PURSUANT TO RULE 13a-16 OR 15d-16 OF


For the month of March 2008


Commission File Number 1-15224


Energy Company of Minas Gerais

(Translation of Registrant’s Name Into English)


Avenida Barbacena, 1200

30190-131 Belo Horizonte, Minas Gerais, Brazil

(Address of Principal Executive Offices)


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Description of Item






Summary of Decisions of the 428th Meeting of the Board of Directors, March 6, 2008






CEMIG Distribuição S.A., Summary of Principal Decisions, March 6, 2008






CEMIG Gereção e Transmissão S.A., Summary of Principal Decisions, March 6, 2008






Notice to Stockholders, March 6, 2008






Ordinary and Extraordinary General Meetings of Stockholders Convocation, March 6, 2008






CEMIG Distribuição S.A., Ordinary and Extraordinary General Meetings of Stockholders Convocation, March 6, 2008






CEMIG Gereção e Transmissão S.A., Ordinary and Extraordinary General Meetings of Stockholders Convocation, March 6, 2008






2007 Management Report






2007 Earnings Release






Notice to Shareholders, March 7, 2008







Summary of Decisions of the 428th Meeting

of the Board of Directors, March 6, 2008







Listed company
CNPJ 17.155.730/0001-64
NIRE 31300040127




At its meeting held on March 6, 2008 the Board of Directors of Companhia Energética de Minas Gerais decided on the following matters:


1.               Technical feasibility study for the purpose of accounting recording of tax credits.


2.               Report of Management and Financial Statements for the year ended December 31, 2007.


3.               Proposal for allocation of the net profit for 2007.


4.               Proposal for increase in the registered capital.


5.               Proposal by a board member for the members of the Board of Directors to authorize their Chairman to call the Ordinary and Extraordinary General Meetings of Stockholders for 2008, and if necessary make second convocations.


6.               Orientation for vote by representative of Cemig in the Ordinary and Extraordinary General Meetings of Stockholders of Cemig D and Cemig GT for 2008.


7.               Declaration of vote in the Extraordinary General Meeting of Stockholders of Gasmig.


8.               Technical cooperation agreement between Cemig, Minas Gerais State, the Minas Gerais Development Bank (BDMG), Codemig, Indi and Jucemg.


9.               Voluntary Retirement Program (PPD).


1.               Election of Mr. Djalma Bastos de Morais to be Vice-Chairman as well as CEO, to serve the period of office that remains for the other current Board Members.


2.               Submission to the General Meeting of Stockholders of an alteration to the bylaws.


3.               Proposal by a board member that the members of the Board of Directors should authorize their Chairman to call an Extraordinary General Meeting of Stockholders in first and, if necessary, second convocation, to deal with alterations to the Bylaws.







CEMIG Distribuição S.A., Summary of
Principal Decisions, March 6, 2008









Listed company


CNPJ 06.981.180/0001-16


Summary of principal decisions


At its 66th meeting, held on March 6, 2008, the Board of Directors of Cemig Distribuição S.A. approved the following matters:


1.               Technical feasibility study for the purpose of accounting recording of tax credits.


2.               Report of Management and Financial Statements for the year ended December 31, 2007.


3.               Proposal for allocation of the net profit for 2007.


4.               Proposal by a board member for the members of the Board of Directors to authorize their Chairman to call the Ordinary and Extraordinary General Meetings of Stockholders for 2008, and if necessary make second convocations.


5.               For 30 days, delegation of powers to enter into contracts for sale of electricity, retail supply of electricity and reserve of demand, use of the distribution system, use of the transmission system with the National System Operator (ONS), connection to the distribution system, sharing of distribution infrastructure, and other agreements.


6.               Voluntary Retirement Program (PPD).


7.               Agreement with the Municipality of Belo Horizonte.


8.               Project: Oil separation chambers in the Sub-transmission substations.


9.               Election of Mr. Djalma Bastos de Morais to be Vice-Chairman as well as CEO, to serve the period of office that remains for the other current Board Members.







CEMIG Geração e Transmissão S.A., Summary of
Principal Decisions, March 6, 2008









Listed company – CNPJ 06.981.176/0001-58.


Summary of principal decisions


At its 64th meeting, held on March 6, 2008, the Board of Directors of Geração e Transmissão S.A. approved the following matters:


1.               Technical feasibility study for the purpose of accounting recording of tax credits.


2.               Report of Management and financial statements for the year ended December 31, 2007.


3.               Proposal for allocation of the net profit for 2007.


4.               Proposal by a board member for the members of the Board of Directors to authorize their Chairman to call the Ordinary and Extraordinary General Meetings of Stockholders for 2008, and if necessary make second convocations.


5.               Contracting of insurance for equipment of the Pai Joaquim Hydroelectric Plant.


6.               Cemig GT-Aneel Research and Development Program – 2005-6 cycle: signing of working agreement.


7.               Cemig GT-Aneel Technological Research and Development Program – 2005-6 cycle: Approval of project.


8.               Working Agreement with the Minas Gerais State Environmental Military Police: Igarapé thermal generation plant.


9.               Working Agreements with the Minas Gerais State Environmental Military Police: Nova Ponte, Jaguara, Volta Grande, Igarapava and Pai Joaquim hydroelectric generation plants.


10.         Agreement with the Minas Gerais State Education Department granting use of sites and buildings.


11.         Budget supplementation for acquisition of fuel oil for the Igarapé Plant.


12.         Indicative non-binding proposal for acquisition of a company holding generation assets.


13.         Voluntary Retirement Program (PPD).




14.         Delegation of powers, for 30 days, to sign electricity sale contracts.


15.         The Santo Antônio Hydroelectric Complex.


16.         Filing of legal action against Ecom Energia Ltda.


17.         Agreement for cancellation of contract with Ecom Energia Ltda.


18.       Election of Mr. Djalma Bastos de Morais to be Vice-Chairman as well as CEO, to serve the period of office that remains for the other current Board Members.






Notice to Stockholders, March 6, 2008











CNPJ 17.155.730/0001-64




We advise our stockholders that the Board of Directors, at a meeting held on March 6, 2008, decided to propose the following to the General Meeting of Stockholders to be held on April 25, 2008:




1.1. Increase of the registered capital by R$ 2,432,307,280.00, to R$ 2,481,507,565.00, through the issue of 9,840,057 new shares, of which 4,300,891 would be nominal common shares and 5,539,166 would be nominal preferred shares, each with nominal unit value of R$ 5.00 (five Reais), through capitalization of R$ 49,200,285.00 upon the incorporation of the amounts paid as principal under Clause 5 of the Contract for Assignment of Credit of the Outstanding Balance on the CRC (Results Compensation) account. As a consequence, a stock bonus in the proportion of 2.022782458% will be distributed to stockholders in new shares, of the same type as those held, also with nominal unit value of R$ 5.00 (five Reais).


1.2. All stockholders whose names are on the company’s Nominal Share Register on the date of the General Meeting of Stockholders will be entitled to this benefit. These shares will trade “ex-” the right to this bonus on the day immediately subsequent to the holding of that meeting.


1.3. Under §1 of Article 25 of Federal Revenue Service Normative Instruction 25/2001, the unit cost of acquisition attributed to shares in the bonus is R$ 5.00.


1.4. According to CVM (Securities Commission) Normative Instruction 168/91, the amount obtained in Reais on sale of any fractions resulting from the calculation of the bonus will be paid to the holders of those fractions jointly with the payment of the first installment of the dividend for the 2007 business year.




We reiterate that this bonus is conditional upon homologation by the General Meeting of Stockholders to be held on April 25, 2008.


2.              DIVIDENDS


In accordance with sub-clause “b” of the sole sub-paragraph of Article 28 of our bylaws, the amount of R$ 867,725,000, corresponding to R$ 1.749127683 per share after stock bonus, will be distributed in the form of dividend, in view of the net profit of R$ 1,735,449,000 for 2007, as follows:


a.               Stockholders whose names are on the company’s Nominal Share Register on the date on which the General Meeting of Stockholders is held will be entitled to this benefit.


The shares will be traded “ex-dividend” on the day immediately following that meeting.


b.              We emphasize that this payment is conditional upon homologation by the General Meeting of Stockholders to be held on April 25, 2008.


We remind stockholders of the importance of updating their details with us, since payment of proceeds of corporate action can be made only to stockholders whose information is up to date or who have a current account, with any bank, registered with Bradesco S.A. (the institution that manages Cemig’s Nominal Share Registry. For this purpose they should visit any branch of Bradesco, with their personal documents.


Belo Horizonte, March 6, 2008


Luiz Fernando Rolla
Chief Officer for Finance, Investor Relations and Control of Holdings







Ordinary and Extraordinary General Meetings of

Stockholders Convocation, March 6, 2008







CNPJ 17.155.730/0001-64 - NIRE 31300040127


Stockholders are hereby called to the Ordinary and Extraordinary General Meetings of Stockholders to be held on April 25, 2008 at 10.30 a.m. at the company’s head office, Av. Barbacena 1200, 18th floor, B1 wing, in the city of Belo Horizonte, de Minas Gerais, to decide on the following matters:


1                                          Examination, discussion and voting on the report of management and the financial statements for the year ended December 31, 2007, and the respective complementary documents.


2                                          Allocation of the net profit for 2007, in the amount of R$ 1,735,449,000, in accordance with Article 192 of Law 6404 of December 15, 1976 as amended.


3                                          Decision on the form and date of payment of the obligatory dividend, in the amount of R$ 867,725,000.


4                                          Decision on the allocation to be adopted between the amount capitalized and the amount corresponding to the payments relating to the first to eighth installments of the amortization of the principle of the said Agreement for assignment of credit.


5-                                    Approval of the increase of the registered capital from R$ 2,432,307,280.00 to R$ 2,481,507,565.00 through the issue of 9,840,057 new shares, upon capitalization of the amount of R$ 49,200,285.00 referring to the incorporation of the installments paid as updated principal until December 1995 under Clause 5 of the Contract for Assignment of Credit of the Outstanding Balance on the CRC (Results Compensation) Account, signed between the State of Minas Gerais and the Company, distributing, as a consequence, to the stockholders a stock bonus of 2.022782458% in new shares, of the same type as those held, with nominal unit value of R$ 5.00.


6                                          Authorization to the Executive Board to take measures relating to the stock bonus of 2.022782458%, in new shares, of the same type as those held, with nominal unit value of R$ 5.00, to stockholders of the shares making up the capital of R$ 2,432,307,280, whose names are in the Nominal Share Registry on the date that these General Meetings of Stockholders are held, including: attribution of this bonus; sale on a securities exchange of amounts of whole numbers of nominal shares resulting from the sum of the remaining fractions, arising from the said bonus and division of the net proceeds of the sale, proportionately, to the holders of the fractions traded; decision on the date and form of payment of this sale; all the shares resulting from this bonus having the same rights as those shares from which they originate.


7                                          Subsequent redrafting of the head paragraph of Clause 4 of the bylaws, as a result of the increase of the registered capital mentioned above.


8                                          Election of sitting members and substitute members of the Audit Board and setting of their remuneration.


9                                          Alteration in the composition of the board of Directors, as a result of resignation or dismissal of members, as requested by the stockholder Southern Electric Brasil Participações Ltda., in correspondence filed at the company.




10                                    Setting of the remuneration of the managers of the company.


11                                    Authorization for the representative of Companhia Energética de Minas Gerais to vote in favor of the following matters at the Ordinary and Extraordinary General Meetings of Cemig Distribuição S.A. to be held, jointly, on April 5, 2008:


a.                                       Examination, discussion and voting of the report of management and financial statements, for the business year ended December 31, 2007, and the respective complementary documents.


b.                                      Allocation of the net profit for 2007, in the amount of R$ 771,208,000, in accordance with Article 192 of Law 6404 of December 15, 1976, as amended.


c.                                       Decision on the form and date of payment of the Interest on Equity, and complementary dividends, in the amount of R$ 680,648,000.


d.                                      Change in the composition of the Board of Directors as a result of resignation, if there is an alteration in the composition of the Board of Directors of Cemig.


e.                                       Election of sitting members and substitute members of the Audit Board.


12                                    Authorization for the representative of Companhia Energética de Minas Gerais to vote in favor of the following matters at the Ordinary and Extraordinary General Meetings of Cemig Geração e Transmissão S.A. to be held, jointly, on April 25, 2008:


a.                                       Examination, discussion and voting of the report of management and financial statements, for the business year ended December 31, 2007, and the respective complementary documents.


b.                                      Allocation of the net profit for 2007, in the amount of R$ 747,024,000, in accordance with Article 192 of Law 6404 of December 15, 1976, as amended.


c.                                       Decision on the form and date of payment of the Interest on Equity, and complementary dividends, in the amount of R$ 709,673,000.


d.                                      Change in the composition of the Board of Directors as a result of resignation, if there is an alteration in the composition of the Board of Directors of Cemig.


e.                                       Election of sitting members and substitute members of the Audit Board.


Under Article 3 of CVM Instruction 165 of December 11, 1991, adoption of the multiple voting system for election of members of the company’s Board requires the vote of stockholders representing a minimum percentage of 5% (five per cent) of the voting stock.


Any stockholder who wishes to be represented by proxy in General Meetings of Stockholders should obey the terms of Article 126 of Law 6406/76, as amended, and the sole paragraph of Clause 9 of the Company’s Bylaws, depositing, preferably by April 22, 2008, proofs of ownerships of the shares issued by a depositary financial institution, and a power of attorney with special powers, at the General Secretariat of the Company at Av. Barbacena 1200, 19th floor, B1 wing, Belo Horizonte, Minas Gerais, or showing them at the time of the meeting.


Belo Horizonte, Brazil, March 6, 2008.


Marcio Araujo de Lacerda
Chairman of the Board of Directors






To the Stockholders:


The Board of Directors of Companhia Energética de Minas Gerais (Cemig) –


— in view of:


·                  Article 192 of Law 6404, of December 15, 1976, as amended, and Clauses 20, 21 and 22 of the Bylaws, and the Financial Statements for 2007, presenting net profit of R$ 1,735,449,000;


·                  Clause Five – Incorporation of capital – of the Agreement for Assignment of the Outstanding Balance on the CRC (Results Compensation) Account, signed on May 31, 1995, between the State of Minas Gerais and Companhia Energética de Minas Gerais – Cemig, stating that the amounts effectively paid by the State of Minas Gerais as principal shall be incorporated into the Company’s registered capital;


·                  the payments made by the State of Minas Gerais in relation to installments number 1 to 8 of amortization of the principal, adjusted in accordance with the Fifth Amendment to the Agreement for Assignment of the Outstanding Balance of the CRC (Results Compensation) Account, total R$ 49,200,286.26 (forty nine million, two hundred thousand, two hundred and eighty six Reais and twenty-six centavos), after discounting of the amounts incorporated into the capital in 2002, in the form of a bonus, in new shares, in the amount of R$ 31,543,205.93 (thirty one million, five hundred and forty three thousand, two hundred and five Reais and ninety-three centavos), according to the said Clause Five;


·                  Sub-clause “g” of paragraph 4 of Clause 21 of the Company’s Bylaws;


— now proposes to you the following:


I)              That the net profit for 2007, in the amount indicated, should be allocated as follows:


1)              R$ 86,772,000, or 5% of the net profit, should be allocated to the Legal Reserve, in accordance to sub-clause “a” of the sole sub-paragraph of Clause 28 of the Bylaws.


2)              R$ 305,573,00 should be allocated to the Retained Earnings account, for use in investments and payment of expenses, taxes and service of debt, as per the Cash Budget approved CRCA-081/2007, of December 29, 2007.


3)              R$ 867,725,000 should be allocated as an obligatory dividend to the stockholders of the company, in accordance with sub-clause “b” of the sole sub-paragraph of Article 28 of the Bylaws and the applicable legislation.


4)              R$ 475,379,000 should be kept in Stockholder’s Equity in the account reserved under the Bylaws specified in sub-clause “c”, sole sub-paragraph of Article 28 and Article 30 of the Bylaws.






— the payments of dividends to be made in two installments, by June 30 and December 30, 2008, and may be brought forward, depending on the availability of cash and decision by the Executive Board;


and the decision on extraordinary dividends may take place over the business year of 2008, after decision on the plan for acquisition of assets specified in the Strategic Plan.


Appendix 1 summarizes the cash budget of Cemig for 2008, approved by the Board of Directors, characterizing the inflows of funds and disbursements for compliance with the allocations of the profit for the year.


Appendix 2 summarizes the calculation of the dividends proposed by the Management, in accordance with the Bylaws.


II)            Approval of the increase of the registered capital from R$ 2,432,307,280.00 (two billion, four hundred and thirty two million, three hundred and seven thousand, two hundred and eighty Reais) to R$ 2,481,507,565.00 (two billion, four hundred and eighty one million, five hundred and seven thousand, five hundred and sixty-five Reais) through the issue of 9,840,057 (nine million, eight hundred and forty thousand and fifty seven) new shares, of which 4,300,891 (four million, three hundred thousand, eight hundred and ninety-one) are common, nominal shares of nominal unit value R$ 5.00 (five Reais) each, and 5,539,166 (five million, five hundred and thirty nine thousand, one hundred and sixty-six) are preferred shares, with nominal value of R$ 5.00 (five Reais) each, upon capitalization of the amount of R$ 49,200,285.00 (forty nine million, two hundred thousand, two hundred and eighty five Reais), referring to the incorporation of the installments paid as updated principal until December 1995 under Clause 5 of the Contract for Assignment of Credit of the Outstanding Balance on the CRC (Results Compensation) Account, signed on May 31, 1995 between the State of Minas Gerais and Companhia Energética de Minas Gerais – Cemig, distributing, as a consequence, to the stockholders a stock bonus in the proportion of 2.022782458% in new shares, of the same type as those held, with nominal unit value of R$ 5.00 (five Reais).


·                  The difference between the amount capitalized and the amount corresponding to the payments made by the State of Minas Gerais in relation to the installments numbers 1 to 8 of amortization of the principal of the said Contract for Assignment of Credit, adjusted in accordance with the Fifth Amendment to that Contract for Assignment of Credit, that is to say R$ 1.26 (one Real and twenty-six centavos) shall be maintained in the balance for future incorporations in view of the minimum value for incorporation being the nominal value of one share.


III)        Consequent redrafting of the head paragraph of Article 4 of the Bylaws, which shall now read as follows:


“Clause 4: The company’s registered capital is R$ 2,481,507,565.00 (two billion, four hundred and eighty one million, five hundred and seven thousand, five hundred and sixty-five Reais) represented by:

a)                        216,923,394 (two hundred and sixteen million, nine hundred and twenty three thousand, three hundred and ninety-four) nominal common shares each with nominal value of R$ 5.00 (five Reais);

b)                       279,378,119 (two hundred and seventy nine million, three hundred and seventy-eight thousand, one hundred and nineteen) nominal preferred shares each with nominal value of R$ 5.00 (five Reais).”


IV)       That the Executive Board be authorized to take the following measures in relation to the bonus:




1)              To attribute a bonus of 2.022782458%, in new shares, of the same type as those held, and of nominal value R$ 5.00 (five Reais), to the holders of the shares making up the capital of R$ 2,432,307,280.00 (two billion, four hundred and thirty two million, three hundred and seven thousand, two hundred and eighty Reais), whose names are in the Nominal Share Register on the date that the General Meeting that decides on this proposal is held.


2)              To sell on a securities exchange the whole numbers of nominal shares resulting from the sum of the fractions remaining arising from the said bonus, and to divide the net proceeds of the sale proportionately between the stockholders holding the respective fractions traded.


3)              To pay to the stockholders, proportionately, the product of the sum of the remaining fractions together with the first installment of the dividends for the business year 2007.


4)              To establish that all the shares resulting from the said bonus shall have the same rights as the shares from which they arose.


V)           That the representatives of Cemig in the Ordinary and Extraordinary General Meetings of Stockholders of Cemig Distribuição S.A. and of Cemig Geração e Transmissão S.A., to be held jointly, on April 25, 2008, vote in favor of the agenda, that is to say:


Cemig D:

·                  Examination, discussion and voting on the report of management and the financial statements for the year ended December 31, 2007, and the respective complementary documents.

·                  Allocation of the net profit for 2007, in the amount of R$ 771,208,000, in accordance with Article 192 of Law 6404 of December 15, 1976 as amended.

·                  Decision on the form and date of payment of the obligatory dividend, in the amount of R$ 680,648,000.

·                  Alteration in the composition of the board of Directors, if there is a change in the composition of the Board of Directors of Cemig.

·                  Election of sitting members and substitute members of the Audit Board.


Cemig GT:

·                  Examination, discussion and voting on the report of management and the financial statements for the year ended December 31, 2007, and the respective complementary documents.

·                  Allocation of the net profit for 2007, in the amount of R$ 747,024,000, in accordance with Article 192 of Law 6404 of December 15, 1976 as amended.

·                  Decision on the form and date of payment of the obligatory dividend, in the amount of R$ 709,673,000.

·                  Alteration in the composition of the board of Directors, if there is a change in the composition of the Board of Directors of Cemig.

·                  Election of sitting members and substitute members of the Audit Board.


Belo Horizonte, Brazil, March 6, 2008.


Marcio Araujo de Lacerda – Chairman

Djalma Bastos de Morais – Vice-Chairman

Aécio Ferreira da Cunha – Member

Alexandre Heringer Lisboa – Member

Andréa Paula Fernandes Pansa – Member

Antônio Adriano Silva – Member




Carlos Augusto Leite Brandão – Member

Evandro Veiga Negrão de Lima – Member

Francelino Pereira dos Santos – Member

Haroldo Guimarães Brasil – Member

José Augusto Pimentel Pessôa – Member

Maria Estela Kubitschek Lopes – Member

Wilson Nélio Brumer – Member

Wilton de Medeiros Daher – Member








In current R$ ’000




Total 2008 (*)


AV %





























Capital resources






Other (Infovias)


















Capital expenditure program






Expenses budget










Debt Servicing












Extraordinary dividends
















(*) Approved by CRCA-081/2007, of 29-12-20/07, with the following adjustments:

Adjustment to the item Capital resources: Dividends arising from allocation of profit of CEMIG GT - R$ 541,718,000, CEMIG D - R$ 675,008,000 and Subsidiaries - R$ 182,544,000.

Capital  Expenditure Program: 1st Portion of injection of capital into GASMIG of R$ 93,737,000, decided by the Board of Directors on March 6, 2008.















R$ ’000


Calculation of the minimum dividends for the preferred shares under the bylaws




Nominal value of preferred shares




Percentage on nominal value of preferred shares




Dividends in accordance with the 1st payment criterion








Stockholders’ equity




Proportion of stockholders’ equity represented by the preferred shares (net of shares in Treasury)




Value of preferred shares in terms of stockholders’ equity




Percentage applied to stockholders’ equity value of preferred shares




Dividends by the 2nd criterion








Minimum Obligatory Dividend for the Preferred Shares under the Bylaws








Obligatory dividend




Net profit for the year




Obligatory dividend – 50.00% of net profit








Net dividend proposed –








Total of the dividend for the preferred shares




Total of the dividend for the common shares








Dividend per share – R$




Minimum Obligatory Dividend for the Preferred Shares under the Bylaws




Obligatory dividend




Dividends proposed










CEMIG Distribuição S.A., Ordinary and Extraordinary General

Meetings of Stockholders Convocation, March 6, 2008







CNPJ 06.981.180/0001-16 – NIRE 31300020568


The stockholder Companhia Energética de Minas Gerais is hereby called to the Ordinary and Extraordinary General Meetings of Stockholders to be held jointly on April 25, 2008 at 4 p.m. at Av. Barbacena 1200, 17th floor, A1 wing, in the city of Belo Horizonte, Minas Gerais, to decide on the following matters:


1                                          Examination, discussion and voting on the report of management and the financial statements for the year ended December 31, 2007, and the respective complementary documents.


2                                          Allocation of the net profit for 2007, in the amount of R$ 771,208,000, in accordance with Article 192 of Law 6404 of December 15, 1976 as amended.


3                                          Decision on the form and date of payment of the obligatory dividend, in the amount of R$ 680,648,000.


4                                          Election of sitting members and substitute members of the Audit Board.


5                                          Alteration in the composition of the board of Directors, if there is a change in the composition of the Board of Directors of Cemig.


Belo Horizonte, Brazil, March 6, 2008.


Marcio Araujo de Lacerda
Chairman of the Board of Directors






To the Stockholder Companhia Energética de Minas Gerais:


The Board of Directors of Cemig Distribuição S.A. –


in accordance with Article 192 of Law 6404, of December 15, 1976 as amended, and Clauses 20, 21 and 22 of the Bylaws, and considering the financial statements for 2007, presenting profit of R$ 771,208,000,


— proposes to you that the net profit for 2007, in the amount indicated, should be allocated as follows:


1)              R$ 38,560,000, or 5% of the net profit, to the Legal Reserve, in accordance with sub-clause “a” of the sole sub-paragraph of Clause 21 of the Bylaws.


2)              R$ 680,648,000 to payment of dividends, as follows:


2.1)     R$ 149,809,000 in Interest on Equity:

 R$ 75,172,000, under Board Payment Decision (CRCA) 041/2007, of June 29, 2007;

 R$ 37,035,000, under CRD 535/2007, of September 25, 2007; and

 R$ 37,602,000, under CRD 846/2007, of December 18, 2007;


2.2)     R$ 530,839,000 in complementary dividends.


3)              R$ 52,000,000 to Retained Earnings, for use in investments, according to the Cash Budget approved by CRCA 098/2007, of December 29, 2007.


        the payments of dividends and Interest on Equity to be paid in two installments, 50% by June 30 and 50% by December 30, 2008, and may be brought forward depending on availability of cash as decided by the Executive Board.


Appendix 1 summarizes the Cash Budget of Cemig Distribuição S.A. for 2008, approved by the Board of Directors, characterizing inflow of funds and disbursements for compliance with the allocations of the profit for the year.


Appendix 2 summarizes the calculation of the dividends proposed by Management, according to the Bylaws.


Belo Horizonte, March 6, 2008.


Marcio Araujo de Lacerda – Chairman


Djalma Bastos de Morais – Vice-chairman


Aécio Ferreira da Cunha – Member


Alexandre Heringer Lisboa- – Member


Andréa Paula Fernandes Pansa – Member


Antônio Adriano Silva – Member


Carlos Augusto Leite Brandão – Member


Evandro Veiga Negrão de Lima – Member


Francelino Pereira dos Santos – Member


Haroldo Guimarães Brasil – Member


José Augusto Pimentel Pessôa – Member


Maria Estela Kubitschek Lopes – Member


Wilson Nélio Brumer – Member


Wilton de Medeiros Daher – Member








In current R$ ’000




Total 2008 (*)


AV %































Capital resources / assistance


















Capital expenditure program






Expenses budget












Bought energy






Transport of power












Debt servicing






Dividends / Interest on Equity


















(*) Approved by CRCA-098/2007, of 29-12-20/07, with the following adjustments:

· Substitution of the initial cash balance by the actual amount on 31-12-2007;

· Substitution of Dividends and Interest on Equity by the amount proposed for payment of dividends to stockholders.














R$ mil


Obligatory dividend




Net profit for the year




Obligatory dividend – 50.00% of net profit








Dividends Proposed –




Interest on Equity




Complementary dividends












Dividend per thousand shares - R$




Dividend under the Bylaws




Dividends proposed











CEMIG Gereção e Transmissão S.A., Ordinary and Extraordinary

General Meetings of Stockholders Convocation, March 6, 2008






CNPJ 06.981.176/0001-58 – NIRE 31300020550


The stockholder Companhia Energética de Minas Gerais is hereby called to the Ordinary and Extraordinary General Meetings of Stockholders to be held jointly on April 25, 2008 at 5 p.m. at Av. Barbacena 1200, 12th floor, B1 wing, in the city of Belo Horizonte, Minas Gerais, to decide on the following matters:


1              Examination, discussion and voting on the report of management and the financial statements for the year ended December 31, 2007, and the respective complementary documents.


2              Allocation of the net profit for 2007, in the amount of R$ 747,024,000, in accordance with Article 192 of Law 6404 of December 15, 1976 as amended.


3              Decision on the form and date of payment of the obligatory dividend, in the amount of R$ 709,673,000.


4              Alteration in the composition of the board of Directors, if there is a change in the composition of the Board of Directors of Cemig.


5              Election of sitting members and substitute members of the Audit Board.


Belo Horizonte, Brazil, March 6, 2008.


Marcio Araujo de Lacerda

Chairman of the Board of Directors







To the Stockholder Companhia Energética de Minas Gerais:


The Board of Directors of Cemig Geração e Transmissão S.A. –


in accordance with Article 192 of Law 6404, of December 15, 1976 as amended, and Clauses 20, 21 and 22 of the Bylaws, and considering the financial statements for 2007, presenting profit of R$ 747,024,000,


proposes to you that the net profit for 2007, in the amount indicated, should be allocated as follows:


1)   R$ 37,351,000, or 5% of the net profit, to the Legal Reserve, in accordance with sub-clause “a” of the sole sub-paragraph of Clause 21 of the Bylaws.


2)   R$ 709,673,000 to payment of dividends, as follows:



R$ 188,118,000 in Interest on Equity:


R$ 94,394,000, under Board Payment Decision (CRCA) 043/2007, of June 29, 2007;


R$ 46,506,000, under CRD 400/2007, of September 26, 2007; and


R$ 47,218,000, under CRD 562/2007, of December 18, 2007;




R$ 521,555,000 in complementary dividends.



the payments of dividends and Interest on Equity to be paid in two installments, 50% by June 30 and 50% by December 30, 2008, and may be brought forward depending on availability of cash as decided by the Executive Board.


Appendix 1 summarizes the Cash Budget of Cemig Distribuição S.A. for 2008, approved by the Board of Directors, characterizing inflow of funds and disbursements for compliance with the allocations of the profit for the year.


Appendix 2 summarizes the calculation of the dividends proposed by Management, according to the Bylaws.


Belo Horizonte, Brazil, March 6, 2008.


Marcio Araujo de Lacerda – Chairman


Djalma Bastos de Morais – Vice-chairman


Aécio Ferreira da Cunha – Member


Alexandre Heringer Lisboa – Member


Andréa Paula Fernandes Pansa – Member


Antônio Adriano Silva – Member


Carlos Augusto Leite Brandão – Member


Evandro Veiga Negrão de Lima – Member


Francelino Pereira dos Santos – Member


Haroldo Guimarães Brasil – Member


José Augusto Pimentel Pessôa – Member


Maria Estela Kubitschek Lopes – Member


Wilson Nélio Brumer – Member


Wilton de Medeiros Daher – Member










In current R$ ’000




Total 2008


AV %































Capital resources / assistance






















Capital expenditure program






Expenses budget












Transport of power












Debt servicing






Dividends / Interest on Equity


















(*) Approved by CRCA - 098/2007, of 29-12-20/07, with the following adjustments:

· Substitution of the initial cash balance by the actual amount on 31-12-2007;

· Substitution of Dividends and Interest on Equity by the amount proposed for payment of dividends to stockholders.














R$ ’000






Obligatory dividend




Net profit for the year




Obligatory dividend – 50.00% of net profit








Dividends proposed -




Interest on Equity




Complementary dividends












Dividend per thousand shares - R$




Dividend under the Bylaws




Dividends proposed









2007 Management Report













Message from management


The economic context


Our business


Value of the Cemig brand


Strategic planning


Capital expenditure


Electricity sales


Economic - Financial Performance


Liquidity and cash flow


Funding and debt management


Corporate governance


Capital markets


Dividend policy


Profit allocation proposal


Relationship with external auditors


Risk management




Social responsibility


Final remarks


Consolidated Social statement


Cemig in numbers


Members of Cemig’s boards






Balance sheets


Income statements


Statements of changes in stockholder´s equity


Statements of sources and uses of funds




Explanatory Notes to the financial statements


1) Operational context


2) Presentation of the financial statements and principal accounting practices


3) Principles of consolidation


4) Concessions


5) Cash and cash equivalents


6) Consumers and traders


7) Regulatory assets and liabilities


8) The extraordinary tariff recomposition, and portion “a”


9) Traders – transactions in free energy


10) Anticipated expenses and regulatory liabilities – cva


11) Taxes subject to offsetting


12) Tax credits


13) Deferred Tariff Adjustment


14) Accounts receivable from the state of Minas Gerais









15) Regulatory asset – PIS, Pasep and Cofins


16) Investments


17) Assets and intangible assets


18) Suppliers


19) Taxes, charges and contributions


20) Loans, financings and debentures


21) Regulatory charges


22) Post-employment obligations


23) Regulatory liabilities - review of transmission revenue


24) Contingencies for legal proceedings


25) Stockholder’s equity and remuneration to stockholders


26) Gross retail supply of electricity


27) Revenue for use of the network – free consumers


28) Other operational revenues


29) Deductions from operational revenue


30) Operational costs and expenses


31) Net financial revenue (expenses)


32) Non-operational revennue (expenses)


33) Employees’ profit shares


34) Related party transactions


35) Exposure and management of risks


36) Financial instruments


37) Insurance


38) Contractual obligations


39) Periodic tariff review of cemig distribuição – material event


40) Financial statements separated by company






I - Statements of cash flows


II - Statements of added value


III - Income statements separated by activity




Independent auditors’ report







Dear Stockholders,


Cemig submits for your consideration the report of management and the financial statements and opinions of the audit board and the external auditors on the business year ended December 31, 2007. The principal information in this report refers to the activities of the holding company and the companies in which the company has 100% control, principally Cemig Distribuição S.A. (Cemig Distribution) and Cemig Geração e Transmissão S.A. (Cemig Generation and Transmission).




After the first wave of consolidation in Brazil’s electricity sector, which we led with the acquisition of the distributor Light S.A. and of TBE, a group of companies operating five transmission lines, we began 2007 preparing to face greater competition due to the success achieved in 2006.


With the positive perception of the investments that we made, the investor market to some extent woke up to the opportunities for growth through acquisitions. As a result, the difficulty of acquiring good assets increased significantly, principally for us, who have specifically-established targets for returns to our stockholders, based on our Long-term Strategic Plan, which are part of our strategy for ensuring sustainability in the growth of our business.


For us, the great challenge for 2008 is to re-establish our position of leadership in the process of consolidation of the Brazilian sector – and to achieve this it has been necessary to make some changes in the way we manage our Strategic Plan.


Firstly, we made some changes in our Bylaws, aiming to make the decision process faster, and to adapt the organizational structure better to the new competitive context.


We restructured the process of strategic planning to enable the structural changes to be incorporated as soon as they are identified. This aspect will add a new dynamic in evaluation of the impacts caused by changes, and commit a larger number of executives to re-directing strategic initiatives to achieve the targets established in our Strategic Plan.


We have created the Chief New Business Officer’s Department, and the Chief Trading Officer’s Department, aiming to give more flexibility and competitiveness to the two segments that are most exposed to the investor market and electricity trading. We believe that this new structure will enable us to identify opportunities in both markets faster, principally those related to acquisition of new assets, and capturing of the benefits arising from these acquisitions.


At the same time, we continue to seek operational excellence in our assets – which will also be submitted to a process of review to make them more efficient and economic. For this process we will contract a consultancy company with international reputation, able to bring us new practices which, jointly with our present practices, will provide a reduction of costs that will add not only great value for our stockholders, but also benefits to the consumers served by our distribution company.


We continue to implement our human capital management policy with a view to definitively achieving a better remuneration practice for our employees linked to their performance. This will materialize efficiency gains obtained by the review of plans to increase productivity and profitability.


In 2007 we achieved net profit of R$ 1.7 billion, with cash flow as measured by Ebitda totaling R$ 4.1 billion. The cash flow ensures we have the funds necessary for our expansion. In the period 2004–2007 we have exceeded the net profit target set in our Long-Term Strategic Plan by 2.9%.


These results – in line with our forecasts disclosed to the market – have placed our performance among the best in the Brazilian electricity sector. Meanwhile, as our published reports show, all our indicators are in line with the targets of our Plan, and with the limits specified in our bylaws – preserving one of the pillars of our growth strategy, which is the company’s financial health.




We highlight investments we have made that will provide additional gains when they mature. In the last five years, we have invested more than R$ 6.2 billion in our electricity generation, transmission and distribution activities. The Light for Everyone program alone – to provide universal access to public electricity service – has represented investment of R$ 1.6 billion over the last two years. The immediate material outcome of these investments has been connection of 279,000 new consumers in 2007, making an enormous reduction in the number of people who live in the rural areas of Minas Gerais State without access to electricity.


As well as the investments in distribution we have made accentuated investment in transmission and generation projects. One highlight is our participation in the winning consortium at the auction for implementation of the Santo Antônio hydroelectric plant, the first plant of the Madeira river complex. This auction took place in December 2007. The plant, with installed capacity of 3,150 MW, in scheduled to start operating in 2012, and is thus expected to make a significant contribution to guaranteeing Brazil’s electricity supply in the next decade. A presence in the Amazon region is an essential element in our strategy in generation, because that region holds 60% of Brazil’s potential for new hydroelectric generation projects.


We are continuously seeking to improve our relationship with stockholders and investors, and have now further facilitated their access to our securities with the launch of ADRs for our common (ON) shares on New York stock exchange, on June 12, 2007. In 2007 we also made a reverse split, bringing the unit basis for trading on the São Paulo stock exchange exactly into line with that of the ADRs in New York and the unit trading price on Madrid’s Latibex exchange.


On average over the year, our shares had the second highest market capitalization in the Brazilian Electricity Sector in 2007. Our market cap. at year-end was R$ 16 billion, reflecting uncertainties on the credit market in the United States, the risks of the tariff review, and uncertainty on the return from the Santo Antonio project. For the latter, we reaffirm our secure confidence in the decision to invest, because we are strongly confident that we will obtain a return compatible with our investment policy. Unfortunately, due to the existence of a confidentiality agreement, it has not been possible to give the required transparency to the investor market. As soon as the confidentiality agreement permits, we will provide information complementary to that published so far, and this will enable everyone to deduce that our decision is in line with our investment policy.


We are confident that, through responsible and sustainable corporate practices, allied to our commitment to add value over the long term, our stockholders will continue to have an adequate return for their investments.


This positioning has placed us, once again, among the world leading companies according to the Dow Jones Sustainability World Index. We have also been recognized as the best company in the utility sector worldwide (the “supersector” including electricity, gas, water, and other public utility services all over the world).


As well as international recognition – which once again reaffirms our status as a world-class company – we have been recognized by our clients as “the Best Electricity Concession in the Brazilian Southeast” (in the category of companies with more than 400,000 consumers), by the IASC (Aneel Consumer Satisfaction Index) for 2006.




We are aware of the challenges of 2008, in which the economic environment will be one of considerable uncertainty and instability, led by the growing concern on Brazil’s ability to ensure that it has enough supply of electricity in the coming years. In this scenario, Cemig presents itself as a leading company, investing with rigid financial discipline, which guarantees creation of value, with solid fundamentals in its electricity generation, transport and distribution businesses, guided by permanent updating in accordance with the demands of the electricity sector, and best corporate management practices.


Finally, we thank our stockholders for their trust in our work, and especially our majority stockholder the State of Minas Gerais, represented by Governor Aécio Neves. We also thank our employees for their commitment and dedication, and our clients, suppliers, and all those who have played a role in our successful 55-year history.




2007 was a year of improvement in practically all the indicators of the Brazilian economy.


The economy grew significantly in the year, with GDP posting growth of 5%, according to financial market estimates, led by the strength of the domestic market.


The gradual and continuous reduction in interest rate contributed to the growth of the Brazilian economy in the year – the Selic rate was reduced from 13.25% p.a. at the end of 2006 to 11.25% at the end of 2007.


Continuation of the process of reduction of interest rates in 2008 will mainly depend on the behavior of inflation, which the increase has caused some concern at the end of the year. Even with this increase, the inflacion acumulated from January to December, measured by IPCA - Índice Nacional de Preços ao Consumidor Amplo was 4.46%, within the target established by the country’s monetary authorities.


Brazil continues to achieve a significant trade surplus – among the largest in the world: R$ 40 billion in 2007, although this was 14.1% less than in 2006. Exports grew 17% in the year, boosted by the increase in prices of exported basic products, while imports increased faster, by 32%, from 2006.


This reduction in the trade balance partly reflects the strengthening of the Brazilian Real against the US dollar. The dollar depreciated against the Real by more than 17% in the year – from R$ 2.1380 / US$ at the end of December 2006 to R$ 1.7713 / US$ at the end of December 2007.


Further significant growth in the Brazilian economy is expected in 2008 and, as a counterpart, greater concern on the part of the monetary authorities to maintain inflation within targets – a factor which could mean a slowing of the fall in interest rates.


The growth that is expected in the Brazilian economy in 2008 will have a direct impact on consumption of electricity, and this makes it even more necessary to increase investments in expansion of electricity supplies significantly, and also to maintain a regulatory environment that stimulates the entry of new investors into the sector.




Cemig is an operator of significant scale in the electricity sector, having set up numerous companies to manage its assets.




Geographical coverage


As shown in the map below, Cemig operates in various regions of Brazil, primarily concentrated in the Southeast, and also outside Brazil in Chile, where it is working on construction of the Charrúa–Nueva Temuco transmission line, scheduled for startup in the second half of 2008.





Stockholding structure



(1)   Has also electricity transmission activity

(2)   The RME - Rio Minas Energia has 54.20% interest of Light S.A.

(3)   Subsidiaries of Cemig Geração e Transmissão S.A. (jointly controlled) of generation and sale of electricity. They are at development phase.




At present, in the information age, products, machines and equipment can mean less for companies than image, know-how, brand, technological development capacity and even intellectual capital – intangible assets, which when measured can often have market value much greater than that of the tangible assets recorded in the accounts.


In this context Cemig, in a pioneering move in the electricity market, decided to value its brand, in relation to strategic objectives of management and mitigation of risk. A panel of Cemig brand indicators was included in the company’s Balance Scorecard, and also an internal process of brand management.


The strength of the brand can be seen in the relationship with clients, stockholders, opinion formers (such as specialized media, environmentalists, NGOs, prefectures, etc), investors and employees.


The value of the Cemig brand was calculated by the method based on Economic Use, by Brand Finance, one of the world’s leadings specialists in brand valuation. Brand Finance’s method seeks to recognize the future value of profit flows generated by the brand as a result of the “pact” made with its clients and other stakeholders. Hence it is based on discounted value of future profits generated by the brand, with the profit attributed to tangible and intangible assets being valued separately.





Based on indicators or drivers of value of the brand in the relationship with stakeholders, the brand’s contribution to the business was determined on the basis of a quantitative survey of its publics, assessing the performance of the Cemig brand in the following value drivers: credibility, the company’s trust and solidity, innovation and technology, ethics and transparency, quality, management practices, development attitudes, image, prices and contractual conditions, technical support and service, social and environmental responsibility, association with the State.


The resulting of the Cemig brand can be summarized in this diagram of two different scenarios:





Cemig’s strategy seeks to maximize value for its stockholders, in a sustainable manner, and in obedience to its long-term Strategic Plan (for 2005-2035), which establishes the financial basis for the strategic planning.


To execute the strategy focus is directed to expansion of the area of operation (electricity and gas) in the whole of the territory of Brazil, within the limits set by the regulatory environment; and initial investments in international projects. In 2007 an example of our growth strategy was our participation in the Madeira Energia consortium, which won the auction to operate the Santo Antônio hydroelectric complex on the Madeira River in the Amazon region.


The strategy also seeks constantly to add value for stockholders and the public, through a dividend policy that is recognized as attractive; through commitment to social and environmental responsibility; profitability of the businesses; integrated risk management, operational efficiency; and an agreeable environment to work in.


Another important step for Cemig was the implementation of a new management strategy model, based on a structured flow of meetings that makes greater alignment and focus possible, and makes the process of strategy planning and management a continuous one. The proposed model includes the possibility of structured strategic planning, and also immediate repositioning, when necessary, through a system of strategic alerts that can be activated for any need or opportunity. Senior management is the focus and principal user of the model, which can also activate any area of the corporation. Strategy management is the concept adopted, which incorporates traditional strategic planning into management best practices.


In 2006 the process of implementation of this tool focused strongly on translation of the corporate strategy into operational terms, with our strategic “maps” for our businesses being updated and validated and corporate maps and strategic panels of the support processes also being built, each one with their strategic objectives and performance indicators, so as to meet the principal indicator directly derived from the Long- Term Strategic Plan.




In 2007 efforts were centered on alignment between the strategy and decision on targets for all the company’s business areas for the next five years, and decisions on initiatives that will achieve the corporate strategy.


All these efforts aim to make Cemig one of the largest companies in the Brazilian electricity sector. For this, Cemig is seeking and will seek opportunities for acquisition of existing assets and increase of competitiveness in the auctions for expansion of generation and transmission in which it takes part, as well as constantly seeking operation efficiency and alignment to the overall strategy.


With the current phase of consolidation in this sector, growth becomes a challenge for Cemig – and above all a condition for successful survival.




As well as the permanent focus on generation, transmission and distribution of electricity, Cemig has been developing various synergies to its principal business, taking its brand into other sectors such as telecommunications, energy efficiency services, and others, aiming always to increase profitability and strengthen its market position.


The Works Prioritization Committee was organized in the late 1990s and analyses the expansion projects contained in the Five-year Business Plan, recommending execution to the Executive Board and ensuring that there is the minimum return demanded by the Board of Directors.


The mainly investiments of CEMIG, net of divestiture, were as follow:








Change, %


























Sale of the Way Tv

























Cemig and its subsidiaries own 62 power plants, of which 57 are hydroelectric, four are thermal and one is a wind power plant, with total installed capacity of 6,678MW.


Expansion in electricity generation


The main electricity projects under construction are:






Cemig stake


Startup expected


Baguari plant






2nd half 2009


Cachoeirão “PCH” (Small Hydro Plant)






2nd half 2008


PCHs of Guanhães, Senhora do Porto, Fortuna II and Jacaré






1st half 2009



A highlight in the year was Cemig’s participation in the auction for the Santo Antônio hydroelectric plant on the Madeira River, in the Amazon region, in December 2007, as a member of the winning consortium. This 3,150MW plant, in the basin of the Madeira River, will be built in partnership with other companies. Cemig Geração e Transmissão S.A. (Cemig Generation and Distribution) has 10.0%. Startup is scheduled for the year 2012.




Hydroelectric inventory surveys:


The following partnerships were entered into for hydroelectric inventory studies to obtain information on the energy potential of the state of Minas Gerais:








Partnership started


São Francisco






Jan 07








Jan 07


Jequitinhonha and Araçuaí


Neoenergia and Furnas




Aug 07



Feasibility studies of hydroelectric and thermal plants:


Partnerships were entered into with important agents of the Brazilian hydroelectric generation sector for joint development of technical, economic, financial and environmental feasibility studies of hydroelectric and thermal plants, respectively totaling some 1300MW and 70MW of installed capacity.


The Minas Small Hydro Plant (PCH) Program


The aim of the Minas PCH Program is to increase Cemig’s generation capacity through building of small hydro plants (“PCHs”) in Minas Gerais state, developing alternative energy sources and also generation from within the locations in the network, contributing to development of regional markets in the state.


Consumers of the energy generated by the PCHs will benefit also from tax and other benefits applicable to consumers of electricity from renewable sources. Renewable-source generation projects are eligible under the Clean Development Mechanism (CDM) concept, involving obtaining of carbon credits.


PCHs are built and operated through special-purchase companies whose stockholders are companies authorized by Aneel, investors and Cemig (with 49% stake). Sales are made through sales contracts signed between the special-purpose company and the consumer.


As well as the projects with construction currently contracted or under way, the Minas PCH program has 15 other PCHs registered – a total of 209.4MW of installed capacity, of which Memorandums of Understanding have been signed for 68.5MW, 64.9MW is the subject of confidentiality agreements, and 76.0MW has an analysis of documents completed.


Modernization and revitalization of plants:


Cemig has been carrying out a broad-based program of modernization and revitalization of some of its plants, with capital expenditure approximately R$ 250 million in the period of 2002-2009.


Three major projects on progress:


·                  Modernization of the Três Marias Plant (396MW) with investment of R$ 53 million, for completion in 2008, which includes technological updating of the various control systems and refurbishment of its generating units, making automation of the whole facility possible.

·                  Modernization of the generating units of the Jaguara plant (424MW) with investment of R$ 60 million. This plant started operating in 1971, was totally modernized between 2004 and 2007, and the current modernization project includes technological updating of the regulation, startup and protection systems, as well as partial refurbishment of the generators. Modernization of the generating units has resulted in gains in operational reliability, more efficient physical and electrical protection, and a better response to system oscillations.

·                  General refurbishment of the four generating units of the Salto Grande hydroelectric plant (102MW). Investment is estimated at R$ 17 million, for conclusion in 2009, including refurbishment of the generators and rotors, with significant gains in the plant’s efficiency and reliability.




The sugar and alcohol sector


Under the Minas Gerais Program to Stimulate Development of the Sugar and Alcohol Sector, letters of intent are being signed by Cemig and various bodies of the state government with sugar and alcohol mills planned for construction in Minas Gerais.


Cemig has been holding meetings with groups that plan to set up new sugar/alcohol mills or modernize their existing plant, so as to map the potential for co-generation and sale of new electricity, and to present a proposal for partnership by Cemig in co-generation and/or sale of electricity.


45 sugar/alcohol operations to be built in Minas Gerais have been identified, with potential co-generation capacity of the order of 2,200MW by 2015 providing excess energy for sale of 1,300MW during the harvest.




The main projects in progress are:


                The 75-km 345kV Furnas–Pimenta transmission line, to be built by Companhia de Transmissão Centroeste de Minas, in which Cemig has (51%) and Furnas (49%). The investment is R$ 47.7mn, Cemig participating with R$ 24.3mn. Startup is planned for January 2009.


                Construction of the Charrúa–Nueva Temuco transmission line in Chile: This is a double-circuit, 220kV line with total length of 205km, and two sections between the Charrúa and Nueva Temuco substations, in the Central Region of Chile. Cemig has a stake of 49%, and Alusa 51%. They have formed the company Transchile Charrúa Transmisión S.A. to implement, operate and maintain the facility, with startup date scheduled for January 2008. The investment is US$63.4mn, Cemig participating with US$31.1mn.


The main projects that started operation in 2007 were:


                The 140-km, 345kV Itutinga–Juiz de Fora transmission line, being built by Companhia Transudeste de Transmissão, in which Cemig has 24%, Alusa 41%, Furnas 25% and Orteng 10%. The total cost of works was R$ 68 million.


                The 65-km, 230kV Irapé–Araçuaí transmission line, and the Irapé and Araçuaí substations, being built by Companhia Transirapé de Transmissão, in which Cemig has 24.5%, Alusa 41%, Furnas 24.5% and Orteng 10%.<0} The total cost of works was R$ 59 million.




The Light for Everyone Program – universal access to electricity


Provision of access to electricity for all Brazilians throughout the country became an obligation under Law 10438 of April 26, 2002, amended by Law 10762 of 11 November, 2003. Aneel has the task of establishing targets for “universalization” of access to public electricity service, for consuming units with load of up to 50 KW served at secondary voltage, and without any charge whatsoever for the party applying for service.


The Light for Everyone (“Luz para Todos”) program instituted by the federal government in 2003 aims to bring forward the target for “universalization”, initially set for 2015, to the year 2008.


The total cost of the program up to December 31, 2007 was R$ 1,599 million. Funds came from the federal and state governments
(R$ 593mn and R$ 79mn respectively), and the remaining R$ 927mn was financed from the company’s own funds.


Approximately 56,000km of networks, corresponding to 22% of the entire rural network built by Cemig in the state in its 55 years of existence, was constructed between 2004 and December 2007, with installation of 106,000 transformers and 476,000 cable posts. Further, 1,700 photovoltaic panels were installed in those places where it was not possible to establish conventional networks, due to obstacles such as environmental issues, distance, and physical barriers.




The market served by the program, as well as rural producers and establishments, includes populations affected by dams, municipal and state schools, community water supply wells, rural settlements, communities remaining from “quilombos” (ancient minority settlements) and racial minorities.


Approximately 180,000 rural properties were connected to electricity by the end of 2007, benefiting a population of approximately 840,000. There is at least one beneficiary in all of the 774 municipalities of Cemig’s concession area, and in 475 of these municipalities the original potential market was even exceeded. This performance makes Cemig a “champion of new connections” in the program, among Brazilian concession holders.


With the continuous increase in the potential market arising from splitting up of properties, construction of new homes and normal vegetative growth, it is estimated that there are still 92,000 new consumers to be benefited by the program throughout the state. As a result Cemig Distribuição is dealing with the Federal Government to include new access to electricity inside the program to be executed in 2008 and 2009.


Public illumination improvement projects – the Reluz program


Throughout the state, we are improving and modernizing public illumination systems – introducing more efficient technologies, to reduce consumption at the peak times of the distribution system, and also to reduce operational costs, while increasing safety conditions and quality of life in the state’s cities.


Projects for improvement and expansion of public illumination were carried out at some 52,000 points in 2007, for investment of the order of R$ 14 million mainly in the metropolitan region of Belo Horizonte.


The Cresce Minas Program


This program, approved by the Board of Directors and the Executive Board, to be executed in 4 years over the period 2006-2010, in the amount of R$ 759 million, aims to improve the quality of electricity supply to meet the new demand in the Minas Gerais market caused by the resumption of growth, expansion of the markets associated with irrigation and agribusiness; and recovery and maintenance of the levels of service quality within the regulatory parameters.


The Cresce Minas program is made up of works to reinforce distribution substations, lines and networks in the state of Minas Gerais, including 687 km of distribution lines, 11 new substations and 101 works of expansion of various existing substations.


This group of works will benefit approximately 340 municipalities (41% of the total), a population of approximately 4.1 million, and some 1.1 million consumers throughout the state.


Natural gas


Brazil’s natural gas industry suffered its first supply crisis in 2007, obliging Petrobras, the country’s main supplier, to seek alternative sources, under various types of contract.


The events in Bolivia led to a change in compliance with the levels of supply previously contracted with that country, and showed the importance of reducing dependence of the Brazilian gas market on supply from the Brazil-Bolivia gas pipeline (“Gasbol”). The action taken by Petrobras to contract imports of liquefied natural gas (LNG) are part of the medium-term response to this situation – supply will begin in 2008.


Over a longer horizon, it is still necessary to speed up projects for gas exploration and production in Brazilian deposits, and also to apply policies that aim for a greater integration of Brazil with other Latin American countries in terms of energy, as well as expanding gas transport infrastructure for delivery of the natural gas produced domestically, and to be imported.


In 2007 Brazil consumed an average of 42 million m3/day, of natural gas, led by the Southeastern region with 2/3 of this volume. The most important consumer, industry, consumed 59% of the total volume followed by the thermal electricity distribution industry with 26%, the automobile industry with 13%, and other sectors with 2%.




Expansion of Gasmig’s network has made it possible to distribute natural gas to a higher number of clients: 276 at the end of 2007 (169 companies, 90 vehicle natural gas stations, and 2 thermal electricity plants, 7 compressed natural gas distribution bases, and 8 clients consuming liquefied natural gas). This was an increase of 5.75% in the number of clients from 2006. There was a reduction of 13.47% in the total volume of sales, led by the reduction of consumption by thermal plants, where there was a significant fall of 60.77%. However, considering only the market for conventional gas, the volume of gas sold increased 3.51%, reflecting increased consumption, mainly by industrial clients.




2007 was a positive year for the telecoms sector, with continuation of the expansion in mobile telephony in recent years. Voice services, currently the main generator of revenue for the mobile operators, are estimated to provide 80% of total sales. This trend is expected to continue in 2008 but the sector is looking for a way of reversing this trend, in which clients would use other services.


A highlight is the launch of the first 3G network, offering broadband services. Following the trend in the telecoms market, Empresa de Infovias expanded the Ethernet technology network initially to meet the demand of the mobile operator TIM in the “3G Project”. This project consists of a third generation network able to offer clients broadband service by mobile phone at high transmission speeds.


Infovias was classified by the Anuário Telecom 2007 as the second most efficient company in the category Services – Network Infrastructure. This was based on the company’s results for 2006. Speed and quality in service to clients and competitive prices were vital factors in the company’s performance in 2007.


Even greater growth in the telecom sector is expected in 2008 than in 2007, led by broadband access. It is clear that there will be intense construction of both 3G and Wimax networks in Latin America in 2008, to increase broadband penetration, which is currently between 3% and 5% – compared to approximately 20% in more developed regions.


The outlook for Infovias this year is for investment in important projects for consolidation in the sector, and growth of its revenue. The Board of Directors has approved the SIM (Integrated Services) Project to provide telecom services (including voice, IP telephony, telemetry and internet) in 50 cities of Minas Gerais state – initially for Cemig, and potentially for the local corporate market. Total planned investment in 2008 is R$ 59.5 million.


Other businesses


In partnership with Concert Technologies S.A., Nansen S.A. Instrumentos de Precisão, Leme Engenharia Ltda. and FIR Capital Partners Ltda, Cemig created Focus Soluções Tecnológicas S.A., the name of which will be changed to Axxiom Soluções Tecnológicas S.A., to offer solutions in technology and systems for operational management of public service concession holders, including electricity, gas, water, and sewerage and other public utility companies, offering the following:



·                  Integration of new solutions, developed by it or by other companies, into existing systems;

·                  development and implementation of specific solutions;

·                  offer of hardware or consultancy contract services for integrated solutions; and

·                  development, supply and sale of the equipment, software and systems necessary for the solutions offered.






Electricity auctions


In 2007 Cemig took part in several auctions in the Regulated Market and Free Market, as follows:


Trading in the Regulated Market






Power bought by Cemig


Average Price


Power sold by Cemig
Generation and


Average price
(R$ /MWh)




Alternative sources


61MW average (15 years)









Alternative sources


20MW average (30 years)











431,173MW average (15 years)









6th Adjustment Auction


3,5MW average (1 year)





60MW average (1 year)









56MW average (30 years)





43MW average (30 years)









126MW average (15 years)









Santo Antonio


30,002,603.786 MWh (30 years)








Auctions in the Free Market


Cemig Generation and Transmission sold 32,323 GWh, and acquired 3,879 GWh from Free Clients and traders in auctions held in the Free Market (“ACL”) held by Cemig Generation and Distribution itself or by third parties.


Development of the energy market


Cemig’s consolidated market consists of the markets of the companies Cemig Distribuição S.A. and Cemig Geração e Transmissão S.A., and also of other subsidiary companies, mainly Light S.A.. Through the various companies in its group, Cemig operates in all the sectors of the electricity industry and, with a diversified portfolio, serves captive and free final clients, as well as trading energy with other agents that operate in this market.


After the strong migration of captive clients to the free contracting environment that took place in 2005, in the following years some consumer units opted for free acquisition of energy, but less frequently. In 2007, twelve consumers migrated from the captive market to the free contracting environment, representing 0.8% of the energy supplied by Cemig Distribuição S.A. Of these, four units contracted energy from sources benefiting from tax and other incentives, with subsidiaries of the Cemig group, and one unit with Cemig Geração e Transmissão.


The good performance of the Brazilian economy, sustained by the dynamism of the domestic and external markets, associated with the sales strategies adopted by Cemig in the free market and the acquisition of Light, in August 2006, through the RME (Rio Minas Energia S.A. consortium), contributed to the growth of sales of electricity in 2007.




Retail supply of electricity


Total electricity sold – GWh














Change, %






















































































Total sold to final consumers














Wholesale supply














Own consumption





























As shown, the volume of Cemig’s energy sales increased from 2006 in all consumer classes. The sales of Light, which are taken into account in proportion to Cemig’s stockholding in the RME consortium (25%), add 5,791 GWh to total consolidated sales in 2007.


The highest relative growth was in the commercial and residential user categories: 25.01% and 16.41%, respectively. The growth in those categories reflects the stake in Light, which added 1,836GWh to the residential category and 1,439GWh to the commercial category. Together these two categories correspond to 56.55% of Light’s total retail supply of 5,791 GWh.


The main variations in the consumer categories, as well as the effect arising from the consolidation of Light in the 12 months of 2007 – compared to 5 months in 2006 – reflects the following factors:


·                  Consumption grew in the Residential user class grew due to the increase in the number of consumers billed, and the good performance of conditioning factors such as increasing employment and real income, abundant supply of credit and growth in the volume of sales of household appliances.


·                  The Industrial category grew 3.0%, reflecting sales to free clients, in turn reflecting greater use of contractual flexibility and also the company’s efforts to make contracts with new clients, including clients outside the company’s concession area.


·                  The commercial category grew by 25.0% from 2006, also reflecting the increase of consumption by the main commercial activities in Minas Gerais, such as: retailing (5.2%), accommodation and food (4.5%) and communication services (8.7%).


·                  In the rural category, the growth in new conventional consumer units connected by the Light For Everyone program, and the growth in consumption for irrigation, reflecting lower rainfall and higher temperatures, led to an increase of 13.9% in consumption, from 2006.


Breakdown by category, %


Breakdown by revenue, %








Tariff adjustment and review


Tariff adjustment


The tariff adjustment in effect from April 8, 2007 applied different rates of increase by category of consumption, aiming to gradually eliminate the cross-subsidies existing between the consumer groups. The average increase in electricity bills was 5.16%; low-voltage users paid an increase of 6.50%, while high-voltage users had an increase of 2.89%.


The Tariff Review


Aneel, the Brazilian electricity regulator, is in the process of review of retail supply tariffs and the Charge for Use of the Distribution System (TUSD) of Cemig Distribution, this being the second cycle of review corresponding to the period 2008–13. The public hearing was set for March 5, 2008, and the new tariffs will come into effect on April 8, 2008. The average percentage of adjustment, disclosed on a provisional basis by Aneel, corresponds to a reduction of 9.72%. To arrive at this value, parameters were taken into account for the first cycle, which are also being adjusted, such as indicators of productivity, the value of the asset base to be remunerated, and the company’s average cost of capital. This provisional percentage may yet be altered as a result of contributions be received at the public hearing, and decision by Aneel on the actual value of the asset base to be remunerated in the second tariff review cycle.


Revision of permitted transmission revenue


On June 26, 2007, the date for annual readjustment of permitted revenues of transmission concession holders, Aneel published the various adjustments, by Homologation Resolution 496, to come into effect from July 1, 2007 up to June 30, 2008 for Cemig Geração e Transmissão.


The annual transmission revenue was increased by 3.07%, resulting from application of the IGP-M inflation index up to May, in the amount of 4.40%, and in counterpart, the effects of the first Periodic Review of the Assets of the Basic Network – New Installations (RBNI) were incorporated, resulting in a reduction of 24.58% in the revenue from these assets, backdated to July 2005.


This resulted in calculation of an excess revenue for the previous periods, giving rise to a liability in the amount of R$ 31 million, which is being amortized in two portions, the first in the 2007-8 cycle and the second in the 2008-9 cycle.


Protection of revenue – management of losses


Cemig Distribution is among the distributors with the lowest indices of commercial losses in Brazil, although there have been increases in recent years.


At present, the company’s level of commercial losses is around 2.78% of the total amount of energy that enters the distribution system, this index being comparable to those of the best companies in the electricity sector worldwide. The Brazilian average is around 6%.


The results of identification and recovery of commercial losses total 147.8 GWh in 2007, an increase of 11.5% in relation to 2006. This corresponds to approximately R$ 108.7 million (increase of 20.8% from 2006), and also, approximately, R$ 91.4 million in losses avoided or increases of consumption by consumer units that were regularized.




In 2007, aiming further to increase the company’s capacity for reaction to the increase in the practice of irregularities, several actions were taken, including:


Implementation of analysis of probability and risk of loss for each consumer unit where there is suspicion of irregularity, associated to the Web Inspection Orders Management system (WGOI), seeking greater efficiency in identification of units with irregularities, and strengthening the potential for results from the process.



Improvement in the corporate system for control of seals and meters made available, and also general rules for control of seals, seeking to ensure traceability of these devices and equipment.




Implementation and execution of the Value Addition Project (PAV) for protection of revenue, which showed the economic viability of actions to combat losses and default, providing a greater input of funds into these activities, with consequent addition of revenue.



Approval of the Revenue Protection Plan, focused on metering, to be put in place starting in 2008, aiming to focus on the question and treatment of commercial losses of Cemig Distribution, adding, to form a major project, technologies and actions to “bulletproof” the revenue from medium-sized and large consumers, and application of complementary technologies to the other consumers.



Development and incorporation of the system for management of losses in the new Clients Management System (SGC/SAP) acquired by Cemig which is in the process of being put in place, making the information fully traceable and available to all the those involved.


Retail supply quality


The charts below show the changes in Cemig Distribution’s quality indicators.



Consumer outages: minutes/month


Consumer outages: hours/year (DEC)


Consumer outage frequency (FEC)





Number of outages/year


Approximately 18% of the DEC and 13% of the FEC is for programmed outages effected to improve the network. These are preceded by notice to consumers, reducing the impact of temporary suspension of supply.


Service policy


Cemig has consolidated a group of Commercial Relationship Practices with its clients based principally on quality of its products and services, preservation of credibility with clients, stockholders and the public, and in the strength of its brand and its effective participation in social and economic development over the whole of its area of operation.


The company offers channels of relationship that enable clients to carry out transactions, complain, suggest and request services, efficiently and fast. the main channels available are: Speak to Cemig “Fale com a Cemig”); Service Branches (“Agências de Atendimento”); Relationship Agents (“Agentes de Relacionamento”); Simplified Service Posts (“Postos de Atendimento Simplificado (PAS)”); Cemig Fácil (“Cemig Easy Access”); and the “Virtual Branch” (Agência Virtual) which is available on Cemig’s web portal:






As well as continuous investment in improvement of the existing channels Cemig seeks new forms of relationship to offer more convenient and fast options for contact with the company.


The client also has available, periodically, other relationship options through the Mobile Branch trailer and the Cemig na Praça (“Cemig in the Main Square”) program. Both aim to take Cemig to the client. The Mobile Branch trailer visits municipalities of some regions of the state providing services and orientation to the public. The Cemig na Praça program covers municipalities of all the regions, taking services, information and orientation to clients in a personalized marquee.




In thousands of Reais, except where otherwise stated.


Net profit


Cemig’s net profit in 2007 was R$ 1,735 million, which compares with net profit of R$ 1,719 million in 2006.


As shown by the table below, the largest contribution to Cemig’s result comes from Cemig Geração e Transmissão (Cemig Generation and Transmission) and Cemig Distribuição (Cemig Distribution):












Cemig – parent company










Cemig Distribuição S.A.










Cemig Geração e Transmissão S.A.




















Rio Minas Energia (Light)






























Consolidated net profit





















Change, %


Gross revenue from retail supply of electricity








Revenue for use of the network – free consumers

























Gross revenue from retail supply of electricity


Final consumers


The main impacts on 2007 revenues arose from the following factors:



An increase of 8.69% in the average tariff, from R$ 245.73 in 2006 to R$ 267.08 in 2007, as a result of tariff increases allowed to Cemig Distribuição on April 8, 2006 (full effect in the 2007 business year) and April 8, 2007.


9.44% increase in the volume of energy invoiced to final consumers – comments on the variations are in the item on Sales of electricity.






This chart shows quarterly and annual variations in retail supply:


GWh billed to final consumers





There are more comments on retail supply and the tariff adjustment in the item on Sales of electricity.


Other concession holders


The volume of energy sold to other concession holders in 2007 was 13,236 GWh, which compares with 11,472 GWh in 2006 – corresponding to R$ 1,210 million and R$ 709 million, respectively. This significant increase arises basically from the start up of the Irapé plant, in the second half of 2006, higher volume of electricity traded through contracts with electricity traders, and better prices negotiated by Cemig Generation and Transmission in 2007. We also highlight the exportation of electricity to Argentina in Uruguay in 2007, providing revenue of R$ 64 million. The average sale tariff in 2007 was 91.40/MWh compared to R$ 61.79/MWh in 2006, an increase of 47.92%.


Revenue from use of the grid


The increase in revenue from use of the network was 8.78% in 2007: R$ 1,946 in 2007, vs. R$ 1,789 in 2006.


The major item under this heading is the revenue from the TUSD (Tariff for Use of the Distribution System), charged by Cemig Distribution and Light to free consumers. This was 9.23% higher in 2007 than 2006 (R$ 1,313 miliions in 2007 vs. R$ 1,202 miliions. The increase primarily represents higher volume of electricity transported in 2007, reflecting the increase in industrial production and the migration of clients from the captive market to the free market, in 2007.


Additionally there was a reduction in revenue from the basic grid in 2007, of R$ 31 million, due to the review of the annual permitted revenues linked to the new facilities of the basic grid and other transmission facilities for electricity transmission concession holders, in obedience to Aneel decisions. There are more explanations in Explanatory Notes 23 and 27 to the Consolidated Financial Statements.


Non-controllable costs


The differences between the sums of non-controllable costs (also referred to as “CVA”) used as a reference in the calculation of the tariff adjustment and the disbursements actually made are offset in the subsequent tariff adjustments, and are registered in Current assets and Non-current assets. As a function of the change in Aneel’s accounting plan, some items were transferred to the item “Deductions from Operational Revenues”. There are more explanations in Explanatory Notes 2 and 8 to the Consolidated Financial Statements.





Deductions from operational revenues


Deductions from operational revenues amounted to R$ 5,544 million in 2007, compared to R$ 4,965 million in 2006, an increase of 11.66%. The principal changes in these expenses are as follows:


Fuel Consumption Account – CCC


This relates to the operational costs of thermal plants in the Brazilian grid and isolated systems, split among electricity concession holders as specified by an Aneel Resolution. This is a non-controllable cost, and the amount recorded for electricity distribution service corresponds to the amount actually passed through to the tariff. For the amount recorded in relation to electricity transmission services the company merely passes through the CCC charge – it is charged to free consumers on their invoice for us of the grid and passed onto Eletrobrás.


The total deduction from revenue for the CCC in 2007 was R$ 407mn vs. R$ 554mn in 2006, 26.53% lower – mainly reflecting backdated charging in 2006 to some consumers, after homologation of the Contracts for Use of the Transmission System (CUST) by the National System Operator (ONS).


Energy Development Account – CDE


The deduction from revenue for the CDE in 2007 was R$ 391 million, vs. R$ 334 in 2006, an increase of 17.0%. The payments are specified by an Aneel Resolution. This is a non-controllable cost. The amount posted for electricity distribution services corresponds to the amount actually passed through to the tariff. For the amount posted in relation to electricity transmission services the company merely passes through the charge since the CCC is charged to free consumer on the invoice for the use of the grid and passed onto Eletrobrás.


RGR – Global Reversion Reserve


The provision for RGR in 2007 was R$ 145 million, vs. R$ 30 million in 2006. This reflects a positive adjustment in 2006 for the provision for 2004, in the amount of R$ 66 million, due to homologation of this expense by Aneel in a lower amount than was estimated by the company, and also an increase in 2007 of the accounting value of fixed assets in service, which is the basis for calculation of the expense.


The other deductions from revenue are for taxes calculated as a percentage of billing, and their variations thus substantially arise from the changes in revenue.


Operational costs and expenses


















Non-controllable costs








Electricity purchased for resale








Financial compensation for use of water resources








Charges for use of the national transmission grid
















Controllable costs








Personnel and managers expenses








Post-employment obligations
















Raw materials and inputs for production








Outsourced services








Operational provisions








Gas purchased for resale








Depreciation and amortization








Other expenses, net




























Operational costs and expenses (excluding Financial revenue (expenses)) totaled R$ 6,952 million in 2007, compared to R$ 5,917 million in 2006, an increase of 17,49%. This mainly reflects the change in the amount of energy bought through for resale, and operational provisions, partly offset by the reduction in the expense on personnel.


The principal changes in expenses are:


Electricity purchased for resale


The expense on this account in 2007 was R$ 2,794 million, 32.23% higher than the figure of R$ 2,113 million for this account in 2006. This is a non-controllable cost, with the expense recognized in the income statement corresponding to the value effectively passed through to the tariff. For more information please see Explanatory Note 30 to the financial statements.


Charges for Use of the Basic Transmission Grid


The expense on charges for use of the transmission network in 2007 was R$ 650 million, vs. R$ 664 million in 2006, a reduction of 2.11%. These charges are payable by distribution and generation agents for use of the facilities and components of the basic grid, and are set by Aneel resolution. This is a non-controllable cost, with the deduction from revenue recorded corresponding to the value effectively passed through to the tariff.


Personnel expenses


Personnel expenses in 2007 totaled R$ 968 million, vs. R$ 1,088 million in 2006, a reduction of 11.03%. This lower figure is primarily because of the provision made in June 2006 for indemnity to employees for their future “anuênio” rights, in the amount of R$ 178 million, partially offset by the 4% and 5% wage adjustment given to employees in November of 2006 and 2007, respectively, and the 1.50% increase in the number of employees of the Cemig Holding Company, Cemig Generation and Transmission and Cemig Distribution, which totaled 10,658 in December 2006, and 10,818 in December 2007. There is a breakdown of personnel expenses in Explanatory Note 30 to the Consolidated Financial Statements.


Depreciation and amortization


Deductions from operational revenues totaled R$ 778 million in 2007, compared to R$ 672 million in 2006, an increase of 15.77%.


This variation arises mainly from investments in the Light for Everyone program and the startup of the Irapé plant, in the second half of 2006. We also highlight the consolidation of RME, which added an expense of R$ 82 million in 2007 (vs. R$ 33 million in 2006) – because RME was consolidated for the whole of 2007, but only five months of 2006.


Post-employment obligations


Expenses on post-employment obligations in 2007 were R$ 123 million compared to R$ 170 million in 2006, a reduction of 27.65%. These expenses basically represent interest on the actuarial liabilities of Cemig Distribution, net of the expected return on plan assets, as estimated by an external actuary. The reduction reflects higher growth of the assets of the pension plan than the growth in obligations to the participants.





Ebitda (earnings before interest, tax, depreciation and amortization)


Reflecting the above variations, Ebitda adjusted for non-recurring items is as follows:


















Net profit








+ Provision for current and deferred income tax and Social Contribution








+ Non-operational revenue (expenses)








+ Financial revenues (expenses)








+ Amortization and depreciation








+ Employees’ profit shares








+ Minority interest
























Non-recurring items (*)








Cost of Energy Efficiency programs from previous years






Indemnity for the “anuênio”






+ CVA re-composition - TUSD






+ Review of transmission revenue – Homologation Resolution 496






- Reversal of provision for RGR






- CVA energy – adjustments set by ANEEL























The non-recurring adjustments correspond to the company’s interpretation on events which it deems to be extraordinary, not related to current operations.


As can be seen, Cemig’s Ebitda increased significantly in 2007 – and has increased by approximately 127% over the last five years – reflecting the growing operational performance over that period.



Financial revenues (expenses)


The company posted net financial expenses of R$ 356 million in 2007, which compares with net financial expenses of R$ 50 million in 2006. The main factors in this financial result are:



Reversal of the provision for losses on accounts receivable from the state of Minas Gerais, of R$ 99 million in 2006, due to the creation of a Credit Receivables Fund (FIDC) and signature of the 4th contractual amendment for renegotiation of the debt. For more information please see Explanatory Note 14 to the financial statements.






Revenue for monetary variation arising from the General Agreement for the Electricity Sector in 2007 of R$ 405mn, compared to R$ 322mn in 2006, an increase of 25.77% – arising mainly from accounting in the second half of 2007 of financial revenue of R$ 100mn in accordance with criteria for updating set by Aneel for the assets relating to transactions in free energy in the period of rationing. This change did not affect Net financial revenue (expenses) since there is a corresponding increase in the provision for losses in free energy (R$ 175 million in 2007, compared to R$ 86 million in 2006).




Revenue from monetary variation and interest on the deferred tariff adjustment in 2007 was R$ 131 million, 34.17% less than its total of R$ 199 million in 2006. This mainly reflects the reduction of the size of the asset due to receipt of some of the values receivable into electricity accounts paid by clients. For more information please see Explanatory Note 13 to the financial statements.




Net gain of R$ 110 million on currency variations in 2007, compared to a net gain of R$ 86 million in 2006, reflecting effects on foreign currency loans and financings. The appreciation of the Real against the dollar in 2007 was 17,15%, versus appreciation of 8.66% in 2006.


For a breakdown of financial revenues and expenses, see Explanatory Note 31 to the financial statements.


Income tax and Social Contribution


Cemig’s expenses on income tax and the Social Contribution in 2007 totaled R$ 622 million, on profit of R$ 2,928 million before tax effects, a percentage of 21.24%. Cemig’s expenses on income tax and the Social Contribution in 2006 totaled R$ 527 million on profit of R$ 2,463 million before tax effects, a percentage of 21.40%. These effective rates are reconciled with the nominal rates in Explanatory Note 12 to the financial statements.


Employees’ profit shares


In accordance with the 2007 Collective Labor Agreement Cemig allocated profit shares to its employees totaling R$ 455 million (R$ 210 million in 2006). For further information see Explanatory Notes 2 and 33 to the Consolidated Financial Statements.




At the end of 2007 Cemig’s cash position was R$ 2,066 million (vs. R$ 1,402 million in 2006), an increase of R$ 664 million and 47.36% of growth.


Cash generated by operations in 2007 was R$ 3,213 million, compared to R$ 2,185 million in 2006. This increase of 47.05% in cash generated by operations mainly reflects the higher amount received in relation to regulatory assets and also the greater profit in 2007, adjusted for items that do not affect cash.


Financing activities represented outflow of cash of R$ 1,359 million, compared to outflow of R$ 532 million in 2006. This significant change primarily reflects the lower volume of loans and financings obtained in 2007 (R$ 1,855 million in 2007 vs. R$ 3,466 million in 2006), partially offset by lower distribution of dividends and Interest on (R$ 1,360 million in 2007 vs. R$ 2,072 million 2006).


The company’s capital expenditure in 2007 was R$ 1,189 million, which compares with R$ 1,720 million in 2006, an increase of 32.0%. This result was principally due to the higher volume of funds invested in distribution activities, with the launch of the Light for Everyone (Luz Para Todos) program.




Cemig’s debt management policy is focused on preserving credit quality. This concern translates into an express obligation in the bylaws to maintain certain financial indicators limited to numbers that denote the company’s financial health.





Breakdown by Company

Cemig is a mixed private-sector/public-sector company, with the majority interest held by the Brazilian State of Minas Gerais, and as such is subject to rules for containment of public sector borrowing, which limit its financing alternatives. These limitations apply also to its subsidiaries which, indirectly, are also state-controlled.


Raising of funds from third parties in 2007 consisted mainly of transactions in the capital markets in the form of issues of promissory notes and debentures, supported by firm guarantees of placement of the securities from financial institutions. These transactions were to pay debt becoming due and to rebuild cash for the debts paid over the year. The high liquidity favored contracting of transactions on very favorable conditions.


In 2007 Cemig made its second public issue of non-convertible, unsecured debentures (in a single series): 40,000 debentures with nominal unit value of 10,000 issued on December 15, 2007, and subscribed and paid in full, for a total R$ 400mn. These debentures are indexed to the IPCA inflation index and return annual interest to 7.96% p.a. The principal is to be repaid in three equal portions in December 2015, 2016 and 2017, and interest is paid annually.


Banco do Brasil Investimentos S.A. gave a firm guarantee of placement and subscribed 46% of the issue. We highlight the total tenor of ten years for maturity, which was considered notable in the current situation: comparison with the remuneration on public securities of similar tenor and index (NTN-Bs) indicates that Cemig Distribuição S.A. raised funds at a cost very close to that of a risk-free asset. The combination of tenor and cost of this issue reflects the financial market and investors’ confidence in the company’s credit capacity and its potential for growth.


On December 21, 2007 Cemig Generation and Transmission issued its 2nd issue of Promissory Notes in the total amount of R$ 200 million, maturing in 180 days, for interest at 101.5% of the CDI rate, with no guarantee from Cemig. Cemig Distribution also raised a total of R$ 159 million (excluding funds from the CDE) from Eletrobrás to finance the Light for Everyone program and the Reluz project.


Other highlights of 2007 are two project financings transactions by subsidiaries of Cemig for specific investment projects in transmission and generation:



Transchile Charrúa Transmisión S.A a signed financing contract for 20 years for approximately US$51 million with the inter-American Development Bank on July 18, 2007. These funds will be used in construction of the 220 kV, 205-km Charrúa–Nueva Temuco transmission line.




The Cachoeirão Hydro Plant, a subsidiary of Cemig Generation and Transmission in partnership with Santa Maria Energética S.A., signed a financing contract for onlending of funds from the National Development Bank (BNDES) with Banco do Brasil on November 1, 2007 for R$ 71,3mn with tenor of 11 years.


Use of the banking market to meet financing needs has helped, in recent years, to increase the share represented by the CDI rate in the profile of Cemig’s debt. With the issuance by Cemig Distribution of debentures indexed to ICPA inflation at the end of 2007, refinancing promissory notes indexed to the CDI, the resulting breakdown of Cemig’s debt by indexor is now as follows:


Breakdown by Company


Breakdown of debt by indexor at December 2007





As shown in the next chart, the debt amortization timetable now has a satisfactory profile, with average tenor of five years, meeting the company’s policy directive of avoiding concentration of debt coming due in the short term, mitigating the risk of refinancing and eliminating any pressure on cash flow that could reduce availability of funds for investment.


Debt Amortization Timetable – Consolidated

December 2007, R$ million



Another of the company’s directive guidelines, reduction of the average cost of debt, has been complied with: at the end of the year the average cost of debt was 7.94% p.a., at constant prices, also reflecting the federal government’s policy of reduction of interest rates.


Average cost of the Consolidate



Our position of 6% of debt in foreign currency does not represent a material financial risk for the company, since a good part of it is contractually protected by indexor swap transactions. There is also a natural protection provided by energy sale contracts indexed to the US dollar.


In March 2007 Moody’s Investors Service gave Cemig corporate rating of Ba2 on the global scale, and on the Brazilian national scale, an increase of five levels. This reflects Moody’s view of improvement in the company’s corporate governance and in its credit indicators on a consolidated basis, reflecting Cemig’s strong cash flow, which Moody’s believes to be sustainable in the short term, and also its improved profile and robust liquidity position.


Hedging policy


Our policy on hedging is primarily to give predictability to the cash flow and to the budget, over a moving horizon of 12 months, through transactions that reduce exposure and minimize negative impacts resulting from relative price variations.





The derivative instruments contracted by the company have the purpose of protecting operations against the risks arising from foreign exchange variation and are not used for speculative purposes. Transactions entered into take into account market liquidity, relative price of assets and concentration of debt servicing.


The Company has given priority to coverage of its FX liabilities through a natural hedge: contracting of electricity sales for prices indexed to the exchange rate, with some of its major consumers.




Our corporate governance model is based on principles of transparency, equity and reporting, focusing on clear definition of roles and responsibilities in the Board of Directors and the Executive Board for formulation, approval and execution of policies in guidelines in conduct, approving and executing policies and guidelines for managing the company’s business.


We seek sustainable development of the company through equilibrium between the economic, financial, environmental and social aspects of our undertakings, aiming to improve the relationship with our stockholders, clients, and employees, the public at large and other stakeholders.


Cemig’s preferred and common shares have been listed under Corporate Governance Level 1 on the São Paulo stock exchange since 2001. This represents a guarantee of the best possible reporting of information, and also that stockholdings are as widely dispersed as possible. Since Cemig has ADRs (American Depository Receipts) listed on the New York Stock Exchange, representing PN (preferred) and ON (common) shares, we are also subject to the regulations of the US Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) and to the New York Stock Exchange Listed Companies Manual.


Our material procedures related to preparation of the Consolidated Financial Statements have been compliant since the end of 2006with the requirements of Section 404 of the Sarbanes-Oxley law of the US.


Our Board of Directors has 14 members, appointed by the stockholders. All have a period of office of 3 (three) years, and may be reelected. To increase their efficiency, the Board has constituted 5 (five) committees that operate in specific issues related to Strategy, Governance, Finance, Audit and Risks, and Human Resources. In 2007, 25 meetings were held to decide on various subjects from strategic planning to investment projects.


The Audit Board is permanent and made up of 5 (five) members, appointed by stockholders. All the members meet the requirements for independence in accordance with international practices. As presently constituted the Audit Board meets the requirements for exemption from constitution of an audit committee under the Securities Act and the Sarbanes-Oxley Law. The Audit Board met twelve times in 2007.


Also, the structure of committees made up of executives of various areas ensures that strategic decisions are taken based on support by technical criteria.


Every year we hold our meeting with capital market analysts and investors to disclose information about the economic and financial situation, plans and outlook as well as carrying out various meetings with regional analysts’ associations.


Our bylaws include targets of the Strategic Plan, and the dividend policy:



to keep consolidated indebtedness equal to or less than 2 times Ebitda (Earnings before interest, taxes, depreciation and amortization);


consolidated (Net debt) / (Net debt + Stockholders’ equity) limited to 40%;


consolidated funds in Current assets limited to 5% of Ebitda;


consolidated funds destined to capital expenditure in each business year limited to 40% of Ebitda (this varies, exceptionally to 65% in 2006 and 55% in 2007);





·                  to invest only in distribution, generation and transmission projects which offer real minimum internal rates of return equal to or more than those specified in the company’s Long-Term Strategic Plan, subject to the legal obligations; and

·                  to limit the expenses of the subsidiary Cemig Distribuição S.A., and of any subsidiary which operates in distribution of electricity, to amounts not greater than the amounts recognized in the tariff adjustments and reviews.


The Board of Directors may authorize numbers in excess of these standards, in response to temporary needs, up to the following limits: consolidated debt: maximum 2.5 times Ebitda;

consolidated (Net debt) / (Net debt + Stockholders’ equity): maximum 50%;

consolidated funds in Current assets: maximum 10% of Ebitda;


Stockholders’ agreement


The stockholders’ agreement signed between the government of Minas Gerais and Southern Electric Brasil Ltda. (SEB) in 1997 has been annulled by the courts. Appeals filed by SEB are before the federal courts.




Cemig’s shares were listed for the first time, on the stock exchange of the State of Minas Gerais, on October 14, 1960. On January 14, 1972 our common (ON) and preferred (PN) shares were listed on the São Paulo stock exchange (Bovespa), and currently trade under the tickers CMIG3 (ON) and CMIG4 (PN). Since October 2001, we have been part of the Level 1 Corporate Governance listing of the Bovespa. Our shares have been traded on the New York Stock Exchange since 1993, where we have Level 1 ADRs (ticker: CIG) representing our preferred shares, which were transferred into Level 2 in 2001. Subsequently, in June 2007, we launched ADR’s on the NYSE representing our common shares (ticker: CIG.C). Our preferred shares have been listed on the Latibex of the Madrid Stock Exchange since 2002 (ticker: XCMIG).


Stockholding structure


On December 31, 2007 the Company’s registered capital was R$ 2,432 million, as shown in the following chart:



At Ordinary and Extraordinary General Stockholders’ Meetings held on April 26, 2007, Cemig decided a capital increase in the registered capital of R$ 810,769 thousand, or 50%, using funds from the Profit reserve. This resulted in a bonus of 500 new shares, of the same type, with nominal value of R$ 0.01, for each group of thousand shares. The bonus shares were then grouped in a reverse split at 500 shares with nominal value of R$ 0.01 to 1 share with the nominal value of R$ 5.00. The diagram above reflects these changes.





Share prices


The following were the closing prices of our shares on the stock exchanges of São Paulo (Bovespa), New York (NYSE) and Madrid (Latibex) at the end of 2006 and 2007:






Currency / unit


Close of 2006


Close of 2007












Cemig PN










Cemig ON










ADRs for PN










ADRs for ON









Cemig PN on (Latibex)











A total of R$ 13,866 million in our preferred shares was traded in 2007 with daily average of R$ 56.6 millions in 2007 and R$ 39.3 millions in 2006. This places CMIG4 as the sixteenth largest-volume share, and the share with largest volume in the electricity sector, on the São Paulo stock exchange.


Market capitalization


Our market capitalization was relatively unchanged from 2006 to 2007, with a small change of 0.3%. Over the last five years it has increased by 116.1%:


Market Capitalization – R$ billion



These charts show the changes in our share prices over recent years, comparing with other indicators.




Adjusted to / US$



Dividend yield and return to stockholders






The total return to stockholders, defined as the increase in share price plus dividend distributed, over the last 5 years, has been as follows:


Dividend yield, %(*)



Investor relations


In accordance with best corporate governance practices, we seek to disseminate a policy of transparency with the capital markets, so as to add value to the investments of our stockholders.


In 2007, Cemig was present, worldwide, at 84 seminars, conferences and investor meetings; 10 congresses; 11 roadshows; and video conference calls with capital markets analysts and investors. In our national and international events, we held more than 490 one-on-one meetings.


We also highlight our 12th Annual Cemig Meeting with the Association of Capital Markets Analysts and Investment Professionals (Apimec) in the city of Tiradentes, in Minas Gerais, which included a technical visit to the Itutinga Hydroelectric Plant, on the border between the counties of Itutinga and in Minas Gerais.




Cemig, through its bylaws, assumes the undertaking to distribute a minimum dividend of 50% of the net profit for each year. Additionally, extraordinary dividends are distributed each two years, or more frequently, if cash availability permits.


The dividends are then paid in two equal installments, by June 30 and December 30 of the year subsequent to the year they refer to. Dividends paid in 2007 totaled R$868 million. Dividends paid in 2006 totaled R$ 1,382 million, of which R$ 497 million was an extraordinary dividend.








The Board of Directors will propose to the Annual General Meeting, to be held on April 28, that the net profit of R$ 1.735 billion for 2007 should be allocated as follows:


·      R$ 868 million (50% of net profit) for payment ;


·      R$ 87 million for constitution of the Legal Reserve; and


·      R$ 780 million: held in Stockholders’ equity in the Profit reserve.




We change external auditors every five years, in accordance with rules of the CVM (Brazilian Securities Commission). Up to first quarter 2007 our accounts were audited by Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu, when we changed to KPMG Auditores Independentes.


The services provided by independent auditors to Cemig and the majority of its subsidiaries were as follows:




R$ ’000


vs. audit


R$ ’000


vs. audit








































Total, auditing services










Other services:










Compliance with SOX requirements – Sections 302 and 404




























Overall total











The additional services shown were approved by the Board of Directors since in the view of management they do not result in loss of independence by the external Auditors and are not included in the items prevented by Article 23 of the Sarbanes-Oxley Law or CVM Instruction 308 of May 14, 1999.




Cemig’s principal assumption for management of corporate risks is that every company exists to provide value to its stockholders. This results in the permanent challenge of determining how much the corporation will be prepared to guarantee its sustainable development, taking into account the risks and opportunities involved


Cemig’s principal objective is not to eliminate risks, but to be proactive in their identification, analysis, assessment, treatment and continuous monitoring, with a view to obtaining competitive advantages. Success in corporate management depends on a culture of management of risks being disseminated, serving as a basis for sustaining of the following 3 ‘pillars’:


·      Management processes: Awareness of the processes of the company with a view to improvement in operational efficiency.

·      Management of more severe risks: Identification of the imminent risks that require short-term decisions with a view to reduction of volatility in results, higher predictability of returns to the stockholders and decision on treatment of risks.

·      Management of risks and measurement of cost of capital: Optimal allocation of capital, sensitivity analysis, use of comprehensible modeling systems with well-grounded assumptions.





Thus corporate risk management is a management tool that is part of our corporate governance practices. To be more efficacious, and so as to be included more easily in the organization’s culture, we aim to align it with Cemig’s Strategic Planning Process, which defines the strategic objectives of the company’s business.


Other instances of management involved with corporate risk management are: The Corporate Governance Committee, Compliance with the Sarbanes Oxley Law, the Budget Prioritization Committee, Internal Auditing, the Energy Risks Management Committee, the Insurable Risks Committee, the Control and Management Committee, and other functions and processes.


Cemig’s corporate risks management structure was put in place in 2003. The risks matrix was revised for the first time in 2004, and a second time in 2005-6, aiming to identify changes in relation to the level of performance expected for each process. The result has been improvement in the effectiveness of controls, commitment to implementation of the proposed mitigating action plans and, consequently, reduction of the impact and the probability of occurrence of innumerable risks.


The corporate risk management activities gives rise to various products which are of great value in the decision process, as follows:


1- The corporate risk matrix: This presents all the corporate risks mapped and classified as follows: a) Financial Exposure – product of the impact on the business and the probability of occurrence of the risk; and b) Final Exposure, result of the association of the Financial Exposure of the risk weighted by the analysis of its intangible impact.


2 – Matrix of risk factors from the stakeholders’ point of view: This is an analysis of the risk factors circumstances or events which may (or may not) give rise to risks for the corporation taking into account the factors that influence value from the point of view of these agents. The objective is to make possible an improvement in management based on what interested parties see as a strategic threat and the identification of risks that have so far not been mapped in the corporate risk matrix.


This process was developed during 2007. In the first stage, the risk factors were identified from the point of view of each stakeholder. In the second stage, we thought to identify whether the corresponding risks had been mapped in the corporate risk matrix, which signaled to us that the company was on the right path in relation to a wide-ranging perception of risk management, in view of the fact that more than 90% of the risks were already mapped. Since this is an improvement tool, the risks identified that had not been mapped in the corporate risk matrix are now being analyzed and included.


The charts below show the risks with high, medium and low final exposure in the companies Cemig Distribution (D), Cemig Generation and Transmission (GT) and the Cemig Holding Company (H), and the risks by category.



In Cemig Distribution the high percentage of risks with high Final Exposure represents the fact that the risks of sales revenue and collection, and market risks, including the risks of trading of electricity in the wholesale and retail markets, are mapped as being in this company.





In Cemig Generation and Transmission the highlight is on risks of operation and maintenance of the hydroelectric plants, operation and maintenance of the electricity system and expansion of the generation and transmission facilities.


In the holding company the composition of the risks with high Final Exposure is diversified, since in this company they are located in all the process of support to the business areas of the company, including IT, HR, logistics, transport, material and services and finances.


It can be seen that the participation of high Final Exposure risks in the distribution business is higher than in the generation and transmission business. However, the financial exposure of the significant risk of the Generation and Transmission business is greater than in the Distribution business (highly regulated), which reflects the fact that the requirement for minimum return demanded from projects in the electrical system is greater.


Certification of internal controls


Cemig obtained certification of its internal controls for mitigation of risks involved in the preparation and disclosure of the financial statements, in accordance with an opinion by the external auditors, Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu Auditores Independentes, issued in accordance with Section 4 of the Sarbanes-Oxley Law and the rules of the Public Company Accounting Oversight Board (PCAOB), which is a part of the annual 20-F report relating to the business year ending December 31, 2006, filed with the US Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC).


Since the activities related to the Certification of Internal Controls are permanent and need to be constantly monitored, Cemig’s management, in compliance with the new orientation with the SEC and based on the PCAOB criteria, of the Committee of Sponsoring Organizations of the Treadway Commission (Coso) and Control Objectives for Information and Related Technology (Cobit), based on review of the existing controls structure, documented the controls in the terms of the processes of the business and of the entity, including the controls that are supported by information technology.


It was established between the potentially significant controls and accounting records in the financial statements for 2007, and the design of the key processes in controls for ensuring mitigation of the risks associated with the preparation and disclosure of the financial statements for the year ended December 31, 2007 was validated with our new external auditors, KPMG Auditores Independentes.


The Ethics Committee and the Reporting Channel


The Ethics Committee was created on August 12, 2004, and is responsible for assessment of and decision on possible non-compliances, and also for assessing the need for reviews of the Statement of Ethical Principles and Code of Professional conduct. This is one more element of alignment with best Corporate Governance practices, and is also an instrument that meets the orientation of the Sarbanes-Oxley Law of the US (SOX).


After the creation of the Reporting Channel, in December 2006, the Ethics Committee began to receive anonymous accusations of irregular practices contrary to the company’s interest, such as: 1) financial frauds, including adulteration, falsification or suppression of financial, tax or accounting documents; 2) improper appropriation of assets or funds; 3) receipt of undue advantages by managers and employees; and 4) irregular contracting, via the anonymous accusation channel created on Cemig’s intranet.


Accusations of an ethical nature are accepted only where there is identification of the accuser, and are processed by the committee itself. Accusations which qualify under items 1 to 4 above are submitted to the Chairman of the Audit Board for measures to be taken.







Telecoms and IT


Up to date with IT Security


In 2007 the “Up to Date with IT Security” project was held, with 941 people participating, to disseminate the classification and treatment of Cemig’s information, improve the level of the company’s security, and to ensure certification in the SOX 2008 Audit.


We also highlight the “Fun with Security” project, which aimed to raise the awareness of the children of Cemig employees on the importance of the adoption of information security measures in home use of the computer, and in dealing with the family and professional data of parents.


Classification of Information


This project aims to establish criteria for classification and treatment of information of interest to Cemig, aiming to protect it from undue access and/or alteration, prohibitive disclosure and unavailability, taking into account the estimate of the losses that can be caused to the company’s business or image by unauthorized access, modification, exclusion and/or disclosure, lack of control and registry or non-availability of information.


The benefits resulting from this include compliance with the legal requirements; protection of Cemig’s business; the giving of proper value to information; compliance with the requirements of SOX; and dissemination of the degrees of secrecy and forms of treatment of the company’s information to employees, contractors and interns.


Digital certification


Studies were carried out for feasibility of a project to identify opportunities for use of digital certification and information cryptography within the needs of the processes of the company’s business, thus defining the technical standards to be used and a plan for projects for their implementation.


The main benefits of this type of project are knowledge of opportunities for use of the technology within the company; identification of an opportunity to reduce cost and speed up some processes; definition of technical standards (offering of a structured surface) and security in the storage and transmission of critical information.


Client Management System


In April 2006 a project was begun to implement the new Client Management System (the “evolution’ project). This project aims to replace some of the company’s principal systems involved in the processing of billing, collection, service, accounting, field services, management of measuring equipment, and issuance and printing of electricity tax invoices and reports. It has a team of 240 professionals including Cemig employees and external consultants.


The aims of this program include greater control and security in the processes of billing and collection, with precise and integrated information to support the control and management of clients.


This project is scheduled to be concluded in the first half of 2008, with investment of R$ 178 million.


Technology and alternative energy sources.


Cemig has always considered technology to be a basic and strategic input, and a factor adding value, through making business possible or optimization of internal processes in the search for best technological practices.





In management of alternative energy sources, Cemig has invested in projects to use renewable energy sources, led by biomass, the Small Hydro Plants, solar energy, and wind generation. It has also invested in projects for rational use of energy, co-generation and “distributed generation” (geographically distributed at input points throughout the grid area), using various fuels such as hydrogen, natural gas, alcohol and bio diesel.


Cemig is always ahead in identification, development and application of new technologies for the electricity sector and use of alternative sources, ensuring it an outstanding position among electricity companies and reaffirming its commitment to its consumers and to sustainable development.


Strategic Management of Technology and Innovation.


To remain always in the vanguard of use, adaptation and development of the more advanced technologies appropriate to its production processes, Cemig uses the methodology of strategic technology management involving the development of partnerships with universities and research entities, prospecting technology and analysis of the development of technological scenarios, by setting up strategies, guidelines and actions of a technological nature for business operation, in co-ordination with the strategic technology management committee (CoGET).


The importance of technology as one of the pillars sustaining business strategy, the high volume of funds allocated annually to technological research and development, and the need for constant improvement of results arising from these initiatives led to the creation, in 2006, of the Strategic Technology Management Centre – CGET, a non-profit association with administrative and financial autonomy, and the signing in 2007 of working agreements for technical and scientific co-operation to support the development of R&D projects of Cemig companies.


Being aware of the important role played by development of the market in which it operates and the importance of partnerships and exchange projects, Cemig has sought to increase actions involving universities, research centers and companies interested in promoting and participating in development and consolidation of technological excellence in Minas Gerais.


Six technological partnerships technical-scientific co-operation working agreements were set up in 2007, among which we highlight the creation of the Business Management Excellence Centre in partnership with the Dom Cabral Foundation (FDC). Twelve other working agreements are in preparation, including a Letter of Intent for creation of the Agroenergy Excellence Centre, in partnership between Cemig and the Minas Gerais Farming Research Company (Epamig) and several universities in the Minas “Triangle” area, as well as a working agreement to create the Construction Materials Excellence Centre, in partnership with Minas Gerais Federal University (UFMG).


R&D Programs


Cemig has always stood out as a company dedicated to research and technological development, and has chosen, with this in mind, the priorities in selecting the projects that make up the Annual Technological Research and Development programs which are submitted for approval by the National Electricity Agency (Aneel).


62 new and ongoing R&D projects were in process in 2007. Among the 82 projects already concluded, the great majority have resulted in products being incorporated into the company’s daily routine: several methods in engineering, software, devices and equipment were developed and applied, helping to reduce operational costs, increase the reliability in security of Cemig’s systems and facilities, environmental control and development of alternative energy sources.


In 2007 Cemig had expenses of R$ 27 million on R&D, R$ 26 million with the National Scientific and Technological Development Fund (FNDCT) and R$ 22 million with the Energy Research Company (EPE).




With the development of more efficient transformation technologies, lower levels of emissions of toxic gasses and greenhouse gasses, biomass has become a very promising energy alternative for the generation of electricity in some regions of the State.





Cemig has sought to develop the use of biomass in circumstances varying from the Formoso Plant in the north of Minas Gerais, co-generation in the sugar/alcohol, paper and pulp and steel industries, to the present experiments on planting of energy forests, gasification of biomass, generators running on alcohol, and biodiesel.


An example of this effort is the co-generation project using gas from the charcoal-burning blast furnace in the 13 MW thermal plant belonging to the steel maker Vallourec Mannesmann. Cemig is working continuously to make biomass energy generation projects viable, being aware that this is an environmentally correct alternative, and one that is important for meeting the growing energy demand, with positive impacts for generation of employment and revenue in a decentralized manner.


Solar energy


Cemig’s pioneer work in solar energy, both in its photovoltaic and in its solar thermal versions, through use of flat collectors and solar concentrators, has helped to create new alternatives for the supply of energy and improvement of efficiency for some consumers in Minas Gerais State.


The installation of flat solar collectors and heat pumps for heating of water has also been fostered by Cemig, which sees these options as tools to reduce electricity consumption at peak times and also as an alternative source for lower-income housing projects.


In 2007 Cemig installed photovoltaic energy in 760 homes to comply with the Light for Everyone Program, and also 1,000 flat solar collectors for heating of water to replace electric showers in low-income homes and hospitals. Cemig continues to invest in R&D projects to purify the metallurgical silicon found in Minas Gerais, and development of low cost photovoltaic cells. Another of the company’s initiatives is research and experimentation in the use of thermal solar energy to produce electricity through solar thermal plants, using cylindrical-parabolic concentrators, and to heat water in a centralized manner, using flat solar collectors (District heating for low-income communities).


Wind energy


Cemig was the first Brazilian electricity concession holder to install a wind plant connected to the grid, the Experimental Wind Plant at Morro do Camelinho, paving the way for introduction of a wind power culture in the country. A survey was made of the wind potential of some promising sites in Minas Gerais, and in 2007, confidentiality agreements were signed with companies interested in assessing the installation of a wind farm in the north of the State. A research and development project for small wind generators was also begun.


Hydrogen and fuel cell energy


Hydrogen is a source of energy obtained from water, and from other energy sources such as biomass and fossil fuels, and is considered an energy source of the future. To explore this alternative Cemig has an experimental laboratory for production of hydrogen via electrolysis and from conversion of ethanol. The main challenges for making this energy source viable are reduction of production costs, storage and transport of this fuel. Hydrogen will be initially used as a fuel for tests in fuel cells, to supply internal demand and also as a chemical element for purification of silicon, to be used in the photovoltaic cell R&D project, which is in progress. Fuel cells are one of the new technologies for the generation of energy in a decentralized manner, with a strong potential for an impact on the electricity sector in the future.




Cemig sees bio-diesel as a sustainable energy alternative, a generator of employment and income, and a tool for social empowerment. It has been working, with other bodies of Minas Gerais State and research centers, for consolidation of the bio-diesel production technology in Minas Gerais, through identification of regional vocations for oil seed cultures, construction of a small pilot plant for experimental production of this fuel, and also putting in place of laboratory infrastructure in a research body of the state to qualify and certify this fuel, and thus contribute to its insertion into the Brazilian market.


The Biofuel Laboratory of CETEC was inaugurated in 2007, with capacity to produce 1,000 liters/day of bio-diesel. Use of the bio-diesel produced in the laboratory for electricity generation is expected to begin in 2008, on an experimental basis, in a motor-generator group and a micro-turbine





The electric vehicle


This can be considered as trend for the coming years. In partnership with Itaipu Binacional and Fiat Automóveis, Cemig has begun a project for research and technical and economic feasibility study of the use of vehicles running on electricity. It intends to test prototypes of these vehicles in its fleet in 2008, to assess operational and maintenance targets, and the development of a Brazilian technology. With the intensive use of this technology, the intention is to make available one more alternative for Cemig companies for reducing the use of fossil fuels, and operation of a new electricity niche market.




The conception of social responsibility on the part of companies is increasingly disseminated, associated with the notion of sustainability, aiming to reconcile the economic, environmental and social dimensions of business activity. Cemig seeks to operate within a vision of the future in its management related to these various dimensions.


Integrated social action


Our social responsibility strategy is publicly known and recognized through our Mission, Vision and Corporate Values. Our Corporate Guidelines are monitored by the Social Responsibility Committee, with representatives in all the Directors’ Departments of the company.


Our company has many projects aiming to improve living conditions for children, adolescents, adults and old people, and assistance to needy populations. One example is the Cemig Integrated Social Action (Asin) programs, with more than 1,100 employees registered as volunteers, helping to generate funds which are directed to sustainability of institutions, community associations, schools and old people’s homes.


There are 83 of these projects throughout the state, involving 10% of the company’s employees, and focusing on community action, education, environment and health, also receiving the support of external and international partners. Also involved are individual activities such as Children’s Day, Volunteers Day, Christmas and other initiatives which involve not only the institutions that are registered with, and the volunteers of Cemig’s Asin organization, but outsourced employees and partners from the municipalities. Cemig’s Asin Project can be seen on the site:


Another concrete example of social action supported by the company is the AI6% (Creating Citizens) program, a partnership between AIC (the Cemig Inter-Management Association) and the Cemig Asin project, in place since 2001. The program aims to encourage employees and retirees of Cemig to re-allocate part of their payable income tax to the Infancy and Adolescents Funds (FIAs).


As evidence of how the Cemig Asin Project has developed, in 2001 we succeeded in allocating R$ 190,000 to 31 institutions in 16 municipalities, while in 2007 the program raised donations from Cemig employees totaling R$ 1,243,000, making it possible to help 137 institutions from 80 municipalities in Minas Gerais state.


Another recognition of Cemig’s social responsibility actions was its inclusion, since 2005, in the work group for the creation of the ISO 26,000 – Social Responsibility – Standard, on invitation by the ISO (International Organization for Standardization), the Ethos Institute and the Brazilian Technical Standards Association (ABNT). This is the first time that worldwide coordination of an ISO project has been led jointly by two countries, in this case Brazil and Sweden which makes our participation even more significant.


Cemig’s active participation and interaction in a high-level forum of discussion, influencing the international process of construction of the Standard through project activities is one more evidence of its pioneer nature.




Value added


The Value Added Statement shows Cemig’s importance for society in general, with the creation of R$ 11,470 million in added value in 2007, compared to R$ 10,401 million in 2006 – an increase of 10.28%.


Value added, 2003 – 2007 (R$ ’000)



The distribution of the added value created by Cemig between the various segments can be seen in this chart, where the part retained by the government – 54% of the total in both of 2006 and 2007 – can be seen.




 Human resources


Since 2004 Cemig has been putting in place its Strategic Human Capital Management System, a model developed from the starting point of the company’s Vision and Mission. Its objective is to align strategic planning and the HR management model with the organizational strategy, incorporating a long-term vision and focusing on actions that add value to the business while favoring integrated management. Performance Management is the link between the “Cemig Strategy” and the various processes of HR management, ensuring that the strategic directives are applied in the company.


This aims to develop strategic competencies that lead to improvement in results, both financial and non-financial, through contracting of targets and individual development agreements, aligning the actions of individuals and teams with the organization’s guidelines.


With the implementation of the Performance Management model and a more strategic operation in the area of human resources, it has been possible to create a definitive link between the business strategy and the various processes of management of people, serving as a base for several initiatives and changes in the HR area, such as: reallocations and promotions based on performance, external competitions, the trainee program, internal mobility, various training and personal development programs, management of organizational atmosphere, etc.






Training and development


The Cemig Leadership in Management Program, defined and mapped by the Dom Cabral Foundation jointly with the company, was held in 2007, to develop leadership competencies. This is a continuation of a permanent process that aims to ensure that Cemig has available to it people who are capable of leading the transformations of today and the future. For the whole year, managers and superintendents were trained in at least three of a total of 10 leadership competencies, aiming to reduce the gaps in the exercise of these competencies. The number of employee participations was 1,586, representing 14,092 hours of training.


Continuing the corporate objective of having and maintaining a workforce with development that is compatible to its needs, and consequently being trained, polished and specialized, in 2007 EFAP provided 11,323 participations in technical training to Cemig group employees, as well as 458 participations for employees of other companies. Total man-hours trained amounted to 507,590.


In November 2007 the Bureau Veritas Quality International (BVQI) recommended certification of 15 processes of our Professional Improvement and Training School (EFAP). The putting in place of the quality management system at AFAP is one of the challenges of strategic human resources planning, and it aims primarily to achieve continual improvement of its processes, focused on the quality of technical training offered to its internal and external clients.


Training in IT, administration, external training, post-graduate courses, language and other courses continued, to meet the company’s constant needs arising from the emergence of new technologies, equipment and work methods. Attendances in 2007 totaled 17,172, corresponding to 49.23 student training hours.


Management of organizational atmosphere


Aware that the achievement of high performance is intimately linked with a healthy and stimulating environment, Cemig seeks permanently to manage its internal environment. Within this context, one of the elements of the company’s vision is “to be one of the best companies to work in”.


In 2006, competing with more than 500 companies, Cemig was included in the list of the 150 Best Companies to Work In by Exame magazine’s Você S.A. Guide. In 2007 not only was it once again among the Guide’s list of the 150 best companies to work in, but it was considered the best in the special category of the largest companies – those with more than 10,000 employees.


Another tool used to manage satisfaction with the work environment is the Organizational Atmosphere Survey, held every two years with all employees. After the phase of diagnosis and analysis of results, the company carries out planning of actions for improvement, preparing a corporate action plan and individual action plans for the various superintendents’ and managers’ departments, and this is followed, finally, by a phase of monitoring of the performance of the improvement action plans. In the 2005-7 cycle there was a corporate plan made up of 21 improvement actions, and 95 individual area action plans, totaling 2,232 improvement actions. From the monitoring that was carried out, it was found that more than 80% of these actions were implemented.


Health, well-being and work safety


To disseminate the culture and ensure the desired levels of safety, health and well-being of our own employees, and also outsourced employees, Cemig continues its programs started in previous years, and maintains innovative initiatives implementing new projects aimed to ensure the health, safety and well-being of its employees.


Programs continued in the year include the Energia Vital quality of life program, the disabled inclusion program, vaccination and blood donor programs, seminars on preparation for retirement, among others.


In 2007 Cemig carried out various training programs in safety, highlighting those related to electricity, technical courses and recycling, with a total of 254,820 man-hours of training, as well as organization of workshops, meetings and other training sessions.




Labor and union relations


Other the last four years Cemig has negotiated changes in its remuneration policy with the Unions, aiming to integrate the HR management processes with the company’s business strategy. A highlight is the certification under NBR Standard ISO 9001:2000 of our Labor Union Relations Department.


New people


Completing the replacement of staff levels begun in 2006, 242 new employees were hired in 2007 for positions of medium, technical, and higher levels, arising from approval in a public competition held in January 2006.


In October 2007, as part of Strategic Human Capital Management, the company created its Internal Mobility Procedure, which responds to demands from various areas of the company where vacancies occur. It aims to provide the maximum benefit to and make use of the company’s own employees, in accordance with the criteria in the Jobs and Remuneration Plan, and the provisions of law.



Employees, by Company


( * ) Holding Company, Cemig Distribuição and Cemig Geração e Transmissão


Culture and society


Cemig maintains a profound involvement with the society of which it is a part. A central focus is sponsorship of cultural projects and incentive-related donations to initiatives for social empowerment and the improvement of quality of life.


In 2007 we invested approximately R$ 27.3 million in cultural and social actions, directly benefiting the population of more than 200 municipalities in Minas Gerais. Most of the cultural projects sponsored by Cemig are continuous, or take the form of maintenance of permanent cultural spaces, reinforcing the concept of sustainability, a decisive factor in the construction of the citizen’s identity and dignity.


We invest in university extension festivals in the largest academic centers of the state, because we believe they offer the possibility for reflection about the information acquired in the classroom – the advantages are gained by the population of the cities where they happen. We sponsor large and small museums, public libraries, music academies and theaters.


With the second year of our “Film it in Minas” program, we reaffirm the state’s vocation in the audiovisual arts. Thirty-four projects received funding, in a wide variety of categories, in 2007/2008. Prizes were given not only to full-length and short films, but also to experimental videos, documentaries, and projects in research and development and literature of the area. All of these projects used labor, logistics and locations in the state of Minas Gerais.


To provide its internal public with access to reading and the visual arts, Cemig maintains an art gallery at its head office, holding 11 exhibitions of artists from all the country – each year for the last 17 years – in a library that is also open to the public, with approximately 57,000 books. As well as this collection at the head office building, a traveling library visited another 12 administrative units of the company, serving new readers in the capital city, Belo Horizonte, and throughout the state.




By ensuring that popular theater festivals take place, or taking the artistic expression of Minas Gerais outside Brazil, Cemig invests in the transforming force of culture, and reaps, together with a more mature society, comprehension of the best possible use of natural resources, respect for heritage and the common good.




Cemig has an Environmental Policy, published in 1990, containing 7 principles that orient activities and efforts related to the protection of the environment and sustainable development. These principles are translated into actions that seek to impress on the employees and partners increasing awareness of environmental issues.


Within its area of operation Cemig carries out various activities aiming to contribute to sustainable development. These include a school environmental education program, environmental reserves, programs for preservation of flora and fauna, in which programs related to fish are a highlight.


Through these actions Cemig seeks continual improvement in its social and environmental responsibility. Investments in the environment in the last four years have been more than R$ 300 million, as follows:



Implementation of new projects

(R$ million)


Operation and maintenance

(R$ million)


Environmental management system


The various departments of Cemig can apply for and receive certification under Cemig’s Environmental Management System (SGA), in accordance with ISO 14001/2004, or adopt an Internal Management System, named SGA Level 1, which was developed on the principles of Brazilian Standard NBR ISO 14001.


In 2007, the following have NBR ISO 14001/2004 certification: the Nova Ponte and Itutinga hydroelectric plants, the Galheiro Environmental Station, the management of the Western Region Plants, and the management office of the Generation Superintendent’s Department.


In 2007, the following were certified:


·                  Hydroelectric plants:

·                  São Simão, Miranda and Rosal (2,173 MW) certified under NBR ISO 14001:2004;

·                  Emborcação and Salto Grande certified at SGA Level 1 (1,296 MW).


·                  Transmission

·                  The management unit of the Transmission Maintenance and Operation unit of the Minas “Triangle” area was certified under SGA Level 1, NBR ISO 9001 and OHSAS 18001 – 2,121 km of transmission lines.


·                  The management of dam safety was certified under NBR ISO 14001:2004; ISO 9001:2000 and OHSAS 18001.




With the expansion of implementation of the Environment Management Systems, our total installed generation capacity with certification increased from 1,939 MW in 2006 to 5,408 MW in 2007, 83% of the total.


Sustainable development


In 2007 Cemig was selected by the DJSI World – (Dow Jones Sustainability World Index), as world leader in the “supersector” of Utilities – which includes all companies providing services in electricity, gas distribution, water and associated public utility services all over the world. This achievement also represents the 8th year running (2007-8) in which Cemig has been in the select list of companies of the DJSI World. Cemig has been part of this index since it was created in 1999, and is the only company in the Latin American electricity sector included in it. Its consecutive participation in the DJSI World throughout this period reflects its commitment to corporate sustainable development in its activities, including corporate governance practices, respect for the environment and the wellbeing of society, while effectively creating value for its stockholders.


Also, Cemig was selected for inclusion in the corporate sustainability index (ISE) of the São Paulo stock exchange (Bovespa) for the third time running. Cemig has been included in this index since it was created in 2005. The ISE reflects the return on a portfolio made up of shares of companies with recognized commitment to social responsibility and sustainability in the Brazilian corporate environment.


As well as the commitment to protection of the environment, we invest in programs for conservation and efficiency in energy use, and in research on new energy sources, such as solar and photovoltaic energy, wind energy, hydrogen fuel cell research and the use of natural gas.


Environmental licensing


Our Environmental Licensing Team aims to ensure that all the studies and reports produced are properly analyzed, and all requirements of the bodies responsible for environmental issues promptly complied with. Our studies and monitoring are carried out through contracting of specialists, which include consultancy companies, research centers and universities.


In 2007 Cemig obtained operational licenses for 8 transmission lines and renewal of the license of the Igarapava plant.


It also obtained exemption from license for two transmission lines and 202 substations.


Management of waste


Cemig seeks to provide the most appropriate possible application of the waste that it generates. In 2007, 320,875 fluorescent and public illumination lamps from the whole of its concession area were sent for recycling. Materials withdrawn from operation such as transformers, insulators, scrap, cables and wires are sent to the materials distribution centre, which is certified under the Cemig Environmental Management System, where they are separated for reuse or sale.


In 2007, 4,685 tons of materials and equipment were sold or recycled, 31% more than in 2006. These materials include porcelain insulating parts, scrap metal parts of meters, reactors, cables, wires and batteries. Also, Cemig itself regenerated and re-used 435,000 liters of insulating mineral oil withdrawn from electrical equipment. A further 41 tons of wastes impregnated with oil (gloves, cloths and sawdust), and 201 tons of insulating mineral oil inappropriate for use in electrical equipment, were co-processed.





Materials recycled or re-used, and wastes sent for processing –2004-2007, tons


The increase in the quantity of material recycled or re-used reflects the replacement of electric wire networks in recent years, and also development of Cemig’s abilities in management and selection and separation of materials. During the year, 4,108 tons of the total of 4,685 tons of materials were sold, providing revenue of R$ 11.2 million.


We have had a continuous campaign, since 2002, for selective waste collection at our head office building under the name “I Love Recycling”. In 2007, 107 Ton of recyclable material was collected, made up of 64 Ton of paper, 26 Ton of cardboard and 17 Ton of plastic. These were passed to an NGO, Asmare (the Belo Horizonte Association of Collectors of Paper, Cardboard And Reusable Materials.


Fish study programs


The Peixe Vivo (“Live Fish”) program was launched in 2007 (, which aims to create and expand actions for preservation of the aquatic fauna in the river basins of Minas Gerais state where there are Cemig generation plants. This program is implementing channels of communication that allow involvement of the community. The program distributes informative material and organizes lectures, meetings and workshops with various sections of society participating.


To repopulate Cemig’s reservoirs and the rivers of Minas Gerais, maintaining biodiversity, we carried out 140 fish repopulation projects, at locations all over the state, with release of 808,000 minnows of various species native to the basins of the Grande, Paranaíba, São Francisco and Pardo Rivers. Some 10,000 people took part in these actions, including school pupils and representatives of various other sectors of society, in more than 70 municipalities of Minas Gerais state.


Fauna, flora and monitoring of water quality


The company’s Environmental Stations have more than 4,000 hectares of protected areas, used for carrying out studies on fauna and flora, environmental education activities and programmed visits. A total of 700kg of seeds were collected, of 120 native forest species, destined for Cemig’s cultivation beds and interchanged with other institutions.


We also produced 350,000 saplings of native species which were distributed to prefectures, NGOs and public bodies, and we planted 25 hectares of riverbank forests in partnership with rural producers.


In its Profauna program the Peti Environmental Station nurtured the following species of fauna: Wild Duck, Brazilian Teal, Solitary Tinamou, Cutia and Ultramarine Grosbeak, which were subsequently released in Cemig’s other Natural Heritage Reserves (RPPNs). A further 261 recovered and readapted animals, apprehended by the environmental police and by the environmental authority Ibama, were returned to the natural environment in the company’s conservation units – which are registered under Ibama’s Forest Animals Release Area (ASAS) project.


To control the quality of water of our reservoirs, we have a monitoring network covering eight basins (Grande, Paranaíba, Pardo, São Francisco, Doce, Paraíba do Sul, Itabapoana and Jequitinhonha) and 34 different sub-basins, comprising a total of 46 reservoirs and 247 water collection stations.




Urban trees


To achieve harmonious co-existence between distribution networks and urban trees, Cemig carries out directional pruning, and gives courses in tree pruning for various prefectures in Minas Gerais. Through theoretical presentations and practical demonstration, participants receive information on implementation and maintenance of urban trees and the tree species that are appropriate for urban areas, among others subjects.


In partnership with the Brazilian Urban Arborization Society (SBAU) and the International Society of Arboriculture (ISA), Cemig held the Seminar on handling of urban arborization in relation to electricity systems. This aimed to discuss and improve techniques for maintenance of trees that are close to electricity lines, based on exchange of information between professionals of the area, and also creation of closer relationships between prefectures and electricity concession holders.


Environment Week


On June 11 and 12, 2007 Cemig held its 2007 Environment Week, on the theme Sustainable Development and Global Warming. More than 4,000 pupils in primary education at the state and municipal 40 public schools of Belo Horizonte took part.


The choice of theme aimed to alert the public that the responsibility to combat global warming is not only in the hands of governments and international organizations, but is a task for all – aiming to increase awareness of global warming, and more aware citizens with a differentiated view of nature, the future and human beings.


Environmental education program


In partnership with the Biodiversitas Foundation, Cemig launched the second stage of its Terra da Gente (“Our Land”) environmental education program ( In this stage the program expects to reach 247,000 people, 774 schools, in 235 municipalities of the Campo das Vertentes region and the south of Minas Gerais.


“Terra da Gente” was created to promote environmental education for peoples in the 5th to 8th grades of basic education, and is supported by local universities wherever it is implemented. In this new phase the program has the support of the Federal University of Lavras (EUFLA) and the Federal University of São João Del Rei (UFSJ).


The Environmental Education Program that we run in our plants and environmental stations received visits from some 19,544 pupils from various schools throughout the state this year. During the visits, pupils receive information on generation of electricity and its relation to the environment, and messages about sustainable development and the need to conserve ecosystems.


Research and Development – Environment


Cemig has ongoing R&D projects in the environmental area, managed by Aneel, with universities and research institutions.


Using funds from Aneel, five R&D projects related to the environment are in progress in fish management, immunology and environmental aspects of operation of generation plants, transposition systems and water resources.


In 2006 the first transformer 100% insulated with vegetable oil was installed, in partnership with ABB. With the positive results of the first transformer, in 2007, two more units of equipment were put in place in Arrudas Boulevard, to serve the Green Line in Belo Horizonte – making it possible to disseminate this technology to other areas of the company’s operations. The main advantage of vegetable oil for the environment is that it is biodegradable.




Cemig and the Belo Horizonte Zoobotanical Foundation have renewed their contract for monitoring of the Lobo-Guará (the Brazilian wolf), for a sixth stage.


This project develops the research on the ecology of this fox (Chrysocyon brachyurus) using GPS satellite technology, from the Galheiro environmental station of Cemig in the municipality of Perdizes, Minas Gerais.


Recognition and awards


Cemig’s efforts in 2007 led to recognition and awards reflecting the excellence of its activities by various sectors of society, among which we highlight the following:


The Ponto Terra Environmental Award


Cemig was winner of the Ponto Terra – Minas 2007 environmental prize in the Companies category with its project Solar Water Heating in Residential Buildings. The award is organized by the Ponto Terra organization, and was given during the 7th Latin American Conference on Environment and Social Responsibility (Ecolatina 2007). This is a pioneer project in Brazil, a partnership between Cemig and the Minas Gerais state public housing company (CohabMG) and the state’s regional development and urban policy department (Sedru). The project was begun in 2002 and has so far benefited 1,671 families.


The Minas Gerais 2007 Environmental Prize:


Cemig’s Nova Ponte hydroelectric plant was one of the winners of the Minas Gerais 2007 environmental prize (PMGA), organized by the Brazilian Quality Union (UBQ) which highlighted innovative and differentiated environmental management practices. The plant is now certified by international environmental management, health and safety and quality standards.


The Minas Gerais Quality Control Groups Prize


Cemig was the champion participant in the 16th Minas Gerais Convention of Quality Control Groups (CCQs), and represented the state of Minas Gerais in the 13th Brazilian Nationwide Quality Control Groups Congress held in Gramado, in the state of Rio Grande de Sul. CCQ is a voluntary program where members of teams are trained in quality tools for solving problems. The company was represented by the Matrix Team with the “Oil vs. Oil” project, which presented an innovated solution to the problem of oil mist that contaminates electricity generators – the solution generated gains of R$ 14 million in each periodic maintenance cycle.


Social Responsibility Award


Two projects – Illuminating Lives and Public-spirited School Kit, developed by employees in the south of Minas working as volunteers, were finalists in the 4th Assis Chateaubriand Social Responsibility Awards. Illuminating Lives, a partnership between Cemig and the Prisoners’ Protection and Assistance Association (Apac) and Usiparts, was selected as one of the 10 best projects submitted and received the Assis Chateaubriand Social Responsibility Trophy. The Public-spirited School Kit project received a special mention for its selection as among the 20 projects of greatest social importance in the region.


Dow Jones


Cemig is the only Latin American company that has been selected by the Dow Jones Sustainability World Index (DJSI World) as the world leader in a sector of the economy worldwide, side-by-side with the giant companies of the US and Europe. In the 2007-8 index, Cemig was named the best company in the utilities “supersector” (which includes electricity, gas distribution, water/sewerage and other public utility services worldwide). The DJSI World index was created 8 years ago and has become a worldwide reference for investors and fund managers. Cemig has been included in every edition of the index since its creation.


Consumer Satisfaction Survey


In a survey by Brazilian Energy Regulator, Aneel, of more than 19,000 clients of 64 electricity concessions in Brazil, Cemig was chosen as the best electricity concession holder in the Southeast Region, among those with more than 400,000 consumers, in the IASC (Aneel Consumer Satisfaction Index) award for 2006.




ISE Corporate Sustainability Index


In 2007 Cemig was selected for the third time running for the São Paulo stock exchange ISE (Corporate Sustainability Index). The Company has been included in this index since its creation in 2005. Companies are assessed based on a questionnaire that reflects the company’s characteristics and its activities in the economic, environmental, social and corporate governance dimensions, and the nature of its products.


The ISE, after three years’ existence, is recognized as a benchmark for investors interested in shares listed on the Bovespa of companies that practice corporate sustainability. The index also seeks to encourage Brazilian companies to practice good management.


2007 Brazil Safety Award


Cemig received the Prêmio Proteção Brasil 2007 award in the “Best Safety Example in Electricity” category. This is the third year the prize has been awarded – it recognizes the efforts of companies, employees and executives to improve work health and safety conditions. The “case” we presented dealt with our process of providing flame-resistant clothing, one of Cemig’s research and development projects.


Accountants’ “Transparency Trophy”


For the fourth year running, Cemig won the Transparency Trophy, awarded by three accounting-related organizations in the Listed Companies category. 14 companies received awards: 10 listed and 4 unlisted. The prize has been given for the last 11 years by Anefac (the Brazilian Association of Finance, Administration and Accounting Executives), Fipecafi (the Accounting, Actuarial and Financial Research Institute Foundation) and the financial records institution Serasa.


“Brazil’s 150 Best Companies To Work In” – 2007 Exame Guia Você S.A. award


Cemig was chosen as the best of Brazil’s large companies surveyed by Exame magazine’s Você S.A. Guide’s survey “105 Best Companies for you to Work In, in 2007”. This is the second time in a row that Cemig has been included in the list of the best companies to work for – indicating the recognition given by our internal public to the success of the internal management practices that we have been putting in place.


Investor relations


Cemig received an honorable mention in three categories in the IR Magazine Brazil Awards for 2007: the “Grand Prix” for Best Investor Relations Program (Large Companies), Best Social-Environmental Sustainability; and Best Investment Analyst Community Meeting. The honorable mention is given to the five finalists of the award. Each year IR Magazine gives awards recognizing the best investor relations professionals and the best companies, in various categories, in accordance with an independent survey carried out by the Brazilian Economics Institute of the Getúlio Vargas Foundation (FGV).




Cemig’s management is grateful to Minas Gerais state Governor Dr. Aécio Neves da Cunha for the trust and support he has shown during the year, and also the other federal, state and municipal authorities, the communities served by the company, our stockholders and other investors, and, especially, the dedication of our highly qualified workforce.
























R$ ’000






R$ ’000




1 - Basis of calculations














Net sales revenue (NR) R$ ’000














Operating result (OR) R$ ’000














Gross payroll (GP) R$ ’000






























R$ ’000


% of GP


% of NR


R$ ’000


% of GP


% of NR


2 - Internal social indicators




























Mandatory charges and payments based on payroll














Private pension plan




























Safety and medicine in the workplace






































Training and professional development














Provision of or assistance for day-care centers














Profit sharing




























Internal social indicators – Total






























R$ ’000


% of GP


% of NR


R$ ’000


% of GP


% of NR


3 - External social indicators