PURSUANT TO RULE 13a-16 OR 15d-16 OF
For the month of August 2008
Commission File Number 1-15224
Energy Company of Minas Gerais
(Translation of Registrants Name Into English)
Avenida Barbacena, 1200
30190-131 Belo Horizonte, Minas Gerais, Brazil
(Address of Principal Executive Offices)
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Pursuant to the requirements of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, the registrant has duly caused this report to be signed on its behalf by the undersigned, thereunto duly authorized.
By: |
/s/ Luiz Fernando Rolla |
Name: |
Luiz Fernando Rolla |
Title: |
Chief Financial Officer, |
Investor Relations Officer and |
Control of Holdings Officer |
Date: August 28, 2008 |
Item |
Description of Item |
1. |
Summary of Minutes of the 64th Meeting of the Board of Directors, Cemig Geração e Transmissão S.A., March 6, 2008 |
2. |
Summary of Minutes of the 65th Meeting of the Board of Directors, Cemig Geração e Transmissão S.A., March 25, 2008 |
3. |
Summary of Minutes of the 66th Meeting of the Board of Directors, Cemig Geração e Transmissão S.A., April 24, 2008 |
4. |
Summary of Minutes of the 67th Meeting of the Board of Directors, Cemig Geração e Transmissão S.A., May 8, 2008 |
5. |
Summary of Minutes of the 68th Meeting of the Board of Directors, Cemig Geração e Transmissão S.A., May 13, 2008 |
6. |
Summary of Minutes of the 69th Meeting of the Board of Directors, Cemig Distribuição S.A., May 13, 2008 |
7. |
Summary of Minutes of the 70th Meeting of the Board of Directors, Cemig Distribuição S.A., May 15, 2008 |
8. |
Summary of Principal Decisions of the 74th Meeting of the Board of Directors, Cemig Distribuição S.A., July 31, 2008 |
9. |
Summary of Principal Decisions of the 73rd Meeting of the Board of Directors, Cemig Geração e Transmissão S.A., July 31, 2008 |
10. |
Summary of Minutes of the 438th Meeting of the Board of Directors, Companhia Energética de Minas Gerais - CEMIG, July 31, 2008 |
11. |
Summary of Minutes of the 439th Meeting of the Board of Directors, Companhia Energética de Minas Gerais - CEMIG, August 14, 2008 |
12. |
Summary of Principal Decisions of the 75th Meeting of the Board of Directors, Cemig Distribuição S.A., August 14, 2008 |
13. |
Summary of Principal Decisions of the 74th Meeting of the Board of Directors, Cemig Geração e Transmissão S.A., August 14, 2008 |
14. |
Earnings Release 2Q 2008 |
1. |
Summary of Minutes of the 64th Meeting of the Board of Directors, Cemig Geração e Transmissão S.A., March 6, 2008 |
Cemig Geração e Transmissão S.A.
Listed company CNPJ 06.981.176/0001-58 NIRE 31300020550
Summary of minutes of the 64th meeting of the Board of Directors
Date, time and place: |
March 6, 2008, at 3.30 p.m. at the companys head office, |
Av. Barbacena 1200, 12th Floor, B1 Wing, Belo Horizonte, Minas Gerais, Brazil. |
Meeting committee: |
Chairman: |
Marcio Araújo de Lacerda. |
Secretary: |
Anamaria Pugedo Frade Barros. |
Summary of proceedings:
I The Board approved:
A) The Technical Feasibility Study on offsetting of tax credits, which is the grounds for the accounting of deferred tax credits contained in the 2007 financial statements.
B) The proposal of Board Member Alexandre Heringer Lisboa, that the members of the Board of Directors should authorize their Chairman to call the Ordinary and Extraordinary General Meetings of Stockholders to be held, jointly, on April 25, 2008, at 5p.m.; and, if the minimum quorum is not found, to make second convocation of the stockholders within the legal period.
C) The Cemig GTAneel Technological Research and Development Program for the 2005-2006 cycle, and authorization for opening of the respective tender proceedings, acquisitions/contracting of services and signing of the working agreements arising from the said Project.
D) With the changes proposed by the Vice-chairman and CEO, Djalma Bastos de Morais, the Voluntary Dismissal Program, as a permanent program applicable to spontaneous rescissions of employment contracts, and the other criteria applicable to specific situations of the employees who satisfy the requirements for retirement.
E) The terms and conditions presented by the Executive Board for participation of Cemig GT in the Santo Antônio hydroelectric project.
F) The proposal of the Board Member Francelino Pereira dos Santos to elect Mr. Djalma Bastos de Morais Brazilian, married, engineer, resident and domiciled in Belo Horizonte, Minas Gerais, at Av. Bandeirantes 665/401, Sion, CEP 30315-000, holder of identity card 019112140-9(Army Ministry) and CPF 006633526-49, as Vice-Chairman, to serve the same remaining period of office as that of the other members of the Executive Board, that is to say until the first meeting of the Board of Directors following the Annual General Meeting of Stockholders of 2010.
G) The minutes of this meeting.
II The Board approved the Report of Management and financial statements for 2007 and the respective complementary documents, and submitted them to the Ordinary and Extraordinary General Meetings of Stockholders to be held on April 30 2008.
III The Board authorized:
A) The inclusion of the generator, rotor and transformer equipment of the Pai Joaquim hydroelectric plant in Cemig GTs operational risk insurance contract with Itaú Seguros S.A., for two months, valid until May 5, 2008, with the possibility of renewal for a further thirty six months, the cost of which in the contract will be reimbursed to Cemig GT by Cemig PCH S.A.; and signing of the 5th Amendment to that Contract to reflect the inclusion referred to above.
B) Signing of the Technical-scientific Cooperation Working Agreement with the Strategic Technology Management Center (CGET) for a period sixty months, for execution of the Cemig GTAneel Technological Research and Development Program for 2005/2006.
Av.Barbacena, 1200 - Santo Agostinho - CEP 30190-131 - Belo Horizonte - MG - Brasil - Tel.: (0XX31)3506-5024
C) Signing of the Working Agreement with the Military Police of Minas Gerais 7th environmental military police company, to establish a system of forest patrolling, and to develop programs for environmental education, preservation of mineral resources, fauna and flora in the areas around the Igarapé thermal generation plant, as per the opinion of Aneel contained in Aneel Notice 984/2001 -SSF/ANEEL.
D) Signing of the Working Agreement with the Military Police of Minas Gerais 5th military police region, to develop programs for environmental education and preservation of fauna, flora and mineral resources through patrolling of the areas of river safety and areas around the hydroelectric plant reservoirs of Nova Ponte, Jaguara, Volta Grande, Igarapava and Pai Joaquim, for a period of sixty months from the date of its signature.
E) Signing of the Working Agreement with the State of Minas Gerais, through its Education Department, for the assignment of use, non-remunerated, to that Department of the real estate property where the Lucas Lopes state school functions and House 16, in the municipality of Braúnas, Minas Gerais; and payment of a cost assistance to the School Fund of that school for a period of twenty four months, from February 21, 2008, extensible for the same period, the said real estate properties to be returned at the end of the Working Agreement, in the same conditions in which they were loaned, with the exception of wear and tear of normal use.
F) Presentation to Banco ABN AMRO Real S.A. of an indicative and non-binding proposal for acquisition of part of the registered capital of a company holding authorization for PCH projects in various stages of development and construction, which shall have total installed capacity of 258 MW and assured energy of 146 MW.
G) Authorization to the Executive Board to enter into a court agreement for rescission of the electricity purchase and sale Contract signed with Ecom Energia Ltda., with payments of indemnity by that Company and consequent extinction of the case against Ecom, after its homologation by the courts.
H) Specific application of Article 6 of CVM instruction 358/2002 in relation to the terms and conditions for exploration of the Santo Antônio hydroelectric project, mentioned in item I, sub-item E, above, emphasizing the obligatory nature of the compliance with the confidentiality undertakings signed with Cemig GT.
IV- The Board delegated to the companys Executive Board until March 29, 2008, the competency to authorize, signing, after hearing the opinion of the Energy Risks Management Committee, of energy sale contracts that individually have values equal or more than five million Reais, including when they are signed between Cemig GT and any of its stockholders or companies which are controlling stockholders of such stockholders, or controlled by them or under their common control, and authorization to enter into the respective Amendments and Terms of Rescission, and this Board must be informed of such instruments signed at the meeting following their approval.
V- The Board submitted to the Ordinary and Extraordinary General Meetings to be held, cumulatively, by April 30, 2008 the allocation of net profit for 2007, in the amount of R$ 747,024,000, as follows:
a) R$ 37,351,000, representing 5% of the net profit, to be allocated to the Legal Reserve.
b) R$ 709,673,000 to be allocated for payment of dividends, as follows:
R$ 188,118,000 as Interest on Equity, and
R$ 521,555,000 as complementary dividends;
to be paid in two installments, 50% by June 30, 2008 and 50% by December 30, 2008, and such payment may be brought forward depending on availability of cash at the decision of the Executive Board.
VI The Board ratified:
A) Supplementation of the budget for 2008, for acquisition of fuel oil for the Igarapé thermal plant, and authorization for the Executive Board to make new monthly supplementations, in the amounts necessary, in accordance with the demand of the ONS, provided that the Board of Directors is advised of the respective amounts in the meeting following the decision.
B) Signing of the Counter-guarantee Contract between Unibanco AIG Seguros S.A. and Madeira Energia S.A., aiming to making possible contracting of a Completion Guarantee Insurance for the Santo Antônio hydroelectric plant and its presentation to Aneel.
C) Filing of a legal action, with consequent extra-judicial deposit, for compliance with the electricity purchase and sale contracts signed with Ecom Energia Ltda., in view of the non-compliance by that company with its contractual obligations.
VII Withdrawal from the agenda: The matter relating to signing of a Term of Undertaking with EDP-Energias do Brasil S.A., Construtora Andrade Gutierrez S.A. and Concremat Engenharia e Tecnologia S.A., for the carrying out of feasibility studies in relation to execution/contracting of civil, electromechanical, environmental, and field studies and hydroelectric projects was withdrawn from the agenda.
VIII Vote against: The board member Wilton de Medeiros Daher voted against the proposals mentioned in items I, sub-item E, and III, sub-item H, which deal with the Santo Antônio hydroelectric project; and item III, sub-item F, which deals with the indicative and non binding proposal for acquisition of a company above.
IX Abstention: The board member Alexandre Heringer Lisboa abstained from voting on the matter relating to the Voluntary Dismissal Program (PDD), mentioned in Item I, sub-item D, above.
X Votes against: the Board Members Andréa Paula Fernandes Pansa, Carlos Augusto Leite Brandão, Evandro Veiga Negrão de Lima, Haroldo Guimarães Brasil, José Augusto Pimentel Pessôa and Wilton de Medeiros Daher voted against the proposals mentioned in item VI, sub-items B and C, above, relating to signing of a counter-guarantee and filing of a legal action, respectively.
XI The Chairman reported the death, on February 24, 2008, of the Vice-Chairman, Agostinho Patrús.
XII Votes against: Andréa Paula Fernandes Pansa, Carlos Augusto Leite Brandão, Evandro Veiga Negrão de Lima, Haroldo Guimarães Brasil and José Augusto Pimentel Pessôa voted against the proposal of board member Francelino Pereira dos Santos to appoint the Vice-Chairman, mentioned in Item I, sub-item F above.
XIII The elected Board Member declared that he is not subject to any prohibition on exercise of commercial activity, that he does not occupy any post in a company which may be considered a competitor of the Company, and that he does not have nor represent any interest conflicting with that of Cemig, and assumed a solemn undertaking to become aware of, obey and comply with the principles, ethical values and rules established by the Code of Ethical Conduct of Government Workers and Senior Administration of the State of Minas Gerais.
XIV The Chairman stated that the members of the Executive Board are now as follows:
CEO and Vice-Chairman: |
Djalma Bastos de Morais; |
Chief Trading Officer: |
Bernardo Afonso Salomão de Alvarenga; |
Chief Generation and Transmission Officer: |
Fernando Henrique Schüffner Neto; |
Chief New Business Development Officer: |
José Carlos de Mattos; |
Chief Officer for Finance, Investor Relations and Control of Holdings: |
Luiz Fernando Rolla; |
Chief Corporate Management Officer: |
Marco Antonio Rodrigues da Cunha; |
Director without specific designation: |
José Maria de Macedo. |
XV Resignation: The board member Wilson Nélio Brumer presented his resignation as a member of the board, as from todays date.
XVI The following spoke on general matters and business of interest to the Company:
The Chairman |
Board Members: |
Andréa Paula Fernandes Pansa, Carlos Augusto Leite Brandão, Evandro Veiga Negrão de Lima, Haroldo Guimarães Brasil, José Augusto Pimentel Pessôa, Wilton de Medeiros Daher, Francelino Pereira dos Santos and Alexandre Heringer Lisboa. |
CEO and Vice-chairman: |
Djalma Bastos de Morais. |
Director and Board member: |
Fernando Henrique Schüffner Neto. |
Director: |
Luiz Fernando Rolla. |
Managers: |
Álvaro Nelson Assis Araújo and Márcio Saúde Soares. |
The following were present: |
Board Members: |
Marcio Araujo de Lacerda, Aécio Ferreira da Cunha, Alexandre Heringer Lisboa, Andréa Paula Fernandes Pansa, Antônio Adriano Silva, Carlos Augusto Leite Brandão, Evandro Veiga Negrão de Lima, Francelino Pereira dos Santos, Haroldo Guimarães Brasil, José Augusto Pimentel Pessôa, Maria Estela Kubitschek Lopes, Wilson Nélio Brumer, Wilton de Medeiros Daher and Francisco de Assis Soares. |
CEO and Vice-chairman: |
Djalma Bastos de Morais. |
Director and Board member: |
Fernando Henrique Schüffner Neto. |
Fiscal Board: |
Aristóteles Luiz Menezes Vasconcellos Drummond, Celene Carvalho de Jesus and Luiz Otávio Nunes West. |
Director: |
Luiz Fernando Rolla. |
Managers: |
Álvaro Nelson Assis Araújo and Márcio Saúde Soares. |
Representatives of: |
KPMG Auditores Independentes; and |
Secretary: |
Anamaria Pugedo Frade Barros. |
Anamaria Pugedo Frade Barros
2. Summary of Minutes of the 65th Meeting of the Board of Directors, Cemig Geração e Transmissão S.A., March 25, 2008
Cemig Geração e Transmissão S.A.
Listed company CNPJ 06.981.176/0001-58 NIRE 31300020550
Summary of minutes of the 65th meeting of the Board of Directors
Date, time and place: |
March 25, 2008, at 3.30 p.m. at the companys head office, |
Av. Barbacena 1200, 12th Floor, B1 Wing, Belo Horizonte, Minas Gerais, Brazil. |
Meeting committee: |
Chairman: |
Marcio Araújo de Lacerda. |
Secretary: |
Anamaria Pugedo Frade Barros. |
Summary of proceedings:
I The Board approved the minutes of this meeting.
II The Board authorized:
a) Injection of funds by the Company into the Baguari Hydroelectric Consortium, until arrangement of the funding from the BNDES for the enterprise, equal to the amount exceeding the equity represented by its 34% stake in that consortium, these funds to be reimbursed to the company on the occasion of the first disbursement of the financing; and signing of the Letter Agreement with Furnas Centrais Elétricas S.A. Furnas, to formalize the agreement for the company to supply the Baguari consortium with the amounts specified in the Timetable of Contributions approved by the Decision Committee of that Consortium, under the responsibility of Furnas.
b) Signing of the stockholders agreement and the bylaws of the Special-purpose Company Baguari Energia S.A. Baguari, to be constituted with Furnas, for implementation and commercial operation of the Baguari hydroelectric plant, authorized by Board Spending Decision (CRCA) 040/2007; signing of the Third Amendment to the Contract for constitution of the Baguari consortium, to reflect, under the aegis of the consortium, the creation of Baguari by Cemig GT and Furnas, with the consequent succession of the latter by the former; and that Cemig GT, as well as transferring to Baguari its participation in the Baguari consortium, should subscribe and pay up shares, in cash, at the time of constitution of that company, in the amount of six thousand nine hundred and thirty eight Reais and seventy eight centavos, and the Ordinary General Meeting, to be held in 2009, at the time of allocation of the companys profit, to state its position on this matter.
c) Signing of the undertaking with EDP Energias do Brasil S.A., Construtora Andrade Gutierrez S.A. and Concremat Engenharia e Tecnologia S.A., to be in force up to December 31, 2012, able to be extended for twelve months, upon signing of an Amendment, having as its object the carrying out of feasibility studies including the execution/contracting of civil, electromechanical, environmental, and field work and projects for the Choro, Pompéu, Angueretá and Formoso hydroelectric situations in the basin of the São Francisco river, and the signing of this instrument does not create an obligation for Cemig GT to implement or commercially operate any hydroelectric potentials nor to participate in auctions, and any participation by the company in this respect shall be subject of a specific agreement and resolutions by the Executive Board and the Board of Directors.
d) Signing, with the ONS, of the Fourth Amendment to Transmission Service Provision Contract 05/1999 and the Eighth Amendment to Transmission Service Provision Contract 02/2000, to adapt those contracts to the terms of Aneel Normative Resolution 270/2007.
Av.Barbacena, 1200 - Santo Agostinho - CEP 30190-131 - Belo Horizonte - MG - Brasil - Tel.: (0XX31)3506-5024
III The board delegated to the Executive Board, with alteration of the period of validity, so as to expire on April 29, 2008, suggested by the Chairman, the competence to authorize signing, after hearing the position of the Energy Risks Management Committee, of Electricity Sale Contracts whose values are individually five million Reais or more, including when signed between Cemig GT and any of its stockholders or companies which are controlling stockholders thereof, whether controlled by them or under common control; and also the respective Amendments and Rescissions, and the Board of Directors is to be informed of any instruments approved by the Executive Board at its meeting following such approval.
IV The board ratified the adjustments made to the Voluntary Dismissal Program, while the decisions made on that program in CRCA 014/2008 remain unchanged.
V The board re-ratified CRCA 083/2007, which authorized participation of the company in the implantation and commercial operation of Pipoca small hydroelectric plant, signing of a stockholders agreement and subscription by Cemig GT of shares in the special-purpose company Hidrelétrica Pipoca S.A., holder of the authorization from Aneel (National Electricity Agency) to build and commercially operate the Pipoca Small Hydro Plant; and authorized paying in of equity capital by Cemig GT, the other terms of that CRCA remaining unchanged.
VI Vote against: The Board Member Wilton de Medeiros Daher voted against the proposal mentioned in item II, sub-item c, above.
VII Abstention: The board member Alexandre Heringer Lisboa abstained from voting on the matter relating to the Voluntary Dismissal Program (PDD), mentioned in Item IV, above.
VIII Votes against: The Board Members Andréa Paula Fernandes Pansa, Carlos Augusto Leite Brandão, Evandro Veiga Negrão de Lima, José Augusto Pimentel Pessôa and Wilton de Medeiros Daher voted against the matter relating to the adjustments carried out in the voluntary dismissal program mentioned in item IV, above.
IX The following spoke on general matters and business of interest to the Company:
The Chairman |
Board Members: |
Andréa Paula Fernandes Pansa, Carlos Augusto Leite Brandão, Evandro Veiga Negrão de Lima and José Augusto Pimentel Pessôa. |
CEO and Vice-chairman: |
Djalma Bastos de Morais. |
Director: |
Luiz Fernando Rolla and José Carlos de Mattos. |
Director and Board member: |
Marco Antonio Rodrigues da Cunha. |
Superintendent: |
Ricardo Luiz Diniz Gomes. |
The following were present: |
Board Members: |
Marcio Araujo de Lacerda, Aécio Ferreira da Cunha, Alexandre Heringer Lisboa, Andréa Paula Fernandes Pansa, Antônio Adriano Silva, Carlos Augusto Leite Brandão, Evandro Veiga Negrão de Lima, José Augusto Pimentel Pessôa, Wilton de Medeiros Daher, Fernando Henrique Schüffner Neto, Guilherme Horta Gonçalves Júnior, Francisco de Assis Soares and Lauro Sérgio Vasconcelos David. |
CEO and Vice-chairman: |
Djalma Bastos de Morais. |
Directors: |
Luiz Fernando Rolla and José Carlos de Mattos. |
Director and Board member: |
Marco Antonio Rodrigues da Cunha. |
Superintendent: |
Ricardo Luiz Diniz Gomes; and |
Secretary: |
Anamaria Pugedo Frade Barros. |
Anamaria Pugedo Frade Barros
3. Summary of Minutes of the 66th Meeting of the Board of Directors, Cemig Geração e Transmissão S.A., April 24, 2008
Cemig Geração e Transmissão S.A.
Listed company - CNPJ 06.981.176/0001-58 NIRE 31300020550
Summary of minutes of the 66th meeting of the Board of Directors
Date, time and place: |
April 24, 2008, at 2 p.m. at the companys head office, |
Av. Barbacena 1200, 12th Floor, B1 Wing, Belo Horizonte, Minas Gerais, Brazil. |
Meeting committee: |
Chairman: |
Marcio Araújo de Lacerda. |
Secretary: |
Anamaria Pugedo Frade Barros. |
Summary of proceedings:
I The Chairman requested the Board Members present to state whether any of them had conflict of interest in relation to the matter on the agenda of meeting, and all replied in the negative.
II The Board approved the minutes of this meeting.
III The Board authorized:
a) The participation of Cemig GT, jointly with Furnas Centrais Elétricas S.A. (Furnas), Odebrecht Investimentos em Infra-Estrutura Ltda. (OII), Construtora Norberto Odebrecht S.A. (CNO), Andrade Gutierrez Participações S.A. (AG) and Fundo de Investimento em Participações Amazônia Energia II (FIP), in the process of bidding to be carried out by the Mining and Energy Ministry, for obtaining of the concession to use public assets for commercial operation of the Jirau hydroelectric project.
b) Signing of the instrument of constitution of consortium and the commitment to constitute a special-purpose Company, as required by Aneel in the Tender announcement for the Jirau hydroelectric project.
c) Subscription by Cemig GT of shares in Jirau Participações S.A. (JPSA), with a 10% share of the voting capital;
d) Orientation of a vote in favor to the representative of Cemig GT at the Extraordinary General Meeting of JPSA that decides on the entry of Cemig GT as a stockholder through paying-up of the capital injections as dealt with above and the changes in the bylaws relating to the registered capital.
e) Signing of the Stockholders Agreement of Jirau Participações S.A. and Other Matters, establishing the commitments of the stockholders in relation to the obligation to subscribe and pay up the increase in the companys capital and to regulate the relationships between the parties, as stockholders, establishing reciprocal guidelines, rights and obligations, to provide for the construction and commercial operation of the above mentioned enterprise through JPSA.
f) Signing of a Memorandum of Understanding that establishes the procedures and periods to be complied with if Cemig GT, AG or FIP disagree in relation to the value of the bid, in the event of it being considered the winning bid.
g) Signing of the counter-guarantee contract, to obtain guarantee insurance of the proposal for participation of Cemig GT in Aneel auction 005/2008 for the Jirau hydroelectric project, between Unibanco AIG Seguros S.A. and Cemig GT, AG, OII, CNO, Furnas and FIP, with period of validity up to December 31, 2008 or up to the presentation of the guarantee of completion of the contract, as per the tender announcement for the said Auction.
h) Consent by Cemig GT to the corporate governance practices already approved by JPSA.
Av.Barbacena, 1200 - Santo Agostinho - CEP 30190-131 - Belo Horizonte - MG - Brasil - Tel.: (0XX31)3506-5024
IV The Board delegated to the Executive Board, up to December 31, 2008, the competency to authorize the signing of electricity sale contracts, after hearing the opinion of the Energy Risk Management Committee, such as individually have amount of five million Reais or more, including when entered into between Cemig GT and any of its stockholders or companies that are controlling stockholders thereof, whether they are by them controlled or under common control, and respective Amendments and Rescissions, and the Board of Directors must be advised of the instruments approved by the Executive Board in the meeting following the approval.
V Approval with abstention and vote against: The matter relating the Jirau hydroelectric project, mentioned in item III, sub-items a to h, above, was approved, with Board Member Carlos Augusto Leite Brandão abstaining and Board Member Wilton de Medeiros Daher voting against.
VI The following spoke on general matters and business of interest to the Company:
The Chairman |
Board Members: |
Andréa Paula Fernandes Pansa, Carlos Augusto Leite Brandão, Evandro Veiga Negrão de Lima, Haroldo Guimarães Brasil, José Augusto Pimentel Pessôa, Djalma Bastos de Morais and Aécio Ferreira da Cunha. |
Director: |
José Carlos de Mattos. |
The following were present: |
Board Members: |
Marcio Araujo de Lacerda, Aécio Ferreira da Cunha, Alexandre Heringer Lisboa, Andréa Paula Fernandes Pansa, Antônio Adriano Silva, Carlos Augusto Leite Brandão, Evandro Veiga Negrão de Lima, Francelino Pereira dos Santos, Haroldo Guimarães Brasil, José Augusto Pimentel Pessôa, Maria Estela Kubitschek Lopes, Wilton de Medeiros Daher, Guilherme Horta Gonçalves Júnior, Francisco de Assis Soares and Lauro Sérgio Vasconcelos David. |
CEO and Vice-chairman: |
Djalma Bastos de Morais. |
Directors and Board members: |
Fernando Henrique Schüffner Neto and Marco Antonio Rodrigues da Cunha. |
Director: |
José Carlos de Mattos; and |
Secretary: |
Anamaria Pugedo Frade Barros. |
Anamaria Pugedo Frade Barros
4. Summary of Minutes of the 67th Meeting of the Board of Directors, Cemig Geração e Transmissão S.A., May 8, 2008
Cemig Geração e Transmissão S.A.
Listed company CNPJ 06.981.176/0001-58 NIRE 31300020550
Summary of minutes of the 67th meeting of the Board of Directors
Date, time and place: |
May 8, 2008, at 9.30 a.m. at the companys head office, |
Av. Barbacena 1200, 12th Floor, B 1 Wing, Belo Horizonte, Minas Gerais, Brazil. |
Meeting committee: |
Chairman: |
Djalma Bastos de Morais. |
Secretary: |
Anamaria Pugedo Frade Barros. |
Summary of proceedings:
I The Chairman asked the Board Members present to state whether any of them had conflict of interest in relation to the matter on the agenda of meeting, and all replied in the negative.
II The Board approved the minutes of this meeting.
III The Board authorized, with the alteration proposed by the Chairman, the adoption of the procedures necessary for presentation of the document of pre-qualification of Cemig GT in Aneel auction 004/2008, as per auction announcement published on March 31, 2008, with a view to granting of the concession for provision of public electricity transmission services including the construction, operation and maintenance of transmission facilities of the national grid in accordance with the following conditions and provisions:
a) qualification, in agreement with the partnerships defined in sub-item b, below, for lots D, E, F, G, H, I, J and K.
b) Development of partnerships for participation in the said Auction, as follows: Lot D: Cemig GT will be member of the consortium resulting from the public invitation made by Eletronorte, with participation limited to the state-owned portion of the group, or will participate (with up to 49%) with Empresa Amazonense de Transmissão de Energia EATE and/or with a private group; Lots E, F, G, H, I, J and K: Cemig GT (participation limited to 49%) and Empresa Catarinense de Transmissão de Energia ECTE.
c) The necessary contractings for participation in the said Auction, as stipulated in the respective Auction Announcement and in the forms agreed with the partners, of a broker for the Auction, a company to advise in the economic-financial evaluation of the enterprises and contracting of a bid guarantee, also signing of a consortium constitution undertaking,
d) Payment of the charges due under the auction announcement and in the portions corresponding to its participation in the respective lots; and also approval of the signing, for each lot, of the Undertaking with the partners, with a view to establishing basic principles and conditions of these partnerships. Pre-qualification of Cemig GT for the above mentioned Auction, jointly with other partners, does not mean that participation in the projects is obligatory, which matter shall be the subject of future consideration by the Executive Board and the Board of Directors.
IV Vote against: The Board Member Wilton de Medeiros Daher voted against the matter relating to pre-qualification of Cemig GT in lots of Aneel auctions 004/2008, mentioned in item III, above.
V The following spoke on general matters and business of interest to the Company:
The Chairman |
Board Members: |
André Araújo Filho, Britaldo Pedrosa Soares, Evandro Veiga Negrão de Lima and Wilton de Medeiros Daher. |
Av.Barbacena, 1200 - Santo Agostinho - CEP 30190-131 - Belo Horizonte - MG - Brasil - Tel.: (0XX31)3506-5024
The following were present:
Board Members: |
Aécio Ferreira da Cunha, Alexandre Heringer Lisboa, André Araújo Filho, Antônio Adriano Silva, Britaldo Pedrosa Soares, Evandro Veiga Negrão de Lima, Francelino Pereira dos Santos, João Camilo Penna, Maria Estela Kubitschek Lopes, Wilton de Medeiros Daher and Paulo Sérgio Machado Ribeiro. |
CEO and Vice-chairman: |
Djalma Bastos de Morais. |
Director and Board member: |
Fernando Henrique Schüffner Neto; and |
Secretary: |
Anamaria Pugedo Frade Barros. |
Anamaria Pugedo Frade Barros
5. Summary of Minutes of the 68th Meeting of the Board of Directors, Cemig Geração e Transmissão S.A., May 13, 2008
Cemig Geração e Transmissão S.A.
Listed company CNPJ 06.981.176/0001-58 NIRE 31300020550
Summary of minutes of the 68th meeting of the Board of Directors
Date, time and place: |
May 13, 2008, at 3.30 p.m. at the companys head office, |
Av. Barbacena 1200, 12th Floor, B1 Wing, Belo Horizonte, Minas Gerais, Brazil. |
Meeting committee: |
Chairman: |
Marcio Araújo de Lacerda. |
Secretary: |
Anamaria Pugedo Frade Barros. |
Summary of proceedings:
I The Chairman asked the Board Members present to state whether any of them had conflict of interest in relation to the matter on the agenda of meeting, and all replied in the negative.
II The Board approved:
a) The proposal of the Board Member Marcio Araujo de Lacerda, to change the composition of the Committees of the Board of Directors, to the following:
Board of Directors Support Committee; |
Fernando Henrique Schüffner Neto (Coordinator), Aécio Ferreira da Cunha, Alexandre Heringer Lisboa, Andréa Leandro Silva, Paulo Sérgio Machado Ribeiro, Lauro Sérgio Vasconcelos David, Marco Antonio Rodrigues da Cunha, João Camilo Penna and Guy Maria Villela Paschoal; |
Governance Committee: |
Marcio Araujo de Lacerda (Coordinator), Britaldo Pedrosa Soares, Djalma Bastos de Morais and Wilton de Medeiros Daher; |
Human Resources Committee: |
João Camilo Penna (Coordinator), Alexandre Heringer Lisboa, Evandro Veiga Negrão de Lima and Lauro Sérgio Vasconcelos David; |
Strategy Committee: |
José Castelo Branco da Cruz (Coordinator), Aécio Ferreira da Cunha, Evandro Veiga Negrão de Lima, Paulo Sérgio Machado Ribeiro, Jeffery Atwood Safford, Lauro Sérgio Vasconcelos David and Marco Antonio Rodrigues da Cunha; |
Finance Committee: |
Jeffery Atwood Safford (Coordinator), Alexandre Heringer Lisboa, Andréa Leandro Silva, Fernando Henrique Schüffner Neto and Lauro Sérgio Vasconcelos David; |
Audit and Risks Committee: |
Evandro Veiga Negrão de Lima (Coordinator), Francelino Pereira dos Santos, Airton Ribeiro de Matos and Lauro Sérgio Vasconcelos David. |
b) Project 1893/08 the Lafaiete 1 substation expansion, and also authorization for opening of the respective tender proceedings) and making of the purchases/contracting of services.
c) Project 1892/08 Installation of the third 500-138-13.8 kV (300MVA) transformer at the São Gonçalo do Pará power station, and also authorization for opening of the respective tender proceedings and making of the purchases/contracting of services.
d) Project 1890/08 Conversion from 138kV to 345kV of the Pirapora 2Várzea da Palma Transmission Line, and authorization for opening of the respective tender proceedings and making of the purchases/contracting of services; and
e) The minutes of this meeting.
Av.Barbacena, 1200 - Santo Agostinho - CEP 30190-131 - Belo Horizonte - MG - Brasil - Tel.: (0XX31)3506-5024
III The Board authorized:
a) Opening of administrative tender proceedings, and acquisition by the Price Registration System, of A1 fuel oil to be used in the Igarapé thermal generation plant for a period of three years, from the issuance of the first Purchase Order, from July 2008 to July 2011, with annual supply estimated at two hundred thousand tons, limited to six hundred tons in the three-year period.
b) Opening of administrative tender proceedings, and contracting of the services of leasing of one thousand, one hundred and ninety three passenger vehicles, utility vehicles, light trucks and trucks, for a maximum period of sixty months, being: one thousand and six vehicles for Cemig D and one hundred and eighty seven vehicles for Cemig GT.
c) Signing of the fourth amendment to the debt assumption undertaking agreed in the private instrument of adjustment of reserves to be amortized of the Defined Benefit (BD) and Balances (A) private pension plans between Forluz, Cemig, Cemig D and Cemig GT, to provide for the payments in kind to Forluz of the real estate property situation at Avenida Barbacena, 1219, in Belo Horizonte, Minas Gerais.
d) Presentation of an indicative and non-binding proposal for acquisition of up to 49% of the registered capital of a wind energy generation company.
e) Subscription by the company to the rules for qualification of banking institutions with the view to provision of banking services to Cemig, and also signing of the respective contracts with the qualified institutions, through Cemigs administrative qualification process for the period of sixty months.
f) The Executive Board to declare, monthly, interest on equity, subject to the maximum annual limit permitted by the legislation (TJLP rate on stockholders equity); to optimize the tax benefits for decision on the allocation of interest on equity; and to determine the locations and processes of payments and effect the imputation of the interest on equity on accounts of the minimum obligatory dividend.
g) Signing of the private instrument of advance against future capital increase (AFAC), with Furnas Centrais Elétricas S.A. and with Baguari Energia S.A. as consenting party, to establish the terms and conditions which shall govern the carrying out of the advance against capital increase of Baguari Energia S.A., which is the responsibility of Furnas.
h) Opening of administrative tender proceedings, and also contracting of third party liability insurance for members of the Board of Directors and the Audit Board, members of the Executive Board, and employees who legally act by delegation of the Managers (D&O), for coverage of court expenses, fees of counsel and indemnities rising from legal and administrative proceedings, whether on plaintiff or defendant side, during or after their respective periods of office, arising from facts or events related to the exercise of their own functions such as do not violate provisions of law or of the bylaws, for a period of twelve months, extendible for up to forty-eight months, with a maximum limit of sixty months, canceling CRCA 057/2005.
IV The Board cancelled CRCA 039/2006, which authorized the sale of energy generated by the Igarapé thermal plant, through auction.
V The Board ratified the signing, with Cemig GT and the National System Operator (ONS) as consenting parties, of the assignment undertaking under the contract for use of the transmission systems (CUST) 050/2005, of September 17, 2007, relating to the Aimorés hydroelectric complex, with a view to transfer of the rights and obligations of the said contract, from CVRD (Companhia Vale do Rio Doce) to Valesul Alumínio S.A.
VI Vote against: The Board Member Wilton de Medeiros Daher voted against the proposal relating to the indicative and non-binding bid for a stockholding interest in a wind generation company, mentioned in item III, sub-item d, above.
VII The following spoke on general matters and business of interest to the Company:
The Chairman |
CEO and Vice-chairman: |
Djalma Bastos de Morais. |
Board Members: |
André Araújo Filho, Britaldo Pedrosa Soares, Evandro Veiga Negrão de Lima, José Castelo Branco da Cruz, Roberto Pinto Ferreira Mameri Abdenur, Wilton de Medeiros Daher and João Camilo Penna. |
Director: |
José Carlos de Mattos. |
Superintendents: |
Luiz Felipe da Silva Veloso. |
The following were present: |
Board Members: |
Marcio Araujo de Lacerda, Aécio Ferreira da Cunha, Alexandre Heringer Lisboa, André Araújo Filho, Antônio Adriano Silva, Britaldo Pedrosa Soares, Evandro Veiga Negrão de Lima, Francelino Pereira dos Santos, João Camilo Penna, José Castelo Branco da Cruz, Maria Estela Kubitschek Lopes, Roberto Pinto Ferreira Mameri Abdenur, Wilton de Medeiros Daher, Paulo Sérgio Machado Ribeiro, Franklin Moreira Gonçalves, Guy Maria Villela Paschoal, Jeffery Atwood Safford, Lauro Sérgio Vasconcelos David and Maria Amália Delfim de Melo Coutrim. |
CEO and Vice-chairman: |
Djalma Bastos de Morais. |
Director and Board member: |
Fernando Henrique Schüffner Neto. |
Fiscal Board: |
Aristóteles Luiz Menezes Vasconcellos Drummond and Marcus Eolo de Lamounier Bicalho. |
Director: |
José Carlos de Mattos. |
Superintendents: |
Luiz Felipe da Silva Veloso; and |
Secretary: |
Anamaria Pugedo Frade Barros. |
Anamaria Pugedo Frade Barros
6. Summary of Minutes of the 69th Meeting of the Board of Directors, Cemig Distribuição SA., May 13, 2008
Cemig Distribuição S.A.
Listed company CNPJ 06.981.180/0001-16 NIRE 31300020568
Summary of minutes of the 69th meeting of the Board of Directors
Date, time and place: |
May 13, 2008, at 11.30 a.m. at the companys head office, |
Av. Barbacena 1200, 17th Floor, A1 Wing, Belo Horizonte, Minas Gerais, Brazil. |
Meeting committee: |
Chairman: |
Marcio Araújo de Lacerda and Djalma Bastos de Morais. |
Secretary: |
Anamaria Pugedo Frade Barros. |
Summary of proceedings:
I The Chairman asked the Board Members present to state whether any of them had conflict of interest in relation to the matter on the agenda of meeting, and all replied in the negative.
II The Board approved:
a) The proposal of Board Member Marcio Araujo de Lacerda, to change the composition of the committees of the Board of Directors to the following:
Board of Directors Support Committee: |
Fernando Henrique Schüffner Neto (Coordinator), Aécio Ferreira da Cunha, Alexandre Heringer Lisboa, Andréa Leandro Silva, Paulo Sérgio Machado Ribeiro, Lauro Sérgio Vasconcelos David, Marco Antonio Rodrigues da Cunha, João Camilo Penna and Guy Maria Villela Paschoal. |
Governance Committee: |
Marcio Araujo de Lacerda (Coordinator), Britaldo Pedrosa Soares, Djalma Bastos de Morais and Wilton de Medeiros Daher. |
Human Resources Committee: |
João Camilo Penna (Coordinator), Alexandre Heringer Lisboa, Evandro Veiga Negrão de Lima and Lauro Sérgio Vasconcelos David. |
Strategy Committee: |
José Castelo Branco da Cruz (Coordinator), Aécio Ferreira da Cunha, Evandro Veiga Negrão de Lima, Paulo Sérgio Machado Ribeiro, Jeffery Atwood Safford, Lauro Sérgio Vasconcelos David and Marco Antonio Rodrigues da Cunha. |
Finance Committee: |
Jeffery Atwood Safford (Coordinator), Alexandre Heringer Lisboa, Andréa Leandro Silva, Fernando Henrique Schüffner Neto and Lauro Sérgio Vasconcelos David. |
Audit and Risks Committee: |
Evandro Veiga Negrão de Lima (Coordinator), Francelino Pereira dos Santos, Airton Ribeiro de Matos and Lauro Sérgio Vasconcelos David. |
b) Project: Maintenance of the measurement system, authorizing the opening of the respective tender proceedings and making of the purchases/contracting of the services.
c) The minutes of this meeting.
III The Board authorized:
a) Opening of proceedings for exemption from tender, and direct contracting of the Minas Gerais Broadcasting Development Association, with the TV Minas Cultural e Educativa Foundation as consenting party, to establish conditions and procedures to regulate broadcasting of the Program TV Cemig on the Rede Minas channel, for a period of twelve months, able to be extended upon signing of an Amendment, for up to forty eight months, with a maximum limit of sixty months.
b) Two hundred thousand Reais, to the project for refurbishment of the building of the division for orientation and protection for children and adolescents (DOPCAD), of the Minas Gerais civil police, duly registered with the State Childrens and Adolescents Council of Minas Gerais.
Av.Barbacena, 1200 - Santo Agostinho - CEP 30190-131 - Belo Horizonte - MG - Brasil - Fax (0XX31)3506-5025 - Tel.: (0XX31)3506-5024
c) Tax-incentive donation of six hundred thousand Reais to the Vitasopa project of the voluntary social assistance service (Servas), duly registered with the State Childrens and Adolescents Council of Minas Gerais.
d) With the alteration proposed by the Chairman:
1) signing of the agreement for regularization of outstanding matters and conditional settlement of the contract for implementation of the Light for Everyone (Luz Para Todos) program, with the Integrators, in the following lots: Lot 1: CBPO Engenharia Ltda., Lot 2: Construtora Andrade Gutierrez S.A., Lot 3: Construtora Queiroz Galvão S.A. and Lot 4: CBPO Engenharia Ltda..
2) payment of the contractual adjustment to those Integrators, obeying, in the interpretation of the parametric formula of Clause 13 of the Contracts, the recommendations issued by the Audit Court of the State of Minas Gerais, thus rectifying the decision on the subject contained in CRCA 046/2007.
3) Revision of the following projects:
990/03: |
Cemig Rural Electrification Program; |
1274/05: |
Light for Everyone Program, adjusting its budget. |
4) Supplementation of the investment budget for 2008 to cover revision of the 990/03 and 1274/05 projects in 2008, above mentioned.
5) Payment of the additional services related to the Light for Everyone Program, conditional upon satisfactory delivery of the material in possession of the Contracted Companies.
e) Opening of proceedings for exemption from tender and contracting of IBM Brasil Indústria, Máquinas e Serviços Ltda., of the rights for use of software for a mainframe environment that complies with the companys consumers systems (SICO) and upgrade to this environment for a period of up to twelve months.
f) Opening of Administrative tender proceedings, and contracting of the services of leasing of one thousand one hundred and ninety three passenger vehicles, utility vehicles, light trucks and trucks, for the maximum period of sixty months, being one thousand and six vehicles for Cemig D and one hundred and eighty seven vehicles for Cemig GT.
g) Opening of Administrative Tender Proceedings, and also contracting of third party liability insurance for members of the Board of Directors and the Audit Board, members of the Executive Board, and employees who legally act by delegation of the Managers (D&O), for coverage of court expenses, fees of counsel and indemnities rising from legal and administrative proceedings, whether on plaintiff or defendant side, during or after their respective periods of office, arising from facts or events related to the exercise of their own functions such as do not violate provisions of law or of the bylaws, for a period of twelve months, extendible for up to forty-eight months, with a maximum limit of sixty months, canceling CRCA 057/2005.
h) Subscription by the company to the rules for qualification of banking institutions with a view to provision of banking services to Cemig, and also to enter into the respective contracts with the qualified institutions, through Cemigs administrative qualification procedure, for a period of sixty months.
i) the Executive Board to declare, monthly, interest on equity, obeying the maximum annual limit permitted by the legislation; to optimize the tax benefits for the decision on the allocation of interest on equity; and to determine the locations and processes of payment and to effect the imputing of the interest on equity against the minimum dividend.
j) Contracting of lending transactions, in the agro-industrial credit mode, the funds being used in the purchase of energy for retail to rural consumers or in payment of debts contracted with Banco do Nordeste do Brasil S.A. and Banco do Brasil S.A.
IV The Board ratified the tax-incentive donation in the amount of two hundred and sixty thousand Reais, to the Values of Minas program, of Servas, duly registered with the State Childrens and Adolescents Council of Minas Gerais.
V The Board re-ratified:
a) CRCA 005/2008, altering the financial participation of the federal government in project 1874/08 second phase of the Light for Everyone Program, in the form of financing, via RGR funding, and also the value of the contracting of the minimum team to make possible the finalization of formatting of the Program and the measures that will permit increase and execution of the connections in this business year, while the other terms of that CRCA remain unchanged.
b) CRCA 054/2007, to alter the condition mentioned in sub-item c, to make possible payment in kind to Forluz, of the real estate property situated at Avenida Barbacena, 1219, Belo Horizonte, Minas Gerais, the other terms of that CRCA remaining unchanged.
VI Vote against: The Board Member Wilton de Medeiros Daher voted against the matters relating to the Light for Everyone Program, mentioned in item III, sub-item d, and to the Light for Everyone Program II Second Phase, mentioned in item V, sub-item a, above.
VII Abstention: The Board Member Maria Estela Kubitschek Lopes abstained from voting on the matter relating to contracting of the rights for use of software and upgrade of environment with IBM Brasil Indústria, Máquinas e Serviços Ltda., mentioned in item III, sub-item e, above.
VIII Calling of meeting: The Chairman called the Board Members to a meeting to be held on May 15, 2008, at 10 AM.
IX The following spoke on general matters and business of interest to the Company:
Board Members: |
Marcio Araujo de Lacerda, Djalma Bastos de Morais, André Araújo Filho, Britaldo Pedrosa Soares, Evandro Veiga Negrão de Lima, José Castelo Branco da Cruz, Roberto Pinto Ferreira Mameri Abdenur, Wilton de Medeiros Daher and João Camilo Penna. |
Director: |
José Maria de Macedo. |
Superintendent: |
Manoel Bernardino Soares. |
The following were present:
Board Members: |
Marcio Araujo de Lacerda, Aécio Ferreira da Cunha, Alexandre Heringer Lisboa, André Araújo Filho, Antônio Adriano Silva, Britaldo Pedrosa Soares, Evandro Veiga Negrão de Lima, Francelino Pereira dos Santos, João Camilo Penna, José Castelo Branco da Cruz, Maria Estela Kubitschek Lopes, Roberto Pinto Ferreira Mameri Abdenur, Wilton de Medeiros Daher, Paulo Sérgio Machado Ribeiro, Franklin Moreira Gonçalves, Guy Maria Villela Paschoal, Jeffery Atwood Safford, Lauro Sérgio Vasconcelos David and Maria Amália Delfim de Melo Coutrim. |
CEO and Vice-chairman: |
Djalma Bastos de Morais. |
Director and Board member: |
Fernando Henrique Schüffner Neto. |
Fiscal Board: |
Aristóteles Luiz Menezes Vasconcellos Drummond and Marcus Eolo de Lamounier Bicalho. |
Director: |
José Maria de Macedo |
Superintendents: |
Manoel Bernardino Soares, Ricardo José Charbel and Eduardo Luiz de Oliveira Ferreira; and |
Secretary: |
Anamaria Pugedo Frade Barros. |
Anamaria Pugedo Frade Barros
7. Summary of Minutes of the 70th Meeting of the Board of Directors, Cemig Distribuição S.A., May 15, 2008
Cemig Distribuição S.A.
Listed company CNPJ 06.981.180/0001-16 NIRE 31300020568
Summary of minutes of the 70th meeting of the Board of Directors
Date, time and place: |
May 15, 2008, at 10 a.m. at the companys head office, |
Av. Barbacena 1200, 17th Floor, A1 Wing, Belo Horizonte, Minas Gerais, Brazil. |
Meeting committee: |
Chairman: |
Djalma Bastos de Morais; |
Secretary: |
Anamaria Pugedo Frade Barros. |
Summary of proceedings:
I The Chairman asked the Board Members present to state whether any of them had conflict of interest in relation to the matter on the agenda of meeting, and all replied in the negative.
II The Board approved the minutes of this meeting.
III The Board authorized: Signing of an undertaking with the federal government, through the Mining and Energy Ministry, and the State of Minas Gerais, with Cemig, Aneel and Eletrobrás as consenting parties, valid until April 30, 2009, to establish the basic premises for implementation of the Light for Everyone program to provide universal access to electricity in Brazil, in Cemigs concession area in the state of Minas Gerais, to 55,000 new consumers in rural areas.
IV Abstention: The Board Member Wilton de Medeiros Daher abstained from voting on the matter in item III, above.
V The following spoke on general matters and business of interest to the Company:
CEO and Vice-chairman: |
Djalma Bastos de Morais. |
Board Members: |
Britaldo Pedrosa Soares, Evandro Veiga Negrão de Lima and José Castelo Branco da Cruz |
The following were present: |
CEO and Vice-chairman: |
Djalma Bastos de Morais. |
Board Members: |
Aécio Ferreira da Cunha, Alexandre Heringer Lisboa, Antônio Adriano Silva, Britaldo Pedrosa Soares, Evandro Veiga Negrão de Lima, Francelino Pereira dos Santos, João Camilo Penna, José Castelo Branco da Cruz, Maria Estela Kubitschek Lopes, Wilton de Medeiros Daher and Paulo Sérgio Machado Ribeiro; and |
Secretary: |
Anamaria Pugedo Frade Barros. |
Anamaria Pugedo Frade Barros
Av.Barbacena, 1200 - Santo Agostinho - CEP 30190-131
Belo Horizonte - MG - Brasil - Fax (0XX31)3506-5025 - Tel.: (0XX31)3506-5024
8. Summary of Principal Decisions of the 74th Meeting of the Board of Directors, Cemig Distribuição S.A., July 31, 2008
Listed company
CNPJ N° 06.981 .180/0001-16
Summary of principal decisions
At its 74th meeting, held on July 31, 2008, the Board of Directors of Cemig Distribuição S.A. approved the following:
1. Filing of a legal action.
2. Contracting of consultancy services.
3. Project: Protection of Revenue from Non-technical Losses and Consumer Defaults.
4. Rule for qualification of banking institutions and contracting of cash centralization services.
5. Signing of an undertaking for assignment of rights and obligations.
6. Signing of a document giving permission for use of infrastructure and an area.
7. Changes in the composition of the Committees of the Board of Directors.
Cemig General Secretariat Office SG.
9. Summary of Principal Decisions of the 73rd Meeting of the Board of Directors, Cemig Geração e Transmissão S.A., July 31, 2008
Listed company CNPJ 06.981.176/0001-58
Summary of principal decisions
At its 73rd meeting, held on July 31, 2008, the Board of Directors of Cemig Geração e Transmissão S.A. approved the following matters:
1. Filing of a legal action.
2. Contracting of consultancy services.
3. Project: Automation of Transmission.
4. Project: Automation of the Large Hydroelectric Plants.
5. Project: Expansion of the Barreiro Substation.
6. De-activation of the Formoso Thermal Plant.
7. Rule for qualification of banking institutions and contracting of cash centralization services.
8. Signing of an amendment to the Generation Concession Contract for the Aimorés Hydroelectric Plant.
9. Participation in Aneel Auction 03/2008.
10. Changes in the composition of the Committees of the Board of Directors.
10. Summary of Minutes of the 438th Meeting of the Board of Directors, Companhia Energética de Minas Gerais - CEMIG, July 31, 2008
Listed company
CNPJ N° 17.155.730/0001-64
NIRE 31300040127
At its meeting held on July 31, 2008, the Board of Directors of Companhia Energética de Minas Gerais approved the following matters:
1. Filing of a legal action.
2. Assignment of an employee to Empresa de Infovias S.A.
3. Signing of a letter of intent and undertakings for assignment of rights and obligations.
4. Registry of GASMIG with the CVM and orientation for votes in meetings.
5. Participation in Aneel Auction 03/2008.
6. Changes in the composition of the Committees of the Board of Directors.
7. Contracting of consultancy services.
Av.Barbacena, 1200 - Santo Agostinho - CEP 30190-131 - Belo Horizonte - MG - Brasil - Tel.: +55-31 3506-5024 - Fax +55 31 3506-5025
11. Summary of Minutes of the 439th Meeting of the Board of Directors, Companhia Energética de Minas Gerais - CEMIG, August 14, 2008
Listed company CNPJ 17.155.730/0001-64; NIRE 31300040127
At its meeting held on August 14, 2008, the Board of Directors of Companhia Energética de Minas Gerais approved the following structure for the Executive Board as from August 18, 2008:
· |
CEO and Vice-Chairman of Cemig: |
Djalma Bastos de Morais |
· |
Chief Distribution and Sales Officer: |
Fernando Henrique Schüffner Neto |
· |
Chief Officer for Finance, Investor Relations Officer and Control of Holdings: |
Luiz Fernando Rolla |
· |
Chief Energy Generation and Transmission Officer: |
Luiz Henrique de Castro Carvalho |
· |
Chief Corporate Management Officer: |
Marco Antonio Rodrigues da Cunha |
· |
Chief New Business Development Officer: |
José Carlos de Mattos |
· |
Chief Trading Officer: |
Bernardo Afonso Salomão de Alvarenga |
Av.Barbacena, 1200 - Santo Agostinho - CEP 30190-131
Belo Horizonte - MG - Brasil - Fax (0XX31)3506-5025 - Tel.: (0XX31)3506-5024
12. Summary of Principal Decisions of the 75th Meeting of the Board of Directors, Cemig Distribuição S.A., August 14, 2008
Listed company CNPJ 06.981.180/0001-16
At its meeting held on August 14, 2008, the Board of Directors of Cemig Distribuição S.A. approved the following structure of the Executive Board as from August 18, 2008:
· |
CEO and Vice-Chairman of Cemig: |
Djalma Bastos de Morais |
· |
Chief Distribution and Sales Officer: |
Fernando Henrique Schüffner Neto |
· |
Chief Officer for Finance, Investor Relations Officer and Control of Holdings: |
Luiz Fernando Rolla |
· |
Director without specific designation: |
Luiz Henrique de Castro Carvalho |
· |
Chief Corporate Management Officer: |
Marco Antonio Rodrigues da Cunha |
· |
Chief New Business Development Officer: |
José Carlos de Mattos |
· |
Chief Trading Officer: |
Bernardo Afonso Salomão de Alvarenga |
Cemig General Secretariat Office SG.
13. Summary of Principal Decisions of the 74th Meeting of the Board of Directors, Cemig Geração e Transmissão S.A., August 14, 2008
Listed company CNPJ 06.981.176/0001-58
At its meeting held on August 14, 2008, the Board of Directors of Cemig Geração e Transmissão S.A. approved the following structure of the Executive Board as from August 18, 2008:
· |
CEO and Vice-Chairman of Cemig: |
Djalma Bastos de Morais |
· |
Director without specific designation: |
Fernando Henrique Schüffner Neto |
· |
Chief Officer for Finance, Investor Relations Officer and Control of Holdings: |
Luiz Fernando Rolla |
· |
Chief Energy Generation and Transmission Officer: |
Luiz Henrique de Castro Carvalho |
· |
Chief Corporate Management Officer: |
Marco Antonio Rodrigues da Cunha |
· |
Chief New Business Development Officer: |
José Carlos de Mattos |
· |
Chief Trading Officer: |
Bernardo Afonso Salomão de Alvarenga |
14. Earnings Release 2Q 2008
Cemigs CEO, Djalma Bastos de Morais, said:
Cemigs excellent results in the second quarter of 2008 reflect the assertiveness of our Long-term Strategic Plan, reaffirming our leadership, which is the fruit of a carefully thought-out investment policy and this is indicated by the fact that we are growing in an intense and balanced way.
We seek continuous improvement of our services through unequaled standards of operational excellence. Our success in this can be seen in our increasing productivity indices, which enable us to supply safe energy of high quality, and principally a product that respects the whole of society around us.
With the investments currently in progress we will grow in electricity generation, distribution and transmission, and we are also attentive to all the opportunities for acquisitions that add value and profitability to our business. For example, we have recently signed the largest contract ever made for supply of electricity in Brazil, with the Votorantim group, for a total of approximately R$ 10.5 billion illustrating our skill and agility to operate profitably in a sector that is increasingly dynamic and competitive, and positioning Cemig as a nationwide Brazilian supplier of electricity to the countrys most important industrial groups.
In the second quarter we went through the process of tariff review, which in our view was successful and demonstrated the maturity of Brazils regulatory framework. The reduction in our tariff was in line with our financial projections, leading the maintenance of our guidance.
We continue to do our homework, growing in all the sectors, in a balanced fashion, focusing on operational excellence, mitigating risks and taking advantage of all the synergies that an integrated company on Cemigs scale can offer.
Luiz Fernando Rolla, Cemigs Chief Officer for Finance, Investor Relations and Control of Holdings, comments as follows:
In the second quarter we continued to generate consistent, robust cash flow, the result of our operations which incessantly seek to add valor and profitability to our business.
Our Ebitda in the quarter, of R$ 982 million, with Ebitda margin of almost 37%, reflects our policy of reduction and control of operational costs and maintaining of high levels of operational efficiency. This new level of cash flow is in line with the amounts estimated in our financial forecasts and in our Long-term Strategic Plan, and reflects the correctness of our growth strategy through acquisitions and new projects, within the process of consolidation of the sector.
Our last-twelve-months Ebitda now exceeds R$ 4.2 billion, showing that our results are solid and consistent.
The impact on our cash flow of the tariff review of Cemig Distribuição will be mitigated by our portfolio of businesses since the Cemig Groups interests include nearly 43 companies, and 7 consortia, with operations that generate synergy and are increasingly profitable.
We are ready to operate in a decisive fashion to adapt the distribution operation to the regulatory limits, focusing on reduction of costs and adjustment of processes, to increase operational efficiency.
Our economic and financial indicators are increasingly strong, and we are disposed to participate, in a way that will be profitable and rewarding for stockholders, in all the opportunities that the electricity sector has to offer in 2008, whether they are acquisitions or new projects, through strategic partnerships.
Our investment policy, within the principles of our Long-term Strategic Plan, allied to the incessant quest for efficiency, has provided generation of value and returns for our stockholders, in a sustainable and growing manner.
The figures in this release, giving the highlights of our 2Q results, are sound testimony to our continuing success. This release gives the main highlights of our second quarter of 2008:
· Highlights of 2Q08:
· Ebitda: |
R$ 982 million |
· Net profit: |
R$ 599 million |
· Net sales revenue: |
R$ 2.6 billion |
· Brazils largest-ever electricity contract: |
R$ 10.5 billion |
· Summary numbers
Figures in R$ million |
2Q 2008 |
2Q 2007 |
Change, % |
Energy sold, GWh* |
14,412 |
13,922 |
3.51 |
Gross revenue |
4,040 |
3,991 |
1.22 |
Net sales revenue |
2,626 |
2,546 |
3.14 |
Ebitda |
982 |
1,057 |
-7.09 |
Net profit |
599 |
515 |
16.37 |
* Includes figures for Light S.A.
· Gross revenue from supply of electricity
Gross revenue from electricity supply in 2Q08 was R$ 3.326 billion, 0.5% more than in 2Q07 (R$ 3.309 billion).
The main impacts on 2Q08 revenues came from:
· Tariff readjustment of Cemig Distribuição, reducing consumer tariffs by an average of 12.08%, since April 8, 2008.
· Increase in consumer tariffs averaging 5.16%, since April 8, 2007 (full effect in 2008).
· Volume of energy invoiced to final consumers 3.52% higher (this excludes Cemigs own internal consumption).
Revenues from energy sold to other concession holders totaled R$ 300.824 million in 2Q08, 8.42% more than in 2Q07 (R$ 277.460 million). This reflects both the higher average tariff and also volume of energy sold 5.01% higher (2,841,300 MWh in second quarter 2008, vs. 2,705,788 MWh in second quarter 2007).
MWh(*) |
R$ |
2Q08 |
2Q07 |
Change, |
2Q08 |
2Q07 |
Change, |
Residential |
2,261,334 |
2,196,369 |
2.96 |
1,106,731 |
1,127,097 |
(1.81 |
) |
Industrial |
6,390,225 |
6,147,550 |
3.95 |
959,230 |
832,399 |
15.24 |
Commercial, services, other |
1,463,691 |
1,420,811 |
3.02 |
650,125 |
647,089 |
0.47 |
Rural |
504,412 |
545,100 |
(7.46 |
) |
131,989 |
148,178 |
(10.93 |
) |
Public authorities |
274,008 |
256,362 |
6.88 |
110,574 |
103,026 |
7.33 |
Public illumination |
309,487 |
303,276 |
2.05 |
76,880 |
79,610 |
(3.43 |
) |
Public service |
354,238 |
332,902 |
6.41 |
97,213 |
93,778 |
3.66 |
Sub-total |
11,557,395 |
11,202,370 |
3.17 |
3,132,742 |
3,031,177 |
3.35 |
Own consumption |
13,409 |
11,202,370 |
3.17 |
Low-income consumers subsidy |
13,853 |
(3.21 |
) |
21,811 |
21,797 |
0.06 |
Retail supply not invoiced, net |
(129,630 |
) |
(21,133 |
) |
513.40 |
11,570,804 |
11,216,223 |
3.16 |
3,024,923 |
3,031,841 |
(0.23 |
) |
Transactions on CCEE |
2,841,300 |
2,705,788 |
5.01 |
300,824 |
277,460 |
8.42 |
Total |
14,412,104 |
13,922,011 |
3.52 |
43,872 |
3,309,301 |
0.50 |
(*) MWh figures not revised by External Auditors
· Revenue from use of the grid
This refers to the TUSD, charged to free consumers on the energy sold and also to the revenue from use of the basic transmission grid of Cemig GT, and showed an increase of 11.56% in the quarters compared. (R$ 532.266 million in 2Q08, R$ 477.111 million in 2Q07).
· Ebitda
The lower Ebitda in the second quarter of 2008 compared to second quarter 2007 mainly reflects operational costs (excluding the effects of the expenses on depreciation and amortization) 5.43% higher. The lower operational performance in 2Q08 than in 2Q07 was reflected in Ebitda margin, which was 40.44% in 2007 and 38.46% in 2008.
EBITDA, R$ 000 |
2Q08 |
2Q07 |
Change, % |
Net profit |
599,277 |
514,997 |
16.37.28 |
+ |
Income tax and Social Contribution |
324,703 |
182,999 |
77.435 |
+ |
Profit shares |
21,909 |
21,298 |
2.87 |
+ / |
Non-operational revenue (expenses) |
2,279 |
13,100 |
(82.60 |
) |
Financial revenue (expenses) |
(184,275 |
) |
56,269 |
(427.49 |
) |
+ |
Amortization and depreciation |
170,375 |
200,006 |
(14.82 |
) |
Minority interests |
47,759 |
69,928 |
(31.70 |
) |
982,027 |
1,058,597 |
(7.23 |
) |
· Net profit
Cemigs net profit in 2Q08 was R$ 599.277 million, 16.37% higher than the 2Q07 net profit of R$ 514.997 million. An important factor is the higher result in Financial revenue (expenses) in 2008 positive net financial revenue of R$ 184.275 million, compared to net financial expense of R$ 56.269 million in 2007.
· Capital expenditure (R$ million)
Actual |
Planned |
Business |
2006 |
2007 |
2Q08 |
2008 |
CEMIG Geração e Transmissão |
156 |
315 |
76 |
883 |
Generation |
98 |
281 |
71 |
266 |
Transmission - Basic grid |
58 |
34 |
5 |
617 |
CEMIG Distribuição |
1,238 |
601 |
315 |
1,119 |
Sub-transmission |
83 |
67 |
70 |
416 |
Distribution |
1,155 |
534 |
245 |
703 |
Expansion and strengthening of existing networks |
226 |
310 |
90 |
380 |
Light for Everyone program (Phases I+ II) |
884 |
124 |
127 |
194 |
Other |
45 |
100 |
28 |
129 |
Holding company |
558 |
10 |
13 |
137 |
Capital injections |
33 |
6 |
11 |
131 |
Other |
1 |
4 |
2 |
6 |
Funding RME - 25% - Acquisition: Light |
175 |
Acquisition: TBE transmission companies |
349 |
Investment projects, total |
1,952 |
926 |
404 |
2,139 |
* Estimated amounts are as per corporate plan for 20072011.
· Non-controllable costs
The difference between the sums of non-controllable costs used as a reference in the calculation of the tariff adjustment and the disbursements in fact made (referred to as the CVA) are compensated for in the subsequent tariff adjustments, and are recorded in Assets and Liabilities. Due to the change in Aneels plan of accounts, some items were transferred to Deductions from operational revenues. See more information in Explanatory Notes 2 and 7 to the Quarterly Information (ITR).
· Deductions from operational revenues
Summary (Figures in Thousand of Reais)
2Q08 |
2Q07 |
Change, % |
ICMS tax |
774,297 |
767,384 |
0.90 |
Cofins tax |
301,350 |
286,009 |
5.36 |
PIS and Pasep taxes |
60,542 |
67,708 |
(10.58 |
) |
ISS (value-added tax on services) |
1,075 |
(55 |
) |
2,054.55 |
1,137,264 |
1,121,046 |
1.45 |
RGR Global Reversion Reserve |
43,207 |
32,198 |
34.19 |
Energy Efficiency Program PEE |
9,806 |
8,871 |
10.54 |
Energy Development Account CDE |
99,314 |
99,010 |
0.31 |
Fuel Consumption Account (CCC) |
110,258 |
97,422 |
13.18 |
Research and Development R&D |
6,879 |
6,948 |
(0.99 |
) |
Science and Technology Development Fund (FNDCT) |
6,253 |
6,753 |
(7.40 |
) |
Energy System Expansion Research (EPE / Energy Ministry) |
1,687 |
1,158 |
45.68 |
Emergency Capacity Charge |
10 |
(126 |
) |
107.94 |
277,414 |
252,234 |
9.98 |
1,414,678 |
1,373,280 |
3.01 |
· Deductions from operational revenues (continued)
Fuel Consumption Account CCC
The deduction from revenue relating to the CCC was R$ 110.258 million in 2Q08, compared to R$ 97.422 million in 2Q07, representing an increase of 13.18%. This relates to the operational costs of thermal plants in the Brazilian grid and isolated systems, shared between electricity concession holders according to an Aneel Resolution. It is a non-controllable cost; the amount deducted from revenue is passed through to tariffs.
Energy Development Account CDE
The deduction from revenue for the CDE was R$ 99.314 million in 2Q08, compared to R$ 99.010 million in 2Q07, an increase of 0.31%. The payments are specified by an Aneel Resolution. This is a non-controllable cost; the amount deducted from revenue is passed through to tariffs.
The other deductions to revenue related to taxes calculated on the percentage of turnover, so their variations are directly proportional to the changing revenue.
· Operational costs and expenses
Operational costs and expenses (excluding Financial revenue (expenses)) totaled R$ 1.814 billion in 2Q08, 7.53% higher than in 2Q07 (R$ 1.687 billion). Main factors were higher personnel expenses, post-employment benefits and expenses on electricity bought for resale, partially offset by lower operational provisions and charges for use of the basic transmission grid: The main changes in expenditures are below:
Personnel expenses
Personnel expenses in 2Q08 were R$ 293.499 million, compared to R$ 254.101 million in 2Q07, 15.50% higher. This reflects the 5.0% wage increase given to employees in November 2007, and the provision of R$ 39.753 million, in the second quarter of 2008, for the voluntary dismissal program (PPD).
Electricity purchased for resale
This expense in 2Q08, at R$ 726.657 million, was 11.57% higher than the R$ 651.324 million in 2Q07. It is a non-controllable cost; the amount deducted from revenue is passed through to tariffs.
Depreciation and amortization
The expense on depreciation and amortization was R$ 170.375 million in 2Q08, 14.82% lower than in 2Q07 (R$ 200.006 million) reflecting the depreciation of the Special Obligations as from April 8, 2008 (the date of the second tariff review cycle), in accordance with the change in the accounting rule set by Aneel.
Post-employment obligations
Expenses on post-employment obligations totaled R$ 63.844 million in 2Q08, 114.96% higher than in 2Q07 (R$ 29.700 million). These expenses basically represent the interest applicable to Cemigs actuarial obligations, net of the investment yield expected from the assets of the plans, estimated by an external actuary. The higher expense in 2008 basically reflects the adjustment to the actuarial assumptions in December 2007, with reduction of interest rates, which increased the value of the actuarial obligations.
Operational provisions
Operational provisions in 2Q08 totaled R$ 27.344 million, which compares with R$ 51.264 million in 2Q07, a reduction of 46.66%. This reflects lower expense on provisions for doubtful receivables in 2Q08 of R$ 4.487 million, compared to R$ 42.121 million in 2Q07(-89.34%).
· Financial revenues (expenses)
2Q08 |
2Q07 |
Change, % |
Revenue from cash investments |
68,192 |
52,968 |
28.74 |
Arrears penalty payments on electricity bills |
47,812 |
25,621 |
86.61 |
Interest and monetary variation on accounts receivable from Minas Gerais state government |
8,921 |
8,988 |
(0.75 |
) |
Monetary variation of CVA |
9,689 |
5,697 |
70.07 |
Monetary variation General Agreement for the Electricity Sector |
27,658 |
254,659 |
(89.14 |
) |
Monetary variation Deferred Tariff Adjustment |
28,307 |
24,584 |
15.14 |
FX variations |
33,448 |
45,449 |
(26.41 |
) |
Pasep and Cofins taxes on financial revenues |
(19,058 |
) |
2,929 |
(750.67 |
) |
Gains on financial instruments |
2,164 |
1,277 |
69.46 |
Financial Compensation- RME |
82.702 |
Adjustment to present value |
8.071 |
Others |
49,516- |
21,963- |
502.00 |
347,222 |
52,968 |
(9.63 |
) |
Charges on loans and financings |
(179,200 |
) |
(186,402 |
) |
(3.86 |
) |
Monetary variation General Agreement for the Electricity Sector |
(1,776 |
) |
(94,962 |
) |
(98.13 |
) |
Monetary updating CCEE |
(10,497 |
) |
(100.00 |
) |
Monetary variation of CVA |
(10,539 |
) |
(6,812 |
) |
54.71 |
FX variations |
10,204 |
4,297 |
137.47 |
Monetary variation loans and financings |
(27,908 |
) |
(1,759 |
) |
1.486.58 |
CPMF tax |
(1,434 |
) |
(15,118 |
) |
(90.51 |
) |
Provision for losses on recovery of Extraordinary Tariff Recomposition and Free Energy amounts updating |
(7,397 |
) |
(119,948 |
) |
(93.83 |
) |
Adjustment to present value |
(4,905 |
) |
Reversal of provision for PIS and Cofins taxes |
108,090 |
Losses on financial instruments |
(31,236 |
) |
(53,628 |
) |
(41.75 |
) |
Others |
(17,046 |
) |
(15,575 |
) |
9.44 |
(163,147 |
) |
(500,404 |
) |
(67.40 |
) |
184,275 |
(56,269 |
) |
(523.34 |
) |
· Financial revenues (expenses) (continued)
Financial revenue (expenses) differed significantly between 2Q08 and 2Q07. The main factors were:
· Revenue from cash investments R$ 15.224 million higher, due to a higher volume of cash invested in 2008.
· Revenue from penalty payments charged to clients for delay in payment of their electricity bills 86.61% higher, at R$ 47.812 million in the first half of 2008, compared to R$ 25.621 million in the first half of 2007. This is basically due to accounts received from major industrial consumers for consumption in prior years the principal amounts of which were considerably less than the amounts added as penalty payments for delay in settlement.
· Financial revenues of R$ 82.702 million reported in first half 2008, for the financial compensation paid by the stockholders of RME for Cemigs waiver of its right to exercise the option to purchase the generation assets of Light for a pre-agreed amount. Further details are in Explanatory Note 28 to the Quarterly Information (ITR).
· Revenue from monetary variation on the General Agreement for the Electricity Sector 89.14% lower at R$ 27.658 million in 2008, compared to R$ 254.659 in 2007. This variation arises from the following factors:
· The lower value of regulatory assets in 2008, due to amortization of the principal regulatory assets constituted (RTE and Deferred Tariff Adjustment).
· Accounting, in the second quarter of 2007, of additional financial revenue in the amount of R$ 99.833 million, arising from criteria for updating, laid down by Aneel, for the asset relating to transactions in Free Energy during the rationing period. This procedure had no impact on the financial result of 2007 due to the constitution of a provision for losses in the same amount. As a result of this provision constituted in 2007, the account line Provision for Losses on Free Energy was 93.83% lower (R$ 7.397 million in 2008, compared to R$ 119.948 million in 2007).
· Revenue reported in 2008 of R$ 108.090 million from the final court decision in favor of Light, in an action challenging the application of PIS and Cofins taxation to financial revenue. Further information is given in Explanatory Note 21 to the Quarterly Information (ITR).
· Revenue from adjustment to present value in 2008, in the amount of R$ 62.003 million, applied to the balance of some financings, debentures and obligations
payable for concessions for consideration, in compliance with Law 11638. See more explanations in Explanatory Note 2 to the Quarterly Information (ITR).
· Income tax and Social Contribution / Effective tax rate
Cemigs expenses on income tax and the Social Contribution in 2Q08 totaled R$ 324.703 million, on profit before tax of R$ 993.648 million, a percentage of 22.80%. Cemigs expenses on income tax and the Social Contribution in 2Q07 totaled R$ 94.061 million, on pre-tax profit of R$ 365.137 million, a percentage of 25.76%.
· Disclaimer
Some statements and assumptions in this document are projections based on the viewpoint and assumptions of management, and involve risks and uncertainties both known and unknown. Future outcomes may differ materially from those expressed or implicit in such statements.
Contact: |
Investor relations |
| |
Tel. +55-31-3506-5024 |
Fax +55-31-3506-5026 |
Chart I
Energy Sales (Consolidated)
Ner. of consumers |
MWh |
R$ thousand |
1st half |
1st half |
1st half |
2008 |
2007 |
2008 |
2007 |
2008 |
2007 |
Residential |
8,902,261 |
8,664,083 |
4,497,914 |
4,405,064 |
2,256,007 |
2,201,447 |
Industrial |
88,176 |
84,801 |
12,491,728 |
11,838,179 |
1,851,078 |
1,567,082 |
Commercial |
845,028 |
826,672 |
2,941,221 |
2,815,002 |
1,318,046 |
1,252,897 |
Rural |
573,724 |
550,271 |
960,835 |
933,543 |
269,534 |
262,036 |
Others |
75,165 |
71,651 |
1,806,607 |
1,747,721 |
554,339 |
520,849 |
Own Consumption |
1,165 |
1,154 |
26,515 |
27,391 |
Low-Income Consumers Subsidy |
62,953 |
41,662 |
Unbilled Supply Regulatory Assets |
38,807 |
Unbilled Supply, Net |
(69,247 |
) |
(25,728 |
) |
Supply |
84 |
44 |
5,563,520 |
6,403,092 |
551,307 |
457,768 |
Transactions on the CCEE |
68,166 |
66,167 |
10,485,603 |
10,198,676 |
28,288,340 |
28,169,992 |
6,900,990 |
6,344,180 |
Chart II
Sales per Company
Cemig Distribution
2° Quarter 2008 Sales |
GWh |
Industrial |
2,563 |
Residencial |
3,536 |
Rural |
955 |
Commercial |
2,178 |
Others |
1,437 |
Sub total |
10,669 |
Wholesale supply |
Total |
10,669 |
Independent Generation
2° Quarter 2008 Sales |
GWh |
Horizontes |
43 |
Ipatinga |
181 |
Sá Carvalho |
235 |
Barreiro |
48 |
63 |
Rosal |
124 |
Capim Branco |
262 |
Total |
956 |
Cemig Consolidated by Company
2° Quarter 2008 Sales |
GWh |
Participação |
Cemig Distribution |
10,669 |
38 |
% |
Cemig GT |
15,194 |
54 |
% |
Wholesale Cemig Group |
(1,338 |
) |
-5 |
% |
Wholesale Light Group |
(165 |
) |
-1 |
% |
Independent Generation |
956 |
3 |
% |
2,972 |
11 |
% |
Total |
28,288 |
100 |
% |
Cemig GT
2° Quarter 2008 Sales |
GWh |
Free Consumers |
9,148 |
Wholesale supply |
6,046 |
Wholesale supply Cemig Group |
595 |
Wholesale supply bilateral contracts |
5,451 |
Total |
15,194 |
RME (25%)
2° Quarter 2008 Sales |
GWh |
Industrial |
228 |
Residencial |
962 |
Rural |
6 |
Wholesale supply |
634 |
Commercial |
746 |
Others |
396 |
Total |
2,972 |
Chart III
Operating Revenues (consolidated)
Values in million of Reais
2nd Q. 2008 |
1st Q. 2008 |
1st H. 2008 |
2nd Q. 2007 |
1st H. 2007 |
2007 |
Sales to end consumers |
3,025 |
3,257 |
6,282 |
3,032 |
5,820 |
12,050 |
358 |
309 |
667 |
342 |
658 |
1,314 |
Subtotal |
3,383 |
3,566 |
6,949 |
3,374 |
6,478 |
13,364 |
Supply + Transactions in the CCEE |
300 |
319 |
619 |
277 |
524 |
1,236 |
Revenues from Trans. Network |
175 |
172 |
347 |
136 |
296 |
632 |
Gas Supply |
97 |
92 |
189 |
68 |
132 |
297 |
Others |
86 |
54 |
140 |
64 |
140 |
261 |
Subtotal |
4,041 |
4,203 |
8,244 |
3,919 |
7,570 |
15,790 |
Deductions |
(1,415 |
) |
(1,448 |
) |
(2,863 |
) |
(1,373 |
) |
(2,722 |
) |
(5,544 |
) |
Net Revenues |
2,626 |
2,755 |
5,381 |
2,546 |
4,848 |
10,246 |
Chart IV
Operating Expenses (consolidated)
Values in millions of reais
2nd Q. 2008 |
1st Q. 2008 |
1st H. 2008 |
2nd Q. 2007 |
1st H. 2007 |
2007 |
Purchased Energy |
727 |
725 |
1,452 |
652 |
1,252 |
2,794 |
Personnel/Administrators/Councillors |
294 |
284 |
578 |
254 |
493 |
968 |
Depreciation and Amortization |
171 |
201 |
372 |
200 |
379 |
778 |
Charges for Use of Basic Transmission Network |
183 |
173 |
356 |
181 |
328 |
650 |
Contracted Services |
157 |
145 |
302 |
153 |
274 |
619 |
Forluz Post-Retirement Employee Benefits |
63 |
62 |
125 |
29 |
60 |
123 |
Materials |
2 |
48 |
50 |
21 |
44 |
94 |
Royalties |
31 |
34 |
65 |
34 |
72 |
137 |
Gas Purchased for Resale |
56 |
54 |
110 |
32 |
62 |
154 |
Operating Provisions |
28 |
96 |
124 |
52 |
157 |
291 |
Raw material for production |
42 |
42 |
Other Expenses |
60 |
47 |
107 |
79 |
158 |
343 |
Total |
1,814 |
1,869 |
3,683 |
1,687 |
3,279 |
6,951 |
Chart V
Financial Result Breakdown
Values in millions of reais
2nd Q. 2008 |
1st Q. 2008 |
1st H. 2008 |
2nd Q. 2007 |
1st H. 2007 |
2007 |
Financial Revenues |
347 |
248 |
595 |
444 |
748 |
1,286 |
Income from Investments |
68 |
54 |
122 |
53 |
95 |
200 |
Fines on Energy Accounts |
48 |
51 |
99 |
26 |
50 |
123 |
CRC Contract/State (interest + monetary variation) |
9 |
39 |
48 |
9 |
47 |
159 |
Monetary variation of Extraordinary Tariff Recomposition and RTD |
66 |
78 |
144 |
285 |
406 |
581 |
Exchange Rate Variations |
33 |
3 |
36 |
45 |
77 |
120 |
(19 |
) |
(4 |
) |
(23 |
) |
3 |
(3 |
) |
(65 |
) |
Financial Compensation RME |
83 |
83 |
Adjustment to Present Value |
8 |
8 |
Derivatives |
2 |
7 |
9 |
2 |
3 |
8 |
FIDC Revenue |
Others |
49 |
20 |
69 |
21 |
73 |
160 |
Financial Expenses |
(163 |
) |
(327 |
) |
(490 |
) |
(500 |
) |
(871 |
) |
(1,642 |
) |
Charges on Loans and Financing |
(179 |
) |
(195 |
) |
(374 |
) |
(186 |
) |
(409 |
) |
(852 |
) |
Monetary variation of Extraordinary Tariff Recomposition |
(12 |
) |
(17 |
) |
(29 |
) |
(112 |
) |
(140 |
) |
(176 |
) |
Exchange Rate Variations |
10 |
(10 |
) |
4 |
2 |
(10 |
) |
Monetary Variarion Liabilities - Loans and Financing |
(28 |
) |
(24 |
) |
(52 |
) |
(2 |
) |
(9 |
) |
(26 |
) |
(2 |
) |
(5 |
) |
(7 |
) |
(15 |
) |
(32 |
) |
(67 |
) |
Provision for Losses from Tariff Recomposition |
(7 |
) |
(16 |
) |
(23 |
) |
(120 |
) |
(137 |
) |
(175 |
) |
Adjustment to Present Value |
(5 |
) |
(5 |
) |
Reversal of provision for PIS and Cofins taxes |
108 |
108 |
Losses from Derivatives |
(31 |
) |
(12 |
) |
(43 |
) |
(54 |
) |
(90 |
) |
(187 |
) |
Other |
(17 |
) |
(48 |
) |
(65 |
) |
(15 |
) |
(56 |
) |
(149 |
) |
Financial Result |
184 |
(79 |
) |
105 |
(56 |
) |
(123 |
) |
(356 |
) |
Chart VI
Statement of Results (Consolidated)
Values in millions of reais
2nd Q. 2008 |
1st Q. 2008 |
1st H. 2008 |
2nd Q. 2007 |
1st H. 2007 |
2007 |
Net Revenue |
2,626 |
2,755 |
5,381 |
2,546 |
4,848 |
10,246 |
Operating Expenses |
(1,814 |
) |
(1,869 |
) |
(3,683 |
) |
(1,687 |
) |
(3,279 |
) |
(6,951 |
) |
812 |
886 |
1698 |
859 |
1569 |
3295 |
982 |
1088 |
2070 |
1059 |
1948 |
4073 |
Financial Result |
184 |
(79 |
) |
105 |
(56 |
) |
(123 |
) |
(356 |
) |
Non-Operating Result |
(3 |
) |
(6 |
) |
(8 |
) |
(13 |
) |
(19 |
) |
(10 |
) |
Provision for Income Taxes, Social Cont & Deferred Income Tax |
(325 |
) |
(276 |
) |
(601 |
) |
(184 |
) |
(388 |
) |
(623 |
) |
Employee Participation |
(22 |
) |
(22 |
) |
(44 |
) |
(21 |
) |
(42 |
) |
(455 |
) |
Minority Shareholders |
(47 |
) |
(13 |
) |
(60 |
) |
(70 |
) |
(75 |
) |
(116 |
) |
Net Income |
599 |
490 |
1,090 |
515 |
922 |
1,735 |
Net Margin |
23 |
% |
18 |
% |
20 |
% |
20 |
% |
19 |
% |
17 |
% |
Chart VII
Statement of Results (Consolidated) - per Company
Values in millions of reais
Cemig H |
Cemig D |
Cemig GT |
1st H. 2008 |
2nd Q. 2008 |
1st H. 2008 |
2nd Q. 2008 |
1st H. 2008 |
2nd Q. 2008 |
Net Revenue |
5,381 |
2,626 |
3,112 |
1,464 |
1,383 |
700 |
Operating Expenses |
(3,683 |
) |
(1,814 |
) |
(2,407 |
) |
(1,178 |
) |
(576 |
) |
(298 |
) |
1,698 |
812 |
705 |
286 |
807 |
402 |
2,070 |
982 |
897 |
368 |
918 |
457 |
Financial Result |
105 |
184 |
23 |
13 |
(104 |
) |
(24 |
) |
Non-Operating Result |
(8 |
) |
(3 |
) |
1 |
2 |
(9 |
) |
(2 |
) |
Provision for Income Taxes, Social Cont & Deferred Income Tax |
(601 |
) |
(325 |
) |
(209 |
) |
(68 |
) |
(201 |
) |
(94 |
) |
Employee Participation |
(44 |
) |
(22 |
) |
(33 |
) |
(17 |
) |
(10 |
) |
(5 |
) |
Minority Shareholders |
(60 |
) |
(47 |
) |
Net Income |
1,090 |
599 |
487 |
216 |
483 |
277 |
Chart IX
Related party transactions
Values in millions of reais
of Minas Gerais |
2nd Q. 2008 |
1st Q. 2008 |
Current Assets |
Customers and distributors |
2 |
2 |
Tax Recoverable - |
State VAT recoverable |
149 |
274 |
Noncurrent assets |
Accounts receivable from Minas Gerais State Government |
1,715 |
1,739 |
Tax Recoverable - |
69 |
70 |
VAT recoverable |
Customers and distributors |
32 |
34 |
Current Liabilities |
Taxes, fees and charges |
VAT - ICMS payable |
293 |
301 |
Interest on capital and Dividends |
Debentures |
31 |
150 |
Credit Receivables Fund (FDIC) |
921 |