such offering materials, projections and information
                           and (v) participation of the Company's senior
                           management in meetings and


                           conference calls with potential lenders and rating
                           agencies, if applicable, at such times and places as
                           LaSalle may reasonably request.

                           Neither LaSalle nor any of its affiliates (i) can
                           provide any assurances that a syndicate of Lenders
                           can be arranged, and (ii) shall not have any
                           liability should a syndicate not materialize. LaSalle
                           intends to fully underwrite the loans on the closing
                           date subject to receiving commitments from other
                           Lenders acceptable to the Company and LaSalle. These
                           Lenders shall have committed, on terms acceptable to
                           the Company and LaSalle, in an amount no less than
                           $150.0 million. Subsequent to the closing date, if
                           less than all required commitments are obtained, the
                           Agent may make adjustments to the pricing, structure,
                           terms or amount of the Facilities required to effect
                           a successful syndication. The agreement in the
                           foregoing sentence shall survive closing of the loans
                           and continue in effect until a successful syndication
                           has been completed. For purposes of the foregoing,
                           "successful syndication" means that LaSalle has
                           achieved its target hold level of $50.0 million.

                           LaSalle may provide to industry trade organizations
                           information with respect to the Facilities that is
                           necessary and customary for inclusion in league table

Assignments and            Each Lender may at any time sell assignments in the
Participations:            Facilities to eligible financial institutions or
                           commercial banks in minimum amounts of $5.0 million
                           (or all of such Lender's remaining loans and
                           commitments) subject to the consent of the
                           Administrative Agent, the Issuing Lender (for
                           assignments of the Revolving Credit Facility only)
                           and (so long as no event of default has occurred and
                           is continuing) the Company (which shall not be
                           unreasonably withheld or delayed). Each Lender may
                           sell participations in all or any part of the
                           Facilities, provided such participants shall only
                           have voting rights with respect to certain customary
                           or affected Lender consent items.

Governing Law and          The loan documents will be governed by Illinois law.
Forum:                     The Loan Parties will submit to the jurisdiction and
                           venue of the federal and state courts located in Cook
                           County in the State of Illinois and will waive any
                           right to trial by jury.

Counsel to the             To be determined.
Administrative Agent:


The Term Sheet does not attempt to describe all of the terms, conditions and
requirements that would pertain to the Facilities, but rather is intended to
outline certain basic items around which the Facilities will be structured. This
Term Sheet is not intended to limit the scope of discussion or negotiation of
any and all matters not inconsistent with the specific matters set forth herein.
This Term Sheet does not constitute a commitment, a contract to provide a
commitment or an offer to enter into a contract to provide the Facilities
described herein. Such a commitment, contract or offer is subject to, among
other things, completion of due diligence, obtaining the approval of all
applicable credit committees and execution and delivery of definitive loan


                                                                         ANNEX I

                           INTERESTS AND CERTAIN FEES

Interest:                  Loans will bear interest at a rate per annum over the
                           Base Rate or the LIBOR Rate according to the Pricing
                           Grid set forth below based on the most recent quarter
                           end Senior Leverage Ratio. Minimum pricing on the
                           closing date and for a minimum period of nine months
                           thereafter shall be set at Level II.

                                  PRICING GRID

                                                   REVOLVING CREDIT FACILITY            TERM LOAN
                                              ---------------------------------    ---------------------
                                     LIBOR    BASE RATE   NON-USE    LETTER OF     LIBOR       BASE RATE
-----      -------------------      -------   ---------   --------   ----------    -------     ---------
  I            > or = 3.50x         275 bps      50 bps      50 bps    275 bps     325 bps      100 bps
 II      > or = 2.75x and < 3.50x   250 bps      25 bps      50 bps    250 bps     300 bps       75 bps
III      > or = 2.00x and < 2.75x   225 bps       0 bps      50 bps    225 bps     275 bps       50 bps
 IV              < 2.00x            200 bps       0 bps    37.5 bps    200 bps     250 bps       25 bps

                           LIBOR Rate: The London Interbank Offered Rate
                           ("LIBOR") as displayed in the Bloomberg Financial
                           Markets system (or other authoritative source
                           selected by the Administrative Agent in its sole
                           discretion) for deposits in dollars for one, two or
                           three month periods ("Interest Periods") as offered
                           at 11:00 a.m. London time two (2) business days prior
                           to the borrowing date (or three (3) business days
                           prior to the commencement of such Interest Period if
                           banks in London, were not open and dealing in
                           offshore United States dollars on such second
                           preceding business day), adjusted for statutory
                           reserve requirements.

                           Base Rate: The higher of (a) the rate publicly
                           announced from time to time by the Administrative
                           Agent as its "prime rate" and (b) the Federal Funds
                           Rate plus 0.5% per annum.

Calculations:              All calculations of interest and fees will be made on
                           the basis of a 360-day year and actual days elapsed.

Interest Payments:         Interest will be payable monthly in arrears on the
                           last day of each calendar month on Base Rate loans
                           and on the last day of each Interest Period in the
                           case of LIBOR loans.


Non-Use Fee:               A Non-Use Fee at a rate per annum determined by
                           reference to the Pricing Grid will be payable on the
                           daily unutilized portion of the Revolving Credit
                           Facility. Such fee will be payable monthly in arrears
                           on the last day of each calendar month. The undrawn
                           amount of letters of credit will count as utilization
                           of the Revolving Credit Facility for purposes of
                           calculating this fee.

Letter of Credit Fees:     A letter of credit fee at a rate per annum determined
                           by reference to the Pricing Grid will be payable on
                           the daily stated amount of all outstanding letters of
                           credit. Such fee will be payable monthly in arrears
                           on the last day of each calendar month. In addition,
                           the Company will pay the Issuing Lender for its own
                           account for each Letter of Credit (a) a fronting fee
                           in the amount separately agreed to between the
                           Company and the Issuing Lender and (b) such other
                           standard issuance, negotiation, processing and/or
                           administration fees as may be charged by the Issuing

Default Rate:              Upon the occurrence and during the continuance of a
                           default, unless the Required Lenders otherwise
                           consent, the obligations under the Facilities will
                           bear interest at a rate equal to an additional two
                           percent (2%) per annum over the rate otherwise
                           applicable, with such interest payable on demand.
                           Imposition of the default rate will be automatic for
                           payment and insolvency defaults.

Upfront Fees:              2.00% on the Facilities payable at close. It is
                           understood and agreed that no other Lender shall
                           receive compensation from the Company in order to
                           obtain its commitment therein.

Agency Fee:                $50,000 payable to the Administrative Agent at
                           closing and on each anniversary of the closing date.

Prepayment Fee:            1.00% in the first year after the closing date and
                           0.50% in second year.




         KANSAS CITY, MO, April 19, 2004 -- After review and consultation with
its financial advisors and outside legal counsel, the Board of Directors of
Butler Manufacturing Company (BBR:NYSE) has determined that the additional
information provided by Robertson-Ceco Corporation ("RCC") on April 16, 2004
only served to highlight the vagueness and uncertainty of RCC's proposal to
acquire Butler.

         "The Board believes the RCC proposal is riddled with contingencies,"
said John Holland, Chairman and Chief Executive Officer of Butler. "Because the
RCC proposal is too vague and uncertain for the Board to conclude that it
represents a Superior Proposal, Butler is precluded under the merger agreement
with BlueScope Steel Limited ("BlueScope") from entering into or participating
in discussions with RCC at this time. The Board continues to recommend that
Butler stockholders vote for approval and adoption of the BlueScope merger

         On April 16, Butler received additional information from RCC regarding
its unsolicited proposal to acquire Butler. RCC also issued a related press
release on April 16 purporting to describe this additional information. While
RCC chose to publish and file with the SEC its original April 13, 2004 letter to
Butler's Board of Directors, RCC chose not to publish in full the April 16
information. In the interest of full disclosure, Butler is today filing with the
SEC a complete copy of the April 16 information delivered by RCC to Butler.

         As previously announced and described in the proxy statement mailed to
Butler stockholders on March 26, 2004, Butler has entered into an Agreement and
Plan of Merger with BlueScope whereby Butler stockholders would be entitled to
receive $22.50 per share in cash. A special meeting of Butler stockholders is
scheduled on April 27, 2004 to vote on the proposed merger with BlueScope. As
previously announced on April 16, Butler expects to meet the financial
milestones established in the BlueScope merger agreement for the quarter ended
March 31, 2004 that are a condition to BlueScope's obligation to consummate the

         Under the terms of the merger agreement with BlueScope, a Superior
Proposal is defined as an acquisition transaction that is reasonably likely to
be consummated on the terms proposed, taking into account all legal, financial,
regulatory and other aspects, and would result in a more favorable outcome than
the BlueScope merger from a financial point of view to Butler stockholders if
consummated, taking into account the proposed timing.

         The April 16 information purported to provide evidence of equity
financing that was available to RCC from Longleaf Partners Small-Cap Fund
("Longleaf") and debt financing from LaSalle Bank N.A. ("LaSalle"). In reviewing
these materials, the Board had the following observations and concerns:

         o  The Longleaf and LaSalle proposals are non-binding term sheets--in
            the case of Longleaf "for discussion purposes only", and in the case
            of LaSalle "does not constitute a commitment"--and do not represent
            any promise to provide funding;

         o  The Longleaf and LaSalle proposals clearly indicate any funding
            would be subject to detailed documentation and legal, financial and
            business due diligence on both Butler and the RCC companies,
            including environmental and other field audits and the like, as well
            as special comfort on other matters such as available insurance
            coverage and trends regarding RCC's asbestos claims and the solvency
            of RCC before and after the transaction, all of which would
            reasonably be expected to be a lengthy process, even if successfully

         o  Nothing in the Longleaf and LaSalle proposals alters the fact that
            the RCC proposal is complex, multi-party, highly contingent and
            conditional, and lacks any formal agreements, timetable or
            assurances that it would ever be consummated;

         o  The $26.00 per share value referenced by RCC is not a cash payment
            to Butler stockholders but merely a hypothetical value used as a
            means for establishing an exchange ratio for Butler's stock relative
            to RCC's stock in a merger transaction. Despite RCC's implications
            to the contrary in the April 16 press release, RCC has given no
            assurance that the actual trading value for Butler's stock in the
            market would be $26.00 per share following the completion of a

         o  The proposed combined balance sheet provided for the three RCC
            operating entities reflects $42 million of cumulative losses;

         o  The Board continues to be mindful of the existing Noteholder
            Amendment Agreement, dated December 30, 2003, that requires Butler
            to conclude a transaction that provides for payment in full of all
            Butler's obligations to its senior noteholders by April 30, 2004,
            and believes that the merger with BlueScope will be closed, subject
            to stockholder approval, immediately following the special meeting
            of Butler stockholders on April 27.

         The Board weighed the relative certainty of the BlueScope merger
against the apparent risk and uncertainty associated with consummating the
transactions outlined in the RCC proposal. In light of Butler's current
financial condition, the Board also considered the risks of continuing to
operate Butler's business for the extended period of time necessary to seek to
conclude the transactions proposed by RCC. These factors also contributed to the
Board's evaluation of the RCC proposal.

         "We are convinced that the merger with BlueScope represents the best
available transaction for Butler shareholders," said Holland.

         Butler Manufacturing Company is the world's leading producer of
pre-engineered building systems, a leading supplier of architectural aluminum
systems and components, and provides construction and real estate services for
the nonresidential construction market.


Statements in this press release concerning the company's business outlook or
future economic performance; anticipated profitability, revenues, expenses or
other financial items, together with other statements that are not historical
facts, are "forward-looking statements" as that term is defined under the
Federal Securities Laws. Forward-looking statements are subject to risks and
uncertainties that could cause actual results to differ materially from those
stated in such statements. Such risks and uncertainties include, but are not
limited to, industry cyclicality, fluctuations in customer demand and order
pattern, the seasonal nature of the business, changes in pricing or other
actions by competitors, and general economic conditions, as well as other risks
detailed in the company's 2003 Annual Report to the Securities and Exchange
Commission on page 4.